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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation _OPEN_

Mariah Ambrose

Mariah didn't seem to mind that he helped offered to help her with her sunscreen lotion. She turned so her whole back was facing him. She moved her brown hair out of the way, by twisting it and the pinned it in top on her head with her fingers. She couldn't help but notice with the whole relaxing sensation she felt from him rubbing her back that he was doing certain things that made her feel vulnerable, but for some weird reason she didn't mind. The way his breath tickled her skin, sending chivers down her spine and when his hand lingured at her hips made her feel something. Coming back to reality just in time to hear his wuestion, she nodded. "No, wouldn't want people to hit a burn. They may think of it as a weakness and that would be bad for the Ares cabin leader" she replied.

Jonathan Ambrose

Jonathan smiled. "Well I tend to try to look my best," He replied looking down at her. As they walked, within a few seconds he noticed a squeezing feeling on his bicep, which he couldn't help, but smile and chuckle at. "They kinda have to be, if I want to win Capture the Flag. One cannot win with just by standing there getting their ass beat," he replied, chuckling again.

(Sorry if it kinda sucks)

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