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Realistic or Modern bubblegum bitch

It was Jumi's first time ever attending college. Jumi's mother and father were slightly disappointed she only started at the age of twenty. In reality, Jumi had only used that time to get low-ranked jobs so she could finally move out of her parents. These jobs consisted of several fast food places and grocery stores, the places you would be able to get without any college degree. It certainly helped the fact that Jumi had exceptionally well grades in high school. She guessed her studying all those nights finally paid off for her. Jumi had already woken up from her deep slumber, her loud, usual phone alarm woke her up at six in the morning. Currently, she was sitting on her bed, browsing through her Instagram feed and responding to a few text messages from her mother. Jumi lived in a small studio apartment. Even though she worked for so long, the pay wasn't the best, and she wanted to save up for her college tuition. The quality of her studio apartment wasn't top-notch, but it was something she could handle and call home. Certainly not something for more than two people to be living in, though.

Jumi groaned, slowly getting up from her bed and rubbing her eyes. She then proceeded to do her usual 'morning routine'. It consisted of what usually everyone does, nothing too out of the ordinary. After Jumi was done with her shower, she hurriedly washed her face and applied some witch hazel and moisturizer. Jumi let out a quick sigh, ruffling her damp hair as she searched for a decent outfit to wear for the day. After a quick minute, she found a seemingly good outfit choice and threw it on. Snatching her phone off her bed, she noticed how it was 6:40 and how she still had an hour to get to her class. Her psychology class started at eight in the morning, which was a huge release to Jumi once she heard.

Jumi slid on some black vans and her dark blue backpack that was previously laying on the side of her bed. She slung the backpack over her shoulders and quickly stuffed her wallet into the small pocket in her backpack. She let out a quick breath and ruffled her hair while looking at herself in the mirror. Putting on a small smile to slightly comfort herself and her anxiety, she headed out of her small studio apartment.

A small motorcycle is what she drove to different places. Having a car never really peaked her interested, and having a motorcycle just seemed a little more convenient and cool. Despite having a motorcycle, Jumi never wore a helmet, despite everyone's protest. Once she arrived at the parking lot, she quickly hoped onto her motorcycle and started it up. Luckily, she knew the way to the college she was attending, so she didn't have to use her maps app.

Jumi started driving.


After the few minutes of driving, she finally arrived at the college. She parked her motorcycle in an empty parking spot and started to walk towards her classroom. Jumi had previously written the where her psychology was on her wrist, but it faded away, so she guessed she would have to wing it. It took her about five minutes to locate her class, but she made it. Walking in, she saw how a few people were already sitting down and waiting for the professor to arrive. She wondered what time it was.

Jumi walked over towards a seat near the front and started to take out the stuff she needed for the class. She took in a deep breath and looked towards the clock.

7:40 am.

rainchuu rainchuu
Haeun was quickly doing her hair and applying her make-up in a rush to get out the house. She took a moment to glance at the time on her phone.

7:30 am

Her first class of the new school year started at 8am and if she didn't leave soon she'd be late. She quickly finished getting dressed and bolted out of her house to catch the next bus that would head to her school. She felt a bit anxious on the bus ride wishing it would go by faster as the minutes passed getting closer to 8am. It was about 7:52am when the bus finally arrived at her school. Haeun raced down the hallway trying to find her first class. After searching for what seemed like forever, she finally found it noticing that most of the class room was filled already with a few more open spots around the room. She sat down at a desk and checked her phone for the time again. It was 7:58. She sighed in relief at being able to make it to class in time that day.

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