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Fantasy Camp Mythik: Summer Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures - Settings/Locations

Du Pain

the neighborhood ghost
Here's a little tour around camp, just so you won't get lost.


First, we have the camper cabins, which is where all the campers will be sleeping. West of here is where the counselors and CITs have their cabins. There's a Bulletin Board here that posts which cabin everyone's in, what the schedule is, and upcoming themes (see Overview).


Next, we have the Main Square. This is where the big announcements will be taking place, and is also a nice meet up place for everyone.


Then, we have the Sports Fields. This is where many of the the human sports can be played, like soccer, football, etc.


Next to that is the courts, where you can play other human sports, like tennis, but can also have battle and Magic spars, if you'd like. Be careful though, don't get too injured!


If for some reason you do get hurt, you can head on over to the Infirmary Cabin. The nurse there will be more than happy to heal you all up and soon you'll be good as new.


Right near there is Lake Mage, where many water activities and leisure fun will take place. Note: Do not go to the lake alone, and only Wyverns can go without a CIT or counselor.


Next to the lake is The Forest. Adventure activities will take place here, and no one is allowed into the forest alone. Note: No one can go into the forest at night unless it is specifically stated that there will be a group activity there. Safety first.


After that there's even a beach, where many of the Friday bonfires and other beach activities will take place. Remember to not swim too far out into the water!


There's also a Cafeteria, where everyone will eat their lunches. Chore schedules are put here as well as on the Bulletin Board (again, see Overview).


Finally, there's the Multi-Purpose Room. This room can either turn into a court to play some human sports like basketball or dodgeball or have some battle/magic sparring competitions, the room where the big team competition will be held, or the room where the end-of-the-summer party will be held!
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