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Fantasy Build Us Up With Love and War, My Fair Lady...

Nori jumped out of the taxi, into the pouring rain. She nodded at the driver and thrusted a 20 dollar bill at him. "Keep the change," she said, before turning and running. The rain was cold, and she hated the cold. She made it through the school's gates, at this point totally soaked. "Ugh... I hate this," she muttered, before finding refuge under a tree. Stupid place. Doesn't even have open fires... Can't believe it, Nori thought, as she began radiating heat, trying to get warm.

(there's a starter post sorry it's so short)
Vex walks up to the gate of the school "Well then this is something else" He see the girl run in past him and starts to walk in to see were he should go for a room and classes to start his day off. after walking in he walks around the school to get the lay out of the building in his head and all the new things he has never seen before he was kicked from his last pack. Vex looks around and walks to his room and unlocks his door to his room "so this is my new home i will be staying at its not bad." he fell down in to the bed and looks around thinking to him self.
Once Nori got warm, she glared out at the rain again. I shouldn't have bothered.. I'll just get wet again when I go inside, she thought irritably, before sprinting inside the building. She went up to the front desk, got her room key and schedule, and stalked upstairs to the rooms. 108, 109... 112!! She walked up to the door and unlocked it, then went inside. Glancing around carelessly, she tossed her only belonging other than the bracelet, which was a small camera, onto her bed. She then closed her eyes in deep concentration as she began to radiate a white-hot glow, and in a matter of moments she was perfectly dry, as if she hadn't been outside at all. Now a bit tired, she fell back onto her bed and fell asleep, having completely forgotten to even shut her door, which was now a bit singed from exposure to the heat.
Vex walks back out of the room and looks around thinking some one had just walked by his door "hum?" he walks out and looks around a little more and see the half open door the was burnt "well looks like someones having a back day" being a wolf he wonted to see who was in side and give them a friendly hello as he starts to walk in he looks around the door just poking his head in and see a girl laying on the bed.
Nori rolled onto her side, her breathing even. Huh... What's this?... I swear I can smell a soul... But there isn't anyone near me... It's a good one, too... she thought, before waking up and opening her eyes to see some boy looking at her. She got up and looked at him, before saying, "Who're you?... Why are you at my door?..."

"well you see i was just BYE!" he started running and drops a ice ball on the ground freezing the ground around him making him have to slide down the hallway on ice "god why do this happen to me out of everyone here just me i just happen to be the only one he made his way out side and turns in to his beast form and hides some were

(sorry its so small )
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Okay.. that was a thing, Nori thought, before running out of her room, but stopping once she saw the ice in front of her. "Crap.. Ice. Why, of all things, ice?!" she demanded, before sighing. There was no way in hell she'd be able to melt all of the ice. And also, she could feel the chill from the ice starting to affect her. So she did the smart thing: She backed away from the ice and simply jumped all the way down the stairs, barely managing to land without breaking every bone in her body. Damn.. That actually went well, she thought, before running outside and looking around, trying to ignore the rain drenching her. "Where'd he go?" she asked herself, looking in every direction and sniffing. Unfortunately, all she could smell was mud and wet paint, and no good soul. She sighed, before sitting down on a bench, shivering. Crap.. shouldn't have come back out here. It's gotten colder.. I won't be able to get warm again, she thought, shivering more.
Vex walks past her in his beast form and looks at her he seemed to be dry as the rain falls off if his fur coat he sits a bit away from her as for if she noticed it was him and sits under a tree as he looks up he howls at the dark sky and the sky starts to clear and the rain stops his fur turns from black and red to a gray and yellow has sparks grow around his paws he smiled and stays were he is.
Nori stared at the beast, and her eyes followed it to the tree. She then noticed it had stopped raining, and she was very shocked. She felt herself beginning to dry off, and heat radiating from her again. She got up, and walked slowly over to it. "Hello.." she said softly, still looking at it in awe. It's nice, she thought. Feels a bit familiar, somehow.. Must just be me.

Vex sits there he was 6ft siting down as he was he started thinking "well this is somewhat working for me so just be a wolf Vex and she may not try to kill you for looking in on her as she was taking a nap" Vex looks down at her

Sorry it really small cant think of much )
(Lol thats fine I cant think of much either)

Nori stared up at it, for once in her life feeling like she wasn't the biggest, most powerful thing. "You're pretty," she said, the corners of her mouth lifting up just a bit. She inhaled again, and blinked confusedly. It smells exactly like that other one... The heck??? She sighed before sitting down next to the wolf and smiling a tiny bit. "You look a bit scary, but you wouldn't hurt anyone, would you?.."

Vex shacks his head no he wouldn't do that and smiled his tail moved around as he looked at her well his fur chanced and went back to black and red and he lays down around her feet laying there still thinking "is this really working well i am going to have to work with it she desent seem to be that mean he looks back up at her
Nori smiled more, and her eyes widened when the wolf changed color. Black and red.. How pretty, she thought, before reaching out a shaking hand to pet him, channeling the heat away from her hand so as not to burn the beautiful wolf.

Vex smiled as he layed there seeing her hand moving over to him as he sits their he looks around his tail waving around showing he was happy "so this is what a dog has to do day to day i could get use to this"
Nori smirked. "It was that easy to figure it out, huh? Guess I need to be a bit more discreet." She then got up and stretched. "Oh yeah, and why were you at my door watching me sleep?" She glanced at him with curious eyes.


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