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Fantasy Born to Rule: The Phantom King

Blair held back her laughter. 'Mr. McLeod' was trying his very best to be as much of a teacher persona as he could. She straightened up a bit as he called on her to introduce herself. "Blair. I like reading and going to the shooting range. My ability is Sed Scopum, or to those who don't know what that is, perfect accuracy. Let's just say, I always hit my mark," she smiles sweetly as she sits in her desk.

(Sorry it's short. Just got home from work and it's late)
Aero listened as the teacher spoke and turned to face him. He listened as other students listed off their abilities and their names and when it got to him he spoke confidently. "Aero, I am fond of sword fighting and my ability is controlling electricity." After that he turned back to looking out the window, not waiting to see what others thought of him.
Mathew sat there with a smile on his face until Blair introduced herself, she seemed strangely familiar to him and he couldn't stand it. He squinted while looking at her for a short moment and then suddenly came to the conclusion that he must've just seen her passing by or something. Mathew shrugged it off and just continued to listen to the other students while keeping Blair on the back of his mind. While he continued to listen to the students he finally noticed one student who seemed fairly bored and didn't seem to care for the class, it was the new King. A small, almost frightening, grin appeared on his face as he slowly began to take in the information though he had already known what Aero had said just by reading the report the Minister had given him.

Finally, after a short while, all the students were done with the introductions and Mathew clapped his hands three times before then proceeding to stand up straight off of the wall. "Now that we have that all out of the way, we have enough time to go get the nurse's test knocked out of the way!" Mathew sounded excited, only because he gets to see his fellow KPK member and also bring Aero to her so that she could see him. "You may leave your things here and begin heading over there in a group." Mathew then leaned over the computer and turned it on before then raising his hand to the door and pointing at it. "Exit the door and then take a left... Walk until you come to a hallway that will be on your right and then take it all the way down and then take a left... Should be the fourth or fifth door to the left." The screen on the computer and displayed on it was a log in screen, Mathew typed extremely fast a few characters and pressed enter, he was in the computer. "I'll be there shortly... Don't do any funny stuff." He continued to say as he sat down in front of the computer and began to look through the stuff that was on it.

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