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Bound by Fate

Avatar Arvis

The Last Avatar
There have always been prophecies of doom, ones where the universe ends and others where only our world fades away. But this is prophecy is not like the others. For it was foretold by a being we cannot comprehend:

Born of the Heavens, bound to the to the Earth,

That which was lost shall be reclaimed, 

As the Fallen consume mankind,

The cries of the lost will be answered.

Protected by the Sentinel, the one of true Light will transform destiny.

Eons ago, two primal forces clashed against each other in a war beyond anything we can understand, Worlds were born and destroyed as this war progressed, neither force was capable of destroying the other completely. Finally, as this divine struggle reached a true turning point and it seemed like the force of light would be overcome, a trap was activated. The evil forces were imprisoned and sealed away within an unknown sector of the universe. With their victory, the force of good began to rebuild, and eventually light returned to the Heavens.

However, for some unknown reason, the seal that has held this force for so long has begin to weaken. As such, darkness has begun to seep out into the cosmos. This is where our characters will enter. One will be the Sentinel, a very powerful magic user whose destiny is to protect and teach the Light, though he/she doesn't know it yet. The Light is literally the force of light incarnated into mortal form. The Light will be the key in destroying the Darkness forever, if this person learns of their destiny, master's their powers, and chooses to accept their fate. Otherwise all things will be lost.

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