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Camp Half-Blood: Endless Dreams (1x1)

"Huhuhuh!" The laughter echoed throughout the chamber as the robed figured sauntered into the throne room. As he made his way through the room he glanced around at the thrones and... The fallen gods upon them. Upon each throne lay the Olympian Gods, each one lying upon their thrones unconscious. The robed figure stopped and removed his hood, revealing the gods face. Hypnos took a step forward and placed a hand onto the center throne. "Y-you'll never win." A voice sounded from beside the throne. "You won't get away with this Hypnos" another laugh "I'm sorry Zeus... But I've already won." Hypnos said as he knelt down next to Zeus "Right now all the other gods are falling deep into the dreamscape, and you will soon be joining them." Hypnos laughed deeply at he stood and opened a portal using dream sand. "You'll never get... Away... With... This... Someone... Will stop you." Zeus spoke as he finally succumbed to the dream sand. Hypnos laughed again as he walked through the portal "I'd like to see the fool who tries."



"HO!" Kit shouted as he bounded across the forest ground with the flag strapped onto his back. Finally, it was his turn to take victory for the Hermes cabin; his turn to win! He jumped off a rock and landed on the ground, the midway line in his sights... When three Ares kids appeared from the bushes. "Haha! Thou wishth to challenge me?! The future hero of the gods?!" Kit said as he readied his blade to fight "If so then thou art foolish for no one shall defeat me." The three Ares kids looked at each other before laughing like crazy. "Fight you?! Ha!!! That's not why we're here!" "Really?! Then thou art cowards who are scared of me?!" "No you dunce!" "We were distracting you so we could win!" Kits eyes widened "what?!" He said as he heard joyful and angry shouts come from behind the three Ares kids. There stood an Apollo boy holding the flag that Kit's team was supposed to be guarding. Muttering a small curse, Kit walked over and was immediately surrounded by his fellow teammates "way to go 'Hero'!" One of his siblings said as Kit unstrapped the flag from his back "You lose it for us AGAIN!" Kit rolled his eyes as he turned to go back to the cabin "You all Don't fully understand the magnitude of my potential!" "And you don't understand the magnitude of your idiocy!" Kit walked away as his cabin mates burst out laughing. They didn't understand him, he would be something special, he would be a hero. He walked next to the lake and stopped as he watched the water ripple, unaware that his adventure would be beginning shortly.

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BishopOfKings said:
"Huhuhuh!" The laughter echoed throughout the chamber as the robed figured sauntered into the throne room. As he made his way through the room he glanced around at the thrones and... The fallen gods upon them. Upon each throne lay the Olympian Gods, each one lying upon their thrones unconscious. The robed figure stopped and removed his hood, revealing the gods face. Hypnos took a step forward and placed a hand onto the center throne. "Y-you'll never win." A voice sounded from beside the throne. "You won't get away with this Hypnos" another laugh "I'm sorry Zeus... But I've already won." Hypnos said as he knelt down next to Zeus "Right now all the other gods are falling deep into the dreamscape, and you will soon be joining them." Hypnos laughed deeply at he stood and opened a portal using dream sand. "You'll never get... Away... With... This... Someone... Will stop you." Zeus spoke as he finally succumbed to the dream sand. Hypnos laughed again as he walked through the portal "I'd like to see the fool who tries."


"HO!" Kit shouted as he bounded across the forest ground with the flag strapped onto his back. Finally, it was his turn to take victory for the Hermes cabin; his turn to win! He jumped off a rock and landed on the ground, the midway line in his sights... When three Ares kids appeared from the bushes. "Haha! Thou wishth to challenge me?! The future hero of the gods?!" Kit said as he readied his blade to fight "If so then thou art foolish for no one shall defeat me." The three Ares kids looked at each other before laughing like crazy. "Fight you?! Ha!!! That's not why we're here!" "Really?! Then thou art cowards who are scared of me?!" "No you dunce!" "We were distracting you so we could win!" Kits eyes widened "what?!" He said as he heard joyful and angry shouts come from behind the three Ares kids. There stood an Apollo boy holding the flag that Kit's team was supposed to be guarding. Muttering a small curse, Kit walked over and was immediately surrounded by his fellow teammates "way to go 'Hero'!" One of his siblings said as Kit unstrapped the flag from his back "You lose it for us AGAIN!" Kit rolled his eyes as he turned to go back to the cabin "You all Don't fully understand the magnitude of my potential!" "And you don't understand the magnitude of your idiocy!" Kit walked away as his cabin mates burst out laughing. They didn't understand him, he would be something special, he would be a hero. He walked next to the lake and stopped as he watched the water ripple, unaware that his adventure would be beginning shortly.

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Olivia yawned softly as she rubbed her eye, slowly waking up from her nap, she sat up from her spot out on the beach, she had left the battle field the moment the bell rang out. She blinked tiredly as she looked around, thinking tiredly as she realized in her sleepy state that someone was nearby. She rubbed her other eye before looking at him. "Hm...?"

(Sorry, @BishopOfKings)
Kit glanced downward as he heard a small noise come from beside him. It was one of the sleepy Hypnos kids… who was sleeping like Hypnos kids usually do. "Hello there." Kit said as he knelt down. "Why art thou here and not competing in the glories of Capture the Flag like all the other great future heroes?!" He asked in his usual manner. "It is great practice for the battles that will make us all heroes of the Gods!" He smiled widely as he stood up. "For it is our destiny to compete for our chance at becoming great heroes like of parents and succeeding where others have fail." Kit clenched his fist as he entered his 'monologue mode' "And I Kit Suros shalt become the greatest of great heroes by doing something greatly heroic… By Saving the gods in a glorious fashion and earning my place in the annals of time for my deeds!" He shouted as he posed heroically, completely forgetting that he was talking to someone, and instead continued to monologue on like a fool.

(Its ok… Kit is perfect for filling empty space, @StarrySkyofLostSouls)
BishopOfKings said:
Kit glanced downward as he heard a small noise come from beside him. It was one of the sleepy Hypnos kids… who was sleeping like Hypnos kids usually do. "Hello there." Kit said as he knelt down. "Why art thou here and not competing in the glories of Capture the Flag like all the other great future heroes?!" He asked in his usual manner. "It is great practice for the battles that will make us all heroes of the Gods!" He smiled widely as he stood up. "For it is our destiny to compete for our chance at becoming great heroes like of parents and succeeding where others have fail." Kit clenched his fist as he entered his 'monologue mode' "And I Kit Suros shalt become the greatest of great heroes by doing something greatly heroic… By Saving the gods in a glorious fashion and earning my place in the annals of time for my deeds!" He shouted as he posed heroically, completely forgetting that he was talking to someone, and instead continued to monologue on like a fool.
(Its ok… Kit is perfect for filling empty space, @BishopOfKings, of course he is..)
As Kit continued on, unaware of Olivia's small bit of chat, a loud horn echoed through the Camp, signaling a mass meeting in front of the Big House. Kit heard the horn and snapped back into reality and looked towards the Big House "A mass summons. Huzzah! Let us be off." He said as he started towards the Big House. He quickly turned and noticed Olivia had more or less fallen back asleep. He ran back to her and picked her up. "Onward Sleepy Maiden! Chiron needs us!" He shouted as he half carried half dragged Olivia towards the Big House. When they arrived, Chiron had already began. "-And that is why you have been gathered here. To dispel the dream the gods are trapped in." Chiron said as one of the Ares kids stepped forward. "So who goes? Percy and them are busy so I amuse there's some way of telling." "Good question Stan." Chiron added "But since Delphi is still a problem we have no oracle." "Then how do we know who goes on the quest?!" Chimed an Athena Child. "We have an idea." Chiron added again. "We know a Hypnos child must go, as its dream related... And we have one line of this prophecy." Silence took over the whole crowd. Chiron took a deep breath. "- And The Sleeping Maiden- is one part and the other... -Challenges ended by an Ancient Sword-" that's when Kit stepped forward from the crowd, leaving Olivia somewhere in the crowd. "It's gotta be Me!" He said loudly while pointing at himself. Annoyed groans and complaints echoed through the crowd. "Yeah right! Why would the Jester be the one for this!?" "Because I have this!" Kit said as he unsheathed his sword and pointing it at the kid who spoke up. "This blade has taken part in a great quest for each owner... This blade is thousands of years old... To say the least it is ancient." "How do you know it's the blade in the prophecy?" Chiron said from behind Kit. Kit turned and showed him the blade. "It's the Blade of Heroes... I know it's the blade in the story." Chiron nodded. "Very well then... You need to pick your partner for the quest." Kit laughed a bit "I already know my choice." "Really?" "Yeah. You said it yourself. The sleeping maiden. I just called someone that... Her." Kit pointed his sword and the crowd moved to show Olivia on the ground where Kit left her. Chiron looked at the two "very well... Kit you and Olivia shall embark into the dreamscape tomorrow. Get acquainted." Chiron said as he waved his hand and dismissed the crowd leaving Olivia and Kit alone.


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Olivia still half asleep from the beach, so she isnt even aware of what's going on at this moment before being slowly waken by Chiron. "Huh... What? What I miss...?" She asked softly, lightly rubbing her eye as she looked around tiredly. Not at all knowing what's going on or how she even ended up in the Pavillon before noticing Kit who was standing nearby. "...Did you seriously drag me here...?"

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