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Fandom Camp Half Blood - The Next Generation _OPEN_

giraffesarebetter said:

Lyanna thinks for a moment, over the things she'd done that week and what she had a want to do. "Well... I haven't done the climbing wall in a while. Or practiced my pegasi riding skills. You can choose. " The girl smiles at Daan, bumping his shoulder with hers. "Or we could go practice our archery," Lyanna laughs at her own humor, knowing her friend was awful at archery. And music. And healing. All the stuff Apollo kids are usually good at.



Aryanna pulls her fingers through her curls as she responds. "I'm amazing! I love it here, don't you?" The blonde leans forward to whisper to Crystal. "The boys are so cute this summer, don't you think? I can't wait until the campfire; those are just so romantic, you know? It'll be the perfect time for me to make a move on someone." She leans back again and tosses her hair back, smiling. "Do you have your eye on anyone?"



"I'm good, thanks," Jay says, holding up his hands and shaking his head. Mariah was intense. Say the wrong thing, and you're flat on your ass in seconds. "Of course, dear cousin. It wouldn't be a proper war game without psychological warfare." The son of Eris chuckles, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Of course, Jonathon. What do you want to do? Archery? Sparring? A nice leisurely pegasi ride down the beach?" He smirks at his cousin, enjoying poking fun at him a little. "Anything you want, darling."

@Shatter Glass


Daan paused to consider, thinking, until she mentioned archery, then he began to laugh. "You know I am bad at that!" he grinned, bumping her shoulder back in return. "But a pegasi ride sounds pretty interesting. I haven't taken a ride on one in a.... while, to say the least," he chuckled, remembering the last time, about a year ago when he had tried to fly on a pegasi. It didn't work all that well, actually, although Daan did indeed have a blast.
Crystal loved Aryanna's excitement. Sure, Crystal would get excited for other things, but she liked seeing her friend happy. "The boys are so cute," she whispered back. "But no," she said, shaking her head. "I don't have my eyes on anyone in particular."

Just to make sure of that, she looked around. Still nothing. There was no one that caught her attention. She looked back at Aryanna and nodded. Not as if she thought of boys much. Some were nice, but others were jerks who think she's just a weak girl.

((Sorry if it is weird, on mobile and still trying to figure how the whole Choos Marco works))

Mariah smiled again, the same sweet, but evil smile, after seeing Jayson hold his hands up in a small surrender. "Plus when they fight within eachother, well they aren't focusing much at all, they loose strategy and well they just loose," she said, still smiling, though it turned to a mkre happy and excited one.

"That's nice and all, but how about we just, I don't relax, by the lake. Maybe go for a swim, though Mariah will probably turn it into a competition, but it's better than her with the mindset of training during archery or sparring. The pegasi thing isn't my forté," Jonathan suggested. Yea, he was and Ares kid, but he liked a small tad bit of competition during the summer. He wanted to relax and enjoy the warm months while they lasted, at least for today. Knowing Mariah and knowing the Capture the Flag is Friday, she would want to train, just about everyday.
In the field, Cress kicked the ball around for a few minutes. She got bored and sat in the soft, green grass. Cress waited. And waited. Nothing happened. She didn't know what she was expecting. She groaned and rolled onto her side, her blonde hair falling onto the grass. Kicking off her shoes, Cress sat up and grabbed the ball. "Ugh," she complained. Cress finally got up and decided to go somewhere; to be alone for a little bit. She didn't like singing in front of others, but sometimes she had to get away, sing with the know that there weren't people around. She stood up and walked to the stables. Looking around for her pegasus; Oreo. The pegasi looked bored as well, making Cress feel sympathetic. Oreo was at the end, waiting for her. Cress opened the door, and led Oreo outside. She hopped on and held the reins, getting ready to fly.

((Gtg for a bit; see you guys later!))

Lyanna smiles at her friend. "To the stables we go, then!" She says, nearly tripping as she stands. She holds out her hand to Daan before heading across the camp. "I haven't ridden in awhile. This is going to be interesting." The blonde laughs lightly and shakes her head. "I'll probably fall off." As they walk toward the stables, Aryanna messes with the hem of her shirt, busying her hands, a nervous habit of hers.



Aryanna looks around as well, seeing no one suitable for her yearly conquest. The Ares kid, Jonathon, was hot, but his sister was insane, and she hates Aphrodite's kids. "Well, we'll have to fix that, won't we Crystal?" She smiles and thinks. "What about... Matt? The Horkos boy, you know? Or maybe Andrew? I went with him 2 years ago, he's soooo nice." She looks at the daughter of Posedion expectantly, now determined to set her up with someone.



"Jonathon, have you ever know your sister to relax?" He chuckles, standing up and stretching, his shirt coming up and flashing the twins his lower abdomen. "I, however, could go for a swim. I'm in, Ambrose." Jay smirks at Mariah, looking down at her. "What about you, Mariah? Up for a day at the beach?"

@Shatter Glass
Jonathan Ambrose

"Well....no, but I think she'll make the exception since she seems willing to hang out today," Jonathan said, looking down at his twin sister. "Are you Mariah?" he asked, just to be sure. He, too, stood up and stretched a bit, though his back was facing the other two with him, so in case his lower abdomen flashed, it wasn't in Mariah's face.

Mariah Ambrose

She looked up at Jayson, just as his shirt rose and showed her his lower abdomen. It didn't phase her, it was just Jayson. Though she did have to admit to herself that she did think that Jayson was cute, well... a little more than cute. But just because she thought that, didn't mean anything. Jayson was like her best friend, well he was, but then again that didn't mean anything either. Finally, she provided them an answer, though she really wasn't thinking about it. "Yeah, I am up for it. Though I do have to make sure I am ready for Friday, so yeah," she said.
giraffesarebetter said:

Lyanna smiles at her friend. "To the stables we go, then!" She says, nearly tripping as she stands. She holds out her hand to Daan before heading across the camp. "I haven't ridden in awhile. This is going to be interesting." The blonde laughs lightly and shakes her head. "I'll probably fall off." As they walk toward the stables, Aryanna messes with the hem of her shirt, busying her hands, a nervous habit of hers.



Aryanna looks around as well, seeing no one suitable for her yearly conquest. The Ares kid, Jonathon, was hot, but his sister was insane, and she hates Aphrodite's kids. "Well, we'll have to fix that, won't we Crystal?" She smiles and thinks. "What about... Matt? The Horkos boy, you know? Or maybe Andrew? I went with him 2 years ago, he's soooo nice." She looks at the daughter of Posedion expectantly, now determined to set her up with someone.



"Jonathon, have you ever know your sister to relax?" He chuckles, standing up and stretching, his shirt coming up and flashing the twins his lower abdomen. "I, however, could go for a swim. I'm in, Ambrose." Jay smirks at Mariah, looking down at her. "What about you, Mariah? Up for a day at the beach?"

@Shatter Glass


"You ok Lyanna?" he asked, noticing her messing with the hem of her shirt, a nervous habit she had since he had known her. "You don't need to be nervous. I'll catch you if you fall," he smiled, approached the stables. In reality, he was all kinds of nervous aswell. He hadn't flown a pegasus since last summer, and even then he was never actually too good at it. he never had the best balance on one of those tihngs anyways.
Crystal shrugged. Really, this seemed alright, but she didn't know about this. It wasn't her thing. She was used to being independent. "I'm not feeling like dating," she admitted. It wasn't that she hated boys of anything at the moment. No, she was fine with them. She just felt like she should just take things easy. She didn't want to be in a relationship yet. "But the boys are alright! I'm not saying they're horrible!" she said quickly so Aryanna wouldn't get the wrong idea.



Bright light drifted into the boys room, lighting up his pale face with a burst of bright light. Cerulean blue eyes opened, blinking in a dazed manner as his eyes adjusted to his much to bright surroundings. Retreating deeper into the darkness of his covers, Angelo fought back a wave of nausea as his stomach lurched, reminding him of yesterday's disastrous meal. Rushing towards his cabins toilet the blond bent over it, throwing up yesterday's dinner as well as the other food he'd intaked the day before. When he felt well enough to get to his feet he did so, changing from his pajamas to his usual outfit of worn dark jeans and a loose red sweatshirt that he hoped was still clean. It didn't matter anyway. Pushing open the door to his cabin after he'd dressed and washed to his content, Angelo hissed as bright light met his vision once more, effectively blinding him. Conversation touched his ears and Angelo glanced in that direction, taking in many unfamiliar forms. His introverted side drove him to walk away from the people as quickly as possible, contenting himself with heading towards the strawberry field. He broke into a run after a couple of seconds, enjoying the feel of the wind against his bare arms. A sweet and bitter scent touched his nose, alerting him to the fact that he'd reached the strawberry fields.

The girl drops the thin material immediately, as she hadn't realized that she'd been fiddling with her shirt. "What? Oh, I'm not nervous. Well. I mean. Not about the pegasi." Something had been weighing on her mind lately, and she hadn't had the chance to talk about it. She pulls open the stable door to see Cress, Daan's sister with her pegasi at the end of the stalls. She stops by her favorite, Jackie. She was completely black, and rumor had it she was fathered by Percy Jackson's pegasus, Black Jack. But, that was just a rumor. Going along with her hate for the Aphrodite children and all things related to them, Lyanna wasn't a big fan of rumors. Jacki was just an awesome winged horse, and that's that.



"Oh come on, who said anything about dating? Just have some fun, Crys!" Aryanna grins and stands up. "I'll show you." Turning around, she sees the Jonathon boy standing up and stretching, getting the briefest flash of his abdomen. She pulls her hair over one shoulder and walks toward him and the two others he was with. "Hi, it's Jonathon, right?" Aryanna says as she reaches him. Giving a small, flirtatious smile, she adds: "I'm Aryanna, daughter of Aphrodite. Maybe you've heard of me?" Most of the camp had heard of her. Aphrodite cabin leader, serial dater, and a killer body on top of it. She was the center of gossip at least once each summer.

@Shatter Glass


Jay gives Mariah a slow smile, seeing in her eyes her internal reaction to seeing his bare skin. It'd been some time since he wreaked some havoc within the family. Maybe it was time he had a little fun... "Mariah, whatever team the Ares Cabin has been on has won every time we've played Capture the Flag for the past 2 years. Take a sec and relax. I can help you." When Jonathon had his back turned, Jay gave her a wink. "All work and no play..." Jay pauses, thinking. "Well. I can't remember the end of the saying. But it's bad. Have some fun."

@Shatter Glass
Mariah Ambrose

Mariah couldn't help but smile when he winked at her. "It's All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, meaning when someone is always working, they become bored and boring," she said. "Though you are forgetting that the past two years, I mostly trained." Giving him another smile, she though for a second on his words. "But, I think you're right. Let's head to the lake or beach, whatever you wish to call it," she decided, getting up from the seat. Before she headed out, she looked at her brother. "John, when you finish when Mrs. I-want-to-get-in-your-pants, Jay and I are going ahead, so yeah," she told him, before giving Aryanna a sarcastic smile. She hated those that came from Aphrodite, mostly by the way they act. They were always trying to flirt, make others feel different because they were absolutely beautiful, etc. Turning away, she motioned Jayson to come along.

Jonathan Ambrose

Jonathan was just about to turn his attention to his sister and Jayson, when one of of the Aphrodite girls came up to him. Of course, he knew a lot of girls were attracted to him, especially those from the Aphrodite cabin, though he never minded once. Yet, his sister, well she was a different story and minded when it came to certain girls, and Aryanna was one of those certain girls. Before he had the chance to answer any of Aryanna's answers, Mariah stepped in to say she was going ahead, while he talked with Aryanna. Nodding, as his sister went ahead, he turned back to Mariah. "Don't mind Mariah, she just being the sister that she is," Jonathan said, giving Aryanna a reassuring smile. "Though to answer your questions, Jonathan would be my name. And yes, I believe I have heard of you."

"She seems a bit preoccupied with her boyfriend to be overly worried about you." Aryanna tilts her head, waving at the two walking away before turning her full attention back to Jonathon. She runs a hand through her hair, though she doesn't mess with it further. That's the trick when you use your hair as a flirting tool: just enough to draw attention to it so he can notice how soft it looks and perhaps catch a whiff of how good it smells, but never play with it. That looks vapid, which is not the most attractive quality. "So, Jonathon, how are you?" She runs her hand lightly down this arm, combining the action with a slow, flirtatious smile.


Jay smirks at Jonathon and gives a nod. "Don't listen to her. Hit it, bro!" He calls the last over his shoulder as he walks away with Mariah. "Come on, we can't have Miss Tough-As-My-Dad around Miss I-Want-To-Get-In-Your-Pants for too long, you might get the flirts." Jay chuckles and turns around, walking backwards just in front of Mariah.

@Shatter Glass
Mariah Ambrose

Listening to Jay, Mariah couldn't help but smirk at his comments. "Careful Jay, Miss Tough-As-My-Dad will kick Mister I-Think-I-Am-Funny's ass if his comments get to that point," she warned. She continued walking until they've reached the cabins. "So might as well change in swim suits before we had to the water. Meet outside the Ares's cabin?" She asked.

Jonathan Ambrose

Jonathan laughed to himself, hearing the voice of Jay. Looking up at Aryanna. "Jay and Mar aren't together," he told her. "The three of us have been friends for some time now," he added, smiling of all the times the three of them hung out and had fun. Bringing himself back to earth, only bronght himself in paying full attention to Aryanna, as if it was just him and her, no body else from camp not even in camp. Watching her run a hand through her hair, he noticed the softness of it and could smell a hint of whatever she put in it to smell nice. "I'm good. We were just about to head for a swim or just relax by the beach, do you want to come with?" John smiled, hoping she would, if not, well he would think about it. Maybe if Aryanna had another idea, depending on what it is he could probably go with, he didn't want to be rude and blow off Aryanna.

"Of course, Madam." Jay bows as he walks away, weaving his way between the cabins until he gets to the Eris cabin. Like the Ares cabin, it was painted red, though it was bloodier than the other. Inside, there was no organization whatsoever. Chaos, in whatever form, was Jay's mom's thing, and that made it her kids thing too. He steps through the mess until he reaches his bunk, and pulls out a pile of clothes from beneath his bed. He tosses them around until he finds his swim trunks, and after sniffing them to make sure they're clean, he puts on, leaving his shirt behind. Not bothering to look for his own towel, he grabs one that was hanging on someone else's bunk. Tossing it over his shoulder, he leaves the cabin door open and waits in front of the Ares cabin for Mariah.


The Aphrodite girl raises her eyebrows. "Maybe not yet..." She says matter of factly. "Hmm..." Aryanna pretends to think over his question, tilting her head to the side. "Well I had other plans today... but okay! I could go for a swim." Smiling again, Aryanna takes his arm. "Will you walk me to my cabin so I can change?"

@Shatter Glass
Crystal saw the whole encounter with Aryanna and Jonathan. She couldn't do that. She might have been told she was pretty, but she was never that daring. She looked around and kept her eyes on the table. Anyway, she didn't want boys yet. She was better off alone, in her opinion.
Mariah Ambrose

Mariah smiled, as she left to the Ares cabin, which was painted red, like a blood red. Entering the cabin were beds, mostly neat, only a few things were on the floor. Making her way to her bed, she looked underneath her bed and pulled out a trunk, this one was filled with clothes, clothes that she didn't put in the small wardrobe beside the bed. Digging inside, she pulled out her red bikini and quickly changed. After putting on her bikini, she found her muscle tee and a pair of shorts. Walking out she had a small bag with a towel, sun screen, her sunglasses, a hair clip and a hair tie, in case she needed to put her hair up. She met Jayson, outside the Ares cabin, making sure she closed the door behind her. "Okay," she said. "Ready?"


Jonathan Ambrose

Jonathan was hoping she would come along. He kinda wanted to get to know her a bit, plus he thought it would be fun, unless his sister spoiled it, but knowing his sister if it came to his happiness, she wouldn't bother them to much. Looking at her, he had a smile on his face, his face had an expression that really wanted her to. Finally after it seemed like a long time for him, she said she would. "Great," he said, happiness taking over his face. Looking down at her, he nodded, as her arms wrapped around his. "I wouldn't mind if I did," he agreed, leading her out.
((I'm sorry, I need to go shut all the windows. There's thunder))

Cress neared Thalia's pine. She slumped against it and watched the forest, looking for something. Anything. She was so bored. Outside of the camp, few monsters walked the perimeter. Cress walked away, and towards the Big House. She looked for Chiron. Walking over to him, he looked up. "Chiron," said Cress, "I would like to go on a quest." Chiron nodded, "Follow me." Cress followed him to the Big House, where Chiron knocked on a door. A young boy came out. "Hi!" he said, looking at Cress. "I'm Jacob, who're you?" he asked energetically. "I'm Cress, are you the oracle?" she responded. He nodded, "Yup, that's me. Do you want a quest. . . ?" he asked, looking at Chiron. Chiron nodded. The boy went back to his bed, and sat. His eyes changed to a faint green, wisps of green smoke trailing around him. He spoke; "Unavoidable horrors, children and blood. Insanity crawls towards his mind; thoughts of death and darkness. Save him, you shall try; Fail him, it must happen once. Come to the house, walls of red. Showing signs of weakness, terror, or fear will insult him. Strong, powered, you must save his frail life." The smoke subsided, and Jacob's eyes changed back to blue. He steadied himself before walking back to the doorway. He said bye, and closed the door. Chiron led Cress away, and to the strawberry fields. "Who will you take on your quest?" he asked. "Some one with charmspeak, and my only friend, Laura," she told him. "So I need an Aphrodite child and a Nike child."
The only child of Nike walked outside into the sun. Laura sat in the grass, hoping for some campers to start a fight. She wandered around the camp, avoiding the dining pavilion. Don't need food, she thought to herself. The climbing wall was crowded, so Laura looked over campers shoulders. Where's Cress? Cress had to be somewhere. Spotting her in the strawberry fields, Laura sprinted over. Chiron and Cress were talking, so Laura kept her distance before Cress looked around for something. "Hey, Cress!" Laura called to her friend.
"Laura!" Cress hugged her. She turned to Chiron. "This is one of the people I'm taking with me," she told him. Chiron nodded and started to the Big House. Cress turned back to Laura. "Guess what?" she asked. "You're coming on a quest with me!" Cress led Laura down to the beach, the soft sand hot from the sun. "So, do you wanna come?"
"Yes, of course!" Laura said. "I've never been on a quest before!" She dug her feet into the sand. The water was a few feet away, brushing against the sand. "What was the prophecy?" she asked. Excitement filled her words. She couldn't wait. A quest sounded fun, but the other campers said they were dangerous. Of course she believed them. Still, she wanted to go on a quest.

As Jonathon leads her out, she winks at Crystal, mouthing 'See? Fun.' to her when Jonathon couldn't see. "Thank you so much," Aryanna says, gently squeezing Jonathon's bicep as they reach her cabin. "I'll be right back!" She walks into her cabin, and to her bed, opening one of the four trunks she has and pulling out a black and white bikini and a body chain. Shedding her clothes, she dons the chain before pulling on her suit. Looking into the trunk again, she pulls out a sheer lace cover up and slips it over her head. Last but not least, she pulls her hair up into a perfect messy bun, grabs her white and blue striped towel, and slips on some white sandals before heading out of the cabin to meet Jonathon.





Jay looks Mariah up and down, purposefully being obvious as he let his eyes graze over her from head to toe. "Yeah, I'm set." He finally says, pretending to struggle with the words like a guy who'd just looked at a girl so hot he was left tongue-tied. Mariah was beautiful, yeah, but she was just Mariah. Besides. Jay didn't do the whole "romance" thing. And not just in the "bad boy womanizer commitment issues" kind of no romance. He simply legitimately does not feel romantic feelings. At all. Toward anyone. "Let's go, Mari," He says, taking her hand and heading to the beach.

@Shatter Glass
Mariah Ambrose

Mariah looked at Jay as he looked at her, more like check her out, or at least he looked like he was. "Jeez, Jay, I am just wearing what I normally wear, except with a bikini, which isn't much different than what girls normally wear under their clothes," she said, obviously teasing him about him and his cat-caught tongue. As his hand took her fair smaller one, she smiled. She wouldn't mind dating Jayson, she knew he wasn't the romantic type, nor was she looking for one. But it was Jayson, he friend she wasn't sure how it would go if she did, what happens if they ever break up. Pushing her thoughts aside, she headed down to the beach, with Jayson. It didn't take long for them to arrive and find a few lounge chairs. Laying her towel down, she stripped to her swimsuit and sat on the chair. She pulled out her sun screen, since she burns easily, she layered the lotion on starting with her front side.

Jonathan Ambrose

Jonathan quickly ran into the Ares cabin, which happened to be not far from the Aphrodite cabin, and ran to his bed. He rummaged though one of his trunk and found a pair of his swim trunks, switched them from what he had on, stripped himself of his shirt and grabbed a towel on his jog out. He had just made it in time, to meet Aryanna. As Aryanna came out, he couldn't help but notice how amazing beautiful she was. He was almost speechless. "You look amazing," he complemented, putting emphasis on the word 'amazing'. He offered her his naked arm, so they could walk together to the beach.
Dani Lacona || Daughter of Athena

To Dani's surprise, someone had actually taken a spot at the table across from her. Without looking at the person, Dani knew that it probably wasn't a young one. All the young kids knew not really to talk to Dani unless she directly approached them, and Dani releshed in that form of respect. Most of them were squirrelly, immature, and completely worthless to her. She had made things pretty clear that she wanted nothing to do with them, and her intimidation factor had created somewhat of a personal space type of deal where most young teens were too scared to get within five feet of her.

Her eyes finally darted up to the stranger in front of her in a sharp way that could have bee considered hostile, if not for the casual nod that she returned politely. In just that one look, Dani could feel the gears of her brain turning. This kid was clearly not the best at social situations judging by the fact he was also sitting alone. He seemed to be quite physically fit, and Dani could feel the sense of morals that emitted like an auora. He was a right vs wrong kind of guy, and judging by his actions, he seemed to be polite. Dani silently thanked her mother for this gift she had, as she did every time she felt her gut tell her something about a person.

Being in a good mood from her morning workout, Dani decided to try and engage in a casual conversation.
"It's a bit early for a burger, dontcha think?" Her words could have been taken as rude if not for her playful tone and half smile that hinted at the corners of her lips.

Crystal got up from her table having finished her food and went over to her cabin to get her sword. She needed to toughen herself up. Thinking about boys made her feel... weak. The best way to solve this was with sword practice. It was her favorite thing to do, really, so she was excited to do it. She quickly hurried up to her destination.

Taking the sunscreen bottle from Mariah, he squeezes some onto his palm. "Here," he whispers to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. There was a hint of mischief in his voice as he continued. "Let me get your back." He rubs the protective lotion into her back, staying close enough that Jay knew she could feel his breath. He purposefully lets his hands linger on her hips before sliding his hands back to put the sunscreen on Mariah's lower back. "Can't have you vulnerable, can we?" Jay chuckles after that, knowing very well his plan was to make her completely vulnerable and knowing she'll think he's making a joke about sunburn and armor not mixing.


Aryanna blushes. "Oh, thank you so much." Taking his arm, she leans her head on his shoulder for a second before they walk. "You don't look half bad yourself." She smiles flirtatiously. After a couple seconds, she squeezes his bicep, playing it off as just noticing how large they were. "Wow, your arms are huge. You must be so strong!" The blonde gushes, knowing guys, especially Ares guys, loved to show off how strong they were for girls.

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