• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Camp Evergreen CS

What'll it be?

  • Camper

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Counselor

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 2 Campers

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters


Junior Member

In Character
Character Sheets
code by pasta

~Camp Evergreen CS~

Please include the following in your CS:
Position (camper or counselor?)

Hair color
Eye color
Body type
Scars (if any)
Tattoos (if any)

Personality (1+ paragraph)
History (1+ paragraph)

Anything not included in this list that you think is important!

Relationships (Will be worked on later)

Some important info:
  • You may play up to 2 characters (2 campers, 2 counselors, or one of each)
  • Each reply should be at least one paragraph (5+ sentences)
  • If you are a counselor, your personality must reflect it! Counselors are fun and interested in their campers, so for the most part, try to keep the personality upbeat!
  • Real faceclaims for this role, please!
  • This is not a horror role, so whatever you do, please do not turn into a serial killer! ;D




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Age: 20
Birthday: December 17th, 1996
Position: Camp counselor and camp director
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian


If you had to describe Emma's personality in one word, it would be bright. You will hardly ever find this woman without a smile on her face, and she absolutely loves to laugh. Emma is a very smart and confident girl, and she has a passion for making sure that everyone around her is happy. These qualities make her the perfect person to take over the role of camp director, which she'd volunteered for without a second thought. Emma loves to get to know the people around her, and while she wont push people to tell her about themselves, she is always ready to lend a listening ear. While she does have all of these great qualities, there are also some things about Emma that she isn't too proud of. Emma wants everything to be perfect, and lots of times, they end up being fine. But, when things go wrong, and she isn't able to make things happen how she wanted them to happen, it gets her down pretty quick. Due to the fact that she puts 100% of her energy into everything that she does, sometimes, Emma gets worn down, and the people around her have to tell her to stop and take a break.

Emma was born into a family that included her mother, father, and brother, Ethan. They weren't wealthy, but they weren't struggling either-- they were the typical, middle class family. Emma's mother is a kindergarten teacher, and her father is a police officer, which gave her an interesting dynamic growing up. Her mother, who is a very loving and kind woman, was around quite often, and passed a lot of her fun and caring personality down to Emma and Ethan, while her father tended to be gone more often, but still managed to pass down some of his hard headed, driven characteristics to the children.

Emma and Ethan were only a year apart, and they got along very well. Ethan, being her older brother, was very protective over Emma, and made sure that she was happy and safe all through her middle and high school years. She has never been one to keep a boyfriend, because she always ended up getting bored. (And I guess the my-brother-follows-me-around thing didn't help too much, either...) When it came time for Emma to leave for college, it was very hard for her to say goodbye to her family. She attended a relatively small college in North Carolina, studying to get her degree in Social Work, which is where she heard about the opportunity to work at Camp Evergreen. She practically jumped at the chance, knowing that it was exactly what she needed. She contacted the people who were sponsoring the camp, and applied for the job of camp director, which she got, and went in for her training.



Likes: Reading, writing, singing, working out, eating healthy, painting/drawing, dancing, any kinds of crafts, swimming, playing with dogs, people who are respectful to those around them
Dislikes: Drugs, alcohol, greasy food, sitting around and not doing anything, math, people who treat her or others poorly for no reason
Nervous habits: She tucks her hair behind her ear when she is nervous, as well as bites her lip
Talents: She is a very talented artist and loves to paint and draw. She is also very smart, and knows how to handle stressful situations very well. She is fantastic at planning events and getting people interested and excited
Relationships: Emma attends the same college as Natalie, and when they met, they clicked. They decided to go on a few dates before ultimately deciding that they should stay friends with benefits. They are still very close, and like to flirt with each other.

Back when Emma was in high school, she heard of a kid named Aleksandr who was rumored to be quite the trouble maker. When she arrived at the camp and began to look through the profiles of the students attending it, she found his and made a mental note to keep an eye on him.

Throughout the duration of the camp, Emma becomes rather close with Angel. They share an odd bond, and can be found together pretty often. She has a soft spot for him in her heart.

Although Emma and Luke got on each other's nerves in the beginning, they grow to love each other. Emma begins to develop some feelings that she didn't think she could for a cocky ladies man.


Hair Color: Chocolate brown
Skin Color: Olive
Eye Color: Brown
Weight: 120 lbs
Height: 5'2
Body Shape/Type: Slim
Scars, If Any: None
Tattoos, If Any: A tattoo of a bouquet of flowers on her spine

coding by cychotic
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Dan Hirsh

If you'd put Dan into a row of teenagers he wouldn't really stand out, because well, its a row of teenagers noone, but the edgy kid who cuts, is going to stand out.
Now if you put him in a smaller row he is going to be the one who is unconditionally smiling and wearing colorful, but not out of place clothing. He doesn't look gay though.
Okay, maybe a little gay.
While his messy blonde hair and generic brown eyes don't have a look that would captivate the hearts of women and girls, his height, just below 2 meters, is both a blessing and a curse, because although he can reach high and it gives an advantage in basketball its really really easy to hit him in the balls.
If you'd put Dan into a boys gym room and force everyone to take off their shirts he'd stand out as one of the skinniest. Not like anorexic skinny, he just got genes that make him somewhat thinner than the average. Put him on a scale and it'd say around 50 kg. Not too bad.
Also notable is that while he looks like a lifeless starving nerd his skin isn't in fact as pale as a seal that lost its mom. He is more of the hue of a swede who spends a fair bit of his time outside, meanwhile not becoming very tan because winter decides to come around every year.


First off - Dan is cheerful. Cheerful as heck. Like he fell down the stairs once. Like stone stairs. Rolled down them. First he noticed that he had multiple bruises. Then he started laughing at how clumsy he was to stumble down the stairs like that.
On that note Dan is an easy one to hold a grudge, but at the same time quite forgiving. Its really hard to explain, even Dan is confused about it, I'd just leave it at that.
Dan is also straightforward. He isn't going to beat around the bush or keep his thoughts to himself. You piss him off he is going to tell you to shut the heck up. You are nice to him he'll damn sure compliment you.
Well with being straightforward comes honesty. Kinda. Dan doesn't like lieing. Not sure if good parenting or a slightly working moral compass, he lies as little as possible and when he does, its pretty obvious.
Also, Dan is outgoing. He isn't afraid to talk to strangers, or attempt to make friends or the such.
Lastly, Dan is friendly. Or, well not friendly, rather friendlier than your average teenager. Like, he'd rather not tell you off than tell you off.


Dan's life hasn't been anything special. Born in a suburban well-off family, attended public school, did some stuff here and there, tried out a few hobbies, some of which stuck, some of which didn't. Attended a funeral or two, attended a wedding or two. Had fun, made friends, chilled and hanged - nothing extremely notable. How he got to the camp? His parents found out about it and he said "Heck it, why not?"


Basketball, low-skill level beatbox, jogging, movies-games, friends, biology, wilderness, girls (lol he isn't gay) aaaaand jokes about respecting women.

Physics-Chemistry, slow-moving things/activities (like fishing), mandatory things, edgy people and the like and smartasses.

His voice can get a little loud without him noticing it.

On a good day he can do like 50 pushups.
Also he still has the ability to almost always be cheerful, thats gotta be a talent.

Olivia Green
Age: 15 Birthday: June 20, 2001 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight​
Ethnicity: Half Asian and American Position: Camper Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown Height: 5'4 Weight: 102 1bs Body Type: Average
Scars: None Tattoos: None Likes: Treats, Salads, Cloudy Days, Being Alone.
Dislikes: Annoying People, Loudness, An empty Stomach, Food being stolen
Eating Habits: Whenever she sees something delicious, boom! She will eat it,
but that doesn't mean she eats all the time, she's actually pretty fit and skinny for someone
who likes to eat and sleep a lot. So at parties, she's just that person who eats all the food
that's left out.

Talents: Can eat a bag of chips in 20 seconds! ( Lol Jk but seriously ) Olivia can be a very fit person, so she's actually a very fast runner if she puts her full effort into it. And is skillful with tennis due to her fast movement she barley misses the ball to hit. She doesn't like to show off her physical talents and just keeps it a secret until she HAS to participate that includes with those activities.

Personality: Olivia is mostly a fun and energetic person. She occasionally jokes around when the situation is TOO serious and boring. Being that kind of girl, she can be an easy person to befriend, the more friends the better. But, she can be angry and mature when the time comes ever and is not afraid to speak up. So, she can be protective over her friends that are too afraid to defend themselves, she will always have the courage to stand up for them. It's rare to ever see Olivia ever be serious, having two sides of her.

History: Olivia came from a strict family, with a mother and father, one older brother. So she was learned proper manners over the years as a kid but never shows it at school, being a complete different person when she's at home. She wants to be her own person and wants to live how she wants, so whenever she's away she can act how she wants to. But that doesn't mean she dislikes her family, she loves them but just doesn't like the fact that her parents want her to be a certain way. It's her life and she'll spend it her way. When she heard about a camp open for highschool students, she gladly participated, a place away from home for awhile is what she needs.
Innocent Angel

Lee Ji-Hae

Name| Lee Ji-Hae
Nick Name| Lee, Ji , J.
Age| 17
Born| May 5th 1999
Postion| Camper
Gender| Male
Ethnicity | Korean - American
Sexuality | Heterosexual

Hair| Brown
Build| Slim
Eyes| Light Brown
Height| 6'1
Weight| 141 LBS
Skin| Pale.
Scars| No
Tattoos| No.


Outgoing, social, great people skills. Good at getting people to have fun. Physically affectionate. Attention seeking, loves crowds. Seductive, open, revealing, loving, empathetic, attachment prone. Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities. Needs to live life in accordance with their inner values. Rule breaker. Easily distracted. Comfortable in unfamiliar situations. Attracted to strange things. Likes to stand out. Prone to fantasy. Easily talked into doing silly things. Spontaneous. Wild and crazy. Pleasure seeking, risk taking, thrill seeking, fun seeking. Adventurous. Likes to try new things, unconventional, energetic.

Like| Coffee, Texhnology, Exploring, Sunsets, Dancing, Sports, Teamwork, Dares, Interesting People, New things/experiences.

Dislikes| Liars, Judgemental People, Rules, Being told no, Being Judged, Being Bored, Hot tempatures.

Habits| Humming to himself, pouting when some one yells, acting innocent 24/7 even though he isn't.

Talents| Flexible, Dancing, Getting attention, Preforming Dares.


Relationships |
A friendship with Leilani even though she didn't like his first few impressions.

Friendship with Mason

Potential friendship with Victoria Flores

Friends with Eleanora

Bio| Lee, unlike Miso, is the first born to his family(they are not related). He has one younger sister he cares for deeply and if you hurt her or make her even frown, he kill you. (Or at least hurt you, I don't think he could kill.) Ji-Hae was always a.....destructive kid. Always curious on why people told him no. It amazing he isn't always in a cast or has any scars.

His daring nature calmed a little when his sister was born , but when she wasn't around he always challenged his friends to give him some dares. He doesn't seek attention, he seeks the thrill of new experiences and finds fear to be fake.

Ji-Hae became interested in dancing when his sister took on ballet, he explored many types since then. He has done ballet [for his sister of course] , Hip hop, Street, contemporary, etc. his friends called him feminine, but dancing was his calling .

Eventually he only spent time with his sister and family , or the small studio his parents had made for him that they feared he wasn't making friends, so they sent him to camp. Which he doesn't mind. More dares and sports to see.

coded by y o u n g j a e
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Nicholas Sterling, but goes by Spook


October 30th, 1999






Hair color

Eye color


98 pounds

Body type

Scars (if any)
He has a few, but they're not super obvious

Tattoos (if any)
Broken, bandaged heart on left wrist


On the surface, Spook is your usual gloomy teen, the type that's generally sweet but finds blatant optimism annoying and rolls his eyes at light-hearted jokes. He's shy, and often keeps to himself, preferring the company of animals (especially cats) or other introverts. Despite his general apathy, the teen does have a sarcastic side that's reserved for those who really get on his nerves. He's usually quiet and reserved, however... unless sugar or caffeine is involved. A lover of all things dark and macabre, those who want a ghost story that will keep them up all night would be wise to seek him out. When not sharing terrifying tales, he can usually be found drawing or practicing a song.

The only child of a young single mother, Spook didn't have the most glamorous childhood... but he made the best of it anyway. Unlike his current personality, he was a fairly curious and affectionate kid that had a way of brightening up anyone's day. That all changed once the nightmare known as public school happened. While the earlier days were tolerable, things took a drastic turn for the worse once he was old enough for middle school. Spook quickly became an outsider, and was picked on for his introverted personality and unique sense of style. High school life is even worse, and it's not surprising that he's struggled with depression throughout his teen years. What he lacks in popularity, he makes up for with artistic talent and a knack for creativity, having dedicated most of his life to music and artwork.

✓Being alone
✓Sugar and energy drinks

✕Judgemental people
✕Popular music
✕Excessive optimism
✕Spicy food

☆Draws and writes lyrics on his hands and wrists

☆Makes the same face as the character he's drawing

☆Covers eyes and face with his bangs if feeling particularly nervous/embarrassed

☆Drawing and sketching
☆Singing and songwriting
☆Playing guitar



Eleanor ╳ Jackson

❝ I wanted to write about how i feel, but somehow the paper stayed empty and i honestly couldn't have described it better. ❞

"Wha-How did you get this?!""Did my brother give you this picture?!?!"
CNDx6PMUAAEzmba.jpg"Hey. I actually look good right there."
images (16).jpg

♕ s t a t s ♕
Name: Eleanor Smith
Age: 17
Birthday: May 10
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Position: Camper

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Height: 4'11
Weight: 120lbs
Body type: Slender, Hardly any curves
Scars: A lot of them on her arms
Tattoos: A rose in between her finger, anchor on her hand

Personality (1+ paragraph): Eleanor is a quiet person actually. Even though she loves hanging out with people, she won't be the first to approach you. She's kind of a wanderer really, likes to stay in quiet spaces and just enjoy life as much as possible (even if her idea of fun isn't going out and partying like there's no tomorrow). This black haired female is very sensitive though. Don't hurt her please! When she gets frustrated, she shows it in a unique way. She doesn't go off screaming or yelling, fighting, or causing major trouble. She will basically talk to you through gritted teeth and cry because she knows that she's too small to really do anything effective. I will tell you right away, that Eleanor is a total sweetheart when it comes to the people she loves. She's the type of person that can cure any pain whether it be mentally, emotionally, or physically with just a hug. This emo is an innocent angel who can't be tainted. Don't take advantage of that though guys. Be nice to her.
History (1+ paragraph): Eleanor and Jackson grew up with only their father. Their mother had abandoned them for drugs which also effected their father greatly. He slipped into the life of drugs and alcohol as well, but surprisingly, he was still a good father to the both of them. He always made sure they had gotten something to eat and made sure they were kept clean. During times of emotional breakdowns, he would be there to comfort both of his children. But he was quickly taken away from them.
When Eleanor and Jackson got done with school, they both headed home only to find police swarming their house. Their father had died of overdose and somehow the neighbor had seen and called the police department. Even though Jackson suffered a horrible and tragic loss, he pulled through quite quickly. Only because he knew that he would have to be the strong one right now. Eleanor didn't take this lightly though. She was mentally and emotionally scarred seeing everything going down. From the police going in. To the now-occupied body bag that came out of the house. This effected Eleanor greatly to the point where she refused to do anything. Eat. Sleep. Socialize. Talk. It came to the point where even breathing was too much. Jackson didn't think that his sister would ever be the same after witnessing it, but he was wrong. Somehow, she pulled through as well. Well, she wasn't exactly the same though. But its better than completely isolating oneself right? When he was old enough, he got a job and bought an apartment for themselves. Now they live together in the same apartment.
Likes: Quiet spaces, the rain, splashing into puddles, swimming, listening to music, hanging out with friends, her brother Jackson, rock bands, drawing, reading, writing, playing games on her phone, staying clean, bonfires/campfires, candy, piercings, tattoos, meaningful songs, bracelets, skulls (designed ones, not actual skulls), strawberries, soda
Dislikes: being bored, rude people, conceited assholes, loud noises, getting woken up from sleep, people taking pictures of her, nauseating smells, being put in embarrassing situations, being the center of attention, popular music, hospitals, anything medical related, the sight of blood
Habits: checking her appearance, tapping her fingertips on hard surfaces, messing with her lip rings, fixing her hair, pinching her wrists
Talents: singing, drawing
Anything not included in this list that you think is important!: Her brother is Jackson Smith
Relationships: TBA

♕ S T A T S ♕
Name: Jackson Smith
Age: 17

Birthday: February 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Position: Camper

Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6'
Weight: 150lbs
Body type: Mesomorph
Scars: Burn Mark
Tattoos: none

Personality (1+ paragraph): Jackson is a total popular dude (not a stereotypical one though). Everybody knows and loves him since he had attended this camp for a long time. He likes to see people happy and if you aren't he will make sure to change that. He always has the same contagious smile on his face that immediately brightens up your day. Due to the fact that he is incredibly involved in sports, thats what makes him well known as well. You may not know this, but Jackson is greatly oblivious to his good looks. When he sees girls practically drooling over him, he thinks that they are just being nice. He doesn't know that they are really just admiring his flawless features that could have been sculpted by a sculptor. When it comes to his sister, he is incredibly protective of her. He knows what could hurt her so he tries to shield her from all that negativity. He basically took on the father role. If you cause her pain, he gonna cause you 10 times as much pain. Don't do anything to her, and you won't have any problems with him. Other than that, he's just a goofball who just likes to have fun.
History: --> look at Eleanor's. They have the same bio <--
Likes: socializing, making new friends, dancing, listening to music, swimming, cute girls, sleeping, going out on adventures, his sister Eleanor, looking his best, being organized, wearing cologne, hanging out with friends, writing, playing his guitar
Dislikes: being told what to do, being bored, rude people, seeing his sister hurt, when his sister pushes him away, bullies, nauseating smells, being the center of attention, people hating him when they have no reason to
Habits: biting his piercings, rubbing his temples when angered/stressed
Talents: playing guitar, writing lyrics, singing, giving good advice
Anything not included in this list that you think is important!: his sister is Eleanor Smith
Relationships: TBA

coded by dwale
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Hayley Ashford


August 22, 2000






Hair color
Blue with black

Eye color


101 pounds

Body type

Scars (if any)

Tattoos (if any)
A few stars on the back of her neck


Adventure is Hayley's middle name... well, technically it's Mavis, but adventure just fits better. Bold and unafraid with plenty of attitude to spare, she's one of those people you either love or hate. While Hayley is lively and very energetic, she isn't cheerful, and finds overly happy people ridiculous. A fan of loud music and louder friends, she does have a quieter side and tends to get along with shy people as she's sympathetic to their plight. The girl is extremely loyal, and has no problem dishing it out if she thinks someone is being cruel or unfair.

There's no such thing as a perfect childhood, but Hayley's was pretty close... at least in the beginning. Her parents loved and spoiled her, and she spent most of her life outside chasing butterflies and adventures. Elementary school was a bit boring, but she did well in it nonetheless, and her bold personality made her a few very close friends. Some of these friendships lasted through the awkwardness of middle school and well into high school,
though she became less well-loved as she grew up. That didn't stop her from staying true to herself however, and she made it her personal goal to stick up for all the misfits like herself. Now, Hayley mostly enjoys reading and dreaming up comic books and styling hair... hers, and anyone who's brave enough to volunteer.

✓Loud music
✓Junk food
✓Showing off
✓Candy and energy drinks

✕Boring, "normal" kids
✕Popular music
✕Overly cheerful types

☆Plays with her hair when bored

☆Makes cat sounds (meowing, hissing) as a joke

☆Will sing along to any radio if she likes the music

☆Creating comic book outlines
☆Ridiculously skilled at most video games
☆Can sing pretty well



Mi Song-Gi

Name| Mi Song-Gi
Nick Name| Miso , Song-Gi
Age| 17
Born| January 17, 2000
Postion| Camper
Gender| Male
Ethnicity | Korean - American
Sexuality | Heterosexual

Hair| Dark Brown/ reddish tent.
Build| Slim
Eyes| Dark Brown
Height| 5'8
Weight| 138 LBS
Skin| Tan
Scars| No
Tattoos| One of a single flower on his right index fingers.

Extra| Despite being a fast learner, he can speak only four languages. [Japanese, Korean, English, Spanish]


.Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about self. Content. Positive. Loves getting massages.

Like| Technology, Stars, Moonlight, Cold temperatures, Social Media, Photography, playing / hanging with friends, Singing, Composing music.

Dislikes| Not having technology, Hateful people, Upsetting someone, Liars.

Habits| Checking social media whenever he can, tapping his fingers.

Talents| Getting people to like him, Enjoying everything he experiences, Not suffering tech withdrawal. Fast learner, Multilingual.


Relationships |
Leilani is one of his many friends, it took a while for her to come around to his attention seeking nature.

Friends with Aimee friend from astrology club(?) in junior/elementary

Friends with Natalie.

Miso is the second child in his family. He has two younger twin sisters, and a older brother as well. His family is not quite middle class, but not quite rich either.

Ever since his brother gave him an iPod when he was seven, Miso has been addicted to technology. He loves taking pictures of himself , fsmily, friends, and all kinds of things. When he was ten his parents gave him a phone and he used it everywhere he went.

At the age of thirteen they gave him a laptop and that's when he started to compose music and sing. His family was always supportive of him even when they didn't approve of his addiction. They sent him to camp to help get him out some more. Of course, they let him take his tech.

Extra| He has a YouTube channel where he post his music and him singing. Has less than 2000 followers/subscribers.

On his face book, twitter , and insta he has over 3000 followers.

coded by y o u n g j a e
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Jacques Louillon


  • Name: Jacques Louillon

    Nickname: Jack, Lou

    Age: 16

    Birthday: 6th of December

    Ethnicity: French

    Height: 5'10"

    Weight: 150 lb

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Victoria Flores

  • Name: Victoria Flores
    Nicknames: Vic or Tori
    Age: 16 (Sophomore)
    Birthday: 4th Of April
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Ethnicity: Filipino
    Position: Camper


Aimee Moreau

  • Name: Aimee Moreau
    Nicknames: Amy or Mimi
    Age: 17 (Junior)
    Birthday: 9th of February
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Ethnicity: French
    Position: Camper

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Name: Aleksandr Petrova

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Russian

Eye Color: Ink

Age: 17

Height: 5'11

Date of Birth: March 15, 2000

Sexuality: Straight

Position: Camper

May or may not have his eyes on Aimee

History: Born to a soldier and a music producer in Russia, Aleks has had a less than usual upbringing. He has spent most of his life in his homeland of Russia, raised by his father, a soldier by choice and a mechanic by nature, after his mother left in search of a different path. He was a troublemaker since he was born and always had a knack for slipping out of trouble as much as he got into it. In hopes to calm his son, his father tried to grow closer to him the best way he knew how. The art of repair. Luckily, the attempt was a success, and Aleks quickly took to it. After seeing his son take up the pride of his own life, his father let him pick anything his son could desire as a hobby, and so came Aleksandr's love of martial arts. He enveloped himself with his two passions of the fist and the wrench, becoming a prodigy early on. At age 15, him and his father moved to America on hopes of new beginnings. His father had, but Aleks found it harder to. He was bullied and as such fought. A lot. His father found out about the camp and decided that Aleksandr could hopefully find friends and peace there.

Physicality: Aleksandr is of a better build than some of his age, as would be expected of a young mechanic and martial artist. While he isn't exactly the poster boy of being ripped, he's definitely more muscular and broad shouldered than most. He has a scar on his right cheek. He may look edgy, due to his clothing being pretty dark and neutral, but that's just because he doesn't want to ruin colorful clothes.
Personality: Aleksandr is a fun lover and very well mischievous. He's of brave outlook and of offensive humor, sometimes forgetting that people don't share that trait. While I wouldn't say he's volatile, he can be quick to anger about certain things and is unafraid to defend his beliefs or his friends, even if it means using his fists to argue instead of words. He's quiet usually, but around certain people, he's the life of the party. He's very observant.

Likes: Martial arts, working with his hands, music, people who can take a joke, climbing things

Dislikes: Bigots, desk work, a lack of honor, bullies

Habits: He has a tendency to lie if he's in trouble for something he knows is wrong, but will speak the truth without a second thought if convinced it was the right thing.

Talents: Fixing things, making things, any form of physical labor, and climbing.pin_490259109421545967.jpg
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can scroll!
Name: Leilani Bodhi Ramirez
Age: Seventeen
Birthday: 1st of may
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Latina (born in Costa Rica)
Position: Camper

Hair color: Brown with some lighter streaks through it, caused by the sun
Eye color: Light brown
Height: 5'6
Weight: 122lbs
Body type: Slim
Scars (if any): one scar on her hip caused by her own surfboard
Tattoos (if any): a small shark tooth on her upper arm

code by barista
& edited a bit by me
Likes: surfing, the beach, soccer, the outdoors, history, thai cuisine, competition, nintendo games, turtles, boxing workouts, fun activities, unique people
Dislikes: rude and arrogant people, attention seekers, country music, insects, whipped cream, cliche stuff
Habits: always wearing earrings, twists them when she's bored or nervous
Talents: Surfing & playing soccer, knows incredibly much about nature and animals, flexible
Personality: Leilani is the most laid back and relaxed person you will probably meet. It takes some time for her to socialize, she usually waits and sees where the wind blows before she jumps at people. But she can practically get along with anyone. Mostly because she is open minded and often genuinely interested in others. Leilani does her own thing and doesn't let herself get forced into activities she doesn't want to be a part of.
But she is always up to explore new and adventerous things. She isn't afraid to speak up and stand up for herself most of the time but when she's feeling down she tends to suck it all op. She likes being around people but needs her own space from time to time.
History: Leilani was born and raised along the coast of Costa Rica, in a small surf town called Puerto Viejo. The family Ramirez was a family who only bought biological products, cared about the environment, surfed all day and took care of each other. It was a quite unique family but on the other hand a typical surf family. Of course, just like everyone else, Leilani had arguments with her older and younger brother (Tex and Dane) but in general, they all lived in peace together. So long story short, her youth wasn't that spectacular at all and she didn't face many difficulties. Her parents have always supported her with every decision she made and were proud of her no matter what. One of her dreams is to start a surf camp for kids with things as autism or other disorders. Dane, her younger brother, was diagnosied with PDD-NOS which is a term for people who are on the autism spectrum but miss some criteria of for instance classic autism. He'd faced several diffeculties such as making friends and bullies. So her plan was to firstly attend at one of these summer camps (not necessarily for surfing) before jumping right into it without knowing where to start. Research is always step one right?

Relationships: Lee Ji-Hae - even though Leilani didn't like the first impressions of him, she realised they were more alike after all
Mi Song-Gi - it took some time before Leilani got to know him better, caused by his seeking attention nature.
Jacques - both surf freaks
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Name: Danny Flores
Birthday: June 15
Gender: Boy
Sexuality: Sexually gay but romantically pan.
Ethnicity: Latino
Position (camper or counselor?): Camper

Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Height: 6'0
Weight: 120
Body type: Accounting for his age he is quite as physically fit as could be.
Scars (if any): None yet
Tattoos (if any): Never

Personality (1+ paragraph): Rather quiet, a man of few words. He's really hesitant about interacting with others at least at first. He is always thinking about something. Always analyzing everything. He's rarely the type that actually likes causing problems, it makes him cringe inwardly. He usually just likes to leave everybody to be happy, and in turn be left to be happy himself. He's in a phase where he doesn't quite know who he is. Who he wants to be. He's constantly evolving at a time like this, for better or for worse, that we cannot know yet...

History (1+ paragraph): Born in Puerto Rico to relatively rich parents. Traveled with his parent for a significant portion of his childhood, mostly through the rest of the Caribbean and Latin America. He was always a strange child, his parents could never quite figure out what to do with him. He would often do battle with the law, despite not wanting trouble ironically. There were just some things that he found absolutely abominable about modern day authority figures. He's always had a problem with doing what the big bosses tell him to do...

Likes: Food, being alone at home, reading, learning, thinking, singing, he likes many other things but those are the first to come to mind.

Dislikes: Authority figures, police, bullies, teachers, parents, (like they aren't all the same thing anyways right?), he hates too many other things to list.

Habits: Analyizing everything, thinking a lot.

Talents: Martial arts, Archery, dancing, singing.


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Natalie Victoria Daniels


August 9th






Hair color
Light Brown

Eye color
Ocean Blue



Body type

Scars (if any)
Mostly on her back from getting beated by her father but it camouflages within her skin color

Tattoos (if any)
Small tattoo behind her ear with three tiny birds


Natalie is a very giddy type of a girl, she always had that positive attitude about her that makes everyone smile and be as happy as her. Even though her past is horrible that doesn't bring her down much. Natalie is caring, loving, very creative and easily can communicate with anyone. She can make people laugh and cheer them up when they feel down about themselves because she can feel their pain. However every girl has their flaws not all of them can be prefect. Natalie can sometimes be lazy when she doesn't want to do anything or even bossy when she wants to get her work done and than be the chill girl she really is when she's not working. Like they always say not all girls can be prefect.

Natalie was born in the Dominican Republic living with both of her parents in Santo Domingo. When she was 4 years old she moved to the U.S with both parents to live a better life than before. When she was 12 Natalie's mother died from stage four cancer and her father became a drug addict after her death. He could take the pain and blamed Natalie for her death which hurt her the most because she loved her mother as much as he did. Two years later the beating started to happen when he got remarried to her step-mother Christina.

Natalie hated Christina with all her life. She would get Nati in trouble for things that she never does and always blames me for spending money for non sense reasons that doesn't even make sense to her. She kept going to school working as hard as she can so she can live the home that wasn't even what she wanted to call it anymore.

When she hit her junior year Natalie stared to play sports to get into a good college that she doesn't have to pay for and the sport they chose her for was volleyball which was her favorite sport to do. Once she got the accepts she told her family and they didn't want her to live however was legally an adult and can do whatever she pleased so she took her money that she saved up and moved out of that house into a fresh new apartment with her best friend. When she started her freshmen year of college she was happy that no one was around to beat her or be annoying or being her down it was nice and easy for her thought out the year. Every summer Natalie knows she has to work at a summer camp to earn more money and etc. However, she thinks it's will be best for her to work because she gets to meet knew people and have fun while doing it for pay.

-Having Fun
-Taking Pictures
-Making new friends
-Play Guitar

-Annoying People
-People who bring her down
-A person who thinks they are better than others

*Tends to tap her pen on anything when she gets nervous
*Likes to tap a pen or pencils on her mouth when she is thinking
*Bites her lip when flirting

Playing Guitar and Dancing

, one of Natalie's close friend
Eleanor, one of Natalie's close friends

Victoria, friends from vollyeball in Junior High
Mason, younger annoying brother
Emma, friends in college, went on a couple of dates. flirted with eachother and became Friends with
Lee-Ji,friends from camp
Luke,goes same college and working together

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name: Mason Abioye Rivers
age: Seventeen

gender: Male
role: Camper

s t a t s
nickname(s): Mas//Abio(only sister calls him that)//Rivers
birthday: August 21
zodiac: Leo
place of birth: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
ethnicity: Latino-American
sexual orientation: Straight

height: 6'2
body type: Alethic
natural eye color: Dark Brown
natural hair color: Dark Brown
dyed hair color: Light Brown

b i o
I N- D E P T H

likes: Sports, Parties, Girls, Socializing, Family, Having Fun, Singing, Sports, Football, Piano
dislikes: Lies, Drama, Extreme Attention, Bossy People, Drugs, Drinking, Peer Pressure

habits: Likes to smirk when he is flirting with a girl, Tends to push his hair back when it's in his face,

strength: Athletic, Easily makes friends, Supportive, Creative
weakness: Sarcastic, Inpatient, Controlling, Strict

personality: Mason is some what like his older sister however he is more outgoing and cheerful. He likes to make jokes and makes sure that the people he cares about first is okay and feeling well than how he will feel. As much he can be nice to many people there is some flaws about him that he would wants to keep hidden away from everyone else. He can be very aggressive depending on what the problem is for example when someone talks bad about someone mason knows he will fight for them and tends to get physical if needed. Mason is always an risk-taker when he comes to making hard choices. and he can be very talented when it comes to singing and playing the piano.

history: Same as Natalie's history, however is her step-brother

talents: Singing and Playing Piano

Relationships: Natalie, Older Bossy Step-Sister, Jackson, Good Friends , Eleanor, Possible Crush/Relationship

coded by dwale

Almost done (Did a different coding)
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Protrayed by: Brian Kang/YoungK of Day6
Name: Min-Jun "Christian" Lee Park
Age: 14 (Turning 15, Grade 9 Freshman)
Birthday: December 31 2002
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Korean-Canadian
Position: Camper

Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5' 7" (170cm ish)
Weight: 117 lbs.
Body type: Athletic, lean
Scars: A few small scars around his body. Non visible unless he's shirtless or changing.

Calculated, comes off as cold to people he doesn't know. Takes a while to open up to people. Although if you hear his voice it'll make you melt, he has a quiet voice with a British accent. He's embarrassed easily, but has a soft spot for cute things (Small animals and children). Christian is nice, and easily hurt by others. Hence the cold exterior, and resting bitch face. Although it doesn't seem like it Christian is the youngest amongst his friends at school, and isn't as cold as everyone thinks. He's pretty socially inept not knowing what to do in social situations, normally ends up freezing up instead.

Min-Jun "Christian" Lee Park. Born in Toronto Ontario, Canada to Korean parents makes him Korean-Candaian. For Grades 1-3 he lived in Richmond Hill Ontario in the French Immersion program. For Grade 4 he moved to China, and studied there. Grade 5, another move this time to Japan. Grade 6-8 he went to a boarding school in London, while his parents moved back to Toronto. For High School he will be studying in London and Aurora (Ontario). .

Loosing his best friend was hard. Being rejected by his other friends for being Bisexual was even harder. He built up walls so high to protect himself after that, most people didn't even bother to get to know him. He was outcasted by majority of his peers so he turned to music and his training to get him through everything. Although he spoke multiple languages he's most comfortable in his native tongue Korean.

Christian's sport history. Got into Martial Arts at a young age from watching movies, so he started to train MMA, which later changed Xtreme Martial Arts which is those movie style stuff you see. He got into footie (soccer) while in London. His soccer team and XMMA unit are the only places he felt like he belonged in. He has been used as a stunt double before for other child actors.

Christian wants to find new friends, over come his anxiety, and find himself. He get's along easier with people who speak Korean more than any other language. He's also one of the few international students at the camp.

-Football (Soccer)
-(X)MMA [(Xtreme) Mixed Martial Arts]
-Being alone

-Social Interaction

-bitting his lip when he's nervous
-Lying about how he feels (physically&Emotionally)

-Music (Sings, plays:Violin, Piano, Guitar (mainly). Cello, all saxes, clairnet, flute, Trumpet, trombone, percussion)
-Languages (Speakes Korean, English, French, Spannish, Russian, Arabic, Cantonese, Japonese, Mandarin,)
-XMMA specialty in flipping, and turning kicks, good at incorperating dance into Martial Arts routines.​
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View attachment 308767
Protrayed by: Brian Kang/YoungK of Day6

Name: Christian Park
Age: 14 (Turning 15, Grade 9 Freshman)
Birthday: December 31 2002
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Korean-Canadian
Position: Camper

Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5' 7" (170cm ish)
Weight: 117 lbs.
Body type: Athletic, lean
Scars: A few small scars around his body. Scar for each bad situation he's been in aswell. Non visible unless he's shirtless or changing.

Calculated, comes off as cold to people he doesn't know. Takes a while to open up to people. Although if you hear his voice it'll make you melt, he has a quiet voice with a British accent. He's embarrassed easily, but has a soft spot for cute things (Small animals and children). Christian is nice, and easily hurt by others. Hence the cold exterior, and resting bitch face. Although it doesn't seem like it Christian is the youngest amongst his friends at school, and isn't as cold as everyone thinks. He's pretty socially inept not knowing what to do in social situations, normally ends up freezing up instead.

Born in Toronto Ontario, Canada to Korean parents makes him Korean-Candaian. For Grades 1-3 he lived in Richmond Hill Ontario in the French Immersion program. For Grade 4 he studied in China. Grade 5 he studied in Japan. Grade 6-8 he went to school in London. For High School he will be studying in London and Aurora (Ontario). His parent's aren't bad, they just moved around often.

He was 3 when they realized he picked up languages like it was nothing, and that he liked doing it. By the age of 5 he spoke 7 languages (Korean, English, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Cantonese). To balance out with his language skills, his parents convinced him to pick up a sport it started off with MMA, at age of 5 which went into Extreme MMA (age of 8) with competitive MMA. He started playing football (soccer) in London. Always having an interest in the subject, and having perfect pitch, he started picking up instruments, listening to different types of music as well.

Christian is a magnet for problems and accidents. He's been kidnapped, held as a hostage, been stabbed, shot at, survived a attempt in bombing, survived a ninja attack. On multiple occations they thought he wouldn't make it through, but he did. He's been through alot in the 14 years of living.
Christian has very famous, very rich parents. His father a business man, who started his own company at the age of 13, and built it up ever since. His mother a famous retired singer whom is now into the jewellery business. To put it lightly his parents have lots of enemies, and lots of people would like their money. He spent 2 weeks in captivity, when he was kidnapped at the age of 12. It left some lasting scars physically and emotionally. You're probably thinking "Oh wait doesn't he know how to fight?" The answer is yes, yes he does, also knows some other neat tricks, but mind you that he was 12 and they were 35+ years old. They over powered him strength wise. Chrstian was often a target of bullying in school, between them making fun of the way he looks, the things he does, the way he doesn't fight back, and just keeps quiet. From the bullying his anxiety and insecurities sky rocketed and what ever he liked about himself went bye bye.
The other occurances were purley coincidential, wrong place wrong time type thing.

Because of everything he's been through Christian goes into these modes, where he's messed up emotionally. In these times he needs to listen to music, a certain playlist called "Fine". He owns a blue iPod nano, that needs to be charged at all time. He makes sure of this.

Christian wants to find new friends, over come his anxiety, and find himself. He get's along easier with people who speak Korean more than any other language. He's also one of the few international students at the camp.

-Football (Soccer)
-(X)MMA [(Xtreme) Mixed Martial Arts]
-Being alone

-Social Interaction

-bitting his lip when he's nervous
-Lying about how he feels (physically&Emotionally)

-Music (Sings, plays:Violin, Piano, Guitar (mainly). Cello, all saxes, clairnet, flute, Trumpet, trombone, percussion)
-Languages (Speakes Korean, English, French, Spannish, Russian, Arabic, Cantonese, Japonese, Mandarin, and more)
-XMMA specialty in flipping, and turning kicks, good at incorperating dance into Martial Arts routines.​
Don't mean to be rude or anything, but Jesus you made a realistic character unrealistic

Name: Luke Kingston
Age: 21
Birthday: July 5
Gender: Male

Hair color:Blonde
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 6ft
Weight: 176lb
Body type: Athletic
Scars: One on his side from an encounter with a tree from his younger years.
Tattoos: One on his wrist, chest, and shoulder

Personality Luke is pretty much what you think he'd be. He is the guy that is as cocky as cocky can be and the face to go with it. He has never been one to take no for an answer and will persuade and convince people until he hears the answer that he wants. He can be quite arrogant and unapologetic for it, but he takes pride in his work ethic. He will never half-ass anything. His heart is always in the right place and does care and protect those that he is closest with. Once people get to actually know him he has a softer side but he keeps it guarded and trusts very few people.

History: Growing up Luke lived with his mother who adored him and did everything to make his life better. She was the woman that made sure he ate his vegetables and showered, she was who gave him his work ethic. While he was growing up he watched her struggle to make ends meet and when she brought a guy home it was always serious but he watched as each of her relationships crumbled. He watched as his mother spiraled deeper into her sadness but as she put on a brave face for him. He learned from her that relationships were bound to fail and so he never had a solid relationship. He was one to just hookup with a girl and then leave her. He learned that it was easier to drop them before they even had the chance to break his heart. His past with his mother shaped how he viewed relationships with other and if they were worth it.

Likes: Alcohol, sex, cookies, certain people, nature, and hamburgers
Dislikes: Most people, relationships, commitment, and bananas
Habits: Sticks his tongue out when in deep thought.
Talents: Can whittle wood
Relationships: Natalie (Friends)

Name: Camille Jacobs
Birthday: June 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Australian
Position: Camper

Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'6
Weight: 119lb
Body type: Slim
Scars: None

Personality: Camille is extremely friendly and can't even hurt a fly. She is one of those people that just has to help when she sees someone in need even if she can't do anything she will try and find someone who can. She can be quite loud if she chooses to be, but also can enjoy those moments of silence and solitude without any real complaints. She tends to be a bit overconfident and thus can make many mistakes, but she tries to learn from each mistake and stay positive. She has her moments where she can be either too chatty, but along with the niceness she does posses she can sometimes have a mean streak and once it starts it's hard for her to stop. She can be as stubborn as a bull when she doesn't believe in doing something and will not be persuaded otherwise.

History: Camille wasn't born in Australia though that is where her parents hail from. She was born on a small island in the Caribbean while her parents were there taking care of her grandparents. So for the first few years of her life she didn't live in Australia. As the years passed and her grandparents got better and they moved back to Australia. She and her parents had a fairly simple life, and she even got a younger brother once the family moved back to Australia. She's always been closer to her mom than with her dad who she always seems to disagree with. However, as for her past she never had any wild adventures, she lived a sheltered life.

Likes: Cute things, food, sleep, the outdoors, friends, makeup, water, and going for hikes
Dislikes: Spiders (Mostly the big ones), liars, litter, pickles, and peanut butter
Habits: When she gets nervous she bites her nails
Talents: Plays ukulele
Relationships: Mason (Friends)
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"I'm a full time asshole, baby."




There is not a person left alive to remember when Angel was a sweet, kind child. Years of living under his mother and stepfather's control have made him cruel, egoistical and insecure. Angel rarely acts spontaneously, calculating most of the things that leave his lips, only when anger takes control of his body he seems sincere. Those few passions he had, playing soccer and studying chemistry, were forcedly repressed and now he is more desperate than he'd like to admit. While his friends are cruel for the sake if it, Angel realizes when he has gone too far, though most of the time he cares little about it. Perhaps someone he could tell his secrets to could change his view on most things, but that person still hasn't walked in his path, or maybe Angel scared them away.

• Aggressive
Angel is always ready to attack someone verbally or even physically, and it doesn't take much to get his anger going.

• Profiteer
There isn't a bad situation, may it be his or someone else's, he doesn't try to gain from.

• Graceful
When trying to impress, Angel can be quite the gentleman, even if it might become obvious after truly knowing him that it's a simple masquerade

• Stubborn
Angel doesn't take no for an answer, and it's hard to make him change opinion.

• Sensitive
Though he tries hard to hide it, comments or such reach Angel with not as much difficulty as he'd like.

• Manipulative
If there's something he wants, it won't matter who or what is in the way.

• Insecure
"No, I'm not!"

• Flirtatious
He will not give up suggestive or innapropiate comments easily.

• Secretive
He does not like sharing his family history, to anyone

• Passionate
Though this is a side of him Angel keeps hidden, when there is something he likes particularly he could talk about it for hours

"you're in my space."



Angel always had difficulty relating to those of his age, mostly because he'd inherited his social skills from an easily angered step-father and an equally easy drunk mother. He was actually overweight most of his childhood, and the only way he knew to defend himself from bullies was hit back twice as strong, and that remained an habit even after he'd lost weight and gained popularity in school. Though intelligent Angel was never appreciated by any teacher if not one, Miss McGallen, who saw the potential behind the bully's outskirt. He excelled mostly in math and chemistry, and perhaps if he managed to pass the year with good grades he could get himself a scholarship. But when Angel referred the teacher's words to his mother and step-father the answer was abrupt and violent enough to convince Angel to never speak with Miss McGallen again. With no one left to believe in him, not even himself, Angel's future does not seem to shine too brightly.

name • angel 'gallavich' simoncelli

nickname • angy (he'll kill you), satan

age • 17

ethnicity • caucasian
(60% british, 40% american)

gender • cismale (he, him)

orientation • heterosexual

birth date • september 23th

likes • soccer, math, rap music, horror movies, dancing

dislikes • small spaces, cigars, insects, birds, literature

position • camper


hair • angel's hair is dark brown and is soft to the touch.

eyes • a light blue-green colour

body • tall, lean

height • 6'2

weight • 162 lbs

particular signs • some freckles on his nose and cheecks | small scar on his left cheekbone


• calls every woman on the planet baby, or princess

• sits with his legs wide open, unless someone points it out or he notices for himself

• cannot stay still for more than five minutes

• terrified of birds, but he'll never tell you

• if you get on his nerves, he'll have his revenge

• laughs to annoy people during arguments

• cracks his neck everytime he is nervous

• is a light sleeper

• can pick at any lock

• can solve most problems in seconds

• if anyone mentions his real father with the intent to insult Angel, that person might as well run

• photographic memory

• can make great impressions


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~Marco Galbo~

Nickname/Allies: Galbo

Age: 16

January 22

Height: 5'9"

Appearance: Marco is a lean and fairly fit individual with black hair, green eyes and darkish skin. He also has a small scar on the right-hand side of his lip.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity: Italian/America

Position: Camper

Personality: Marco is cocky and witty with a snarky "in-your-face" attitude, yet makes it up with his goofy, fun-loving and brazen personality. He's a very social, confident and outrageous person who loves to be out and about, whether it be going on an adventure, getting rowdy at a huge party, or even performing wild and reckless stunts that could potentially land him in a hospital bed. He can be a good leader, but due to his quick temper and audacious nature, he is bound to make foolish decisions. He has a penchant for causing mischief, making himself infamous for his elaborate pranks. Despite this, though, Marco is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and will watch out for them no matter what, even if it means getting into a fight.

Due to living a life of extreme poverty in the streets of New York before he moved in with his uncle and aunt, Marco learned how to fight, steal and survive at a very young age. From defending himself against local thugs to scamming people for their money to buy food for his mother, Marco had to rely on his fists and his wits to stay alive. Even though he is now in a much better place than he was previously, Marco can still get very aggressive and angry when provoked, frustrated, or when he feels that his friends/family are being harassed or harmed. Not only that, but Marco usually keeps his true emotions and sorrows to himself, afraid that he wold make himself out to look weak and pitiful of he expressed them. Because of this, Marco has a difficult time trusting new people and can make himself look like a bully, unless he's gotten to know them for a long time or finds himself attracted to them. This is even more so with people whom he dislikes or shows jealousy towards.

Due to the many difficult times he had in his childhood and the many poor decisions he regrets making, Marco holds much guilt and self-hatred towards himself, and envies people who grew up having better lives than he did. But because of his fear of making himself look weak and pitiful, he hides his sorrows with the smile his friends and relatives came to know him for. He cherishes his relationship with his uncle and aunt, and is deeply thankful that they came into his life when he was at his lowest point. He also cherishes his relationship with his close circle of friends, them being Richard Davison, Abigail Chanler, and Abraham Moya. Though he hangs out with Abraham like a friend, Marco secretly has a crush for him, since him and Abraham have had more history together than any of Marco's friends and family.

- Italian Food
- Parties
- His Friends & Family
- Pranks & Mischief
- Video Games
- Snakes (Namely Anacondas)
- Rough Housing
- Adventure
- Jazz
- Dogs
- Abraham

- Cats
- Mainstream Music
- Politics
- Wealthy People
- Being made fun of

Background: Born in the rough streets of New York, Marco's father went to join the army, abandoning him and his mother. Because they were very poor and had to live in a small apartment room in one of the rougher streets of the city, Marco beaten and harassed on a daily basis by the local thugs. Though he respected his mother, Marco would eventually grow tired of feeling defenseless against his environment and taught himself how to fight, much against his mother's disapproval. Not only that, but Marco would learn how to pick-pocket wallets from people in order to get the money needed to play for the house bills and for food. This became the way of life for Marco, until his mother would begin dating a handsome, wealthy man; the only problem being was that this man was an arrogant and abusive moron who who only became rich by smooching off of his father's wealth.

No matter how much Marco protested against his mother, his mother wanted to marry this rodent of a man so that she and Marco could live a better life and give Marco the best education. But Marco would only resist, and soon, the relationship between Marco and his mother would deteriorate as Marco began to rebel against his mother and her boyfriend. But on one night, while he and his mother were having their worst argument yet, his mother ended up snapping in rage and threw a knife at Marco, slicing his lip. Though his mother was horrified of what she'd done, Marco's rage had reached it's boiling point, and he stormed out of the house and ran away from home.

Life only became harder for the young boy, for while he had it pretty bad before, he now had no roof above his head, or a mother to bring him comfort. He was homeless. But from what seemed to have been God aiding him during his darkest time, Marco would eventually run into his uncle and aunt in a cafe. Wearing in relief as he embraced them, his aunt would call Marco's mother to find out what had happened. But upon getting no reply, she ended up driving to the apartment complex where Marco and his mother originally lived at, and found that it was completely empty. Marco's mother had moved in with her boyfriend out of guilt and desperation, graced with incredible wealth but doomed to live in a abusive environment.

Relationships: Abraham; though treats him as a best friend, Marco secretly has a crush on him (character sheet coming soon)​
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~Marco Galbo~



January 22

Marco is a lean and fairly fit individual with black hair, green eyes and darkish skin. He also has a small scar on the right-hand side of his lip.


Marco is cocky and witty with a snarky "in-your-face" attitude, yet makes it up with his goofy, fun-loving and brazen personality. He's a very social, confident and outrageous person who loves to be out and about, whether it be going on an adventure, getting rowdy at a huge party, or even performing wild and reckless stunts that could potentially land him in a hospital bed. He can be a good leader, but due to his quick temper and audacious nature, he is bound to make foolish decisions. He has a penchant for causing mischief, making himself infamous for his elaborate pranks. Despite this, though, Marco is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, and will watch out for them no matter what, even if it means getting into a fight.

Due to living a life of extreme poverty in the streets of New York before he moved in with his uncle and aunt, Marco learned how to fight, steal and survive at a very young age. From defending himself against local thugs to scamming people for their money to buy food for his mother, Marco had to rely on his fists and his wits to stay alive. Even though he is now in a much better place than he was previously, Marco can still get very aggressive and angry when provoked, frustrated, or when he feels that his friends/family are being harassed or harmed. Not only that, but Marco usually keeps his true emotions and sorrows to himself, afraid that he wold make himself out to look weak and pitiful of he expressed them. Because of this, Marco has a difficult time trusting new people and can make himself look like a bully, unless he's gotten to know them for a long time or finds himself attracted to them. This is even more so with people whom he dislikes or shows jealousy towards.

Due to the many difficult times he had in his childhood and the many poor decisions he regrets making, Marco holds much guilt and self-hatred towards himself, and envies people who grew up having better lives than he did. But because of his fear of making himself look weak and pitiful, he hides his sorrows with the smile his friends and relatives came to know him for. He cherishes his relationship with his uncle and aunt, and is deeply thankful that they came into his life when he was at his lowest point. He also cherishes his relationship with his close circle of friends, them being Richard Davison, Abigail Chanler, and Abraham Moya. Though he hangs out with Abraham like a friend, Marco secretly has a crush for him, since him and Abraham have had more history together than any of Marco's friends and family.

- Italian Food
- Parties
- His Friends & Family
- Pranks & Mischief
- Video Games
- Snakes (Namely Anacondas)
- Rough Housing
- Adventure
- Jazz
- Dogs
- Abraham
- Cats
- Mainstream Music
- Politics
- Wealthy People
- Being made fun of

Born in the streets of New York, Marco's father went to join the army, abandoning him and his mother. Because they were very poor and had to live in a small apartment room in one of the rougher streets of the city, Marco beaten and harassed on a daily basis by the local thugs. Though he respected his mother, Marco would eventually grow tired of feeling defenseless against his environment and taught himself how to fight, much against his mother's disapproval. Not only that, but Marco would learn how to pick-pocket wallets from people in order to get the money needed to play for the house bills and for food. This became the way of life for Marco, until his mother would begin dating a handsome, wealthy man; the only problem being was that this man was an arrogant and abusive moron who who only became rich by smooching off of his father's wealth.

No matter how much Marco protested against his mother, his mother wanted to marry this rodent of a man so that she and Marco could live a better life and give Marco the best education. But Marco would only resist, and soon, the relationship between Marco and his mother would deteriorate as Marco began to rebel against his mother and her boyfriend. But on one night, while he and his mother were having their worst argument yet, his mother ended up snapping in rage and threw a knife at Marco, slicing his lip. Though his mother was horrified of what she'd done, Marco's rage had reached it's boiling point, and he stormed out of the house and ran away from home.

Life only became harder for the young boy, for while he had it pretty bad before, he now had no roof above his head, or a mother to bring him comfort. He was homeless. But from what seemed to have been God aiding him during his darkest time, Marco would eventually run into his uncle and aunt in a cafe. Wearing in relief as he embraced them, his aunt would call Marco's mother to find out what had happened. But upon getting no reply, she ended up driving to the apartment complex where Marco and his mother originally lived at, and found that it was completely empty. Marco's mother had moved in with her boyfriend out of guilt and desperation, graced with incredible wealth but doomed to live in a abusive environment.

Abraham (character sheet coming soon)​
Hey, if he's going to be a camper can you make him a little younger?

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