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Fantasy Both halves of the same coin [closed]


New Member
It was another dull night.

Nothing but purple skies and summer bugs arguing the anatomy of a night with one another. Penelope was forced to listen. It was like many things in the quiet seasons here at the castle; neglected, boring, aimless. She recalled her childhood in these eras, often unable to unstitch it from those damn bugs. Perhaps one day she would unstitch herself from here.

Her legs swung over the windowsill, tingling slowly from gravity and open air. The tower was at least two archery fields high, if not more. Penelope spent many cool evenings like this. It would have to do.

She could hear laughter echoing up from the Courtyard. It seemed the party was still going. Penelope squinted to get a closer look, begrudgingly curious about just what was so funny. As she strained, her body leaned forward, comfortable from all the nights spent dangling up there. Tonight had been windless thus far, and so it was a great surprise when a gust of wind suddenly took hold of the tower and Penelope was blown forward, falling off the open window ledge

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