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Realistic or Modern Bridgeport High (Teenager Rp)

Of the Red] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30062-floridakilos/ said:
@floridakilos[/URL] has the best username ever, hands down
also, I've been craving a gay cheerleader so sign me up
Please make her soon then please!
QueenOfDisaster said:
It would be so appreciated if any Work In Progresses are completed in an hour or so. I'd really like to start soon.
Oh, and if you know anyone who'd like to join tag them in out of character chat!

Thank you and all have a lovely day! <3
I won't be able to finish in he next hour, I'll be out if the house for the majority of the night
I think you have the wrong Felix here, I rarely do rps with prescribed roles. Succes with looking though!
You may be as creative with the certain role you want as much as you want. But I perfectly understand and get it. Thank you though, dear! Have a wonderful day. <3
Thanks for the tag! But, I'm currently involved in two RPs that are sort of similar to this one. I wish you luck in recruiting though!! :)
Hey guys! Okay, so every female role is taken (YAY), so what we were wondering is if any of you are interested in making a male role as well so we can start soon? @QueenOfDisaster and I are making male characters, I'm going to be making the jock, and I believe she will be making the geek. Thanks so much loves <3
Yes, I was talking about Noah, though it might have been a bit confusing. Sorry, tried to make it as clear as possible
I didn't know all the spots were taken so I applied with some other spots (kinda) idk if it's okay

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