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Fandom Boku No Hero Academia


New Member
Since the dawn of Quirks, the world had never known peace. Humans who were greedy and power hungry without quirks were now even more so. This meant the birth of heroes and villains. The heroes were the symbol of justice while the villains aimed to break such symbols. In the middle of all this is the legendary school of U.A. This school is home to all those who want to become professional heroes or even just make money. This is their story.....
Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Location: UA High School teachers lounge

Ahh the first day of school, what a wonder time of the year it was. The first day of school meant that a new batch of fledgling heroes were ready for guidance and it was her job to give said guidance. A large smile flicked across her face as she looked at the files of her new students in front of her. They were the best of the candidates, the ones who passed the written and practical exams. Wind manipulation, Sight through electric signals, shooting wires out of their mouth, making things intangible, magnetism, a shark, and bubble controls. All of them had such interesting and amusing quirks!

Her smile quickly faded as she was looking over a few of the files. Most of her students came from normal families and backgrounds There was one in particular that worried her, she would definitely have to have a one on one talk with her and make sure to keep an eye on her. Jeanne leaned back in her chair and tilted her head back to look up at the clock. There was still a little while before the first bell would ring. Why couldn’t class start sooner! She wanted to meet her new fledglings already!

Jin Nakamura-
Location: UA High School, Classroom 1-A

Jin was sitting in the back of the classroom at the seat closest to the door. There was about ten minutes left before class and so far, he was one of the few people in the classroom. He made sure to get here early enough that he could claim the seat he wanted but at the same time it took him longer to get here then he would have liked. That being said it took him longer then he liked to get anywhere. Oh well that wasn’t important right now, what was important was that he was about to start his first day at UA FLIPPIN HIGHSCHOOL, the school that only the best potential heroes could get in.

Man, he could still here his families excited yells ringing in his ears when he got the acceptance letter. Even though they supported him he knew they seriously doubted that he could get in, but his resolve was strong and he gave both the written and practical exam all he had. Of course, he needed to take a special written exam but the school allowed it. Luckily, they were prepared to work with his partial blindness sense it was part of his quirk. Either way he couldn’t wait to see what kind of stuff would be happening today and for the rest of his high school career.
Natsuko slowly walked down the main hallway, her eyes tracing the signs above the classroom doors.
A couple of other students meandered around the hallway as well. Some talked amongst each other while others entered and exited classroom doors. There was an almost electric feeling in the air as everyone was buzzing about the new school year. It was contagious and Natsuko couldn't help but feel it like a electric pit of glee in her chest. She suppressed a smile and continued searching for her class.

2-A... 1-B... Ah, 1-A. This is it. Natsuko stopped in front of a set of classroom doors. She could hear idle chatter behind it and swallowed. Here it goes, the first day begins now.

Natsuko slid open the door and as she stepped inside her eyes fell on a colorful array of other students. Some of the students' quirks were physically visible, quickly pointing out they were far from ordinary, while other students clearly had more subtle abilities. She blinked and quickly scanned the room in search for a strategically placed seat. She picked out an empty spot and quietly made her way to it. It was somewhere in the middle of the room, not too far in the front and not too far in the back. She sat down swiftly, trying not to make eye contact with any of the other students. She was so excited and couldn't wait to get to know her classmates, but... she couldn't help but let her nerves get to her.

This was class 1-A, after all. Everyone was probably amazing and she just hoped she could keep up.
Lloyd left the door to his house after a hug and kiss on the cheek from his mother. A mother who was teary-eyed and saying how proud of him she was. He strode confidently towards the prestigious school, ready to keep her proud. With his backpack full of supplies slung over his shoulder, he felt like he was ready to face the world. He always felt so confined in his small house working at the construction site, but now he was going to be out in the world and save people. Nothing more gave him as much satisfaction.

He walked through the front gate and into the big doors to the front of the school, in awe of how pristine and elegant everything looked. He was more used to rusty steel bars and dirt getting everywhere as a constant when it comes to buildings, but he rarely spent a lot of time in the bigger ones. He pulled out a piece of paper he printed out so he could get all the information he needed to figure where to start. He scanned for the room number until he saw "1-A". He felt ever more excited to start as he followed a map to where the classroom was supposed to be. He felt ever so confident when he saw a girl enter the room posted with the number he was assigned to. With a big smile he followed her in, looking around at everyone who showed up. All these new faces he was so eager to greet, but he had no clue who to talk to first.

He decided to speak to the girl who entered a moment before he did. He took a deep breath, finding himself a little nervous meeting someone new for the first time. The taller boy leaned down and tapped her shoulder from behind, asking, "Uh, 'scuse me, miss. This is the class for '1-A', right? 'Pologies for askin', but I ain't ever been in this big ol' buildin' before." If she noticed and turned around, she was greeted with the biggest and friendliest smile he could muster.
Res walked onto the school campus with his backpack slung over his shoulder and his hood lingering on his head. He adjusted his hood to where it cast a shadow over the top of his forehead down to the bottom of his eyes. He sighed gingerly before walking towards the building with a slip of paper he had pulled out of his pocket.

Hm, class 1-A. Shouldn't be too hard to find in this big-ass building.

He thought to himself sarcastically as he walked through the halls looking for 1A. When he finally arrived to the room, his mouth nearly fell open at the height of the door.

"Who in the hell are they teaching at this school, the Jolly Green Giant?"

He said as he opened the smaller portion of the door and walked in.
Amy looks up the elegant building that is UA High School. A string of nervousness struck on her, but this is her first day so its natural to have that kind of feeling, less you are very confident and prideful of your abilities. After all, she was recommended and didn't need for taking an entrance exam. Also, the tuition was free for her, knowing her tragic past. She steps inside the building as to find the room that has "1-A" printed on the door. After some time of looking, she stops right in front of a door that has the "1-A" printed on the front. She could hear loud chatter from the inside.

Amy takes hold of the handle and before she could slid it open, she wonders if she could be a hero like her deceased parents. She quickly shrugs it off and forcefully slides the door open. However, due to the sheer strength given by her prosthetic arms, the impact left many cracks on one side of the wall near the doorway. Amy panicked before shutting the door and quickly ran for an empty seat. Once she finds one, she gets herself seated and hides her face out of shame and humiliation, fearing that she might get kicked out of the school.
Res walks toward a seat as he hears a loud crack come from the direction of the door followed by a girl running past him. Surprised, he looks between the girl who hid her face and the door, which sheltered splinters that started at the door hinges.

"Hot damn that's a strong girl."

He says under his breathe, hoping not to be heard by her as he takes the seat next to her. He pulls a book from his bag and leans back in his seat as he opens it and begins reading,
Natsuko jumped and turned towards the person who had suddenly spoke to her. She had been lost in her thoughts, worrying and simultaneously praising the upcoming school year in her head, and had not noticed the other student approaching.

She looked up to see a very tall guy with an anvil shaped head staring down at her, a huge smile on his face.

“Oh, uh, yes! This is 1-A.” She stammered, scratching the back of her head lightly as she was suddenly unsure what to do with her hands. Meeting new people always made her so anxious. “This building is so big and confusing, I know.”

She swallowed, deciding to try and stop being a weirdo and maybe try to make a friend, or an ally, or just get to know someone in this huge, crowded, competitive school. “Uhh, I’m Natsuko. Nice to meet you.”
Elena left her home early, because well she was used to waking up early due to having to help her father with the baking and two because she had to catch the train. That morning had been filled with hugs and kisses and teasing from her brothers, before having to hop on a train and going on her way. Now the short brown haired girl stood in front of the large school building. She took a deep breath as she held on to the strap of her messenger bag and made her way inside.

She quietly made her way down the hall looking around as other students walked passed her and into different classrooms. Finally, she had made it to 1-A "the door is huge!" she said under her breath as she looked up in amazement at the large door in front of her. Taking a deep breath to gather up her composure she slowly slid the door open. Quitely and quickly she walked passed the front of the classroom and making her way to the middle seat of the row of the desks by the window. She placed her bag on her desk, leaning her head on her bag as she quietly observed her fellow classmates.
Amy is greatly embarrassed by such action. It is true that she was lost in thought, though she is actually very nervous and doubtful. She turns her head, popping her eye out to see a young boy reading a book. She wanted to remove herself from such position, but yet she fears that when a teacher comes in and notices the damage she has donr, she'll get expelled. So much for her first day.
Natsuko jumped and turned towards the person who had suddenly spoke to her. She had been lost in her thoughts, worrying and simultaneously praising the upcoming school year in her head, and had not noticed the other student approaching.

She looked up to see a very tall guy with an anvil shaped head staring down at her, a huge smile on his face.

“Oh, uh, yes! This is 1-A.” She stammered, scratching the back of her head lightly as she was suddenly unsure what to do with her hands. Meeting new people always made her so anxious. “This building is so big and confusing, I know.”

She swallowed, deciding to try and stop being a weirdo and maybe try to make a friend, or an ally, or just get to know someone in this huge, crowded, competitive school. “Uhh, I’m Natsuko. Nice to meet you.”
Lloyd chuckled at her sudden shock to him approaching her, though he also felt bad for doing so. He doesn't get to meet new people all that much, so he wasn't sure if he did the right thing. He did his best to maybe put her at ease, seeing as she was fairly nervous about this.

He stuck out his hand and greeted her saying, "That's a pretty name! It's a pleasure to meet ya, Natsuko! Name's Lloyd Tamarack, but ya can call me Lloyd. This place is reeeeeaaaal big. Never been in one like this before. Sorry for spookin' yuh, by the way. So many soon-to-be heroes to meet can be a bit much. Hehe..."
Erik's day began in usual order. He stirred around 8 or so that morning to a booze-induced carry-over and a slight emptiness hanging over his lean muscled frame. He roared either from momentary hunger or his partaking the night before. He was just about ready to try dumpster diving. He'd have to make due off a cup of coffee it seemed, a message on his machine chimed, from the UA no less, he thought nothing of it until he heard "position" and 'opportunity" consecutively. He listened to the content of the message and it seemed like it wasn't just smoke, it genuinely surprised him that the school responded back to him, something many employers did not upon discovering his background, he remembered so many interviews that went well until "that question" came up. Technically, he'd never been a felon but being a renown ex-villain carried many challenges, and a reputation of its own.

He stood in his studio kitchen almost in disbelief of what he was hearing. A glance shifted to his kitchen clock, only realizing he'd already been running behind on the first day on what was to be his first teaching job. Erik blurred out the door half finishing his morning roast, he didn't have time to do much grooming either, he managed to grab his blue denim overcoat on the way out.
Amy is greatly embarrassed by such action. It is true that she was lost in thought, though she is actually very nervous and doubtful. She turns her head, popping her eye out to see a young boy reading a book. She wanted to remove herself from such position, but yet she fears that when a teacher comes in and notices the damage she has donr, she'll get expelled. So much for her first day.

Res' eyes flickered in between the nervous girl who had broken the door and his book. He tried not to look at her too long i order to avoid looking creepy before his attention was taken by the teacher walking in.
\\Pyre Gallian//

Pyre knew she was going to be late if she didn't hurry, it was just hard for her to motivate herself to leave the house she'd grown so used to. Yes, UA was a very prestigious school and there were plenty, plenty of opportunities available there. But... There was always that nagging fear that someone would try to take a bite out of her or something. It kept her up at night. However, she quelled the fear with one thought; she could defend herself if it happened. That was all that needed to be said on the matter. Glancing at the clock with her vibrant, blue eyes, she let out a long sigh before finally telling her parents she was off.

They rushed into the doorway where Pyre was standing and hugged her (for a little longer than she would have liked, because she was already behind schedule) before she finally stepped off her porch toward the school. She had to take a few buses to get there, being as she wasn't supposed to use her Quirk in public unless defending herself. Although, if she was being honest... She completely hated public transportation and would have vastly preferred just using her own yellow liquid form. Resigned, however, she submerged herself in her thoughts until her stop came.

When that time came, she was all too happy to hop off of that bus. She could've sworn, that kid next to her had his tongue ready to taste her had his mother not been there. Shuddering and pushing that thought aside, she looked upon the giant and extravagant (if a little excessive) gates that led to UA High School. It was honestly rather breath-taking.It was really an honor to go here, she really should be thankful... Taking a breath, she stepped through the gates while taking out the letter she had gotten. 1-A, huh? She wondered what sort of horror awaited her there...

Laughing at herself for worrying so much, Pyre walked around the halls and followed the signs until she actually managed to find the classroom. Already, it appeared, the door seemed broken. She could only wonder who had done that, before opening it herself. She entered, eyed everyone in the room, and then swiftly took a seat in some empty place. Really, she didn't care where she sat; she just wanted a good vantage point for the front of the room. And this seat appeared to be adequate for that goal. The girl appeared a weary, and her subtly sugar-coated hands folded and unfolded to try and help her relax.
Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Location: UA High School, Classroom 1-A
Syr human.jpg

Jeanne's eyes let up with joy as the clock finally struck 7:55, class would be starting soon. Standing up with a large smile on her face she grabbed her small bag that had all of her teaching stuff for the day in it and left the teachers lounge. As she made her way down to the classroom humming lightly she would return the greetings of any second and third year students who were on their way to the their respective classrooms. Any stray students she found just hanging around she told them to hurry up an get to class. Despite the distractions she still manage to make it right before class started. Just as she was about to open the door she stopped and sighed lightly. The edges of the door was cracked and lined with splinters. Well it's the first day, I can give them a pass for today... she thought to her self.

Gently as to not make the door any worse Jeanne opened it and stepped inside. Swiftly she made a scan of the room and did her best to place the faces she saw with the files she read earlier. This process probably would have gone smoother if she wasn't captivated by the nervous and or excited glows she could see in her students eyes. Letting her pleased smirk show on her face Jeanne made her way over to the podium at the front of the class that was for the teachers use. She laid her bag on the podium. Looking up she from her bag she scanned the faces of the students once more as the bell for class to begin finallly rung.

"Alright Fledglings Class has begun! Let me officially congratulate you on not only getting into UA but making it into my class 1-A. Either through recommendation or rigorous test you have proven that you deserve a chance at becoming a hero, and if you work hard enough maybe even a top hero." As she talked still with her pleased smirk on her lips the name Jeanne Kurasaki appeared on the screen behind her. "My name is Jeanne Kurasaki, you may refer to me as Madame Kurasaki or Miss Kurasaki either one works." as she spoke the two names the students could see that the names appeared on the screen. "Some of you may have heard of me before while others may not have. Right now that isn't important, what is more is more important is that I have a question for you all. Which one of you broke the door?" she made sure to keep a friendly tone through her entire introduction trying her best not to intimidate her new class.

AquaMarie AquaMarie MoltenLightning MoltenLightning King Vioogra King Vioogra Some Guy Some Guy Zamasu Zamasu mian mian
The gig is already up for Amy as a teacher finally notices as she has made her appearance. Amy knew that hiding won't be enough and so she decides to surrender. She went off of hiding and slowly raises her prosthetic hand up to gain not only the teacher's attention, but also the entire class. "I...I did it, Miss Kurasaki." She says in a shy yet guilty tone "I was...out of thought. I was nervous and doubtful if I..." She then ran out of words to state her reason, but she believes that the teacher could understand.

Dante Verren Dante Verren
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\\Pyre Gallian//

Just as Pyre sat down, it seemed someone else made their entrance. But this wasn't the usual student, she was older... Pyre could only assume her to be their teacher, as she had a bit more of a mature air about her, or so it seemed. Pyre didn't really like the woman's hair, but disregarded the fact and listened to what she said. Hm, so she was their teacher... Pyre didn't know what to really think, so she just shrugged and listened as diligently as she could. If this lady was going to be helping them become stronger, then by all means, the woman would have Pyre's attention. The sugar-coated girl was actually glad the teacher was there, if this were the case. Being stronger meant less vulnerability. And less vulnerability was a wonderful thing, to her.

As the teacher raised the question about the door, Pyre couldn't help but gaze out at the crowd of students to see who did it. She herself was curious, being as she had never seen the culprit in the act. Her question was soon answered as a, more or less, normal looking girl raised her... Prosthetic hand. Was her quirk super strength or something? How could she do that damage on accident..? Pyre was miffed by the thought, wondering if she herself could pull something like that off. Maybe with her red goo, but... Not by herself. She felt a sort of new respect for the girl, to be able to pull something like that off on the first day.
Raiju, - Location: Near some populated storefronts.
Ash fell and was picked up by the wind - fallen from the tip of a lit cigarette placed between a man's pursed lips. He knew it wasn't good for him - but what did he care? It relieved him of all the stress of day-to-day life.. And, was a - in his words - habit, not an addiction, mind you. Raiju sat upon a rooftop, his legs dangling down to the pedestrians below. The passers didn't care for his presence - there was no reason to, he wasn't causing any harm at the moment, other than the disgusting smell of tobacco. He was around 15 feet up in the air, with a jet black duffel bag snugly sat right next to him. This bag was filled with all of the essentials for trips across the city. Things like water, food, money that he permanently borrowed from people and stores, cigarettes, and a few other things. With one hand holding onto the cigarette, he found his other digging through the cash. This'll last me a week or so, no problem. If I don't lose it, at least. He thought, continuing to rummage through the bag until he felt satisfied with the thought that he made bank. Speaking of banks, he wanted to heist one eventually, he really just didn't have to balls to do it. Sure, it wouldn't be hard for him, but that didn't change a thing. It made him feel like an idiot. You've killed before, but you wont heist a bank? The hell's wrong with you? It's the government's money anyways! He sighed, closing up the duffel back and inhaling a large puff of smoke - letting it pour out of both of his nostrils. "Whatever.." He said to no one but himself. One hand reached into his pocket, taking out a phone as he began to surf through the news. He liked looking through the recent events of today, no reason to be oblivious. He stood himself up, dropping the cigarette and stomping it out - hoisting his duffel bag over his shoulder as well.

"The day's still young! Better get a move on." He moved away from the edge, turning himself to the side of the building that dropped down into an alleyway. He let himself fall to the ground, landing with a grunt on the concrete. He made himself stand tall, walking out of the alleyway. His target was a cafe down the street - Liquide. He had heard some good things about it, and there were bound to be some things to pickpocket. He didn't want to rob any stores, he just wanted to relax today. It's not like I HAVE to make a scene. He headed over, moving to the entrance.
Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Location: UA High School, Classroom 1-A

Jeanne's gazed focus in on the culprit as she raised her hand. She remembered from looking over the files that this girls name was Amy Kagari, she was the one that Jeanne was going to have to talk to after class. Perhaps she didn't have good control over her prosthetic when her emotions were high, either way it would be a small addition to the list. "Miss Kagari, nervousness and doubt are no excuses for lack of control. A hero must be able to control their own body as well as their quirks even if they are unsure of themselves. Seeing as how it is the first day and you caused little damage with no injuries it will be overlooked. However, any farther destruction of school property will be met with proper consequences." turning her attention back to the class she let her eyes sweep around the room. "Starting the moment that bell rang you are all Fledgling heroes. No farther destruction of the building will go unpunished for any of you after this point. Do I make myself clear?" Jeanne didn't really want to have to lay down the law like this on their first day but she had a job to do.

After waiting a moment to make sure her point was clear she hit a button on the table and the screen behind her changed. Instead of displaying a her name the screen now displayed a stick figure wearing a cape. It honestly looked like something an elementary school student drew. "Now I have another question for all of you. Feel free to shout out your answers or raise your hands and I will display them on the board. Don't be shy either this isn't a trick question. What is a hero?" The question she asked was a realitivly simple one and she was telling the truth about it not being a trick question. This was merely to see the different perspectives that her students had on what a hero was.

AquaMarie AquaMarie MoltenLightning MoltenLightning King Vioogra King Vioogra Some Guy Some Guy Zamasu Zamasu mian mian
Jeanne Kurasaki- Madame Manipuler
Location: UA High School, Classroom 1-A

Jeanne's gazed focus in on the culprit as she raised her hand. She remembered from looking over the files that this girls name was Amy Kagari, she was the one that Jeanne was going to have to talk to after class. Perhaps she didn't have good control over her prosthetic when her emotions were high, either way it would be a small addition to the list. "Miss Kagari, nervousness and doubt are no excuses for lack of control. A hero must be able to control their own body as well as their quirks even if they are unsure of themselves. Seeing as how it is the first day and you caused little damage with no injuries it will be overlooked. However, any farther destruction of school property will be met with proper consequences." turning her attention back to the class she let her eyes sweep around the room. "Starting the moment that bell rang you are all Fledgling heroes. No farther destruction of the building will go unpunished for any of you after this point. Do I make myself clear?" Jeanne didn't really want to have to lay down the law like this on their first day but she had a job to do.

After waiting a moment to make sure her point was clear she hit a button on the table and the screen behind her changed. Instead of displaying a her name the screen now displayed a stick figure wearing a cape. It honestly looked like something an elementary school student drew. "Now I have another question for all of you. Feel free to shout out your answers or raise your hands and I will display them on the board. Don't be shy either this isn't a trick question. What is a hero?" The question she asked was a realitivly simple one and she was telling the truth about it not being a trick question. This was merely to see the different perspectives that her students had on what a hero was.

AquaMarie AquaMarie MoltenLightning MoltenLightning King Vioogra King Vioogra Some Guy Some Guy Zamasu Zamasu mian mian
Lloyd was surprised to be ordered around by someone so small and dainty in comparison to him. He was expecting a more outwardly powerful looking hero. Regardless, he followed through when he realized she was their teacher. But before he did he said to Natsuko, "Shoot, introductions cut short, eh? We'll talk later, 'kay?" He left with a big smile and a wink before finding a seat close to the front.

He hadn't even noticed the damage caused to the door, and was more astounded to find out that one of his new classmates was responsible for it. He wasn't frightened and judging, more impressed with her power so early on. He was hoping he'd be able to keep up with her. Though his secret admiration was cut short when Jeanne scolded her for it. He was caught off guard by this harshness, but didn't want to fight back against it. He only made the effort in his mind to make sure he won't make a sloppy error for that. When Jeanne asked her first question, he eagerly raised his hand and spoke before she could even call on him, "To protect people and stop villains from hurtin' others!" He said loudly and proudly, something he believed in ever since he heard about heroes saving the day.
Natsuko lightly waved goodbye to Lloyd as he went up to the front and sat down. Her attention then shifted to the teacher.

Her nerves had spiked since the teacher had stepped in, especially once she enquired about the door. It wasn't Natsuko's fault, but nethertheless, she had be anxious for the girl who had done it. She figured the girl wouldn't be punished, I mean this is a school full of powerful teenagers, stuff must get broken all the time. It was embarrassing to be called out in front of the class, though. Especially on the first day!
She couldn't help feeling bad for the girl.

Natsuko had also recognized the teacher immediately, and how starstruck she was made her even more nervous. Madame Manipuler... She gleamed silently. I can't believe she's my homeroom teacher!

Natsuko wasn't a dedicated fan of pro-heroes, but she did know of most of them. Especially Madame Manipuler, who Natsuko had seen on the news a couple times when she was younger. She always thought she was so cool and that her quirk was so amazing! Now, Madame Manipuler was standing in front of her, in a classroom, like she wasn't some famous pro-hero but just a regular teacher.

It made Natsuko's stomach flip, she was excited but so, so nervous. She'd have to get used to it, though, and stop being so starstruck by every pro-hero she saw in the hallways or in a classroom. She was in the world of pro-heroes now, and she was training to be just like them.

Hopefully, she thought, I'll even be at their level one day!

Natsuko continued to sit silently as Miss Kurasaki asked the class what they thought a hero was. Llyod excitedly piped up, and Natsuko thought he was going to be a fun classmate to have. He seemed very friendly and very involved.
Hopefully everyone else was just as friendly.
Amy felt much humiliation as she was scolded by the teacher. She wanted to cry, but she needs to hold back that feeling for now. "Yes...Miss Kurasaki." She says in a quiet tone just before the teacher asks about what is a hero. Amy raises her hand up and yelled "A hero is someone that protects the innocent from threats and dangers of any size!"

Dante Verren Dante Verren
As Raiju neared the entrance to the sweet little cafe, he gazed into the large windows at the people inside - keeping the duffel bag hoisted behind his back all the while. He pushed open the glass door to the inside, smelling the sweet aroma of baked goods and coffee. All eyes turned to him - he didn't necessarily look like your model citizen. Not trying to cause trouble.. Right now, at least. He thought to himself, before arriving to the counter of the cafe. He already knew what he was going to order. As soon as he was asked, he answered. "Milk, just milk. Thank you." He got an odd look from the person behind the counter, but they obliged. After a short wait, he got his milk, prompting him to head to a seat near a window. As he plopped down, he just started outside - sipping his milk gleefully, as he always did. Where to go next..
|| ❝ Look at them, Mono.
Leaned against the gate with arms crossed and gawking eyes that disapproved was a young girl with a bad attitude. In her wake was the most prestige high school in Musutafa, Japan, UA High. Some might say it was the best school in the world, but that could possibly be a reach and a stretch to others.

" Bahumbug! Come on, Cukihe, We're going to miss the first day~! "

Cukihe Otomane-Looejak was her name. One of the newest famed family names to be integrated into Japan. Known for their focus and contribution to most advanced technology in this days time, but she doesn’t brag. In fact, it’s the only thing she’s quite docile about. Her friend, Mono, cupped the top of her head and chuckled at her frustration. "Hey hey, calm down. I'll meet you after school, the same spot right?"

Her fuse dissipated as she hugged Mono goodbye and proceeded to run across the street.

Yeah, dork! After class.

. . .
|| Approaching the door to Class '1-A', she grips the doorknob as tight as she could and hesitates to open. She stares aimlessly at the letters 1-A, her palms sweaty, her heart rate increasing— POOM, POOM. POOM, POOM. POOM, POOM. — and finally, she gains the courage to put on a brave face. Inhale, Exhale. She swings the door open with all her might, confidence in her stance, and aggressive in demeanor.

A young girl with wildly curly golden hair, bronze-brown skin, and aqua-green eyes bared a look of anguish and seriousness. Tilting her head in a snobbish manner, she revealed scales along the back of her neck that crept behind her ears, and along the crevice of her jawline. Slowly she lowered her chin to eye level and groaned ferociously. It was intimidating, or it would be if she weren't but a pint. This ball of anger was no more than 5 foot 2 inches and.
Little dog syndrome? Perhaps.

She slammed the door behind her and sat in a middle seat to observe the others around her.

. . .
Cukihe teetered on a leg of her chair as the teacher began to ask the students what it meant to be a hero.
She remained silent and paid close attention to each of their answers. Hmm...

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Res jumped awake as he had fallen asleep at his desk.


He whispered quietly as he roughly wiped away a layer of slobber that had leaked from his mouth during his unintentional nap. The page he was wiping ripped violently as he wiped it.


He whispered again as he quickly looked around the room, hoping no one had heard.

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