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Camp Half-Blood 1X1 (Closed)

"Get of the phone!" Alina yelled at Ingrid. and shot another arrow at the wolf right through the head.

"I'm Alina, I'm the daughter of Apollo, and wehavetogotocamprightthissecond," she spoke quickly and urgently.

"I've been there for a long time trust me you'll be safe." she insisted.
"Yeah, well," Ingrid snapped back, "you don't have wings!"

"What?" her father asked through the phone.

"There's a giant wolf trying to kill me right now and a girl shooting at it," Ingrid said conversationally.
Alina paused for a moment confused.

"I can get us there no worries." she assured her.

"Why wont this thing die?" she spoke starting to get angry.
The wolf snarled again, disentangling itself from the wreckage of cars and approaching, snarling. "Alright, well let's go, go, go," Ingrid said rapidly, churning her hand through the air.
Alina put her fingers to her lips and let out a loud whistle.

soon enough through a band of smoke a-almost- broken down taxi appeared.

"lets go!" Alina ran towards the taxi opening the door (that was extremely sticky) and hurried inside.
"What," was Ingrid's only response. The wolf behind her seemed to have other ideas and howled at the taxi, pawing at the ground.

Ingrid lunged into the cab after Alina as the wolf lunged towards the car.
While huddled in the char Alina slammed down two golden coins.

"Camp half-blood, stat!" she yelled at the drivers and they lunged forward, Alina almost falling out of her seat since she forgot her seat belt.

She took a deep breath and slumped back in her seat and looked over to Ingrid.

"I think we're safe..."
"Who is driving?" Ingrid asked, wheezing slightly as she peered over the backseat at the wolf that was pounding after them. "And what is Camp Half-Blood?"
Three grotesque ladies looked behind the front two seats. Almost, dead/ un-dead looking.

Alina almost screamed.

"Eyes on the road!" she spoke pointing forward past the two ladies.

"No need to worry dear," one of the three ladies spoke, then held out one of her hands showing a eyeball.

"We're licensed!"

Alina almost hurling this time looked closer at the three ladies realizing, none of them had eyes, except the one.
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Ingrid lurched backwards when she saw them and screamed. "What is going on?" she yelled. There was a thunk behind them and she turned to see the wolf swatting a car out of the way.
Alina took a deep breath and started to explain what was happening, "You're a demi-god, like me, you can see and be hurt by monsters humans can't see." she tried her best to explain. "Camp half-blood is that, a camp, to train us to handle monsters like these." she continued.

"Can you go any faster please?" she leaned to one of the ladies up front, as they stepped on the gas lurching forward, yet again.
"That sounds so fake," Ingrid managed, clinging to the seat as they were jostled to and fro. The wolf howled and continued following.

"What's with the wolf? What does it want from me?"
"Uh... us dead," Alina spoke slowly, "Your phone sends out a signal to all monsters, like a tracking device when you use it." she explained and peered over to the money count, the numbers practically spinning out of control.

"i dont think i'm going to have enough..." Aline thought to herself.
The wolf howled once more and fell back as they seemed to pass through a barrier.

"What the hell," she muttered, struggling to sit back up correctly.
Alina threw her hands up in the air.

"We're here!" she cheered and the taxi cab halted, the front left light falling out.

Once finally stopped and recovered from the nauseous ride, Alina climbed out into the ground and fell to her knees.

"Now i know why no one uses this taxi," she mumbled to herself.
"Where's the rest of money?!" a raspy voice from the car called.

"Yeah... about that..." Alina spoke then ran off towards the camp dragging Ingrid along.

"Don't answer that," she added telling Ingrid. "We have other means of communication."
"But what if it's my dad?" she demanded, staring at the other girl and glancing at the car that they had come from. "I need to tell him where I am!"
Once the two were far away Alina stopped running, "Here," she said opening her hand giving her one golden coin. "Its a drachma, you use one and flip it in a body of water, you say afew words and you have a Iris message! here, want me to call him for you?" she offered.
"What?" Ingrid asked, holding the coin up to the light. "What are you going on about? Are you crazy? Is there something in the water?"

She glanced around frantically. "This is all too much," she wheezed.
"It was for me too," Alina let out a sigh,

"lets call your dad first and i'll show you around, sound good?" she asked giving a gentle smile in hopes to make her a little more at ease.
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"Hell no, I'm not staying here," Ingrid said immediately, not returning the smile. "I still have to go to school and go get my prescription refilled. I can't stay at some random camp in the middle of no where with crazy monsters after me. We need to tell the police or someone like that!"
"The police wont believe you," Alina said putting her hands on her hips. "They don't see the monsters, and you have ADHD and dyslexia right? most of us do here. Look over there and tell me if you can read that sign," alina pointed to a sign just close enough to read, letters changed and shifted reading "CAMP HALF-BLOOD"

"What does is say?" Alina asked, thought she already knew the answer.
"Its a camp," Alina spoke slowly for ingrid to understand, "Half-blood, half human, half god."

"Got it?" she aksed "Good! time to show you around!" she added not giving her a chance to change her mind.

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