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Fantasy Bright Academy - Enrollment Papers [Need Teachers]

How would you like the Necromancy category to work at Bright Academy?

  • Necromancy split into 2 "streams", namely Clean and Foul Necromancy.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Just one ! Necromancy which acts as 1 skill, to be used as the character wishes.

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It was just a note.... I'm note sure how much you read on the Denki lore.
Enough to notice the whole 'nearly extinct race' bit. Merryl isn't even interested in a romance. If he was arranged to marry he would straight up leave even if it meant outcasted and full extinction of the race. Not all relationships are romantic. It can also mean friends.
Enough to notice the whole 'nearly extinct race' bit. Merryl isn't even interested in a romance. If he was arranged to marry he would straight up leave even if it meant outcasted and full extinction of the race. Not all relationships are romantic. It can also mean friends.
Yes I know relationships can also mean friendships.

As for being an outcast?....... :/:
Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude. I just didn't think of an Open relationship as particularly romantic. I don't normally shoot for a romance unless they are both of the same race anyways.
Yes I know relationships can also mean friendships.

As for being an outcast?....... :/:
He's not particularly fond of the Denki ways of arranged marriage. That and he's never been fond of romance in general.
Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude. I just didn't think of an Open relationship as particularly romantic. I don't normally shoot for a romance unless they are both of the same race anyways.
I hope I'm not sounding rude either. I just created the Denki race and I'm the kind of person that if they create something like the Denki race, if others want to rp that race I'm fine with that! I just want to make sure all parties are on the same foundation level as to what is going on with the race.

Like I noticed your character has white hair... So that tells me that he already went through Crystalist. Which is cool for others to see. It also tells me that teh sickness almost killed him.

And if he is more physically tough, that gives reason as to why his hair is all white and why the crystalist almost killed him. Normally by the foundation of the foundation of the sickness is based on their electrical magic. If they are more physical than magic, the sickness is worst. If they are more magical than physical, the crystalist isn't as bad.

Sorry, once again not trying to sound rude in any way, shape or form. I'm just weird... I look forward to seeing our characters interact, basically because they are both a dying race. lol. Imagine that conversation.

"You'er Denki?"
"You're Denki too?"
"well this is awkward.... " lol

I'm not saying to change anything in the CS... I'm just trying to be informative towards the Race. Sorry if I came off rude or weird.
I hope I'm not sounding rude either. I just created the Denki race and I'm the kind of person that if they create something like the Denki race, if others want to rp that race I'm fine with that! I just want to make sure all parties are on the same foundation level as to what is going on with the race.

Like I noticed your character has white hair... So that tells me that he already went through Crystalist. Which is cool for others to see. It also tells me that teh sickness almost killed him.

And if he is more physically tough, that gives reason as to why his hair is all white and why the crystalist almost killed him. Normally by the foundation of the foundation of the sickness is based on their electrical magic. If they are more physical than magic, the sickness is worst. If they are more magical than physical, the crystalist isn't as bad.

Sorry, once again not trying to sound rude in any way, shape or form. I'm just weird... I look forward to seeing our characters interact, basically because they are both a dying race. lol. Imagine that conversation.

"You'er Denki?"
"You're Denki too?"
"well this is awkward.... " lol

I'm not saying to change anything in the CS... I'm just trying to be informative towards the Race. Sorry if I came off rude or weird.
Hmm... oh right the FC, I need to make some footnotes about that. I just searched up 'lightning sorcerer' on google and that came up, he looked cool so I used it.

I thought your character was half Denki but he doesn't know about it yet.

Nah, you're cool. I would do the same if I made a race too, so I totally understand.
He's not particularly fond of the Denki ways of arranged marriage. That and he's never been fond of romance in general.
The arranged marriages are more so for them to repopulate. When I mentioned that they were almost extinct I mean like there are less than 70 of them left.

A war broke out among their tribes and it was Denki's killing Denki's. Those that survived ran and hid... And through over the hundreds of years their race is slowly dying because they aren't keeping with their own kind. The thinner their blood line the less chance of having a child with Denki blood. So if your character has both Denki parents, he would be a candidate for an arranged marriage.
Hmm... oh right the FC, I need to make some footnotes about that. I just searched up 'lightning sorcerer' on google and that came up, he looked cool so I used it.

I thought your character was half Denki but he doesn't know about it yet.

Nah, you're cool. I would do the same if I made a race too, so I totally understand.
If you want I can PM you and go over some basics of the race. ^_^ It wouldn't hurt I don't think.

Yeah Shin is half Denki and doesn't know it yet. When he does he wont really be a fan of their recent ways either. lol
If you want I can PM you and go over some basics of the race. ^_^ It wouldn't hurt I don't think.

Yeah Shin is half Denki and doesn't know it yet. When he does he wont really be a fan of their recent ways either. lol
Yo, go for it. I'll accept help, helps me figure out how to better RP a race I know nothing of or didn't create myself.
Name: Barry Mac

Age: 24

Race: Human

Student or Teacher: Teacher

History/Background: Barry was left on the steps of an orphanage when he was but a baby. As a result, no one knows his lineage, not even him. He assumes he was born of magical descent, as he has always been drawn to the idea of magic and has always been fairly good at it. Ever since he learned to read he was studying every magical text that he could get his hands on.

Growing up in a particularly poor orphanage was hard for Barry, but it never broke his pursuit of happiness and magic. He protected himself and his fellow “brothers” and “sisters” from those who would attempt to harm them using the magic that he worked so hard to perfect. Eventually, he began to host secret tutoring sessions where he taught those who asked how to defend themselves with magic.

Once he became of age(assuming 21 is the minimum age for a high tier tournament), Barry put all the knowledge he had gained towards participating in the most important magic event of the magical world, The Test of the Chosen. As he was rather young, the other contestants made fun of him, berated him, assuming he could never become one of the Chosen, but Barry didn’t heed their words. He was determined.

The test lasted two years as the number of contestants fell but refused to drop to 1. Barry was forced to test his survival skills, his decision-making skills, his magical abilities, and so much more. He was constantly faced with the threat of death as he completed every challenge that was thrown at him. Many did die, and many dropped out, but not Barry.

Right when he thought his will had broken and was about to drop out, he won. He will never forget the blessed cheers and gasps of surprise as he was announced the youngest member of the Chosen.

As he was taking time to recover from the tournament, he received a letter that asked he spend his time teaching students what he knew for their betterment. It was an offer that he could never refuse.

Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Barry is a rather happy fellow. He is known to become overly excited about magic and can talk about it for hours on end. Insults towards him tend to go through one ear and out the other, but if it’s towards anyone that he even remotely cares about be prepared for punishment. Barry is a very encouraging individual because he knows that anyone can better themselves mentally, physically, and magically if they try.

Life or death situations tend to bring out a different side of Barry though, as anyone could see if they watched his long journey of becoming one of the Chosen. His light demeanor turns dark and he grows scarily silent. He is not afraid to hurt those who would dare to harm him, or anyone he cares for.


Defensive Magic/Arts: 150

Known Defensive Spells (for now)

Counter: Self-explanatory really. Requires a Defensive Magic skill of at least 5. The user is

able to deflect any attack back at its user as long as the attack is of a skill level 5 or lower

than the counter users Defensive Magic skill.

Harden: Requires a Defensive Magic skill of at least 3. User can harden skin to prevent

injury. Extremely useful against knives or magic that might cause puncture. Can prevent injury from magic that is 20 or lower than their Defensive Magic skill level. Any magic that is between 15-10 points lower than their own Defensive Magic skill level will block only half of the damage before breaking. Any magic that is 5 or lower will only block 1/3 of the damage. This spell can also be cast on others and multiple targets. For every target affected by harden take 5 points off the amount that can be blocked before the spell breaks.

Shield Creation: Requires a Defensive Magic skill of at least 2. User can create a shield to protect themselves. It can block 5 more than the User’s defensive magic skill. At the lowest level the largest shield that the user can make is a buckler (very small shield). This lower level is what will be taught to students. The shield is holdable, throwable, etc. It is originally made out of the user’s energetic force but can be combined with Elementalis abilities. For every 10 points worth of Elementalis magic added, add 5 onto the amount that is able to be blocked.

Barrier: Requires a Defensive Magic skill of at least 30. User can create a barrier in a 10-foot radius. For every 30 points after point level 30 add 10 ft onto the allowed radius of the barrier. The barrier has health equivalent to the user’s Defensive Magic skill divided by 2. Every hit that touches the barrier reduces the barrier health by 1. This spell can also be combined with Elementalist magic. For every 5 points of Elementalis magic added to Barrier increase the Barrier health by 1.

Bind: Requires a Defensive Magic Skill of at least 20. User can prevent an enemy limb or body part to stop moving completely. For every 15 points in Defensive Magic after 20, allow the user to bind another body part. At skill level 100 the User can bind up to 5 people fully.

Disarm: Requires a Defensive Magic Skill level of at least 5. User can cause the enemies weapon to fly out of their hand. The stronger the enemy is mentally and physically the more points the user must have in Defensive Magic.

Reduction: Requires at least 5 points in Defensive Magic. User is able to reduce the impact of a hit or power of a spell by 1 point per 2 points in Defensive Magic.

Defensive Steal: Requires at least 100 points in Defensive Magic. User is able to steal any and all defensive stats from an enemy. For instance, any armor the enemy has will be taken from the enemy and put on the user. The same goes for any defensive spells the enemy is holding, like barriers and shields.

Absolute Redirect: Requires a Defensive Magic skill of at least 130. Any injury that the user receives is redirected to a desired target or multiple targets. For every additional target the injury/pain is reduced by 5%.

Motion Magic: 25

Enchantment: 15

Known Enchantment Spells

Animate: Requires an Enchantment skill level of at least 10. User can animate small inanimate objects. The larger the objects are or the more they animate requires more points in Enchantment.

Elementalis(Earth): 20

Hand-to-Hand: 40


Relationships: Barry has a great relationship with the woman who raised him at the orphanage. She is like a mother to him, whom he often sends money to give the orphans that she houses a better life. Otherwise, he doesn’t even have any friends really. Never even been on a date. He was always to busy studying magic and becoming stronger.

Classes: Defensive Action

Other: Barry has been training for years in martial arts and hand to hand combat.
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krsna250 krsna250 Oh my, it looks like I accidentally left some skills inside the spoiler. I fixed it now. I was assuming hand-to-hand combat fell under defensive arts, but I can change around his skills and points if need be :)
NightMoves NightMoves Defensive for hand to hand combatmay be part of defnsive arts but offensiv action isn't, only how to defend against it. Bright doesnt offer hand to hand offense due to its reputation as a magic school, but if charavters self study that's all good.
Name: Elijah Grey

Age: 17

Race: Human

Student or Teacher: Student

History/Background: Eli grew up without any siblings. His mother and father are fairly well-known adventurers and treasure hunters. When he was but a child, they would take him to the mysterious corners of the world. He’s seen creepy ghouls, magical butterflies, all sorts of otherworldly creatures, and most types of magic. His parents were nowhere near magical, but he somehow was. Elijah found himself being able to light dark caves with the snap of his fingers and make a working compass out of thin air.

Having no physical address, it was odd how the Bright Academy letter had reached him in uncharted waters. Leaving his parents without their walking lamp was a hard decision for him, but he knew that he had to pursue his magical abilities so he could explore the world, much like his parents, in a new light. There were things that only magic could do.

Orientation: Straight

Personality: Elijah is a curious and adventurous individual. He likes to know things, and therefore knows quite a few things. Having never made an actual friend before, Eli can be a slight bit awkward, but he definitely tries his best. Having no friends doesn’t mean that Elijah is shy or unapproachable, actually he is quite the opposite of those two things, he just has never stayed in one place for more than a month at a time.

Eli is also extremely brave and adaptable, as one has to be to enter forbidden tombs and corrupted forests.


Elementalist(Light): 20

Known Light Spells:

Need a Light? Requires 5 points in Elementalist(Light). The user is able to produce light from their skin, allowing them to become a literal walking lamp. The more points the user has in Elementalist(Light), the brighter the light can be.

Manifestation: 10

Known Manifestation Spells:

Compass: Requires 3 points in Illusion magic. The user is able to materialize a non-physical, working, compass. Elijah personal combines this spell with his light magic to use in extremely dark conditions.



Relationships: The relationship with his parents is quite good. They frequently send him letters of their adventures. Other than that he’s never had a girlfriend or a friend, unless you count a litter of cats that he once fed on the streets that followed him for weeks on end.

Classes & Time Slots:

Manifestation: 9:00 - 10:00

Elementalis: 11:00 – 12:00

Clean Necromancy: 14:00 - 15:00

AP Mythical Biology: 24:00 – 2:00
krsna250 krsna250 I didn't know whether compass fell under Manifestation or Illusion since I'm finding it rather hard to wrap my head around Manifestation, but if I picked the wrong one in my sheet I can change it accordingly :)
Name: Raymond Thorn (Mr.Thorn) (Spade if he's cool with you;D)
Age: 28
Race: Human

Student or Teacher: Illusion Teacher

History/Background: Raymond was born to a family of illusionist he respected the craft and wanted to be like his father when he grew up. The last of the great magicians, unfortunately he was taken by the government, they tuned his illusion magic and taught him a little bit here and there on other useful magic for intelligence gathering. He was sent off on his first mission at the age of 22. For the next 6 years he would carry out anything asked of him until his first assassination attempt, which failed, on a prime minister in some rival country. In order to lay low and let the heat pass by he decided he would look for a job teaching somewhere, so he asked himself what better than the prestigious Bright Academy he had heard about. He had applied a few years ago to get a decent alibi, and lucky him the acceptance letter came in right when he needed it most.

Orientation: HeteroSexual

Personality: For the most part Raymond is a very laid back person. He is always scheming or putting something together behind this composure though. He seems lazy through his way of dealing with things which is somewhat true but he honestly is just trying to seem useless so he looks three times as awesome when something does happen.

Skills :
Color Spray- This spell requires 5 points and upon being activated this spell blinds your designated target for (#=illusion skill points) seconds allowing you to escape or hide. The effect that blinds them is usually a loud exploding light but can also be "paint" or what the target perceives to be paint.
Disguise Self - When you cast this spell you make facial appearance slightly different and those who know you or speak to you commonly will see through this guise, the difficulty for this spell is 15 points.

Blur- You can censor yourself from those around you making you appear contorted and blotted out, if stared at directly. This spell can be used to enter back into crowded areas, if not directly starring at you it just makes you seem like an average person in the crowd even if you are bleeding out. The difficulty 35 points

Magic Mouth- You can record you voice and implant it on everyday objects and leave a special trigger on it such as entering a room or a certain command word. When your voice is activated it can seem louder, echoed, or different from your own this makes the difficulty 5 points higher per special modification, with a base difficulty of 20.
30-Light Necromancy
50-Defensive Arts


Relationships: OPEN

Classes: Illusion
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Lilith Lillyia

Life is
βasic ɨnformation:

Character's Name: Lilith Lillyia

Student or Teacher: Student

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: March 30

Age: 17

Race: Butterfly summoner

Sexuality: Bi


• HEIGHT • 5'7" and 1.70 meters.

• WEIGHT • 89.4 kg and 197 lbs.

Build: Lanky and lean

Eye color: Heterochromatic, One eye is the color of scottish Heather (a type of purple) and the other is crimson.

Hair color/style: Her hair is a reddish brown and styled short.

But an

Lilith is a bit of an airhead and will stare at her butterflies, contemplating how to improve them, or have her nose in a book. She is also somewhat apathetic to people from being raised by an Apathetic person herself, so she has rare moments of little emotion. Most of the time, she likes to question and have a smile on her face. Beware her curiosity, she will pursue whatever catches her eye but she leaves it if asked politely.

Lilith has the powers of summoning butterflies, either via illusion or actual butterflies. Each butterfly is crimson and on each left wing is a small rune, different runes equal different effects, and they can combine to create other runes or effects. Where this power/skill would be is Manifestation Or Illusion.

Butterfly manifestation: 10
Butterfly Illusion: 10
Butterfly Healing: 10

Limits: She can only summon 2-3 without being drained but when she becomes frightened or surprised, she pushes out 9-10 butterflies, its an unconscious ability that she does this.

Weaknesses: If she pushes out too many butterflies, she will become a bit anemic and exhausted/faint.
Of Time

Lilith was born to a low class magi family, having small abilities to manifest objects or small things, nothing big and fancy. She never had a lot growing up and she never really asked for much from her parents, being loved by all her family was what she only wanted. Her ability was much like her family, manifesting small items or objects. They never really stood out with their abilities, but when her parents were asked to manifest a jar for spirit that needed to be sealed, they manifested one, and the client left. They feared the jar wouldn't strong enough to do as the client asked, and asked a family friend to raise their daughter if worst came to pass. Their family friend, a shapeshifting witch doctor, agreed to raise Lilith if they died.

The worst had come to pass and Lilith was taken by the family friend to be raised, and the encounter left a bit of a scar on her. Her ability changed from manifesting small items or objects to manifesting butterflies. The family friend, Lixue Rose, helped Lilith with her ability and try to master it. So far, Lilith has been working hard to make the butterflies become elemental butterflies but to no avail.

Classes&Time Slots:
Illusion: 9:00-10:00
Healing: 11:00-12:00
Manifestation: 14:00-15:00

Code by @Starfish

Let me know if she needs tweaking, this was done at an early time (my time) and will possibly try to add the teacher for Manifestation.
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Name: Silus Lefebvre

Age: Ageless. The concept of age does not exist in his race. The age they appear as, however, reflects their maturity and state of mind.

Race: One of the phantasmagoria. The phantasma are a race without country or solidarity. Their conception is a rare phenomena, but their ageless properties have allowed enough of them to survive to count them among the more populated of races. The phantasma are a result of time, for they are your everyday, ordinary items who have had a sufficient multitude of feelings imprinted upon them from the people who used them, resulting in a fledgling, yet independent spirit growing inside the item. It is unknown what catalyst is required to conceive a phantasma, but there is no strict patten. Existing phantasma include minute things like daggers to large scapes like towns. This spirit requires years of self-cultivation before the item, itself, gains anomalous properties(a halfway mark in their maturation process) and eventually, develops a physical body that represents their state of mind. Things such as the general theme, colour scheme, physique, and disposition are indicators of the emotions that were imprinted upon them before their conception, but other aspects such as their clothing or appearances are choices of their own. Their age, however, represents their level of maturity and state of mind. This gives them some capacity as innate shapeshifters, but they are incapable of changing themselves entirely. At most, they can change their skin tone, hair colour, hair length, and eye colour. However, they can also transform, or partially transform, between the item they once were(their true form) or their bodily forms. As an item, they have no orifice to speak with ordinarily, so the entire item vibrates mildly, causing oscillations in the air that resembles human speech in sound. They live for as long as the item that they are exists, and this item acts as the core of their being. If their physical body is too heavily damaged, they may be unable to maintain physical form, and have to retreat into their item forms to recuperate. They can be permanently destroyed if the item that serves as their core is destroyed, but the fact that the item has lasted long enough for the phantasma to achieve maturity testifies for its own survivability.

Student or Teacher: Teacher of Manifestation

History/Background: Silus’ life prior to conception was simple and earnest. He was a studio in the stone: a warm cavern with lenses and drafting tables and anvils, but at the heart of it all was the forge. People came in and out, and he watched generations come and go, but never had they once forgotten him. There was a lot to be had in this humble studio, and the moments of pride and satisfaction visibly oozing from his masters. Humans yearn to create and break free the tethers that bind them, and he loved it. Watching lifetimes of humans struggle and fail, before finding their peace, or perhaps their success— they were but moments of emotion in the greater scheme of time. Silus enjoyed the company of humans, their exuberant passion in their craft, and all the struggles that came with their pursuit for innovation. And from this, Silus began to take shape. In the studio, a conscience began to fester, happy to be needed. But one day, the humans vanished completely. The latest smith to inhabit his walls had disappeared, along with his family, and the only things that came and went now were the animals that moved in. Frustrated without an owner, Silus’ thoughts thrashed about, trying to wonder why he had to sit there, waiting endlessly in hopes that someone would come. But they never did. Instead, Silus just wracked, and thought, pondered. Without any company, Silus was alone. Unbeknownst to him, he was already independent, and as time came by, Silus began to realise his existence. Question after question poured in… why had the humans never acknowledged him? Why couldn’t he create just like them? What was he even doing there? By the time he came to question his own existence, he’d assumed a human form without realising it. A century had passed since he had first started thinking about who he was, and finally, he could explore the question fully.

From here, Silus took his time exploring the world, although his complete lack of social etiquette and capacities apart from the crafts earned him little appreciation or respect from anybody. It was only when Silus heard of a magus who built a town with but a whisper ages ago. A hermit, the magus lived alone and forgotten among frozen peaks, rumoured to have abandoned the town he created and disappeared in grief after his wife and only child died. Seeking him out, Silus tried and tried, but he was turned away. Refusing to give up, he remained in the snow for 3 days, until the magus cracked his door a creak, surprised he wasn't dead. Relenting, the magus took him. Their relationship began with a rocky start: the magus refused to teach him any magic and was, overall, appalled by Silus’ lack of appearance or etiquette. Instead, he only continued to conjure broken rings and wisps of smoke. Yet, it was a miracle that only by watching the magus work, Silus had begun performing manifestation magic, although incomparably minute. Taken aback, the magus realised Silus was not human, and finally felt some compassion for him, deciding to teach him in earnest. And so, decades flew by, and centuries of tradition and knowledge were quickly spent on Silus. Silus had become a fully fledged master in Manifestation. In the time that had passed, Silus had become like a son to the magus, and so, the magus had one final task for him. Next day, Silus returned to the village with a casket, told to visit the town’s cemetery. The town, itself, was empty, as it had been from the start, and in the cemetery, there was a grave for the magus’ family. Burying the corpse in the soil, Silus finished and returned to his former master’s humble abode. The spirit that was the magus had passed on, and his last memory of the man was a deep sigh of satisfaction, his back turned when Silus left with the magus’ corpse. What satisfaction did he find in teaching him? Another question to ponder, but after all this searching, Silus still had a long way to go.

It was centuries as Silus continued with his travels, slowly learning new magic as he peddled goods he'd crafted. Living a vagabond life, he eventually stumbled upon tales of a prestigious Bright Academy, and memories of his former master came to mind. Would he find that same satisfaction his master found raising and teaching him? Hopeful, Silus set out to join the academy, and remained in the academy up till the present.

Orientation: Demisexual

Personality: Silus is innately an explorer. Despite having existed for over a millenia since he gained human form, his thirst to explore the world and understand the human condition has not ceased. Most particular is his interest in magic. Right from the get go, Silus had a natural proclivity for Manifestation magic, fitting for someone whose entire life revolved around creation. He personally pursued Manifestation magic to satiate his thirst to create, and has entwined it deeply with his art form, which is a major underlying factor in his daily actions, but also sought to learn Enchantments and Motion Magic to better accompany his Manifestations.

Silus can also be described to be a creator, an artist. He dabbles in all forms and styles of art, he lives and breathes it. If he has a problem, he will build something to solve it. If something is broken, he might replace it entirely. The journeys he undertook before joining Bright Academy blessed him with many an inspiration, and these inspirations are still visible in the mechanisms and artworks that clutter his workspace in the academy.

As mentioned, he can be extremely messy, and he is not always the most efficient, but he has a specific dedication towards self-improvement. It is nothing new for him to sometimes be attending classes as a student, even though he's not enrolled, and can have a very “loose” style of education. Yet, he loves teaching very much, and has a lot of patience for it. He sees his students as raw potential, and in the right hands, they can be polished and tuned to surpass him. This is just another craft, and Silus enjoys it thoroughly.

Silus can be quite lucrative and is willing to create tools and artworks for others, for a commission, of course.

Silus can be awkward regarding his straightforward, blunt attitude and his lack of etiquette, but he has a lot of heart to give. It is obvious that Silus grows more exuberant around company, and he feeds off the good vibes from the people around him. He can find most company enjoyable, if he doesn't make it enjoyable, but this may come across as overwhelming when he's not wanted. He lacks the social awareness to understand where he's not wanted. From the very beginning, he was ostracised by human society, so it's not like he understands when he's not wanted; in the end, he still has some growing up to do. He is trying to grow a bit more human, day by day... perhaps what he needs is a social human proper to teach him.

Skills :

Manifestation 150

  • Manifest Wrench (level 10)
    Manifests a wrench. As with any tool, the material, composition, design, and any other aspects of the tool in question can be decided upon during manifestation to suit the magician's needs.
  • Manifest Lesser Wand (level 10)
    Manifests a simple wand. Such a wand cannot handle a great output of magic, rendering it obsolete for most elite magicians. However, it is more efficient to manifest than more powerful wands, and thus, more efficient for the magician should they only wish to perform menial magics. As with any tool, the material, composition, design, and any other aspects of the tool in question can be decided upon during manifestation to suit the magician's needs.
  • Manifest Stool (level 12)
    Manifests a circular platform to act as a seat. It is summoned by a magic circle behind the user on the ground, and remains afloat above said magic circle by magic. For Silus, it remains connected to and afloat above the magic circle on the ground via a beam of light.
  • Manifest Door (level 15)
    Manifests a door on the intended location. The same principles of manifestation for anything physical applies to it, naturally.
  • Manifest Spatial Doorway (level 80)
    Manifests an extradimensional space to bridge two spaces in reality. Although it accomplishes the same goal as a motion spell, it does it by different means. By shrinking said manifested space down infinitesimally, it makes the spell much easier to maintain while also reducing the distance between one end of the space to the other end to an ever-approaching zero, making travel from one end to the other almost instant. This spell requires a boundary to be set as the parameter for the doorways. Solid boundaries make for easier manifestation, but a manifestation in another location like in the air or in water would require further effort and an additional factor for stabilisation.

Enchantment 60

Motion Spells 40


Silus has long black hair, blown and styled, and wears a variety of clothes, all of which were tailored by him. His everyday work attire is a black top that tightly hugs his musculature and deep green jeans, and can conjure armour at will around him easily in this attire. Silus uses a colour scheme of black, green, and dark blue, lending a very modern, carbon fiber look.

Relationships: He is on amicable terms with most of the school, but his style of education inevitably portrays him as someone friendly and open to his students, despite how intense or passionate he may be about his art or work at any given time. He also has a mutually beneficial relationship with some teachers, offering to create for them magical artefacts and reagents in exchange for their wisdoms.

Classes & Time Slots: He's the teacher for Manifestation. His classroom, one of his own design, is a workshop, albeit messy, with workstations aplenty.
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Name: Marianne Odeletta Wintergreen
Age: 16
Race: Halfling (Half Human, Half Mermaid)
Student or Teacher: Student
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: Average height about 5’6, curvy and soft facial features. Light tan skin, long wavy light blonde to blue hair and large crystal blue eyes. In her mermaid form her hair loses its blonde color. Her skin takes on a blue tint and her legs turn into a blue tail. (top picture is of her human form, bottom picture is of her mermaid form).

Personality: Marianne is friendly, bubbly, caring and a nurturing person. Though she does love to be around others and can be talkative at times, although can be quiet and observant. She is not the strongest or the most powerful as others out there, but that will never stop her from trying her best to accomplish what she set her mind to and help those around her. She will always do her best to help others, putting others first before herself. Very expressive and gets quite excited about the things she loves. She might seem a bit childish (the way she acts, dresses and the items she loves), but she is determined, a bit stubborn, quite knowledgeable and knows when to be serious.
Relationships: Open
History/Background: Marianne Mari grew up in a small fishing town surrounded by elemental magic and loving parents. Her father a human is a master in healing magic and elemental earth magic. Her mother a mermaid who specializes in water magic. Her schooling mainly has revolved around her home, so she is quite excited in attending Bright Academy. Though she is excited to attend the Academy she is nervous about being far from her parents and not being able to control her transformation. (Still being young and a halfling she can't control when she keeps her tail or not. Liquids on her legs will turn it into a tail). She wants to learn more and grow her skills in the Academy to one day be as good as her parents. Mari hopes in making many friends and have new experiences.
Skills :
  • Elemental - Water 18
  • Elemental - Earth 3
  • Healing - 6
  • Defence - 3
Classes & Time Slots:
  • Healing - 9:00-10:00
  • Elementalis - 11:00-12:00
  • Defensive Action - 14:00-15:00
  • AP Mythical Biology - 24:00-2:00


Lixue Thorn


βasic ɨnformation:

Character's Name: Lixue Thorn

Nicknames: Thorns, Snow, and her fav; witch doctor

Gender: Female

Age: 29 (Is actually 900 years old, will not tell youth secret. Bad)

Race: Witch Doctor/Shapeshifter

Sexuality: Bisexual

Student or teacher: Enchantment Teacher/School doctor (if you want one)

• HEIGHT • 5'9" and 1.75 meters.

• WEIGHT • 73 kg and 160.9 lbs.

Build: Very lean and lanky, but has enormous strength

Eye color: Heterochromatic; one eye is blood red and the other is sky blue

Hair color/style: Lixue's hair is done in many fashions and will repeatedly change her hair for the hell of it.


Lixue has many a mask to use around people. She is kind and considerate of her patients and dislikes those who do not treat them with equal worth. She is harsh and cruel when one fights with her, verbally and physically, and will make the other submit. She is gentle and soft when around people handicapped. She is neutral around those of authority.
"And deeper"


Lixue has many powers. Many of which are elemental in nature but she does not flaunt them so hastily. She only uses what she can and only calls upon her other powers when it is dire. She also has a couple zombie dogs...They are harmless except when their owner is harmed. But as a Witch Doctor, she has excellent ability to enchant things.

Enchantment: 150
Manifestation: 30
Shapeshifting: 40
Healing: 30

Clothes: Lixue wears only a lab coat, foot wrappings, and hardly wears underwear. Her words: "They have no place when shapeshifting to a different person or beast."

"Before it consumes you"

Relationships: Lilith Lillyia (adopted daughter) (open for anyone else)

Likes: Lixue does not have many likes except talking about enchanting items/weapons, healing...and weapons.

Dislikes: Lixue does not have many dislikes but she dislikes being told to wear more clothes around the academy.

Weapons: Lixue has many weapons but does not show her collection of weapons to anyone, except those who enthuse about weapons.

Shapeshifting forms: Sabercat:

Man (multiple):




^Small version only
Lixue does have other forms but these three or the only ones she uses when on campus.

History/Bio: Lixue knows not where to begin her tale. She was born in a jungle and listened to the spirits, they say go to where a fallen star is. She goes to where the star is...She had traveled to a desert, frozen tundras, hellish abysses, and finally the heavens themselves. She had seen the angels themselves kill people to get souls but she releases them before becoming like death itself....She misses her friends in that realm but the angels would be angry if she stayed longer than needed. So she goes, finds a place where children are and many creatures that fascinate her mind. Doctor they call her, she becomes one. She upholds an oath to save those who would be on death's door, to make sure they do not pass over to inform the angels of her whereabouts.

Code by @Starfish
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Name: William Hawthorne III
Age: 28
Race: Human
Student or Teacher: Teacher of Divination
History/Background: From a young age Will was always the loner type, never knowing his Father and never questioning it in the least. He had his Mother, and that's all he really knew to need. Growing up Will had very few friends, preferring the sound of silence to the chattering and laughing of school mates. When he did confide it was in his mother, as a boy's best friend. A short while into his teenage years even she was ripped from his life and that threw what little bit of his sanity out the window. He lost himself to a world of alcohol, drugs and darkness, only coming up for a half a breath before he plunged back down. He had tried everything in the book but there was only one true love that made him numb to all feeling. It was at the lowest, darkest reaches of that pit in which he fell that he found a sad excuse for a mentor; A haggard old meth head who could read tarot cards and claimed that, had Will this skill, he might have been able to save his Mother. It took more few years of struggle with his addiction and coundtless packs of cards, crystal balls, tea leaves, scrying mirrors and bowls... he had turned his addiction from meth to magic, or so he thought. His obsession was there, read the future, know how to negate it. William hit a rather hard brick wall when he realized that you cannot change the future, but only catch passing whispers of it and, with a little luck, capitalize on it. Will knew that his honed skill could never bring back his Mother... so, after gaining the acknowledgement of local Magi, he had begun to network in search of a steady job to pay for his newest addiction. It was a disgusting skill, one far more sinister than reading tea leaves...
Orientation: Bisexual
Personality: Roguish, Driven by Personal Desire, Cutthroat, Sarcastic, etc
Skills : 150 - Divination / 80 - Foul Necromancy / 20 - Defensive
Relationships: Detached from anyone and everyone at the moment.
Classes & Time Slots: Divination (See OOC post for ideas)
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