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Realistic or Modern Broken Mirrors

Lioness3009 said:
That is really unrealistic but if there is a semi-plausible reason she has it I don't see why not!
Other than her Mom working for Microsoft and her Dad working for Boeing...And the fact that she is from a rich family...I see no other plausible reason lol
[QUOTE="Shimakage Thunder]Other than her Mom working for Microsoft and her Dad working for Boeing...And the fact that she is from a rich family...I see no other plausible reason lol

That's plausible enough for me but it's up to you.
@Shimakage Thunder Sorry for the hiatus, I hoped Emmii would get on. I'm going to make another character so that there is another male in the story and I am not going to use Lucy until we have more people, if we ever have more people. Now we'll post more regularly.
@Shimakage Thunder My new character is up if you want to check him out. I'm going to post an opener for him.

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