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Fantasy Bounty Lore Info

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The Town of Junction
Junction ain't much of a place. A frontier town, its village limits encompassing several square miles and about 180 people (after the mining accident of 1855 which claimed the lives of about 15 of the town's men), Junction is mostly known for being a formerly important railroad stop on the journey from East to West. During its prime, Junction was a booming little town for passersby, which is the origin of its three saloons and whoppin' four story hotel.

When the rail companies found a better route in 1856, Junction's prosperity fled quick as the wind. Its train station, Prospect, was declared a historical site shortly thereafter and decays under the hot Colorado sun, a still intact, but rusting, 1831 DeWitt Locomotive resting on its tracks. The town still sees enough foot traffic thanks to nearby cattle ranching operations pushing cattle towards Chicago's famous meat grinders, and the saloons and hotel still operate, except for the Orient Saloon which closed down in 1859.

Will be filled out once characters have been selected to avoid overlapping any specific occupations.
The Mayor, John LaGrange: Mister LaGrange was elected mayor of Junction nearly ten years ago, and has had no opposition since. Since then, he’s done little but handle taxes and such for people. In a past life, he served in the Mexican-American war, and while he may not be an inspiring mayor, he was once a well-decorated captain. He’s also the town judge.

Sheriff Anthony Robinson: Bounty fancies itself downright revolutionary after electing Mister Robinson to the position of town sheriff. The man’s a talented gunslinger and brawler, and has stopped many a fight just by lookin’. Between him and his three deputies, Junction’s been downright lawful for a few years. Anthony was badly disfigured during by the flames, but is still alive.

The Blacksmith, Jimmy Claire: Jimmy’s the town smith. He mostly makes horse-shoes and such, but he also can produce ammunition and weapons, given the time and materials.

Father Pete Townsend: Father Pete rolled up from no one quite knows where and politely installed himself in the collapsing Junction Lutheran Church. Since, he’s led a religious revival, criticizing the town’s wild boozing, godless leadership, and fornicatin’ and whatnot.

Hao Zang: The father of the town's sole Chinese family, Hao runs the Orient Saloon.

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