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Realistic or Modern Camp Evergreen In Character

Jacques was, more or less, best pleased with the reactions to his shirt. It was the very epitome of modern art - you felt something (amusement, disgust, whatever takes your fancy), without actually ever fully knowing what it was you were looking at. That outcome was good enough. "It's a bird of some description, at least." He said, raising a judgemental eyebrow at the lopsided fowl.
Upon recieving the instructions directed at the whole group, he began to roll up the shirt in a tight cylinder- a space saving packing technique he had picked up from his mother many years ago, probably at one sleepover or another. He paused in his packing to pay attention to Emma when she returned to their table, nodding in acknowledgement of their location.
Oak seemed a nicely thematic name for a camp cabin, he thought, wondering breifly if the interior decor was just as appropriately themed.
He hoisted his bag off of the floor and put it in his lap, lifting the flap and tucking it behind with a bit of faffing about with its placement. Jacques shoved the shirt tube inelegantly in his bag, on top of all his regular shirt tubes, then flipped the bag's flap closed. He lifted the strap over his head, tucking it under his headphones (that, in a passing moment, he thought he should probably put away) and rising from the table.
Luke Kingston
When Luke brought the boy back he set him at Natalie's table without a word. The kid was weird and seemed to have some issues that needed professional help. When he set the boy down it wasn't gentle but it was better than him just dropping him and then made his way back to his table. he had come just in time to hear Emma's announcement and rolled his eyes. Not that he really cared about the fact that he was taking the kids to their cabin, more that this was actually on the itinerary. He looked at his clipboard to figure out what cabin his group was staying in. He skimmed the top and realized they were in the Birch cabins. So he cleared his throat loudly to gain his tables attention,

"Alright, Table three. We are going to be in the Birch cabins so lets make our way that way and then you all can get back to your...socializing. So let's go drop your bags off." He waited for everyone to grab their bags so he could guide them to the cabins

Interaction: Everyone at table 3

Camille Jacobs
Camille smiled at the girl, she sure was tiny and nervous kind of like a chihuahua. She gave her brightest smile to the girl trying to let her know she wasn't anything worth being terrified over. She wanted to be friends with the girl. She also noticed the other girl and sent her a small smile as a way to let her know she could join the conversation as well. With her eyes on the nervous girl she was surprised she had heard her say 'hi' and that sent Camille into a frenzy of happiness,

"Hi, I'm Camille. I just wanted to introduce myself. You seem nice and I was hoping maybe during camp you and I could talk and maybe become friends?" Her statement came as more of a question and that was all she got out before she heard Emma speak over everyone and they were all going to be going to their respective cabins. She wondered which cabin she would be staying in, but she also really wanted to become friends with this girl and she knew they weren't in the same cabins. It was quite the disappointment. So she hoped that until Natalie called for her attention she could attempt to get to know this girl for a few seconds more.

Interaction: Eleanor @TheCandyEmo
Interaction/Mention: Victoria VioletShadow VioletShadow
Danny stared at Luke for a while, ignoring all other surroundings for a moment.... Just imagining what a surprise it would be to him to find his gorgeous hair separated from his healthy scalp.

If it weren't for the police you would be dead right now, wouldn't you Lucas-sama?, he thought as he stared at Luke and fantasized about all the different ways he could do him in.

You touch me without permission again and I may not be so restraining next time, Lucas-sama, he thought with a creepy and naughty smile on his face.
I happen to have martial arts training Lucas-sama, it would be quite the shame of I had to tell the police of the unfortunate "ACCIDENT" that befell you after you laid hands on me...

He then became aware of the commotion surrounding him as the rest of the campers began grabbing their stuff and following the counselors elsewhere. He simply followed suit. He grabbed his heavy bags to await the appropriate counselor to lead him to his cabin. Revenge would have to wait, so for now he turned his expression to a neutral awaiting look, seeming to revert to a more sane disposition almost instantly. But not before giving Luke one final glance that said 'your western vision of hell is rather unsophisticated compared to what I plan to unleash on you'....

While she was continuing creating her shirt she heard a voice coming from her yellow shorts. She looked down and realized that it was her walkie talkie. She picks it up and she hears Luke's voice say "Yea I got him". She nodded at his respond and watched everyone finish up with their shirts and from the distance she saw Luke carrying Danny. "Jesus Christ", she said to herself, when he put him down she looked up at Luke and says "Later were going to talk and thanks". He left without a word and she could tell how made both of them were. She sighed when she heard Emma's speech and than she looked towards table 3 and saw Camilla was already there and she says "Camilla come over back, were about to head back to the cabins". She looked towards the group of kids that was already here and says "Okay everyone were going to head up to the cabins, and you can settle in a bit and than we're going to head back out to the dinning hall, so everyone get their stuff and we're going to head down to the Harmony Cabin". Natalie waited for everything to get their stuff and once they did she walked them towards the cabin.
Interactions: All of Table 2
Mentioned: Luke( Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler ) and Emma( V vital )

Mason sighed when he said he wasn't part of his cabin in his head he says "Damn you Evergreen, at least pair me up who is my bestfriend". He got taken out of his thoughts when Jackson brings up his sister. Mason knew she was the shy type and she not easy to talk to sometimes, when he went over at Jackson's house sometimes he watched her do her and how she was very quiet and never mind them from what he and Jackson was doing. It was just their normal hi's and bye's or how are doing's, he knew she wasn't easy with conversations but he hopes he could break her shell by the end of the summer. "Anyways, how you been", Mason looked up at Jackson and says "Been good nothing changed at home much, Natalie is working here to so you know how that's about to go down". Mason looked up and saw Luke come back, he didn't look to happy "What we up his ass and died", he said to himself. While Luke was going to take them to the cabins, Mason looked up at Jackson grabbing his bags and says "Looks like I got to go to the cabins. I'll meet up with you later promise". He gave him a bro hug and saw Camilla and says "I'll see you later too and tell my sister that I said good luck", he than looked up at Eleanor and says "It's good to see you again Eleanor, hope we could talk more than just hi and bye?', he gave her a smile and walked away waiting to go to the cabins.
Interactions: Jackson(@TheCandyEmo), Camilla( Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler ) and Elenaor(@TheCandyEmo)
Mentioned: Elenanor(@TheCandyEmo)
Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
Danny followed Natalie with his stuff and remembered that there were two other boys sitting with him at table 2. Where were they?, he thought as he scanned the area for the two. The two seemed to know each other already, perhaps siblings. Marco and Abraham were their names if he remembered correctly. DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712

"Hey you guys! Don't want to be left behind!" He called out sweetly to them, gesturing to them to come over.

"There's an evil monster on the premises that will attack you if you don't stay with the group!" He teased cutely.

Huh. Just a while ago he looked on the brink of insanity and now he looks sweet and ultra 'Kawaii-Desu'. They probably didn't see him in that state as they were too busy talking to one another.

He teased cutely about a (made up) monster but it was also a hidden shot a Luke who grabbed him in such an invasive manner. The monster that would assault you if you strayed from the group was something mythical that he made up on the spot... But he took a secret shot at Luke with it too. The monster was a reference to Luke grabbing him, ouch. Not that Luke was garunteed to see this shot for what it was even if he heard him.
xpstitch xpstitch

Marco and Abraham looked over at the person who called over to them. Though he had the feeling that the man was only trying to be teasing, Marco couldn't help but feel that he had just been talked down to like a kid. Abraham, on the other hand, took note of his friend's reaction and called back with a bashful yet loud enough voice, "A-alright! We'll be there momentarily!"

"The nerve of that guy!" Marco growled as he slid back on his backpack, still glaring at the man "Talking to us like we're a buncha senseless toddles!"

"He was just being friendly, Marco." Abraham said, looking at Marco with a frown as he too slid on his backpack, "I actually find the part were he talked about the monster pretty funny."

"I know, but... ugh." Marco rubbed the back of his head; he'd been planning this trip for quite some time now, and now that Abraham was with him, he didn't want to let his mischief or temperament ruin it for him. Looking back at Abraham, Marco smiled as he then said, "Lets join the others before that monster pays us a visit." the two boy with their backpacks secured, began walking to the direction the man was at to join the group. At least they finally knew where to go.
DestinyGuy3712 DestinyGuy3712 Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
"Did you know that the Mongolian folk religion believes that people have 3 souls?" Danny asked the two with an angelic look on his face.

It was funny. A lot of people think him a bunch of negative things. And rightfully so. He arguably is insane. He has much darkness within him. He can be rather repulsive to many. But right now he was showing his sweet side. He genuinely wanted them to like him.

Whether or not he was any good at it is up for debate. Some might find this random and weird fact disquieting. When you think of a camper that is one of those popular people that everybody likes and is really cool, you would start out with something different for a conversation opener. The cool kids would start out with something like sports, or a popular band or something. But no. He started out with something deep, mystical and esoteric.

But one could see that he was just trying to make for interesting conversation. He in this moment genuinely just wanted them to like him. He just wanted to be liked. Even though he can be interpreted as being a guy that doesn't really give a crap what people think, a part of him wants to be popular. He hoped they thought his knowledge was cool...
Emma Dunham // Camp Director & Counselor
Mood: Determined
Location: Walking to their cabin with Angel, Jacques, Aimee, Olivia, and Lee
Mentions: Good Hunter Good Hunter @B R E E Z E shylock shylock VioletShadow VioletShadow MochiHaru MochiHaru

As her campers begin to grab their things, Emma looks around at the others at the tables. Once she sees that all of her campers were ready to go, she smiles at them and begins to walk away from the picnic tables. She leads them through the soccer field and into a patch of trees on a dirt trail. "You guys got lucky. We are in the nicest cabin at the camp. I mean, none of them are very glamorous, but at least ours has a lot of space and good air conditioning." She chats with the campers as they all walk up a bit of a hill before arriving at the cabin. I was a decently sized building with a few windows and an air conditioning unit facing out of the wall. "Here we are!" She says happily, pulling a key out of her pocket and unlocking the door. "This door will be unlocked any time that we are having free time, but locked when we are doing activities. So remember, if you need to get in here when we are busy, just come find me." She smiles reassuringly at the people in front of her and pushes the door to the cabin open.

The cabin had eight beds on the left of the room, the two on the end being covered in Emma's things. "Go ahead and pick your beds," she begins, letting everyone inside, "the bathrooms are over there, there is one for the boys and one for the girls." She walks over to her bed where her bags were already set up, her sheets and blankets on her bed. "I hope that you guys brought your own blankets and pillows, because these can be a little tough to sleep on." She laughs, sitting down. She looks at her watch, seeing that they had about fifteen minutes to get set up before it was time to head to the dining hall for the big meeting.


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