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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation

My mind is telling me just that, but eh! I read the RP, and so far I have NO idea who my character should chat with.
Well, Aryanna, Mikhail, and Damion are free

Aryanna is a chatty aphrodite kid, Mikhail is looking to spar with someone, and Damion is getting lunch? I think.
giraffesarebetter said:
@Shatter Glass your post has thoroughly confused me
Basically, Mariah calls Bullshit on Jay for being a perfect angel, she then kicked Jay in the leg at the comment of her training to much. Then, she agreed without putting the whole "but I want to train," fit she usually does. Her brother is confused and wonders if she's okay, jokingly. Then, she responds that she can have fun and she just put the whole "I want to train," fits just to mess with her brother, but one of her priorities is to train, but not as important as her brother.

Hopefully that cleared it up a bit.
[QUOTE="Shatter Glass]Basically, Mariah calls Bullshit on Jay for being a perfect angel, she then kicked Jay in the leg at the comment of her training to much. Then, she agreed without putting the whole "but I want to train," fit she usually does. Her brother is confused and wonders if she's okay, jokingly. Then, she responds that she can have fun and she just put the whole "I want to train," fits just to mess with her brother, but one of her priorities is to train, but not as important as her brother.
Hopefully that cleared it up a bit.

oh, okay
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Now, what actual demigod character should I make?

Any, really. We have a lack of children of the major gods

Sorry for taking so long my friend distracted me with sad 5sos faces
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Hmmm...do we know which brother has the least kids?

i meant the 12 olympians

but yeah the big three have one each
I'll see what I can do. I'm somewhat busy at the present time. Let's see...I've never had a Zeus kid accepted before. :)

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