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Realistic or Modern Borrowing from the Divison's plot line/ super virus


Junior Member
If you are not familiar with the story, I researched at the CDC (center for Disease control) has slipped off the deep end mentally. He had taken to using a 3D printer to manipulate and engineer a super big of several know strands of plague. As well as making sure it is ever changing and hard to kill. 

   On black Friday he takes at a large loan and passes out stacks of one's all over the city. By Christmas the current as been moved all over the world and from person to person. By Valentines Day it is airborne. 

   Now where I am changing the story is there is no government enacted protocol calling for soldiers to fight and retake CO trip of law and order after the fall of organized formally recognized government calling themselves the Divison. Nope! Instead you are going to create a characharacter that you think could survive in this mess (I am not baby sitting anyone) and we through our own drive start to try and hunt down answers and a cure.

Now some details about how we stay alive. Whe. In large areas like cities that had high concentrations of people you need a Gas Mask. Before entering we take a booster shot. Where did we get these things? Working for the CDC; who is now operating off shore of where ever we choose to start, we live in a Naval research ship and recieve the booster. It is good for 72 hours.

   If you are interested please make a character and post bellow.

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