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Fantasy Brine Academy - Trepidation



See the Overview tab to read the rules and lore, then head to the character sign up tab before proceeding. This RP does require that your character is accepted, so make sure you have signed up and been accepted before posting below.

Congratulations, you have been accepted into Brine Academy!

Dear ███████████,

Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you that your admission to Brine Academy has been accepted. As an Honors University, we take great pride in our students and their commitment to academic excellence. We wish to congratulate you on your accomplishments, and we look forward to you joining our campus community.

Enclosed are a variety of materials to share our excitement. In addition to information about Student Orientation and academic advising, as well as placement testing, you will also find information about campus life, ranging from student organizations to sports clubs, the University Commons to the Activity Centers, and our campus residence halls to the surrounding communities. Please take a look at the enclosed housing brochure to learn more about our housing options.

To reserve your place in the ████ class, please submit the Enrollment Deposit by ██████ ██, ████. Please fill out the provided form completely, and contact the Office of Admissions if you have any questions.

Again, congratulations on your admission to Brine Academy. I look forward to seeing you at New Student Orientation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions. We will be happy to assist you.


Office of Admissions

Whether it was this year or not, you have all received this letter at some point. The copy-pasted, oh-so-personal acceptance letter of Brine Academy has been perused by each of its students at least once. Yesterday was moving day, and every student attending had arrived at the school to pack themselves into dorms that would become their only personal space for the next year. Tomorrow, the Academy will descend into the ocean, and classes will start. Today, there is a picnic. While students are not required to attend, food and drinks are provided and many students see it as a good opportunity to get to know each other. However, many of the older students see the picnic as a waste of time. Many decide to visit the Village and hang out on their own terms, away from the chaos of the picnic. There are many locations scattered about the campus, most of which will likely have someone to interact with.

It is your choice what you do. The day is yours.
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Name: Ksenia Esfir Vikhrov

Age: 19

Gender: Female

@Sapphira @utdfan22 @PendingFate @LittleGamerFool

Ksenia heaved a light sigh as she observed the picnic from afar. The people (mostly young, fresh students) buzzed in between each other rapidly, becoming indistinguishable blobs of muted blue uniforms. From way over here, it didn't look quite as awkward a gathering as it was. It could have looked like all these people knew each other, and wanted to be there.. but they all knew that wasn't the case. The picnic was a battle of first impressions, and may the most charismatic win.

That thought made Ksenia smile as she picked a stray dandelion seed off of her navy knit sweater. She was glad her first years were behind her. She no longer needed to invent a first impression, or bumble through awkward meetings. No, all she had on her mind as she approached the crowds was nabbing a slice of that delightful looking strawberry cake that seemed to shine behind of the masses of mushy potato salad.

Ksenia hated picnic food, but that cake looked like it had just made her stopping by worth it. With expert speed, Ksenia entered the fray and was by the desserts table, waiting patiently for her portion of the sweets as if she had been there for hours.

Then, with a plate with her scrumptious looking cake on top, Ksenia sucked at her teeth as she glanced around and realized there were no empty tables. There was one that had very few, however, and Ksenia marked it for hers.

Making her way over, she greeted the stranger(s) with no hesitation: "May I join you?"

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Name: Ursa

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Name: Barry

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Ursa and Barry had contemplated if they should attend the picnic or not. The two were fine with just each other but eventually they decided they had nothing better to do so they had attended. Now they were sitting at a table, slightly regretting their decision. They knew that both of them couldn't get up at the same time or the table they had so skillfully acquired would be gone as soon as they walked away. Thus Ursa had sent Barry to fight the crowds and gather them some slightly tasty looking picnic food. The male had come back so frazzled that he had to sit down for a moment and breath before he actually handed Ursa the food he had managed to get for her.

"This was a mistake Ursa, I am not good at navigating crowds. Not to mention I hate them." Barry informed Ursa after ha had gathered himself. Ursa just laughed at him and began munching her food. It was shortly after this that a female student with nothing more than a lie of cake asked to join them.

"Of course you may." Ursa answered in response. She gave the female a friendly smile. "My name is Ursa, and this is my brother Barry. Nice to meet you." This wasn't Ursa trying to make a good first impression, this was Ursa being Ursa. Barry just nodded to the stranger and continued to eat his food. He didn't care to much for other people or speaking most of the time. It was usually Ursa who did the talking for him.
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Name: Juvio Del Vire x

Age: 20 x

Gender: Male x

Juvio pulled up his scarf slightly higher over his noise as he moved through the bottom of the crowd. His short stature meant he was wandering around people's waists, tucking his wings in as closely as he could to push his way through. As he went, he fiddled with the plain glass goggles on his head, rapidly moving new lenses atop his old ones to get a better view of the food on the table. He flattened down his coat slightly, annoying used to more temperate climates. He shivered slightly as his gloved hand grabbed two sandwiches from the edge of the table before he began navigating his way back out, munching happily on the serving. He chews it gently, savouring the flavour as he gazes around.

The area is packed with new students, all bearing the blue uniform that most would consider relatively simple and stylish. Juvio felt overdressed in the attire, having to constantly remind himself not to pull at his collar. He didn't want to make a mess of his clothes on the first day. His bad habits would do that soon enough anyway. He reached up to scratch lightly at one of the white patches intercut throughout his bushy black hair. The large crowd didn't bother him all that much, the majority of them seeming to be rather quiet. That was probably due to early shyness but he appreciated the atmosphere.

Glancing about, he noticed the majority of tables were full or close to it. Juvio wasn't the type to socialise too easily anyway, so the young Reoc glanced towards the grassy area. He found a large, sturdy tree with long branch casting a large shade. Wandering towards it while removing his black wool gloe, he ran his hand over the bark, smiling about the sturdy feel of it against his skin. He crossed his legs underneath him as his round stomach came to rest atop his knees. He pulled out his thermos and took a quick sip of the soup inside, enjoying the warm feeling wandering down his throat. The nearest table was one of the more empty ones, seeming to only have three people. Only two of whom were speaking. He sighed contentedly as he leaned his head back against the wood to doze, his heavy eyes forcibly closing from his lack of sleep from the previous night. A light snore emitted from him a moment after, sleep taking no time to claim him.

@Paroxysm @PendingFate @LittleGamerFool
Name: Jesse Uriah

Age: 19

Gender: Male

The asshole who causes trouble.

The day was boring so far. Jesse was getting pretty sick of it, honestly. Already at lunch, and he hadn't found a single thing he could laugh at. Of course, he'd pretty much skipped out on the barbecue, so most of his boredom was his own fault. Instead, he had traveled to the shopping district of the campus, betting that he'd be able to properly avoid the crappy food at the get together. He was right, but his bet backfired on him. Instead of gaining money, he was down five bucks. At least he got a nice basket of fries.

By the time he finished his fries, he'd come full circle. He'd wandered the campus, kicked a few rocks, fed a bird a fry, scared a crap ton more birds with a rock, forced himself to laugh at least at that, accidentally choked on his fries a bit while laughing, awkwardly shuffled away in hopes that no one saw, remembered that rhyme about cracks and backs, tried to step on every crack in the sidewalk, tripped on a crack, dropped the rest of his fries, thrown them at some unsuspecting geese, got chased by said geese, and ended up back at the shopping center, and for whatever reason, he still had the greasy cardboard the fries had come in. What an adventure.

He ended giving up on the idea of finding something to do in the other parts of campus and began the trek to the get together. It didn't take long, and even when he arrived, Jesse just wanted to avoid the place even more. He wasn't in the mood to make friends. His high school buddies disappeared after just one year, and though he was bitter about it, he wasn't exactly looking for replacements. Pissing someone off, on the other hand, was totally still an option.

Spotting someone lounging by a tree, Jesse glanced at the empty fry basket still in his hand. He sauntered over to the person and, without hesitation, dropped the greasy cardboard onto the stranger's face.

"Oh, whoops. Thought you were the trash. Sorry."

Name: Noishe Prozoa

Age: 21

Gender: Male

The shy one who likes history.
There were too many people. While Noishe loved a great conversation, the masses of people crowding the food tables and filling the seats around him were proving to be more intimidating than he had first imagined. He had been rather excited about the get together, eager to meet some newcomers and catch up with his friends and professors. However, his friends had decided to skip the get together, and all of the professors he liked were nowhere to be seen, and it seemed like everyone had their own strangers and friends to talk to. Perhaps he should have just stayed in his room...

No, he couldn't do that. This was his last year, most likely. He was a senior, and unless he found a postgraduate course in Brine that suited his needs (unlikely), he wouldn't be coming back. He didn't want to waste his time with the people around him. They wouldn't stay with him forever.

Whatever lump had formed in his gut was ignored, and Noishe glanced around the area to find a place to sit. He didn't want to brave the buffet tables, but he had gum. Gum was a great icebreaker. (Well, not as great as Ice Breakers, but 2nd best was fine, too.) So, he approached the crowds and pulled the package out of his pocket.

"Anyone want some gum?"

He hadn't expected the instant reaction. It didn't take long before he was gum-less, and even a little frazzled by how fast it had vanished. Where did the package even go...? He certainly hoped whoever had it would throw it away properly. He was rather miffed however when he realized that his "icebreaker" hadn't exactly worked. No one really stuck around to have a conversation, most just tossing out "thanks" before vanishing.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Screenshot_2016-03-31-10-19-03-1.png.c026bd6fe58d9e798516fe04ba718123.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Screenshot_2016-03-31-10-19-03-1.png.c026bd6fe58d9e798516fe04ba718123.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Skylar

Age: 19



The day had already been eventful for Skylar who rode one of the bikes provided by the school toward the grand lawn. She was coming from orientation for her new job at a small tablet making shop. It had been long and boring, her manager droning on for 2 hours about store policy. Slightly irritated, Sky sped over the mostly empty sidewalks, hoping she could make it before all the tables were full.

Floating impercievably over the vast ocean, the campus gave a breathtaking view of the sea. Light shone down from above through harmless fluffy clouds. The temperature was a comfortable 18c, gentle winds keeping the air cool. It was the perfect setting for a picnic, but Skylar couldn't help the knot that began twisting her insides. Social gatherings were not her thing. The ridiculous thought that everyone was staring always made her bite her nails down to the quick.

About ten minutes later, she rode the borrowed bike into the electronic stand in front of the grand lawn. After flashing her student I.D. to complete the return, she headed toward the picnic. A loud groan escaped her lips as she noted the tables brimming with noisy students. Trying not to dwell on negative, she made the free food her first stop. Almost reaching the buffet tables, a student offering gum caught her eye. She was about to take a piece when a crowd of students converged around her with the same idea. You would think he was offering cash. Once the mob cleared, she was left holding only the empty packaging.

"Uh... I think this is yours," Skylar said, awkwardly handing the stranger the empty wrapper. Jane, her new roommate was magically at her side. The tiny girl had a knack for sneaking up on people. Sky flinched, slightly startled and rolled her eyes.

"You found me. Great... Have you managed to snag a table?" the older girl asked, hopes instantly dashed when Jane shook her head solemnly. Skylar sighed and looked back toward gum lad.

"Have you had any luck finding one?" she ventured, hoping the risk would pay off.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1fb5eaa54ca05bd518a0c869d05e4aa71639335-1.jpg.6fa80d54f950997fbd1b36b11afcc2cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/1fb5eaa54ca05bd518a0c869d05e4aa71639335-1.jpg.6fa80d54f950997fbd1b36b11afcc2cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jane

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Jane was new to Brine Academy and hadn't yet developed any opinions about the school. Most of the older students grouped together in cliques, keeping to familiar faces. The younger students and transfers were left to fend for themselves across the expanse of grass and tables. Being a small person had its perks, making it easy for Jane to stick to the shadows and watch proceedings from a distance.

Students were prohibited from using their powers at the picnic, but that didn't stop the younger students from showing off. Fireballs and ice spikes flew though the air behind teachers heads. The charade was quickly becoming a game of who would get caught first. Jane pulled out her smart phone and began taking pictures, which she attached to a message to Professor Eden. Including details about the magical abilities she noticed, she scoured the crowd for impressive talent, but it didn't seem like anyone truly noteworthy was playing.

After several minutes of crowd watching, she found her roommate. It didn't take long to reach the older girl, but Jane stayed out of sight, eavesdropping on the scene. Skylar was about to take some gum from an upperclassman, but was beaten to the chase by a crowd of rowdy 1st years. It was quite comical, but Jane had learned long ago to keep emotion off her face. Silently, she closed the distance and stood next to Skylar, purposely startling her in the process. After nearly jumping out of her skin, the older girl asked Jane if she had found a table. Jane shook her head, but scanned the tables for any vacancies. However, just as she found a table with only a few occupants, Skylar turned the conversation back to the guy giving out gum.



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PendingFate said:
Name: Ursa
Age: 19

Gender: Female

Name: Barry

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Ursa and Barry had contemplated if they should attend the picnic or not. The two were fine with just each other but eventually they decided they had nothing better to do so they had attended. Now they were sitting at a table, slightly regretting their decision. They knew that both of them couldn't get up at the same time or the table they had so skillfully acquired would be gone as soon as they walked away. Thus Ursa had sent Barry to fight the crowds and gather them some slightly tasty looking picnic food. The male had come back so frazzled that he had to sit down for a moment and breath before he actually handed Ursa the food he had managed to get for her.

"This was a mistake Ursa, I am not good at navigating crowds. Not to mention I hate them." Barry informed Ursa after ha had gathered himself. Ursa just laughed at him and began munching her food. It was shortly after this that a female student with nothing more than a lie of cake asked to join them.

"Of course you may." Ursa answered in response. She gave the female a friendly smile. "My name is Ursa, and this is my brother Barry. Nice to meet you." This wasn't Ursa trying to make a good first impression, this was Ursa being Ursa. Barry just nodded to the stranger and continued to eat his food. He didn't care to much for other people or speaking most of the time. It was usually Ursa who did the talking for him.
Name: Ksenia Esfir Vikhrov

Age: 19

Gender: Female

After placing her precious cake on the table beside them, Ksenia gave a light wave. "Ksenia," she responded in turn. As she sat, she noticed another student falling asleep near a tree across from them, and for a second she wondered how some people could so easily sleep around others. Particularly with the chaos inside the picnic. Someone seemed to have made the rookie mistake of offering gum, so the volume had risen drastically in those few seconds. She shrugged the wonder away and specifically spoke to the other two before allowing herself to be distracted by her lovely slice of cake. "So, are you enjoying the schmooze-fest that is the entrance picnic?"

She looked them over after asking the question, realizing that they certainly couldn't be first years. The both of them were far too comfortable to be so, though it was clear that one of them, Barry, was more on edge than Ursa. Ksenia could guess his answer would be no, no he wasn't enjoying it at all. Ah well, at least they had found a table on the edge of the crowds.

Name: Juvio Del Vire x

Age: 20 x

Gender:Male x

The feeling of something hitting off his nose before sliding down to his lap vaguely stirred. His eyes barely forced themselves opening. He glanced about blearily before tracking down the person speaking to him. Rather than respond to his question, Juvio reached up and flicked the magnification up two levels to zoom in on their features. The mischievous twinkle in the eye and the slight smirk was missed entirely. His face was perfectly blank as he reached down and picked up the empty packet. Without batting an eyelid, he placed the cardboard into the boy's pocket. "Don't make that mistake again." He seemed to have completely missed the insincerity. Either that or he didn't care.

He flipped the goggles back to normal before leaning his head back against the tree again. "Seriously, I haven't slept in..." he glanced at the festival around him, "... at least three days, though I might have lost track of time." The heavyset boy's back leaned against the tree momentarily before he lazily raised his goggles. He began rubbing at his eyes, "What time is it anyway?" He had barely finished mumbling before he forced himself to his feet. Sleep had left him and he was completely raggedy from his draining experience. He let out a loud yawn as he glanced at the other guy. He didn't look too loud...

Juvio's wings stretched awkwardly behind as he looked out at the ongoing festivities and sighed. The noise was rapidly ratcheting up as the event wore on and Juvio couldn't help putting his hands over his ears, "That noise is infuriating..." he half mumbled to the boy with him. Glancing back at the taller boy, he adjusted his goggles to rapidly zoom in on the boy's hair. He stood there in awkward silence for a moment before asking blandly, "Is that a duck feather sitting in your hair?" Weird as it was, the boy was fairly sure there was part of a fowl patiently laying between the blond hairs. It caused Juvio to subconsciously run his hand over one of the dead white patches in his own poofy black hair.

Name: Jesse Uriah

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

The asshole who causes trouble.

Within only the first minute of interacting with the reoc, Jesse had already made a series of snapshot judgments about the boy.

First off, he looked like a proper nerd. It was probably the weird goggle things. He was also rather small, which could easily put another point in the nerd section. The reoc also seemed to take things far too literally. Who on Earth would actually mistake someone for a trash can? Either that, or he had a fuse at least a mile long. Regardless, it was still much less amusing than Jesse had anticipated.

He placed a hand on the tree the other was resting on, a bored expression overtaking his face. Wasn't lack of sleep supposed to make people easy to annoy? And what in Geyen could the kid have been doing to not sleep for three days? Right before school, nonetheless.

"Is that a duck feather sitting in your hair?"

Jesse frowned, furrowing his brow into a rather insulted expression. "A duck feather? Why would I have a duck feather in my hair?" he asked with a jab at the accessories, not entirely sure if he was being over-dramatic jokingly or not. "This one's from a summer tanager, and this one's a red-winged blackbird," he explained, lightly holding each feather in turn. "And I don't know of any sort of duck with feathers this bright a red."

Name: Noishe Prozoa

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

The shy one who likes history.

@Sapphira @Paroxysm
Noishe took the crinkled package back with a mumble of thanks, inspecting the crumpled paper with an expression akin to disappointment. Of course, it wasn't the first time he had been rendered gum-less, but it was an unpleasant feeling when it vanished so quickly. He was beginning to feel the withdrawal effects of kindness, namely wishing he hadn't offered any at all and just kept the candy for himself. It could've lasted the whole week...

However, it seemed his attempts to find someone to speak with weren't totally in vain as the person who was kind enough to return the package had decided that sticking around long enough for a couple words was worth while. Nice.

"Ah, no, not yet," came his response as he quickly glanced across the area in an attempt to find a place that was at least somewhat empty. They had this problem every year. You would think the staff would try to get more tables, but apparently not...

"Oh, wait." Apparently, they got a lucky break. Two people had left a table, leaving it nearly unoccupied. Only a single person sat there, seemingly cradling a piece of cake. ((AKA PendingFate's characters are leaving Parox's??)) "How about over there?"
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Screenshot_2016-03-31-10-19-03-1.png.87807271ed4199ebb90911902fa6b764.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Screenshot_2016-03-31-10-19-03-1.png.87807271ed4199ebb90911902fa6b764.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Skylar

Age: 19



Skylar shuffled her feet and stared down at the shoes of the stranger before her. Pink rose to her cheeks, a common occurrence that only deepened her embarassment. She hoped he didn't notice and was glad for a distraction when gum lad discovered a table. Looking in the direction he pointed, she found the nearly empty table and apparently, so did a group of first years. There was no way all of them could fit. The sole remaining inhabitant of the table would probably end up getting booted.

"I don't think we're the only ones who noticed. S-should we make a run for it?" She asked, hoping it wouldn't come to such extremes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/1fb5eaa54ca05bd518a0c869d05e4aa71639335-1.jpg.b2f503472167d27057e0097ef480b868.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/1fb5eaa54ca05bd518a0c869d05e4aa71639335-1.jpg.b2f503472167d27057e0097ef480b868.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jane

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Besides the stragglers and loners, the first years made up the largest group of table hunters. It would probably be easier to sit in the grass, but it annoyed Jane how the newbs pushed their weight around. She wanted to teach them a lesson. She bided her time while Skylar conversed, making sure none of the professors were watching.

When it was safe, Jane lifted her hand out in front of her palm up. A dark shroud rose into the air around the first years and they started screaming in terror. By the time the professors noticed, the shroud had already cleared.

"We should go while they're still distracted." Jane smiled almost imperceptibly as the younger students tried to figure out what happened.



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Name: Ksenia Esfir Vikhrov

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Don't touch the cake. @LittleGamerFool @Sapphira @utdfan22
Ksenia was somewhat proud of herself for having managed to nab a table all to herself, especially since she hadn't come to the picnic for conversation. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if she had done something so strange as to cause her tablemates to leave. It wasn't as if it would last though. Tables were in high demand these days. The boy who had been handing out gum, and two others with him appeared to be on the hunt for one. Ksenia glanced at a gaggle of first years quickly approaching, and mentally shrugged. She may not be able to enjoy her cake in peace, but maybe she would come out of the day with an army of first years fawning over her. That would be mildly amusing.

Her musings were interrupted as a dark cloud began to envelop the encroaching first years, however, and Ksenia scowled. As the darkness grew, and the first years began shouting, she cupped her arms around the plate holding her prize. Bothering first years was a normal pasttime, but she'd be damned if anyone took this from her. An instant later, she picked up an unpleasantly familiar voice, and shot a half challenging, half irritated look over her shoulder at Jesse, who was picking on some poor reoc. If Ksenia knew anything, Jesse probably had something to do with whatever magic had just happened and would lie his way scot free. She didn't say anything to the boy, but made sure he knew she was not having any of his nonsense today.

[/img]Name: Juvio Del Vire x

Age: 20 x

Gender: Male x

Race: Reoc x

The boy started shouting at him again, something about different breeds of birds. Glancing at the boy, Juvio couldn't be sure why he seemed to care so much about where exactly the feather had come from. The unkempt Reoc ran his hand through his hair messily as he fiddled with his goggles to zoom as far back as they could. He considered trying to close the goggles to block out his view but that seemed a bit extreme. "I don't want to deal with this so..." "Sorry, I'm colour-blind," Juvio lied, his tiredness covering up the false tone of his reply. "So, yeah..."

He waved at the feathers, "I'm sure they're... cool." Juvio wasn't entirely sure if that was wrong but he didn't want to be yelled at any more. The noise was starting to hurt his ears and his wings were hanging listly from his back. "I'm... gonna go get some food," he half mumbled, wandering over to grab whatever he could from one of the tables. He was in the middle of doing so when a dark cloud enveloped Juvio, his eyes almost snapping awake before his hearing was crushed by the high pitch of first year screaming all around him. He felt himself get shoved around a bit while the first years scattered before stumbling out of the rapidly clearing darkness. He gripped his mouth as he did so, his body attempting to get revenge for its poor treatment.

Before long, he was stumbling back towards Jessie, seeming to have lost all sense of direction. He dropped down next to the tree again while rubbing his ears irritably. "I'm sorry, you were saying something about geese feathers?" he said, his confusion prompting him to speak before his brain could tell him to shut up. "Why are first years so loud?" he asked the other boy. His head tilted towards the blond boy but he groaned slightly to realise there now appeared to be three of him, all standing oddly close together.

Name: Jesse Uriah

Age: 19

Gender: Male

The asshole who causes trouble.

Jesse couldn't find a way to stop the sputtering laugh that spilled out of his mouth, though he would admit that he didn't exactly try very hard. Watching the boy get almost instantly spun out of the crowds he had just entered, simply by a short-lived magical prank, was pretty damn amusing.

"How's the food?" he couldn't help but ask with a snicker.

The reoc did have a point, though. First years always seemed to be the loudest. It was almost as if they had never gone to high school. Maybe it was different for others, but in the giant, underfunded, overpopulated public schools of De Trillas, students abusing their powers to cause disturbances was common. Even in the private high school that his adoptive family had switched him into, there was always someone doing something they shouldn't. Most of the time it was Jesse himself, but that was beside the point. The point was, he expected the first years to be used to it by now. Apparently, they weren't.

"Dunno, I just think they like to scream." Jesse raised an eyebrow as he noticed the other looking a little wobbly. "You alright, there?" he asked, his voice bordering teasing.

Name: Noishe Prozoa

Age: 21

Gender: Male

The shy one who likes history.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira
Noishe was a little annoyed with himself that he had jumped along with the first years, but he nodded. He might as well take the opening provided. Dashing over to the table alongside the other two, Noishe quickly seated himself, looking a little more frazzled than one ought to be after simply tracking down a place to sit at a picnic. He really let the excitement get to him whenever there was a time cramp. It was a reason why he never liked tag. The adrenaline that built up from never being entirely sure how close you were to being tagged while running as fast as your legs could carry you didn't do well for his nerves. It kind of made it hard to breath, and not just because of the exercise.

After a couple seconds of reminding his body that, no, he was not running because something was chasing him, Noishe glanced at the other occupant at the table besides the two others and himself. "Hi, uh, sorry for, uh.. We saw a.. opening." What a way with words... At this rate, he'd have a bit of trouble making a mark on his last year in the school.
Name: Ksenia Esfir Vikhrov

Age: 19

Gender: Female

@Sapphira @LittleGamerFool @utdfan22

Ksenia diverted her attention away from Jesse and the reoc, knowing that she would only be irritated by the boy's antics, and would rather let the stranger deal with it. The screaming first years were recovering from their scare with loud questions and whining about the lost opportunity for a table, and Ksenia found herself rather pleased that the other group had made it first, yet, she still raised a questioning eyebrow in response to the boy who greeted her.

"It was a graceful entrance,"
she commented, with a glance to the other two as well, and allowed a slightly amused look. "And a lucky circumstance."

And finally, finally, she allowed herself to take the first bite of her cake. Whatever irritation she may have had for the chaos melted with the sweet strawberry frosting, and she thanked whatever forces in the world allowed for the creation of sugar. It was probably the greatest gift anyone could get, and a small smile graced her expression.

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Name: Juvio Del Vire x

Age: 20 x

Gender: Male x

Race: Reoc x

Juvio leaned his head into his hands for a moment. The dizziness slowly slipped away. Juvio took in a deep breath in that moment, rising his head to glance around. The noise was starting to give his overtired brain a headache but at least the other guy's two identical friends seemed to have left. Juvio leaned back against the tree behind him, the familiar feel of the rough bark helping him to regain focus.

He vaguely heard the question asking him about the food. Juvio's head tilted to the side. "It's alright," he said without much emphasis. "Food is food, unless its poisoned." The words were mumbled, easily missed and quickly forgotten. Juvio's brain was still stuck somewhere during the previous day... the time where it decided to be asleep.

Despite himself, Juvio actually chuckled slightly when the other kid suggested they just liked to scream. The teasing tone when Jesse asked if he was alright was either missed or ignored as he responded without much thought, "I think I'm sleep deprived. I keep seeing little gnomes running along the ground... but that might just be the first years actually." He glanced out at the younger students with a look of exasperation. "I might sound like I don't like people but it's fine. I don't really."

He got to his feet as best he could and started to dust himself down. "I could still use some food but I'm too small to get through the crowd..." he turned to Jesse calmly. "Be my buffer to get through?" His hands were in his pocket as he slouched before yawning again. He was just so exhausted that day.


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