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Realistic or Modern Broken World

[QUOTE="aja maji]okay fuck it, everytime i post it scrambles up the words and every time i code it doubles it and the whole site is just shit for me right now and im close to say fuck rp and go away for a month. i was going to post today but that's not happening so ill try tomorrow or something

Take a few breaths and leave the computer alone for a while. If you have problems posting again then let me know and I'll see what I can do to help. This site has always been a tad touchy with its BBCode and the copy and paste function is all screwed up so I understand your frustration.
Mayhem said:
@aja maji I was worried it was only me, and my bbcode-destroying-hands!!!! I can't type some symbols or add anything cause the whole thing just gets WEIRD and I have to fix it every 10 seconds.
Agreed. I have found that the copy and paste function is screwed up and sometimes BBCode duplicates itself. In that instance as you're making your post, the top right corner has an icon. If you hover your mouse over it it will say "Use BB Code Editor." You can fix the screwed up BBCode there and it should work just fine and is overall a safer bet than just trying to use the posting box.

I recommend posting from that Editor instead of the post code box for the time being until/unless they fix it.
that moment when you stay up to 1 in the morning working on a character but then you hit the refresh button and everything got erased then you realize you have zero patience and the temper management of a two year old. *sigh* expect my character to be posted b y four o'clock now. if it's not i have passed out,broken my laptop, or deleted my whole account. i'm starting to recall why i don't do rp anymore xD
[QUOTE="aja maji]that moment when you stay up to 1 in the morning working on a character but then you hit the refresh button and everything got erased then you realize you have zero patience and the temper management of a two year old. *sigh* expect my character to be posted b y four o'clock now. if it's not i have passed out,broken my laptop, or deleted my whole account. i'm starting to recall why i don't do rp anymore xD

Heh. RPing can be frustrating when sites don't cooperate. I recommend doing everything on a text document before bringing it here to the site.
yeah thats what i usually do but i took a leap of faith and god blinked. xD
[QUOTE="aja maji]yeah thats what i usually do but i took a leap of faith and god blinked. xD

Haha! It happens. I've done that several times in my time on this and other sites.
oh yeah quick question, are we all suppose to have some sort of relation with one another or will fate just mash us all together when sh*t hits the fan?
[QUOTE="aja maji]oh yeah quick question, are we all suppose to have some sort of relation with one another or will fate just mash us all together when sh*t hits the fan?

It's up to you. If you want to have a direct connection with an existing character you simply have to ask whoever owns the character if it's all right. If it's your character, then you don't need to ask yourself. That'd be a bit strange. But otherwise fate will push us together whether we like it or not.
well pallas doesn't know anyone (well she could know er well know of nils but thats only cus there both in the same economic clique) so i just want to see if thier needed to be a change of bio. but all's cool
Mine said:
Psst, if you're proposing a connection, I'm game.
i sat here for two minutes trying to figure out what psst was xD . i'll start a convo.
I don't know if anyone's interested (considering my character is the resident bitchy cheerleader...if that's the right english expression) but if anyone wants to have a connection I'm also game!
Mayhem said:
I don't know if anyone's interested (considering my character is the resident bitchy cheerleader...if that's the right english expression) but if anyone wants to have a connection I'm also game!
she could have an connection with ahmad, once i get him done, but if someone else offers then you can take theirs since i already have one going on
I was JUST reading his profile and thinking he and Pippa could easily be buddies or something, so I'm definitely interested!
YES as i was making him i was already planning out what he would say when he first met her especially since he has never seen anyone of hispanic origin before either.
Plus they both have a cocky-brat thing going on so maybe they'll get along...or not. So this will be FUN.
@Kyero I finally fixed my profile (...all this time I was counting lines instead of sentences cause I'm dumb ^-^U) so I want to know if I'm good to go and post?
,japanese, africans,greeks,hispanics ,mystery race guy. this has to be the most blended rp i have ever seen or been in.
Mayhem said:
@Kyero I finally fixed my profile (...all this time I was counting lines instead of sentences cause I'm dumb ^-^U) so I want to know if I'm good to go and post?
I'm going to presume that the first paragraph in the bio was meant to be combined with the one directly beneath it but thanks to the site's crappy copy and paste problem it looks like they're two different paragraphs.

That in mind you're good to go and may post when ready.
THIS IS KILLING ME. I'm over here at a dinner party trying to be all "everything is normal" with everyone else but in the back of my mind i'm just like "a zombie could be around every corner"

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