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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation

Just wanna say that your characters can be Satyrs, Dryads, etc.!!!! I'm not just accepting demigods


Yuuki Kuran]Can I have a spot? Please? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7392-giraffesarebetter/ said:
Don't know if you saw my reply, but I said yes, of course!

I have decided to put Weapon in the Character Sheet. I'm not entirely sure why I didn't do this before, but now I am. Those who have already been accepted, this doesn't change anything, you're still accepted, I just want you to put you're character's weapon in your CS. I'll look over them and if they need to be changed then I will tell you. Those who have NOT been accepted, change what needs to be changed. This now includes a weapon. Thank you for your cooperation! :3

Also, you guys have great characters so far. The powers are great, very realistic. The backstories are interesting without being too "Woes me, my life sucks, I'm a demigod wah wah wah" which is actually something you see a lot in CHB role plays. AND I didn't even have to put a limit on kids of the Big 3! There's only 2 of you (accepted), which is like a CHB GM's dream. So thank you so much, you guys are awesome!
Captain Silverthay]When the RP is going to start? [/QUOTE] Soon as who I want to be my coGM replies to my message and [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16571-shatter-glass/ said:
@Shatter Glass[/URL] puts up her charries

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