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Fantasy Call of the Sacred Wild

Darkiplier said:
Character limit ???
So long as you can maintain them, I don't care

[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]Can I make a shark humanoid.

I'll allow it
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umm. can we having a posting order possibly? Just a suggestion, it just helps me make good content.
Cartreck said:
umm. can we having a posting order possibly? Just a suggestion, it just helps me make good content.
No can do

A posting order will stagnate the RP as soon as someone goes AFK for any more than an hour

I speak from personal hosting experience

[QUOTE="Abdel featherfall]Yo mind if I just jump in there?

Go ahead
Okay, it's just kinda easier on me. I take time when preparing and when someone does something unexpected, I get thrown off haha. but I understand
I go by the 30 minute rule with posts. If in active RP and everybody but one has posted I wait 30 min before posting again. About of time dependent on the group in general though.
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Yo... I completely forgot. No he doesn't lol. Oh that is going to be so much fun to play with lol
Well, in all technicality, if we go by elven years, Kiervan is older lol (he'd be like. 110)
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Sorry guys, I guess I should drop out. I didn't realize there was a 1 hour rule. Since I have a full time job and sometimes commitments in the evenings (tonight was D&D night), I won't be able to meet your expectations. I guess I'll have to drop the site altogether, which is a bit saddening, but thems the breaks. Hope you guys have an awesome time, and sorry again for wasting your time.
VanDare said:
Sorry guys, I guess I should drop out. I didn't realize there was a 1 hour rule. Since I have a full time job and sometimes commitments in the evenings (tonight was D&D night), I won't be able to meet your expectations. I guess I'll have to drop the site altogether, which is a bit saddening, but thems the breaks. Hope you guys have an awesome time, and sorry again for wasting your time.
It's not so much a rule just be able to come up for a valid story for your character or just say he tagged along if you have to leave mid RP.
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I just can't with @Kylesar1's characters, I die everytime I see the drastic difference in lady cyan and fay... er fey... I can't remember now.
Cartreck said:
I just can't with @Kylesar1's characters, I die everytime I see the drastic difference in lady cyan and fay... er fey... I can't remember now.
Well Rey is brash and probably a dumbass

Lady Cyan is an immortal fairy adviser to her Queen
*Facepalm af* Right Rey... I just love the diversity between the two lol. There is usually never a person willing to have such contrasting characters when I RP lol
ChronosCoded said:
"Well Rey is brash and probably a dumbass."
This shit.

This shit made me laugh.
The "Probably a dumbass" got me. I feel like I should go to bed at.... .... ..1:45 am.... What am I doing with my life. how am I a functional human being... though I am also just having way to much fun right now. I can't sleep haha
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