• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐๐Ž๐Ž๐Š ๐Ž๐… ๐…๐€๐๐‹๐„๐’ ; the fabled


๐˜ช ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ, ๐˜ช ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ
Roleplay Type(s)







the dossier




Fable/Urban Legend: (again, remember that this will be the โ€œvillainโ€ of the tale or legend)

Age: (what their glamour presents them as; 21+ โ€” note that theyโ€™ve likely been alive for centuries)



Occupation: (Fits within the modern-day occupations; some orthodox, some unorthodox.)

Residence: Heavenโ€™s End, Red Heights, or Grimm Ward

Appearance: description or faceclaim.

Personality: list or a few paragraphs.

History: (keep in mind the villain title of fable or legend; however, this does not mean that they are the bad guy. Theyโ€™ve likely been framed/misunderstood/etc. Fables in fablebrooke still will see them as such, though.)

Magic item: if applicable, this item will not be in the hands of your fable; instead, it is hidden in The Pit.




the truth

Everybody knows the story of Sleeping Beauty.

Put to sleep due to a grudge, they always lament; due to the evil fairy's envy, heart too heavy to spare even a young girl. But what if really was to protect her from something worse - something that only slumber could keep at bay?

Or the wicked sea witch, tearing out a mermaid's song and voice. Perhaps there was some part of the deal that was not mentioned, exchanged words that are conveniently left out?

The blood on the big, bad wolf's paws might not have been that of a red-caped girl. If only somebody had asked him first.

It doesn't matter. Nobody ever asks.

These stories are often twisted; lies that are projected to save the face of the heroes in them.

When Hansel and Gretel came across that witch's home, it was for ill-intent, their greed proceeding them as she took them in selflessly. The queen of hearts, it is said she is the evil that kept wonderland plundered into their fears; but she had gone mad, the work of Alice and the hatter. It is only when cruel words adorn your name, that the world sees your story as the truth.

That's all you are to them - a monster, a villain, something grotesque that drags souls screaming into the night. An outline of a shape to scare children to bed. A shadow to be hated, feared - and oh do they fear you still, even in their gold-lined houses and behind delicately built fences. You are left to haunt the streets now, the parts of Fablebrooke everybody else forgot. Or wants to forget.




the rules

i. Due to the content of this roleplay, you must be 18+ in order to participate!

ii. Bigotry and ooc drama will not be tolerated; we aim to make this a safe space and will not allow for persons to be uncomfortable due to another player.

iii. please be able to post at least once per week. With this, there is a TWO PARAGRAPH MINIMUM. We understand that life gets in the way, but please inform us first before dropping or disappearing!

iv. This roleplay is NOT first come first served, there will be an application and decision making process!

v. Note that this roleplay will in fact have depictions of violence, gore, and other such topics that, again, are not suitable for younger audiences and for those who cannot handle such topics.


When the fables had to flee the Woodlands, it was only a matter of time before they had to find another home before completely wiping off the face of the earth. So theyโ€™ve ended up here, tucked somewhere in Chicago with their small communityโ€”at war with each other, losing their riches, everything theyโ€™ve ever known.

There are pieces of the Woodlands to look back on, slowly fading with the test of time. And with this, their Tree of Life at the epicenter of Fablebrooke, it is the only magic left that keeps their blood pumping.

Tree of Life

Life holds its place in its roots and takes hold of the leaves that slowly wither. A fickle thing; it changes with the paces of life, ever green and bright in this small town of darkness. The Tree of Life follows the lifelines of Fablebrookeโ€™s citizens, shares the centuries of heartbeats that only now seem to fade away. With the deaths in Fablebrooke, the Tree is slowly dying; its demise follows Fablebrookeโ€™s fate as it slowly inches towards its own decay.

Mirror, Mirror...

Some things cannot be revealed, once again... these lips are sealed. Rhymes and riddles, reams of information condensed into the reflecting shards of the Magic Mirror. There are, however, limitations to his power: how the mirror may only reveal the moment in which they are living--only a clue of their location, but never the exact. It is known in Fablebrooke that the mirror is broken, missing shards dealt by the hand of unknown persons; place the pieces back together and heed its wonder.

Glamour Spells

Lips red as rose, hair black as ebony; use this spell to conceal against the enemy. Glamour Spells are simple, the tie between passing amongst the ordinaries and keeping non-human appearances at bay. But everything comes with a priceโ€”as expensive as they are, they are required in order to live in Fablebrooke so not to disturb its image. Just like any market, there are counterfeitsโ€”often bought from witches rather than Fablebrooke Officials.

The Pit

Leaving everything behind was not just a personal tragedy - it was tearing your own identity out of your hands.

Everything you brought with you, anything magical was at risk; it matters not that you had it since birth or that it was left to you by a fairy godmother, or that it was the only thing connected to your life before. The human world is dangerous in the ways the deep dark woods never were and the magic in your items would have slowly rusted away.

So you hid them.

A crypt, sprawling in the depths of the city - how long ago it was, that you were there. All you own from your previous life lives on there, waiting only for you to return.

It was long ago, yes. The crypt's entrance has long crumbled into itself and you have not yet found a new way in, no matter how much you want to. Your magic lies somewhere in the dark, primal ground, perhaps under your very feet as you walk the city - with no way go find it again.

But it is an old city indeed. Perhaps there are still paths people have yet to walk.

The Ordinaries

Regular humans, the ones who think of your stories as mere tales to raise children with. Here for one blink and gone the next, with their may-fly lives - you've seen enough of them to know that they're utterly without magic and knowledge. And for the best of you all, it needs to stay that way.

The Districts

Fablebrooke has been made up of various districts, all defining its inhabitants. From the Rich of Heaven's End to the wanderers of the Grimm Ward and the seedy nights of the Red Heights; each fable has found their homes in either one of these areas.

Heaven's End

Sparkling, expensive and a place you can't enter without a dress that's worth more than a family's rent. The highest point of Fablebrooke, lined with secure penthouses and sleepy mansions - the cement never cracks here. Only the most prestigious of the Fables live here. **note that, for the most part, the inhabitants of Heaven's End are the princes, princesses, kings, queens, and heroes that have kept their status; though there aren't that many. while a "villain" fable is able to live there, it is unlikely; and very much unwelcomed by the other residents.

Red Heights

A sticky hand, smudged eyeshadow, bleeding nose of a district; addicting like the cheapest drug and just as dangerous. Filled with neon lights, over-trashed alleyways and anything for the right price, it's the club-house of Fablebrooke. The parties never seem to quite die out here and neither do the residents.

Grimm Ward

Abandoned, like a babe by a cruel step-mother, Grim Ward stands. At one point it must have been a bustling industrial zone; now only crumbling apartment buildings and yawning warehouses stand in the echo of memories. This is the disctrict where Fables go to be forgotten - or to forget.

โ™กdesign by terrorkitty, coded by uxieโ™ก





Fable/Urban Legend: (again, remember that this will be the โ€œvillainโ€ of the tale or legend)

Age: (what their glamour presents them as; 21+ โ€” note that theyโ€™ve likely been alive for centuries)



Occupation: (Fits within the modern-day occupations; some orthodox, some unorthodox.)

Residence: Heavenโ€™s End, Red Heights, or Grimm Ward

Appearance: description or faceclaim. this is the appearance they have when using glamours; if your character has a "monster/beast/inhuman" form, feel free to add those details in as well.)

Personality: list or a few paragraphs.

History: (keep in mind the villain title of fable or legend; however, this does not mean that they are the bad guy. Theyโ€™ve likely been framed/misunderstood/etc. Fables in fablebrooke still will see them as such, though.)

Magic item: if applicable, this item will not be in the hands of your fable; instead, it is hidden in The Pit.



guinevere .

the adulterer.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

๐๐€๐Œ๐„: Hero Monet
๐€.๐Š.๐€.: just H
๐…๐€๐๐‹๐„: Guinevere from The Knights of Camelot
๐€๐†๐„: appears twenty-nine
๐†๐„๐๐ƒ๐„๐‘: closeted non-binary (she/her pronouns for now)
๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐๐“๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: closeted queer.
๐Ž๐‚๐‚๐”๐๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐: freelance illustrator

๐‘๐„๐’๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐๐‚๐„: Heavenโ€™s End
DETAILS: Tucked away into the corner of Claudeโ€™s estate, Hero is all but a prisoner, squirreled away day after day in her ex-husbandโ€™s guest cottage. On the estate, only a few hundred feet from her home, is the cathedral. To her right is an expanse of greenery, a verdant forest she gets lost in and remembers the days when she was not royalty, when she was a peasant who once was accused of witchcraft. Inside, her cottage is decorated simply, though if she had a choice, it would overflow with color. Between gauzy curtains and hand-made doilies are pots of flowers sheโ€™s nurtured from birth herself. There are very few items in her home indicative of her personality โ€” such as her drafting desk or her collection of twinkly lights. On her lavender comforter lies her cat, Bea.

๐€๐๐๐„๐€๐‘๐€๐๐‚๐„: Played by Poppy. Bleached-blonde hair that she has redone every four weeks like clockwork, yet she doesnโ€™t do anything with it. It remains stick-straight, often a greasy mess against her scalp. Her brown eyes are piercing, yielding so much anguish. It is unclear what the nature of that anguish is. Her body is lithe, but not by choice โ€” Claude monitors her figure. Otherwise, sheโ€™d care very little and be a bit more thick around the middle. Her nails are always done, but often chipped as she does a lot of work with her hands.

In terms of style, Hero dresses quite feminine โ€” once again, not by choice. She prefers flowy fabrics of pastel shades and creamy cottons. A circlet adorns her neck. A wire-craft A sat next to a similarly forged G. Sewn to the inside of her dressing gown is the metal L she left behind long ago.

๐๐„๐‘๐’๐Ž๐๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐“๐˜: bullet points bc Iโ€™m lazy

  • Lacks life experience; hasnโ€™t really made many decisions for herself and thus goes along with whatever she thinks people want her to do; a people pleaser with a fawn response
  • Models her personality after the strongest one in the room; ironic because she used to be extremely decisive; a leader; people would look to her to model themselves after her because she was such a force.
  • Nit-picks on people; grammar police
  • Worries about her own physical appearance despite not wanting to care
  • Has a complex about goodness; wants to do good and be good but this often doesnโ€™t come easy to her or is seemingly less straightforward than she thinks
  • An artist; she does illustrations for book covers and other freelance work; it is one of the few things that brings her joy and allows her to contemplate
  • Despite the fact that she thinks she has a hard time being kind, it comes quite naturally to her. Always gives compliments (terrible at taking them); good with children and animals
  • Loves a good puzzle; spring is her favorite season

๐‡๐ˆ๐’๐“๐Ž๐‘๐˜: bullet points again
  • Unlike the fable as it is known now, Guinevere wasnโ€™t always of Noble birth. She was born out of wedlock to a lord and his mistress. Her mother and she lived in the woods as peasants for most of her young life. She began traveling with Lance and Arthur and the other knights as political strife broke out between the non-believers and those most allegiant to Godโ€™s will. She served as a poet, a musician, and an artist amongst the knights, known for her piety and simple-living that was emblematic of what a proper woman of the period should be. She was a bit like (stay with me) Phyllis Schlafly or like Joan of Arc for her era; she was thought to be a better leader than Arthur himself at times.
  • The fable from there aligns with the story told today: Arthur asked her hand in marriage. She was crowned as Queen once the war ended and he sat upon the throne. He wouldnโ€™t have made it without her and Lance, who had become a trio of best friends throughout the years. As the folktale will tell it today, she was a greedy, maligned woman, power hungry. She manipulated both men with her feminine charms. It was not Lancelotโ€™s fault that he chose sin, yet the same cannot be said of false-pure Guin. She betrayed her king. This was on par with betraying God.
  • Most of that is true, sheโ€™ll admit โ€” besides the part where she was power hungry. It was dear Arthur, who abused her and shied away any and all affection she had unless it was otherwise convenient or wanted. She was a woman locked in a gilded cage, and there was Lancelot. Kind Lance who thought they were freeing their country from a moral less tyrant, only for his best friend to end up in the same place. They found comfort in one another. They found the remains and ash of that old friendship, the one that sustained them for years on end. It was a single kiss โ€” if it had been on the hand or even the cheek, Arthur would not have even batted an eye. But it was a dirty, dour thing spent in the dark, damp corner of a turret. Thatโ€™s where Guinevere has remained ever since.
  • For Hero, there are two truths: her own and the one Arthur โ€“ now known as Claude โ€“ holds. Lancelotโ€™s does not matter โ€” their whereabouts are known only to Claude. To this day, Hero cannot resolve which is the truth: was she innocent or an adulterer? It was not โ€” is not โ€” her fault that she cannot bear Claude a child, that she doesnโ€™t even want to. Women today, in this world, are not symbols of a manโ€™s bravery, fortitude, fealty, of their holiness as projected through the female form. She is not a whore because she did not love his cruelty or mania. But she is still impure, is she not? Believe it or not, centuries of religious zealotry and gender rules are hard to unlearn.
  • For most of her life, Hero has been under Claudeโ€™s lock and key. She supposes she is lucky to be alive. In theory, she is supposed to prove herself worthy once more and take up her position as his wife again. But, despite everything, this has little appeal. She got into this mess โ€” became the villain of this tale โ€” because she was trapped and sought any light she could. Until Claude changes, she cannot change. It hasnโ€™t even occurred to her that there could be another option (actual freedom).
  • Until recently. Sheโ€™s been let loose from her cage, unguarded, for the first time in forever. Of course, sheโ€™s been a woman about town before, but not on her own. Claude, for reasons indiscernible, has cut Hero a deal: go out, find Lancelot, and bring him back. If she does this, she will be free forever. If she does not, and she fails to return in the time frame given, Claude and his Knights will hunt her until the ends of the earth.

๐Œ๐€๐†๐ˆ๐‚ ๐ˆ๐“๐„๐Œ: the ring . . . the mythic object she once bestowed upon her true love, deflecting any and all enchantments.
A description from Merlinโ€™s notes: It laps up high with its staunch edges, sipping like the spring from whence your love dredges.

  • pinterest [ X ]
  • My goal w/ Hero is to explore the โ€œwoman trapped in a gilded cageโ€ trope but like what happens when she actually leaves the cage, how she ended up in such a situation in the first place, etc. Iโ€™m most interested in seeing her refind and refine herself โ€” who is she without the men around her?
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The Fiend

full name & fable.

Felix Abney a.k.a Grendel (Beowulf)


appears to be thirty-two years old


human-presenting; monster






grimm ward


archivist at the fablebrooke library


kim jihoon(

Suddenly then
the God-cursed brute was creating havoc;
greedy and grim, he grabbed thirty men
from their resting places and rushed to his lair,
flushed up and inflamed from the raid,
blundering back with the butchered corpses.

An ironic thing: how Beowulf was declared the hero as he sought out eradication; how he hunted, bloodthirsty and yearning for another stream of crimson. Peace had been taken, an entire village of giants โ€” or, rather, beasts โ€” muddled into the ground, becoming piles of waste. Though his purge, a seemingly successful venture, had become crueler than death itself.

Grendel, a final survivor, branded a beast born from the everlasting pools of destruction. He who is left alone, isolated, to mourn the loss of what heโ€™d known; he who simply wanted to see what those smaller than him saw; curious, docile, never evil โ€” and perhaps that is what brought upon the destruction. Had someone seen him? He chose blame, drifting into the voice of sorrow as he continued on โ€” secluded. Maybe his actions had led to this lasting dread, the curiosity and fascination; he is why they are dead, and thus, he must reap the consequence.

How painful it must be to be branded a beast, to be hunted by villages as they are fed lies โ€” indulging in them. To watch as they search, harass, leave him to his fears; he is nothing but the shell of himself, touched by desolation. Who knew that one manโ€™s words could influence the minds of many? Wretched things humans were, bloodthirsty animals, hungry for the next kill without just reason.

The turmoil of it all is that he began to believe the lies, too.

As they found his home, burned it and him with it; the ripping of flesh, it seethes, stings โ€” he feels the perforation of his body. What had he done to deserve this? Was it a crime to be enthralled by the complexities of man? Was his existence the highest form of punishment? Why?

Why? Why? Why? Why?

He hears it, feels the warmth of it; rivulets of red, a sticky feeling. Though his vision, clouded, blurry, peppered with anguish. Claws rip flesh to ribbon, the air putrid and salty; his breaths are hastened, no โ€” he could barely utter a singular tune of it. A strained stirring of wind, it shares the story: one of fear that had lingered far into hatred. He could not stop himself, he wouldnโ€™t. Even as the screams of horror surrounded him, even as his skin tore bit by bit from dull pitchforks, his claws bare further into the stomach of a stranger.

This is the beast they wanted to see, the one that they had created; one push, that is all it took.

steda nรฆgla gehwylc stรฝle gelรญcost
haรฉรพenes handsporu hilderinces
egl unhรฉoru aรฉghwylc gecwรฆรฐ
รพรฆt him heardra nรกn hrรญnan wolde
รญren aรฉrgรณd, รพรฆt รฐรฆs รกhlaรฉcan
blรณdge beadufolme onberan wolde

Every nail, claw-scale and spur, every spike
and welt on the hand of that heathen brute
was like barbed steel. Everybody said
there was no honed iron hard enough:
to pierce him through, no time proofed blade
that could cut his brutal blood caked claw

thus i fled

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use right arrow key to scroll

You are shaking fists and trembling teeth. I know: you did not mean to be cruel. That does not mean you were kind.


full name















A thousand eyes they see all the worst in me





hair c.


eye c.



Hakken on Twitter/Instagram


A thousand nights I've spent counting all my sins

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tempor purus a lacus iaculis accumsan. Integer justo justo, ultrices interdum feugiat et, pharetra vitae felis. Ut at arcu quis ante vehicula imperdiet. Etiam aliquam dui id commodo faucibus. Ut semper, ipsum et rhoncus mollis, sem sapien consequat turpis, vitae mollis erat eros quis diam. Curabitur feugiat, ligula id feugiat pulvinar, augue nunc blandit nisl, sit amet aliquam lectus turpis non nunc. Suspendisse elementum nisi eget varius aliquet. Quisque non nibh fermentum, efficitur arcu quis, feugiat turpis. Morbi cursus non lacus sed tempus.








Is redemption out of reach? Is this all I'll ever be?

this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed. Praesent sed eros pulvinar, fringilla dui a, vestibulum nisi. Cras blandit enim laoreet orci porta ultrices. Cras purus erat, commodo a rhoncus ac, dapibus quis mauris.

Ut rhoncus libero eu fermentum bibendum. Nullam ac ipsum augue. Donec commodo dui efficitur iaculis venenatis. Mauris a neque pellentesque, faucibus urna vel, dapibus nulla. Sed tincidunt dui sed dictum vestibulum. Ut venenatis urna in elit hendrerit, eu molestie massa efficitur. Nullam sit amet sem ut ligula gravida ultricies. Etiam gravida quis diam at elementum. In dignissim eros ut sapien fringilla, vel lobortis nibh auctor. Sed ut nibh bibendum, tincidunt ex in, mattis odio. Donec egestas facilisis dapibus. Proin varius ornare sapien, at auctor sem lacinia non.


Laying down my past I scream, this is not the end of me


So this is my origin, can't take back who I've been

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.


But it's where I start again





โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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the first human

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


Boa Liu
The Serpent

full name & fable.

Boa Liu a.k.a Bai Suzhen


appears 30 years old


human-presenting; white snake






club singer/burlesque dancer


li jun li()

Your face darted among the swords
like a riverโ€™s shifting light and we danced
in a rain of silver for the last time
together. Darling, I would have died for you
but I never had the luck.

penned by (

i do not believe forgiveness

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Dios te salve, Marรญa, llena eres de gracia, el Seล„or es contigo...

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


the barghest


NAME: Ciaran Conroy; a.k.a. the Barghest

FOLKLORE: Omen- Black Dog

AGE: Appears early to mid 30s in human form


ORIENTATION: Asexual panromantic





FACE CLAIM: Chris Cornell [X]





Ciaran Conroy

coded by xayah.แƒฆ

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NAME: Morgan Clement, a.k.a. Sir Mordred

FOLKLORE: Arthurian Legend

AGE: Appears 24

GENDER: Cis-male


OCCUPATION: Bouncer at The Looking Glass

RESIDENCE: Red Heights



Morgan is tall and lanky, with a sinewy frame of tight muscle, suggesting a martial prowess of grace and finesse earned through hard physical activity. His features are sharp as a blade, and his pale skin is often marred by scrapes and bruises. Blue-grey eyes are sunken deep into his face, the same gloom as the sky before the storm breaksโ€“ the most striking similarity to his father, yet far more melancholic and distant. Thick, curly raven locks cascade messily from the top of his head, the ends of the strands often casting shadows over the severe lines of his face and darkening his eyes. Handsome, but a cold chill personified.

Morgan dresses like a punk disaster, completely in line with his delinquent persona. His chainmail of old has been swapped with a tough leather jacket; tall leather riding boots updated with the more modern heavy set of motorcycle boots. Soft flannels, ripped denim, clunky silver jewelryโ€“ all in a dark color palette. The prettyboy image wouldnโ€™t be complete without the inclusion of some light makeup, usually in the form of dark charcoal lazily smudged under his eyes.

Morganโ€™s skin is branded with a handful of notable tattoos:
* The solid silhouette of a trio of ravens in flight along the line of his right collarbone.
* An intricate, stylized symbol of the sun, reminiscent of a flare of light. There are sixteen points, four of which are larger than the others like the cardinal directions of a compass. It is situated in the center of his abdomen.
* An anatomical bleeding heart skewered by three swords on his left wrist. Those who are observant enough might recognize that the swords are those belonging to Arthur, Mordred, and Lancelot: Excalibur, Clarent, and Aroundight respectively.
* A black serpent wrapped around his right calf, seemingly sinking its poisoned fangs into his skin.

FACE CLAIM: John Supnik [X]


Morgan Clement is naught but a shadow of his former self.

Once upon a time, he had been the shining ideal of a chivalrous, noble knight: fair, humble, and just. At court, he was known for his thoughtfulness and charming wit; on the battlefield, it was his honorable actions and calm bravery. The young knight was a hopeful idealist, and this made him beloved by many. He was one of the rare few who could truly be called pure of heart.

But even the brightest of flames can be snuffed.

Morganโ€™s ideals made him naive; and that naivety made him the perfect scapegoat. Whispers were abound, rumors and sabotage over time warping perceptions of him. Once known to be gentle and pure, he was now said to be violent and lascivious. His trust and honor took hit after hit, until it all collapsed before him like a house of cards. Everyone in his life had turned their back on him, leaving a knife buried in his own as they did. Shattered and broken to pieces, he became disillusioned with the life he led and the heroes he had looked up to. Grim with determination, he picked himself up from his fall from grace, still clinging onto his ideals with white-knuckled desperationโ€“ they were all he had left. If that made him a villain, then so be it.

Today, the Morgan Clement of Fablebrooke is a far cry from the noble Sir Mordred of Camelot. The hurt and betrayal has never healed, festering within him. This has warped him into an angry and spiteful person, unable to trust and open up to those around him. He is much like a kicked puppy; a beaten-within-an-inch-of-his-life, stabbed-in-the-back kicked puppy.

His inability to healthily cope with everything that has happened to him has led him to indulge in various vices and substances to numb the painโ€“ and by extension, numb his true self. The one aspect of his personality that has remained untouched is his charm and wit, which has given him a bit of a bad-boy flirt reputationโ€“ despite the fact he never initiates himself (he will shamelessly reciprocate, however).

Temperamental and cynical on the surface, there is an undeniable melancholy and air of apathy beneath that is hard to ignore. He is someone who has been so viciously beaten down by life that he has all but given up. Despite the โ€œI donโ€™t give a fuckโ€ attitude he protectively wears like a suit of armor, deep down he canโ€™t stop caring with every inch of his big, bleeding heart.


Morgan Clementโ€™s fate was never his own.

Better known to myth and legend as Sir Mordred, he was the bastard son of King Arthur. The two would not truly meet face-to-face until Mordredโ€™s early teens whereupon he was taken back to Camelot and sworn as squire to Sir Lancelot, finest knight of the Round Table, and Arthurโ€™s closest friend. Mordredโ€™s true identity was kept hushed, only Arthur and Lancelot privy to the truth of the boyโ€™s heritage.


Magic Items

Clarent: If Excalibur was the blazing light of the shining sun, Clarent was the long shadow it casted upon the ground. The opposing twin to King Arthurโ€™s sword of legend, Clarent is a bastard sword of glittering dark metal, beautifully created with the finest of details and craftsmanship. Forged with powerful enchantments, the edge seemingly never dulls and the wounds it inflicts are most wickedโ€“unable to be healed at all except by the most powerful of magics. A weapon of such power requires immense care and responsibility, so very few are considered worthy enough to wield this blade to its full potential.

Morgan Clement

coded by xayah.แƒฆ

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surrounded by idiots
nero kraisee
reveriee ยฉ

  • 04
    full name
    nero kraisee
    (taka) scar
    the lion king
    appears in his mid-twenties
    i'm surrounded by idiots
    bartender, exotic dancer and part-time model.
    has an apartment in both red heights and grimm ward since he works in both locations
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Name: Lord Nicolas Gorman

a.k.a: Bluebeard

Fable: Bluebeard/Fitcher's Bird

Age: He appears to be in his early to mid thirties.

Gender: Male, uses he/him pronouns

Orientation: Bisexual, though that is not well known. It is certainly his relationships with women that have made him (in)famous.

Occupation: Landlord/real estate developer

Residence: A mansion in Heavenโ€™s End

Magic Item: A large silver key that can unlock any door


A tall man who seems to be of European and East Asian descent, Nicolas is fairly attractive. He has a charming smile, but it rarely makes an appearance. Of particular note is his long dark hair and his beard, which are said to look almost blue in color under certain light. The same was true for his father, and his grandfather before him.

(Faceclaim- Anthony Thornburg.)


Lord Gorman is a man of his word- few though they may be- and expects the same of others. When he hires an escort for a night, he pays the price they ask, and always tips. When a rental agreement is signed, he expects it will be followed. When he gives a key and instructions not to open a certain door... He expects that door to stay closed.

He tends to be fairly reserved and does not socialize much. This isn't to say he never goes out- His status as a social pariah does not stop him from going about his life in pursuits of both business and pleasure. He just tends to be alone, or with company he's hired for the night. It's unclear if these habits are due to his ostracism, or are actually his own preferences.

Gorman's reputation and his power in the community as one of the primary property holders has made him into an intimidating figure that few wish to test, but in reality he is slow to true anger. He may snap in verbal frustration when cross, but he rarely takes action against someone without serious consideration first.


Lord Gorman has had seven brides, each younger, more beautiful and more destitute than the last. Only the seventh still lives.

After their wedding, Nicolas gave Anya a large silver key and told her it would unlock any door in her new manor home. She was free to explore as she wished. His office, the library, the conservatory, any of the bedrooms were hers to do with as she pleased. The riches she might find within- golden coins, jewels of all shapes and sizes, priceless artifacts- were hers to spend, save, or give away as she desired. All he asked was that she stay out of one room- The final door, plain and wooden, at the dim end of the cellar hall.

But Anya, like the other brides before her, was a curious woman, and decided she would see what lay beyond the simple door as soon as her new husband was away. Unlike the other brides, however, Anya was wary that she might lose the valuable key and so tied it to a long white hair ribbon and wore it around her neck.

When Lord Gorman left on business, Anya snuck into the cellar and opened the forbidden door. She cried out in shock when the door swung open, and dropped the key. It would have fallen into the pool of blood were it not suspended from her neck.

The room beyond the forbidden door was a ghastly sight, and its contents not fit to repeat. But Anya now knew the rumors that her husband had been married before were true- And she knew what had happened to his wives.

When Lord Gorman returned, he asked Anya to see the silver key he had entrusted to her. Anya had since removed it from its ribbon, and pulled it from her pocket for his inspection. Nicolas saw that there was no blood stain upon it, and smiled at her beneath his dark beard. At last, he thought, he had found a wife that could be trusted.

Over dinner that night, Anya told him of the plants she had observed in the conservatory and the books she had read in the library, and Lord Gorman told her of the people he had met with while on business and the sights he had seen, and presented her with a gift he had bought for her, of a small golden bird with emeralds for eyes, that sung a pretty tune when wound up.

Are you happy here, Lord Gorman asked Anya. Very much so, she replied. Then added wistfully, if only she could see her brothers and her father once more, and assure them of her happiness. This was easily arranged, he told her, and ordered a carriage made ready.

Anya took the carriage the next day, and at every stop she made, she told anyone who would listen what she had seen. By the time she made it back home to her family, half the kingdom knew of Lord Gorman's crimes. But when she, her brothers, and the mob that followed them returned to the Gorman manor and stormed into the basement.... The room behind the plain wooden door was empty of blood, bodies, and all other proof.

The king of the land could not afford to alienate his richest and most powerful noble, and refused to imprison Lord Gorman based only on the word of a peasant girl. But the tale spread regardless, and Lord Gorman's name became synonymous with murder, bloodshed and uxoricide.

Unlike many of those who have been maligned wrongly, Lord Gorman has never protested his innocence, or railed against the injustice of his treatment. Nor has he confessed to the crimes he was accused of. He has simply endured the ostracism and hatred in near solitude. In his current role as landlord to much of Fablebrooke, he has done littel to improve his reputation among his fellow fables, even if he is relatively fair in his dealings. The good opinion of his neighbors, tenants, and larger community does not seem to be of much interest to him.

The truth is a tricky thing, with many sides, but the truth is this: Nicolas Gorman did not kill his wives. He feels the guilt of their deaths all the same.

Writing notes: If your character has a sister/daughter/friend who you would like to have been one of Gorman's dead wives, please let me know- I'm always down to create some pre-existing grudges/drama for characters!

lord of murder


  • filler tab!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


the monster tearing vienna apart.

in his defense, if you saw the prices...

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


Fable/Urban Legend: Pegam and Lambergar.
Age: Early thirties.

Gender: Cis male. Probably.
Orientation: Bisexual.

Occupation: Officially, a line cook and sometimes server. Unofficially, being nosy doesn't pay.
Residence: Grimm Ward.



History: ... ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐Ž๐๐’๐“๐„๐‘ ๐†๐‘๐„๐– ๐„๐•๐„๐‘ ๐‹๐€๐‘๐†๐„๐‘ ๐€๐๐ƒ ...

The most common, and generally accepted version, is this.

There is some scholarly debate about whether the origins of the story trace back to pre-Christian Slavic belief of a righteous thunder god killing the snake-devil Veles, symbolizing the defeat of spring over winter, or sky over the underearth. There is definitively some inspiration, sure; but most researchers with skin in the game agree that the base came from a historical fight between a Carnolian and Czech knight. Additional Christian faith have been sneaked into the story, turning the natural into a test of faith.

And the story, even with the anonymous tweaks, goes as this.

Pegam is a knight under the emperor. He is loyal, faithful, servant-like. He is called to the emperor's side when

Less often, outside of literature contexts, they are used as an example of dualism in patients with encephalogical injuries; an anxiety of split personality, feeling as though one side is the devoted Pegam and one the monstrous Lambergar.

Magic item:
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Name: Lucien Morgenstern

A.K.A.: Lucifer (He is NOT slick)

Fable/Urban Legend: The fall of Lucifer, Abrahamic Religion (christianity, judaism, etc.)

Age: Presents himself around 24

Gender: Transgender Male (He/Him)

Orientation: Homosexual, though he must feel a deep connection with someone before being attracted to them beyond looks.

Occupation: Server at a seedy restaurant by night, painter by day (he hasnโ€™t touched his brush in months)

Residence: Red Heights

Blonde curls cascade just past his collarbones, the framing layers complimenting his sunken green eyes. Pale skin melts into subtle freckles and dark beauty marks. It is not uncommon to see his hair display new colors and styles throughout the months. High, prominent cheekbones and a prominent bump along the bridge of his nose to match. His stature is small and light, showing subtle hints of muscle under the soft skin. It is not often he smiles outside of work, and even then his smile shows an underlying awkwardness in its use. Luckily customers are much too drunk to notice, or maybe the last thing they are looking at is his smile. Tattooed along his back are eyes melting into black wings, a nod to the past he canโ€™t escape.

Burn with a curiosity, a hunger that cannot be filled. A form that once tried to cram itself inside whatever space it could, breaking off pieces of himself as he did. Now, shaved down to the bones that hide in his flesh, he finds the resting soul within him. Tired of the fake politeness, tired of the socialites that he does not understand, stripped of the masks he once wore with ease that no longer fit the curve of his nose. He has grown cold, restless, like a puppy kicked and left in the snow. Defensive to the point of injury, unable to stop his teeth sinking into the warm flesh of those who do not deserve his bite. Apologies die in his throat. They are more vulnerable than he can manage. More valuable than he can afford.

He believes he is nothing more than rotting flesh and fragile bones. His kindness says otherwise, but the pleas fall on deaf ears. He cannot see the good he does. He is too focused on the bugs splattered on the window. He is quick to help others, reveling in the feeling it brings only for a moment before shying away from its light. He shies away from others unless it is necessary, finding himself struggling with the simplest of conversations unless it has been planned out extensively. Unable to read between the lies, he requires explicit instructions and invitations to do anything.

He has been taught certain rules over the years, and struggles with the changes in these social workings that he spent years memorizing. Courting has changed from subtle remarks and flowers to lying in bed together. Invitations have gone from beautiful designed cards to a brief passing mention, without so much as a date or time. He finds humanity to be exhausting. Humanity finds him to be odd, different. Not like them. He no longer desires to be like them, yet when he walks into work, he puts on the best smile he can muster and the subtlest flirts one can offer. He does not mean either.

There are countless versions of his story. Each meant to fit someoneโ€™s agenda, never to tell the truth. He fell because he loved himself more than God. He fell because he became to prideful. He fell because he wanted the throne. He fell because he wanted to give humanity free will. He fell because he wanted to take free will away. He fell because he went against Godโ€™s plan.

He fell because it was Godโ€™s plan.

To be born just out of reach of the heavenly glow that he yearned for. To feel the love of his god, only to be rejected at every turn. He was born without father. He was born without mother. To yearn to love. To yearn to be gentle. To yearn to stop his teeth from sinking into the flesh of the ones he loves. He was born filthy. Born fallen. Born to never be seen as pure. He would never be pure. Nothing could wash the blood from his hands. The door had been closed since before he was born. It would never open for him. That did not stop him from desperately clawing at wood until the red had long stained his skin.

His life was never his own. His fate was never his own. Even his body was never his. Maybe that was why he fell, because he had changed something of Godโ€™s design. Maybe his change was according to Godโ€™s plan as well. He wouldnโ€™t know. Heโ€™d never know. Cast from heaven. No god would be able to redeem him. No god would be able to purify him. It was only him and his blackened wings. It had always been that way. Cursed to be alone. Cursed to stain everything he touched. He was free. Did he want to be?

Magic item: He brought nothing but his faith (does he even still have it?)

fallen angel


  • filler tab!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Name: Rumpelstiltskin

A.K.A.: Rumpelstiltskin

Fable/Urban Legend: spins gold for the promise of getting the first born child to take away

Age: 38

Gender: male

Orientation: undetermined

Occupation: weaver, with good skill at that

Residence: Grimm Ward

Appearance: small like an imp, just a few feet high (probably 3), with a crooked back, from which he bends a little forward.

Personality: suspicious but can become likable

History: Estranged from any and all family, Rumpelstiltskin finds little for any other work, he falls then into weaving he had learned when young for whatever looks like good deals, which he wanders about looking for when he is not busy with it for an occupation.

Magic item: whatever means there are to spin gold.
hi everyone!! discord invites will be sent over the weekend. for those who asked for an extension, donโ€™t worry! just let me know when itโ€™s all finished!
Gonna need an extension I'm sorry, things have been hectic
thatโ€™s fine! thank you for letting me know, Iโ€™m in no rush to get this started!
Name: Cotal Ixtlilxochitl (Snake + Dark Flower)

A.K.A.: Tlatoani Ixtlilxochitl (roughly translates to King Ixtlilxochitl, โ€˜Tlatoaniโ€™ denotes royalty), Cotal (close cabinet and friends)

Fable/Urban Legend: (again, remember that this will be the โ€œvillainโ€ of the tale or legend): Tlahuelpuchi
  • Aztec vampire, likely adopted from European folklore. The Tlahuelpuchi are a species largely recorded as women but have been known to contain some men as theyโ€™re not transformed but rather born cursed. Traditionally they feed off of the blood of humans, preferably infants, and possess powers of transformation. Theyโ€™re undetectable to humans, unless caught, but possess a glowing ring of light to other supernatural creatures. Furthermore, to enter a victimโ€™s house they must transform themselves into a bird and fly over in a cross pattern to gain unpermitted entrance.

Age: 25 (Was born in 1475, 10 years prior to Hernan Cortezโ€™ arrival in the Aztec city-states)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: High end luxury fashion house, provides labor and magical services for the Fables of Heavenโ€™s End

Residence: Heavenโ€™s End

  • Cotal stands at 5โ€™8 with 2B curls (usually slicked back), dressed rather simply with a silk shirt and culottes paired with a rotating array of jewelry pieces. While other tlahuelpuchi have varying shades of blue pupils, Cotal has bright pink to denote his royal bloodline. Stretched across his back are the tattooed coils of a two-headed snake in the style provided below, with both heads being on the dorsal side of his hands. This tattoo is etched in bright jade green with the eyes of each snake head jet black with red accents (see below). Attached is Cotalโ€™s โ€˜Tonatiuhโ€™ form (sun deity) which grants him the full range of his abilities, all of which stem from his lineage as the current monarch of the Ixtlilxochitl bloodline.

  • Additionally provided are the monster forms of every other tlahuelpuchi, the holes being utilized to help them echolocate, as well as a tlahuelpuchi near starvation.

  • Cotalโ€™s personality is saturated with pomp, fashioning himself as a king similar to King Louis XIV in his utilization of routine as a method of control. Although he seems airheaded and self-centered, Cotal has a streak of cunning intellect which has continually defended his position as the current royal patriarch of his species. Quick witted with a keen eye he prefers to maintain an distance between himself and others to maintain control at all times.
  • Although he would never admit it, Cotal has a soft spot for villains in other districts and might be persuaded to help them if a good enough plea is made.

History: (I am taking the traditional story of the Tlahuelpuchi and adding false context surrounding Hernan Cortez, while expanding some of their powers through this lore)
  • The Tlahuelpuchi were a race of cursed individuals within the Aztec empire, feared for their power but pitied. They were split into 4 large families and scattered throughout modern day Mexico both due to shame and infighting between clans. However following the arrival of Cortez and the plagues which swept the empire as a result they became the chief defenders of the Aztec nation. Their unique gifts would render them immune to human ailments and thus impervious to smallpox/measles which decimated local populations. Their magic helped sustain the empire despite its dwindling numbers, but would ultimately be crushed due to the sheer size of the Spanish Armada. Following the siege of Tenochtitlan (Aztec capital), Cortez would lead a purge of the tlahuelpuchi which would last a total of 8 years and successfully decimate 3 of the primary family lineages. Cotalโ€™s family would offer the Ixtlilxochitl clan as a refuge to survivors and successfully hid them from Cortez, subsequently being gifted with the blessings of the Aztec pantheon to be exalted as the only individuals of vampiric blood to wield the sun. Cotez would return to Spain and proceed to villainize the tlahuelpuchi as being a savage race of child consuming abominations (which was only partially true as although they consume the blood of youth it doesnโ€™t often result in their death). In the following centuries, a series of unfortunate encounters with humans would dwindle Cotalโ€™s proud family to a mere few and following an attempted coup by other clan members would leave Cotal as the final tlahuelpuchi of pure Ixtlilxochitl blood (and thus the last with the sunโ€™s blessing). Cotalโ€™s quick ascension to power has only harded the ruler and his now 200 year reign has been marked as a time of stability, but one of a return to traditional court roles rather than the preceding era of strong community. Taking notes from the empires heโ€™s seen rise and fall, Cotal has maintained power through employing pervasive measures of control and housing the clan in an ornate mansion resembling modern Versailles (while using the same strategies as King Louis XIV).
  • Although pompous Cotal is aware that his lifestyle is maintained by the clanโ€™s usefulness to the heroic Fables, a fact he resents

  • Powers/Abilities:
    • All clan members possess a sensitivity to sunlight which manifests itself in a lack of pigment in their skin as well as a painful blistering if under sun for an extended period of time. Additionally, they have pointed ears and prominent fangs with monochromatic pupils shaded various blues.
    • Transformation into various animals (namely birds)
    • Lycanthropy (wolf form is temporary)
    • Aptitude to learn various types of magic (most have general skill with practical applications such as healing/sewing/etc but can pursue higher forms of magic, combat being the most difficult. Unable to learn any spells relating to necromancy, mental manipulation, or the production of light)
    • All clan members have some form of tattoo with the clanโ€™s symbol, a black marigold, but the majority have opted for elaborate recreations of Aztec stone carving art
    • Require to feed on the blood of youth at least once a month (preferably human but can be animal youth too)
    • Expanded physical abilities beyond that of an average human + expanded senses
    • Subtle glow surrounding their heads
  • Ixtlilxochitl abilities (royalty):
    • No sensitivity to any forms of light
    • Inhuman healing factor (near invulnerability to physical attack) with 3 primary weaknesses (besides the Fable treeโ€™s death): a blade given proper rites by a priest, the removal and consumption of their heart (will kill who consumes it), voluntary surrender of their life (ie: fatal wounds done willingly to themselves with the intent to unalive themselves)
    • Ability to channel the sun (can instantly purge any other tlahuelpuchi or creature weak to excessive light/create intense heat and flames/can resurrect nearly any individual save for other royal tlahuelpuchi or those given last rites/ability to channel light as a healing property to other individuals)
    • Has no practical applications of magic but is the only variation of tlahuelpuchi with the ability to utalize mental abilities (mental domination/persuasion/telepathy/dream or nightmare projection), puts the tlahuelpuchi in an extremely vulnerable position with being at the mercy of the mind they enter but can have extremely good results against a weak/unsuspecting psyche.
    • Ethereal physical appearance/beauty (more than that of the average vampire)

Magic item: the Crown of Tonatiuh
  • Stored in The Pit since the clanโ€™s arrival
  • Distance from it weakens Cotalโ€™s powers and cuts off his ability to transform into his Tonatiuh form (no sun god abilities)
  • Due to his weakened state the heroic Fables have felt comfortable keeping the clan around, Cotal remains bitter at his loss of power


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