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Realistic or Modern Caeldwell School - Character Creation



Haunted and Beautiful.
Alright - so in order to make a character, a basic understanding of the five classes is needed. It's also important to note that powers must be specific and balanced, and that in my given examples, the character(s) would have ONE and not ALL of the abilities.

Without further ado, let's look at the classes:

1. Elemental.
The ability to manipulate or manifest an element.
(Ex. Throwing fireballs; Turning things to ice by touch; Creating earthen Golems.)

2. Conjurer.
The ability to summon at will a creature, or object into physical space.
(Ex. Make appear a massive wolf-beast; Conjure a sentient dagger; Summon an invisible bird or bird-like thing.)

3. Changer.
The ability to reform, reshape, or change any aspect of your physical form.
(Ex. Growing wings; Changing into any kind of beast; Body stretching.)

4. Talker.
The ability to enforce ones will using voice, and to communicate with the typically incommunicable. (Talker's must all choose a specialization - its more about communication than coercion.)
(Ex. Commanding trees to uproot and fight; Talking to certain bird species; Talking to material- like paper.)

5. Mystic.
The ability to manipulate the mind, and operate within the ethereal.
(Ex. Dream walking; Mind reading; Putting people to sleep by touch.)

It should also be noted that certain powers, would be considered 'multi-class'. For instance, if you can turn your body into water - that would make you and Changer and an Elemental.

Now, onto the Character Sheet:

Sexual Orientation:
Detailed physical description - or picture:

Specific Explanation of Power (Including drawbacks, if any):

Character Background:

I'm happy to help out in any way I can, so feel free to message with any questions!
Name: Killian Felis

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Detailed physical description - or picture:


Specific Explanation of Power (Including drawbacks, if any): Killian can shapeshift into the form of a lion. While an animal he cannot speak to most other people though he can speak to telepaths and to his sister through an odd link they share. He carries very few perks of being a big cat in human form, such as night vision and a slightly enhanced sense of smell though it ends right there. He is a little stronger then his sister as a cat.

Class/Sub-class: Changer

Name: Charlotte Felis

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Detailed physical description - or picture:


Specific Explanation of Power (Including drawbacks, if any): Charlotte can shapeshift into a tiger. While a tiger she cannot speak to most people but she can communicate with telepaths and her brother through an odd link they share. As a human she has a few perks of being a tiger, such as night vision and an enhanced sense of smell. She is a little quicker then her brother as a cat.

Class/Sub-class: Changer

Character Backgrounds: Where the Felis siblings came from isn't really known, they never really speak about having parents or a former home to speak of. For the better parts of their lives they spent their time wandering the around in the wilderness living in their beastial forms. They were doing quite well for themselves until reports of a lion and white tiger began to cause rumors which warranted an investigation. They were thought to be escaped zoo animals until Killian switched into a person upon spying them. The siblings were 'rescued' after that though Charlotte would very much disagree with that term. They have bounced around a few different institutions before being brought to the Caeldwll school. The two of them have been waiting for classes to start at this point. Killian is adapting better to life as a pretty much full time human much better than Charlotte is.
Yeah, this looks great - and the characters are fantastic.

Everything looks good!

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