Boarding School for the Abnormal

It doesn't bother me xD I've got nothing to do on it currently. I'm just watching the show lol I'm about to edit Florence's profile real quick. I forgot to add something in there.
Type of creature: Human

Name: Quin Franton

Age: 22

Birthday: The 13th of December

Personality: "You are asking me for a detailed description of my personality? Very well, you shall have what you desire. Well lets start with the basics, my name is Quin Franton, and you are nosy! Anyway, i can be very annoying at times, ill admit that much. Most do not like to be around me, due to the fact that i shower them in, well FACTS. I consider myself to be very intelligent, and can usually outsmart most easily, even the supernaturals. *Sadistic laughter* My preferred technique when i am teaching is severity, even the smallest things i will punish to keep the students in line. My last class understood my methods and these rebels will aswell!" (Good? If i were to sum it all up, he is a smart but easily angered teacher.)



"You would like to learn about my life aswell? FINE! I was born in the year of.... im not telling you and my birthday is.... the same thing. My life has been difficult, in school the students beat me daily and my parents did the same thing to me. My father was arrested for domestic violence and i have not seen him since the age of five. My mother was shot and left for dead when i was seven, i became an orphan and had a horrible time. In the orphanage i was beaten worse than it was at home and, well its not easy to talk about, sorry...."

Extra: Does not act like it but, well he loves chocolate!

I feel so horrible, my CS is complete shite compared to others!
Type of creature: poltergeist

Name: Chrystal Jewel

Age: she was sixteen when she died, so she's sixteen.

Birthday: December 3rd

Personality: kind, funny, silly, slightly childish, when she tries to creep people out, she fails.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3ae5dbc449453a0ae28db21d4646e594.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3ae5dbc449453a0ae28db21d4646e594.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: she doesn't know who killed her, but she has made her life-well, death- goal. Everything within the hours before and after her death is all blurred.

Extra: she has the ability to turn invisible, pass through walls and move things without touching them (if she gets really angry, she can't control her powers).



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I am sorry but I cannot accept anymore characters. The spots are all filled and trying to keep up with everyone and their character is already difficult enough. I apologize but I cannot accept.
Type of creature: Dragon

Name: Toor Vahdin, or Tori

Age: Her mortal body appears 16 because her dragon form is in its teenage years.

Birthday: 25th of Jun

Personality: Tori was a spoiled child, spoiled rotten as they say, her temper always getting her what she wanted. Her adoptive parents were scared of their little dragonling, making Tori believe she was superior to all humans from a young age. Her temper very rarely escalates to the point where she loses control and shows her dragon form, she rarely shows this form at all because of the pain it causes her to shift.

The girl has a soft side, though it is almost never even hinted at in day-to-day activities. She views any form of resignation as weak and unacceptable, learning to be the opposite of her 'parents.' She often mumbles in her draconic tongue when distressed or extremely angry, something her parents found to be very disturbing and concluded she needed some
social interaction to curb her odd tendencies.




Bio: When Tori was birthed, her draconic parents abandoned her almost immediately, her adoptive parents found her in her human baby form when they were tending to their large property in the vast countryside. She was raised by the couple Helena and Thomas as a normal child, if not a bit too spoiled. They never had an inkling as to her true form until she turned 5 in human years, she had worked up such a rage one night her body lost control and transformed. Her parents, aghast and terrified, watched as their precious baby burned down their home. After their dragonling exhausted herself she reverted, surrounded by the flames of her parents livelihood. Helana and Thomas vowed to make sure nothing of that sort happened again, Thomas suggested giving the girl up, Helana would hear none of it, treasuring the child too much. Thus began the rebuilding of their estate as they were not poor by any means, just humble. Tori got everything she ever desired, just to keep her complacent and her parents' property intact. After many years she was sent to a boarding school for people like herself, different. Her parents hoped the teachers there could help her control her temper and rein in the uncontrollable rage her transformation induces.

Extra: Tori was left with only two memories of her parents and who she was, her name in draconic; Toor Vahdin and how to speak it.
Okay, I'm trying to catch up and read everything. ;>>

Okay, all caught up on everything. I was wondering though if there are any set classes?
Type of creature: She likes to call herself a healer with a long lifespan that may never end.

Name: Amaya Misora. Likes to go by Anya.

Age: Nearing 1,000

Birthday: June 10

Personality: Very sarcastic and has a playful side to her. She's very serious most of the time and gets caught up in her work more than anything. When she's alone with her loved ones, Anya tends to be a different person and turns lovable rather than sarcastic and bitchy. Anya is OCD when it comes to cleaning and her house so she has to do everything herself despite protests she sometimes gets from her family and loved ones. She likes to be outside and in the fresh air rather than cooped up in the house and likes to take long walks. Very compassionate and caring about children and is willing to take in any child that she finds on the street though she took in one, loving that girl just like her own daughter. Anya can't cook much and prefers for her little brother or niece to cook. She's got a horrible sweet tooth and loves chocolate but mostly the chocolate cake her niece makes. Got this rather calm look about her and yet she can get a mean look about her, though she's only mean when she needs to be. Not one to flirt, unless around her husband, and can't be romantic to save her life. She loves to cuddle and hates to sleep alone at night. Gets very anxious when someone's around her treasured items and tends to keep them locked up. Anya happens to love candles and has them laying around everywhere, most of them smelling like food or some sort of flower. Compassionate when it comes to her dog and her niece's bunny, Bear. Anya has severe depression and often has breakdowns if she's left alone for too long.

Appearance: Real life face claim:

Looks about 22-25 and is rather normal when it comes to her facial appearance. Anya owns a lot of girly clothes though she rarely wears them and she wears a lot of jeans and plaid shirts (Example: When she's in the mood, Anya does tend to wear a dress (Example of what kind of dress she would wear: and a simple pair of heels. Every piece of clothing Anya owns has to be a shade of dark blue or she's not too happy but she doesn't care what kind of blue her jeans are. She keeps her curls down most of the time but when she's working on paperwork, she keeps her hair up. She has long bangs but they aren't long enough to pin back and they often annoy her. Her eyes are a dark stormy grey color and she's got very pale skin, often looking like a ghost when she goes outside. When at home or doesn't have work one day, Anya wears a simple pair of shorts and either a short sleeved shirt or tank top, not one to do her hair or anything so she doesn't look like the neat freak she is.

Bio: There's really nothing to say about Anya besides she was born to very loving parents and was loved greatly by them, being cherished by her mother. When she was a young girl, looking about 16, Anya's parents were murdered and the woman herself disappeared for a good three to four months, her brothers staying with her grandmother (her mom's mom). During those three to four months, Anya went through a hell she never thought existed and to this day, she has no idea how she managed to escape from it. She ended up pregnant from these events and she performed an abortion on herself, nearly dying from blood loss that night. Anya still has scars from many events that had happened to her in the past, most of them on her stomach, arms, and some on her thighs, and she keeps them hidden, mostly wearing a lot of long sleeved shirts and long pants pants. After a few years, she did have her first child, a little girl named Eva, and she kept that child close to her heart, cherishing her daughter more than anything else in her life. During a long portion of her life, before she met her husband, she had been in a deep depression and did try to take her own life in various ways only to have her youngest brother stop her. The night her niece and nephew were born, she was planning to end everything for herself but her brother stopped her and knocked some sense into her by saying that her sister-in-law needed her now more than ever.

After that night, Anya had tried to clean herself up but she saw no need to and continued her behavior, her brother putting her on suicide watch and everything of the sort because he didn't want her to do anything stupid, until she met her husband. She attempted to push him away from her, saying that sooner or later she wasn't going to be around and that he didn't need to get too attached, but that never worked and she gave up that fight. About a year and a half or two years, she became pregnant with her second child and she decided to clean herself up. Since then, she's kept herself away from the alcohol and yet she still has her small breakdowns but nothing major to where she'd do anything stupid or reckless.

Extra: She has never been to college but she's read so many medical books that nobody questions it since she knows what she's doing.
Type of creature:Warlock/Vampire

Name:Iak Destler


Birthday:he dosn't know


He is very up of himself,with good reason,He is a smug person who thinks less of others who have not earned his respect or have more power then him...which is a very rare on both accounts

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Iak.jpg.8da14201c87d8b4f74bbb09476b4422e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Iak.jpg.8da14201c87d8b4f74bbb09476b4422e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:He dosn't remember anything before when he was 6 years old,what he does remember is someone with the same coal black hair saying his name but thats about it.Soon after he found another boy named Kai and the two instantley got along...Even though they were both young they started 'dating' a few years later.Kai was accepted into a family called the destlers while Iak was put into a home.Finally when he turned 14 Kai convinced his now fathers to take Iak into their home.He now resides there sleeping with his beloved and coming to this school to further the education he missed.Alot has happened while he has been there from being turned into a vampire, Fighting of revenge bent hunters, hes encountered a variety of people from edward rictofen to Rumpelstilkskin.

Extra:I was hoping this guy could fill the bully slot



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