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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire - Rules

love bug

Junior Member
Hello there. I'm have a lot of faith in the people on this site, so my rules are very lenient! I do have a few things I'll leave here, though.

~Obviously, RPNation rules apply. I'm sure you already know them, so I won't force them down your throat and reiterate them.

~My best friend,
@opburning (Lizzy), is also going to oversee this roleplay with me. If you notice her making rules, don't think anything is wrong with that. I've let her know she can act like my right hand man and she's someone I've roleplayed with for years now, so I can assure you she's awesome.

~Literacy is important to me, but as long as you're not using text talk or leaving one-liners, I'll be alright.

~Lizzy and I have a 'three strikes' kind of system. If you're doing anything out of line (controlling others characters, being overly sexual, etc.) on multiple occasions, you'll be asked to leave.

~Please try to refrain from using annoying characters. By annoying, I mean the type of character you'd see in a One Direction fanfiction that was written by 12-year-olds.

~Mentions of sexual things is fine by me in some scenarios. My character is a sex-worker, so I know that there may be things he'll say that are a bit risque. If your character has any important traits to them or their storyline that happen to be sexual, that's fine. But don't go into detail or make anything too graphic, please.

~Try to not to be super boring. The wonderful thing about literate roleplay is that you don't need entirely dialogue. If your character is shy, you can still have interesting posts with their thoughts or actions. The point of roleplaying is to create stories, so basic, drab posts aren't exactly celebrated.

~If you have a problem with anything, message Lizzy or myself, and we'll help as best as we can.

~Most importantly, have fun! I love drama and excitement, so feel free to add anything that you think would make this roleplay even more enjoyable for everyone :)


~Emilie and Lizzy

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