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Realistic or Modern Camp Warzone

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Lovable Dark-side submitted a new role play:

Camp Warzone - All is fair in love and war. That is a saying these campers take to heart.

Every summer parents send their children to summer camps. Whether it be to get ride of them so they can have some free time, or the less likely reason, the child actually just wanted to go. The camps range into different subjects, some centers in one activity, others in many. Camp Warzone is what you can call a mixture of both. While it has one man subject, it teaches the campers that go there many things.
Like teamwork, self defense, how to keep secrets, and leadership skills. Camp Warzone is...
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Every summer parents send their children to summer camps. Whether it be to get ride of them so they can have some free time, or the less likely reason, the child actually just wanted to go. The camps range into different subjects, some centers in one activity, others in many. Camp Warzone is what you can call a mixture of both. While it has one man subject, it teaches the campers that go there many things.

Like teamwork, self defense, how to keep secrets, and leadership skills. Camp Warzone is a state of the art camp that surrounds on thing. Playing War. Yes, at this lovely summer camp you will find that the whole facility which is build over the area of 90 acres of land. Complete with two different campsites, and supplies to last for 4 months in each one. Though the camp only last a month in total.

How the Game/Camp Works:

The camp is easily split into two different teams and sent to their designated campsite. Where the leaders of each team are picked, and their lower ranks decided. The objective of the game is to plan attacks on each others campsite, capture, or "eliminate" the other teams forces. And to eventually take over the others campsite, or should I really call it a fort. Though the game isn't over, yet. Even if the others team camp is taken over. Until the two weeks are up they can regain their base.


Each campsite is broken down and rebuilt in a different location each year, so people who have been at Camp Warzone multiple years can't cheat and automatically find the others fort/campsite. Each campsite is really built like a small fortress, made out of logs and fallen timber. Each on the size of a two story house.


Weapons are not guns, or anything truly deadly. The camps weapons are paintball guns each color for a different action, sticks off the ground for jousting, and some harsh words. Nothing to serious.

Where are the adults:

I promise that throughout the time the camp it running the children are being supervised by camp advisers, through cameras set up all around the campsites and forest, and plus there is at least one 18+ at, or around the campsites at all time.






All basic rules plus.

One paragraph posting requirement.

Keep romance on the down low.

This is a children s camp, so nothing to crazy.

Crazy is allowed, but keep it realistic
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