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Fantasy Brimstone Noir (FULL) -- Commentary Track

Happy New Year guys!!!

I hope to post something in the rp tomorrow or the next day, but I somehow managed to get very sick very quickly-- oops!

In any case, have a great start to 2017 you guys!
Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in and see if everyone's doing alright, or if there's any particular posts I need to make to help spur things along a little!
I could get back into it. I sort of dropped off the face of the earth over the holidays, I live away from my family so that was the only time I got to spend time with them.

@_Line 213 If you'll still have me could you do me a huge favour and catch me up a little?
I could get back into it. I sort of dropped off the face of the earth over the holidays, I live away from my family so that was the only time I got to spend time with them.

@_Line 213 If you'll still have me could you do me a huge favour and catch me up a little?

Of course! I'll poke back in tomorrow and catch everyone up so that we'll all remember where we left off.
I'm still here Line, but our characters were just kinda going back and forth so I was letting others get back into it before I continued. Didn't want Lucas to just waltz out the front door without nothing happening for him to stick around. 

I could probably find a reason for Harian to go annoy him :P
@Baconhands @zCrookedz @Rhakun @aniking @avira @SilverFlight

I fell asleep so this is being posted really late, but here's the summary!

The meeting with Mister Brandshaw revealed that his associate, the curator Correlas Crane, was attacked, potentially over his efforts to bring yet another controversial exhibit to the Wingworthy Museum of Natural History. However, according to the account that Correlas gave Mister Brandshaw, he managed to save himself by displaying a special item he has, revealed in the meeting now taking place with him to be a pocket-watch sort of item that shifts between various supernatural symbols instead of telling the time. When his attacker, whom he did not get a good look at, was exposed to the item, they fled.

The group has now moved on to the museum; several of them are in Mister Brandshaw's office at present, while others are currently conversing with Crooked's character Lucas, who is currently attempting to steal a highly-prized staff from the Egyptian exhibit.

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