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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes [OOC]

Nico/Celebi darling how many of my babies am I allowed to drop in here? And. I know it's closed up but is there any way I could weasel Wesley into this even though his dad's kids collection is closed? *puppy dog eyes*
As many as you wish my dear. Also let me check on the Hades kid stats

Cause honestly only 3 are active, I believe
Awesome! I'll have him up once I'm back home then~ ...and probably Vasyl and Damia and Namé and Julian and. Maybe Josh? Though he's such a bitter thing I don't think he'll want to come out and play unless your dear Felix is around?

...and maybe Niobe. Because reasons. You know me I just can't keep from having copious amounts of characters running around.
I might bring Felix out if there is a promise of his little cranky boyfriend coming out to play ;3;
Hello, is there a spot open for me to be a daughter of Athena? A character centered around impulsivity and unwise choices, with an affinity for lightning tricks from her grandfather. Tentative name; Acies Sapient, latin for 'mind the gap'.
Doth mine eyes deceive me? Do we finally have an Apollo kid?! Yay! We have a kid for my favorite non Big Three god!
Noah said:
@Renn Skye

I can't believe you just dished out 9 characters! Thumbs up for Asclepius children! More for Noah to interact with.
Ah-hah yeah I tend to write quite a few orz. Thoufh Ty and Jo and Josh's profiles are... sparse to say the least. I'll add to them when I get home on Monday.

And yeah! I love my Ascelpius kids - he's such an under looked god honestly (though the new series helped with that a bit!) so it's always nice to see others who make his kids too! Vasyl actually I've been writing since longer than Percy Jackson's been a published book series (or, er, collection of serieses?) because I have a set of demigods (Niobe, Julian, Tyberius, and Wesley included, the others exempt) that exists/has existed outside of the series longer than its been around (which, admittedly, forced me to do some retconning when fitting them into Camp Halfblood AUs because typically my demigods are quasi-immortal, so they stop aging after a certain point and only die if killed, etc.. It's an easy change for characters like Wesley and Ty who are fairly young anyway (and Julian who just acts like a child lbr) but for Vasyl and Niobe it's... quite the transition. From the thousands to in his twenties man. Quite a downsize!)

We should totally plot together a bit to establish working relationships for our three brothers~

Vasyl especially since he pretty much grew up in camp and probably knows Noah pretty well. Josh is... crabby. But he's nicer to family at least? That's something? Wanna pm to plot?

[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]Doth mine eyes deceive me? Do we finally have an Apollo kid?! Yay! We have a kid for my favorite non Big Three god!

Yes! Ty is a delight! He has a brigh and sunny disposition (pun intended) and Apollo kids are honestly just a treat to play~
I now have the entire Greek series, the entire Roman series and the Red Pyramid! I'm super happy right now!
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]I now have the entire Greek series, the entire Roman series and the Red Pyramid! I'm super happy right now!

Don't forget about the Sword of Summer!

Which reminds me, i haven't read or even touch it yet...
it's been forever since I touched a percy jackson book... man. if I get any of the lore wrong, please let me know. but also, hey
wait i just realized this is a dead rp

i apologize this was bumped and apparently i didnt pay close enough attention

o ops............

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