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Fantasy Born to be Free (Character Sheets) (Open)


New Member
Once again, thank you all for showing interest in Born to be Free. Here are the character sheet forms, as requested. Please include a written description of your character's appearance if you choose to add a picture. I tend to prefer written descriptions since they can be more true to how the character will actually look in the RP.

Biological sex:
Personality/Character traits:

Here's the link to the interest thread. Here's the link to the OOC thread. Here's the link to information about the land and society.

My characters:
(Somewhat of a WIP)​

Name: Ariston

Race: Palarian

Age: 35

Biological sex: Male

Gender: Ariston feels “above” constraints such as gender, although he does use masculine pronouns to refer to himself. He thinks that the Palarians, being blessed by Isrit, are uniquely positioned to transcend societal constructions like gender and sexual orientation. Of course, he does not think the “inferior” races like the Mikrosi are quite so capable of this.

Orientation: Bisexual.

Appearance: He stands tall, like most Palarians, at 6’4. His hair is honey blonde. It is long and flowing and he is very proud of it. He has strikingly blue eyes. He wears a long cotton robin’s egg blue tunic with a golden colored cord around the middle. In the colder months he wears a golden yellow alpaca-fiber cloak over it with red embroidered details around the edges. The dyed fabric helps distinguish his social status as someone quite wealthy. He has wrinkles around his the corners of his eyes eyes and mouth from how often he smiles.

Bio: Ariston is a very wealthy man. He has a large amount of land that he uses to grow corn, wheat, and cotton. He also has a fair sized vineyard which he uses to make wine. All of these things he sells, and he makes enough to live a comfortable life. His lavish lifestyle, though, is due to the wealth he inherited from his filthy rich father, who was related to the brother of the Emperor Akros. His father died when he was just making his way in the world, leaving him with the majority of his wealth. Ariston knows many people high up in society, although they think he is, well… eccentric. He does hold some amount of political influence, despite this.

He has much younger wife named Helena (age 20) who he adores. She merely puts up with him and his quirks, although she enjoys how affectionate he is and how much freedom he gives her. She does not understand why he treats the slaves so well, but she lets him do as he wants.

Personality/character traits: Ariston considers himself sophisticated and cultured. He is very devout, strongly believing in the god Isrit and how the Palarians have been endowed with superior mind and body. He thinks that the Palarians are also gifted with superior physical beauty, and the ability to see beauty in the world and make beautiful things. He is considered to be somewhat “radical” by those around him since he has “eccentric” beliefs as a result.

He thinks that Isrit has blessed the Palarian people and they are able to transcend such things as gender and orientation. He therefore considers his gender to be unimportant and believes he encompasses both male and female. It is the same with sexual orientation - he believes Palarians are capable of having relations free of any of these constraints. However, he does not think other races are as free and thinks they are striving for something they will not reach when they attempt these very same things. He does have some measure of respect for “less superior” races when they do so, thinking it is always good for people to be striving for excellence. He just doesn’t think they’ll achieve it. He pities them and views them very condescendingly.

He will frequently dress in a more feminine manner (in longer tunics with more flowing sleeves and in more typically feminine colors - which in Palarian society is light blues and yellows), which is off-putting to some people, but they don’t usually question him due to his wealth and political influence. Despite his political influence, he does not often involve himself in such matters and thinks Palarians squabbling over such things as conquering is silly and unnecessary (he thinks that with Isrit’s blessing, the Palarians with their superior intellect and creativity will naturally end up influencing more people and holding more power without having to resort to something distasteful like war), though he isn’t quite against it and thinks it is a rather good thing they ended up enslaving the Mikrosi people many years ago. He has the strange belief that the Mikrosi people “let” the Palarian people rule over them those many years ago, mistaking their hospitality for a subconscious desire to be ruled by a superior race.

He has a very harsh view towards mixed-race peoples, though - most specifically towards “half-breeds” (children that are the result of a Palarian/Mikrosi union). He thinks this is equivalent to sacrilege and blasphemy, the profaning of something sacred. He thinks these children should not have been born, and thinks very badly of those who choose to have such mixed-race relations.

He thoroughly loves and enjoys his Mikrosi slaves, though. After realizing their talent for singing, he decided that Isrit must have been generous and merciful and endowed this lowly race with a beautiful singing voice. He views them quite like he views pretty birds. Possessing beauty, but still not sophisticated or quite so intelligent. He gives his slaves some measure of freedom, though, letting them enjoy their lot in life. He does not overwork them and gives them their own rather nice building and attached bathing area. He lets them sing as they like and when he is pleased with their work, he’ll give them a bit of money to spend on “whatever makes them happy” (within reason).

Name: Nita

Age: Just coming “of age”. 16. She is an adult in the eyes of her people.

Race: Mikrosi

Biological sex: Female

Gender: Female

Orientation: Probably straight.

Appearance: Nita is not quite five feet tall. Her skin is darkened from all the working in the sun, picking cotton. Her hair is a dark brown. It is long and reaches down to the length of her back. She keeps it up in a long braid. Her eyes are brown, and they appear soft to her fellow Mikrosi people and unreadable to anybody else. She wears a long earthen green tunic while she works.

Bio: Nita has grown up working for wealthy Palarian families. She has worked for cruel landowners who would physically abuse her before selling her as well as “kind” owners. She currently works for a wealthy Palarian family who is headed by an older man named Ariston. Ariston views the Mikrosi people as a curiosity and highly amusing. He likes Nita much like he likes an endearing pet, and he occasionally gives her money so she can buy small things if she wants. She has used this money over the years to buy seeds so she can grow her own small plot of corn, which she tends to in her spare time. Ariston thinks this fine so long as it does not interfere with her other duties.

He does not think it bad to mistreat slaves, though, since he thinks it is a matter entirely up to whoever owns them, just as it is with livestock or dogs. He just thinks it is distasteful. Nita is one of many Mikrosi slaves to Ariston’s household. He enjoys listening to them sing.

Nita does not remember her father at all and barely remembers her mother, who she was separated from at age five. She has always been taken care of by her fellow Mikrosi people, and to her, they are her family.

Nita like many others around her spend much of the year picking and planting cotton. Her hands and feet are calloused. She does much of her work barefoot in the spring and summer months.

Personality/character traits: Nita is often quiet in front of her owners except to say yes or no. She is filled with a desire to be something more than what she is now and knows that she cannot speak out against her owners if this is to be the case, even if she wanted to. Her single most prized possession is her very small 5x5 plot of corn. She is fiercely loyal to fellow Mikrosi people, who she considers brothers and sisters, and considers becoming a soldier of the Palarian military a deep betrayal. Despite the fact that she has been abused by owners before, she holds Ariston in some amount of positive regard. He allows her a certain amount of freedom, and although he thinks the Mikrosi people are inherently less intelligent, he thinks they are intriguing.

Nita also enjoys singing the Old songs along with her fellow slaves while in the fields working. The songs allow her to feel connection to the land, and she always feels free when she sings. She sings to her plot of corn to help it grow and yield a bountiful harvest every year. Every year, there is enough corn for her to share with her fellow people.

Although she is not learned in that she cannot read Palarian script, she like other Mikrosi people has memorized all of the Old songs and histories. Except for the war song, of course.

Name: Chaski

Age: He has stopped counting. If you ask, he will say he is older than the mountains. In reality, he is about eighty years old. His body functions more like that of someone ten years younger.

Race: Eleos

Biological sex: Male

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Appearance: He stands at about 5’6. He complains that he has shrunk in his old age and that he used to be taller. His face is leathery and wrinkled. His eyes are a pale grey-blue. He used to be able to walk unaided, but he recently injured himself while coming down from the mountains and now walks using a wooden staff. He probably would have died if it had not been for his familiar.

Bio: Chaski is one of the twelve of the Elders. He is known particularly for his bond with Samani, his familiar - who also happens to be a mountain lion. Nobody knows exactly how he managed this, but he says while he was making a pass through the mountains one day when he was much younger and strong, there was a landslide. Both he and the mountain lion were trapped together in the same shelter, and he offered it various gifts until it was persuaded not to eat him. The way he likes to tell the story is that he only managed to convince the lioness just as her jaws were around his throat. By the time the two descended the mountain, they were friends.

It was due to this strange feat - that and his old age, humor, and wisdom - that he was appointed as an Elder by the people.

Personality/character traits: Chaski is humorous. He is also wise. He does not very much like the country of Soli and claims that it seems to get closer to the mountains every passing year, but grudgingly is okay with trading there since it’s such a big hub of trade. The days where he would travel over the mountains without a second thought have passed and he is often just content with staying in the valley, helping solve disputes, and hunting around the foothills with Samani.

Samani is very old for a mountain lion - she seems to be aging more slowly like happens with many bonded familiars of the Eleos. Although over the years as Chaski has shown signs of aging, so has she. She often complains to Chaski about her aching bones and her greyed fur. To anyone who would claim she is any less fierce, though, she would not take too kindly. She is extremely stubborn and proud. She says that humans are foolish, and she often says Chaski is an old fool, but anyone who has seen the two together knows that she has great affection for her partner.
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Biological sex:


Personality/Character traits:​
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