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Fandom C L*A N N A D - Out of Character ?


I'm still waiting on the posts from @Kazuko, @Legulus and @Ezri. I want to give them the time they need before we go on to far. I have asked them how they're doing on the post. We should have patience for now. I'll keep you updated.

Just thought I'd let you know.
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Hm... I don't think I've done a male character in awhile buuut... Probably a withdrawn, booky type. Super smart, but doesn't get out much?
Hmm, I was thinking of doing.... darn, I can't think of any. 

At first I was planning to do a sporty person but we've already got two guys like that.

After that, I thought of playboy but I don't have much experience in that field

Then for some reason, I got an idea of basically making an equivalent to Berserker from Fate Stay Night 


Basically a big brute who is few of words but ferocious in combat but then this is a school rp. Well maybe I can just make him really bulky and tall with a lot of strength

Wait, now I got a very random idea. A person who acts like a samurai from the past.

Then I had the idea of a person who talks through his computer.

What do you think?

You've got some wacky ideas, that's for sure. But they're all good in their own ways, which now I kind of totally want to make mine a playboy, haha. I think a guy talking through his computer is a neat idea, but maybe more elaboration? I mean. Why does he talk through his computer?

@Forest Dragon Slayer
Okay, so I'll be going with the talking with computer guy and you'll either be doing the playboy or the quiet book boy?

And as for the traumatic event that leaves him unable to talk, do you think him saying something that led to a person's death would be too far/dark? He didn't think anything would happen when he said it though.

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Sounds good. How about this? We say that the bell is ringing and they have to hurry and find their class assignments, only to find they're all in the same class. Me and and Cronix are still making our secondary characters so maybe we can have them come in during our speed date thing. As in they also happen to be passing by.



@J e s t e r



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