Boarding School for the Abnormal

Type of creature: Nephilim. She's the daughter of a Fallen Angel and a Human.

Name: Elysia August Rosetta

Age: Recently twenty

Birthday: 1st August


It's safe to say that Elysia is not the sweet, simpering kind of girl. She's very much the opposite. Perhaps, if her life had been more normal, she would have been but, considering everything, she's become very much the opposite unless, of course, a situation arises in which she needs to get her way. Then she's all batting eyelashes and sweet nothings. She knows exactly what she's doing and can be incredibly manipulative.

She prides herself on her strength of mind and character, and will not mold herself or her views to fit anyone else's ideals. She speaks her mind and tends to offer her opinion where it's not wanted which grates on a lot of people's nerves. People find her harsh and often a little too sarcastic. This bluntness along with her unrelenting determination to work and push others to work harder, doesn't score her a lot of points in the likability contest. Sia feels like she's justified in her actions, however. If these creatures want to survive in a world that is dominated by humans, they need to focus and she knows just how to keep them in check. There are rules to never physically harm another student unless sparring during physical training, but she doesn't have to touch a person to hurt them. The choices someone might make when they leave this school could mean life or death unless they know how to handle a situation, so she has to come down hard on her peers. Especially considering they don't always want to pay attention to their human teachers. She takes all the resentment with a shrug of her shoulders. They'll thank her one day when they realize just how good of a teacher she will make; how they'll be so much better for it in the end.

It's not surprising that Elysia doesn't have a lot of friends. She insists it doesn't bother her; she doesn't need people to like her, she needs them to respect her and she has little to no time for people who don't deserve her respect. Still, even she has to admit that there's something wrong when the person that she spends the most time with is a member of the faculty. It can get lonely when everyone has pinned you as the bad guy. More so than she'd care to admit. She's rather impatient and altogether relentless in regards not babying or coddling anyone (unless of course, they are a child). It doesn't do a person any favors to be kept from information that might hurt them, or allow them some slack when it means they aren't being pushed to be their best. It's better to be prepared for the worst than to go through life thinking everything will be okay. She's learned that the hard way.

Weirdly enough, Elysia has always had a knack with children. They're innocents - sweet and gentle and she responds to that in a similar fashion. She's got a huge maternal instinct and turns into an almost completely different person when she's dealing with children. Sometimes she considers teaching lessons to children, rather than pupils at a secondary or third level. Perhaps once she's graduated, she will set up a school for young mythical creatures who need help discovering who they are. Especially those who have human parents or whose parents are no longer around, like her own, and have nobody else to turn to.

Elysia's always had to do things for herself and she likes it that way. It means she's not in anyone's debt; that she can be independent and secure in the fact that she's doing alright on her own. She's a strong person and doesn't like people to think otherwise. She hates appearing as weak and vulnerable so she keeps her fears to herself. She exudes confidence to compensate for any insecurities she thinks that people might pick up on.

Sia hates not finishing something that she's started and this also comes down to pride and a little bit of stubbornness. She doesn't like to admit defeat or say that she can't do something. This trait makes her a hard and relentless worker but it's not always such a good thing. She can burn herself out pretty quickly and if she get's frustrated with herself it's best to avoid her. She's got a bit of a temper and tends to take it out on those nearest her.

Still, Elysia's not all bad. Deep down somewhere under that hard shell of hers there's a soft caramel centre. Of course, she doesn't let just anyone see her softer side. It's rare she ever get's close enough to anyone to show it. While she acts as though little effects her, she's really more emotional than she let's on. If she's upset about something, she'll bottle up all soppy emotions until she can deal with them alone. That's the only time she can truly be herself. She doesn't want to let anyone see the vulnerable side of her. She isn't going to be the victim anymore. She isn't going to let herself get hurt - emotionally at least. So she started building her walls; shutting everyone out and keeping her real feelings and passions to herself lest they simply be used against her.

If you do manage to get Elysia on your side, she wont let you down. She values loyalty, both the giving and receiving though she tends to be pretty distrustful. If you have her loyalty you know that you have an ally and friend for life, unless you betray her. One shot and you're out. That's it. She's not known for her even temper, to say the least. She has quite the hot head and a sharp tongue once she's provoked. If that doesn't work she's not afraid to get a little more aggressive.

Elysia takes what she wants when she wants it if it's within her grasp. She figures that nobody has ever done her any favors so why shouldn't she just help herself. She's tried being generous and kind but she's learned that it's a dog eat dog world and if she wants to survive in it, she can only rely on herself.



Elysia's story is not a pleasant one and one which she very rarely shares. Her childhood began as a happy one and for a long time, she didn't even realize that she was different. Her parents were loving and gentle, her mother April especially, and the two developed a strong bond. Her father, Azael, was always very supportive and had wonderful large black wings just like she did. He taught her things like how to fly and how to keep them hidden when she needed to. Of course, she didn't often leave their home. They owned a lot of land and she was free to fly about her back garden without risk of being seen by any of the humans. Her mother home schooled her and she didn't often come into contact with other children. She didn't know that it was unusual for her to have these wonderful wings that carried her about. That people would fear her if they knew the truth.

Elysia was five when her father left. April seemed distraught about the separation at first but not in the way that they little girl had expected. She seemed frightened and unsure and although she tried to lead a normal life for her daughter, it was difficult. She began to take new precautions, tried to teach Sia how to defend herself and what she should do if she woke up and heard someone in the house.

Two years passed and although Elysia missed her father, she was smart enough to know that his leaving was a good thing. She trusted her mother and she believed that she was only doing what was best for them. They moved twice. At first the human woman told her daughter that it was because they couldn't afford to keep their old home but soon enough the little girl began to realize that they were running away from something.

She didn't have to wait very long to find out.

Elysia woke one night to the sound of smashed furniture. She stood up on her bed and listened in the dark, her heart racing in her chest. Her wings emerged from her back and she gently carried herself across the room so that she wouldn't make a sound. Her mother had insisted that if this were to happen, she was to run but how could she leave her mother? She could hear voices then, her mothers and a man's voice; one she recognized.

Elysia watched through the crack of her door as her father lifted his arm and sent her mother across the room. She hit the wall with a sickening crunch and then fell to the floor, crying out in pain. Sia's eyes widened and she clamped her hand down over her mouth as she watched.

"She's my daughter too and I have every right to see her," Azael hissed, his voice low and deadly. She had never seen him act or speak this way before and she was frightened of him. She wanted to run to her mother but she remained where she was in the safety of the shadows.

"Don't you dare touch her! I won't let you have her! She's a good girl. She deserves to be free from all of this!" April insisted viciously, struggling to her feet. Azael's eyes softened some as he watched her and he drew a silver blade from his belt.

"She's mine. I'm taking her with me."

"Over my dead body!" Her mother screamed, lifting ornaments and throwing them across the room at him. Valentine sighed and crossed to her. The objects hovered briefly in the air before falling straight to the floor before they could reach him. He caught April's wrist easily and held it above her head. He looked regretful but Sia saw the glint of the blade in his hand and she tensed, horrified by what she was watching but frozen to the spot.

"I'm sorry."

"NO!" Elysia screamed, throwing herself through the door as Valentine sank the blade deep into the woman's chest. She gasped, staring at him with wide horrified eyes before looking down at the silver impaled in her chest. She lurched once and then her eyes fluttered closed and she grew still. Valentine removed the dagger and cleaned it off on his trousers before turning to Elysia with saddened eyes.

"Ely-" He didn't get to finish her name before he doubled over and roared in pain, clutching his head. It took Sia a moment to realize that she was causing this pain and when she did, she backed up away from him. She was sobbing helplessly as she moved away and when she lifted her gaze from him to look at her mother, he suddenly straightened.

"I didn't want you to see that but she left me no choice," Azael insisted as he stepped closer. "Please, darling. Come with me and I'll explain."

"NO!" Elysia repeated, her wings batting behind her and lifting her from her feet. "No, you killed her! You killed Mommy!"

She didn't want any longer. Sia turned from him and threw herself out of the window. She flew all night and well into the next day before collapsing from fear and exhaustion in a field. When she awoke, she was alone and cold and scared and it was the start of a very difficult journey. She had nothing and nobody that she could rely on. She tried to find an orphanage but something always went wrong and she had to leave because she'd accidentally exposed herself to a human. It was difficult growing up. She was always alone. Even if she did spend time with other children, she knew that she was not like them. She had to grow up tough and fast. There was nobody who could teach her what it meant to be a fallen angel. Nobody expect the one person she was trying to escape.

Her father always sought her out.

She had managed to escape Azael each time he found her again but it was getting more and more difficult to outrun him. He seemed to have so many people working for him; finding her and confronting her or informing him or her location.

When Elysia learned of the boarding school for people like her; other abnormalities and supernatural creatures, she jumped at the chance to go. She explained her situation to the principle and was given permission to attend without paying fees so long as she pulled her weight. It was only in this last year that Sia really expressed an interest in becoming a teacher, herself. Considering her history, it wasn't entirely surprising. She wanted to give to others what she had not had growing up. She wanted them to be ready to face any situation so that they did not struggle like she had. She wanted them to know that they were not alone.


Elysia volunteers her free time as a student assistant. She imagines she will have to go to a human college to get her teaching degree but the experience will be good for her, especially regarding subjects that are only taught in supernatural facilitates. She takes her job seriously. She's giving up her free time and people better pay attention.

Elysia has the ability to create the illusion of severe pain in her foes. It only works on those she is concentrating on in that moment and if she looks away, it will stop. She has been told that it is like a fiery, sharp feeling but that as soon as she lifts her gaze, it ceases and leaves no damage or after effect. The stronger willed a person is, the more difficult of a time she has in being successful. Even still, people know that she has this awful ability and they avoid her because of it. Or perhaps they avoid her because she's a fallen angel. Maybe she's damned to be alone for the rest of her life.

Sia also has minor telekinetic abilities that she inherited from her father. She's still getting the hang of it and practices as often as she can so that she can be as strong as possible. She can lift some of the lighter objects with ease but things like cars or something of a similar weight takes more energy and she's not as confident with it. Yet.

Elysia has a gorgeous pair of black wings that erupt from her back when she plans to fly, or when she gets angry. As a result, her clothes have to have slits in them in order for her wings to come free and not tear her clothes off her body. They also fold up and retract back within her back. It's convenient but also a little painful. She imagines the process is similar to that of a shapeshifter or a werewolf.
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Yup. All characters go here!

(As stated this RP is full of mythical/abnormal creatures so age doesn't really matter.)

Type of creature: 25% dragon

Name: Florence Fannel

Age: About 200 but looks 17

Birthday: April 16

Personality: She has the patience of a saint and is never really angered. Despite how she never had any siblings, she does love children and is very curious about them, often following her father to work to see what it's like to work with disabled children. A smart young girl and often keeps her thoughts to herself, not liking the idea of burdening anyone with them. Doesn't have many friends and often keeps to herself, either reading a book or writing something. She does get embarrassed very easily and fidgets when that happens, not really saying anything. Likes traveling and seeing the more historical places of the world. Is very awkward around new people, not children, and often tries to avoid large social situations like dances and other such situations. She is very curious about her mother's family but never brings it up and asks Anya (her doctor) despite how the woman knows next to nothing about her mother. Very close to Molly (her cousin) and is at Nicholas' (her other cousin, Molly's father) house when she's bored or no one's around for her to talk with. She likes antiques and her room is full of them, Anya mostly gets them for her. Loves to help out when she can but often pouts when she's forced to run errands for one of her parents and she does it without question, just pouting while she does it. Doesn't like her mother's constant worrying about her but she doesn't say a word about it and just lets her father handle it, knowing he's better at calming her mother down than she is. She is a playful creature and does love to have fun but, like her father, she's a very proper young girl and waits for someone to bring the idea up rather than say it aloud.

Appearance: About 5'8" in height and has long thin white hair that goes to her lower back, her eyes are a light hazel. She's a rather slender woman and pale in skin tone. Her hair is usually in a long braid or she keeps it down but either way, sometimes styling it too but curling it or something of the sorts, she likes it out of her face. Likes to wear her father's shirts when she can and isn't bothered by the fact that they're big on her. She does have some qualities of her mother's, the sharp teeth, the sharp hearing, long finger nails, and the advanced eyesight but she's more like her father in nearly every other aspect with the awkward stance and the scratching at the back of the head. She wears a variety of things but it's all mostly simple dresses that she can wear to school and jeans with simple shirts, she mostly wears the dresses.

(These are just examples of the types of clothes she would wear.


Normal outfit:

Bio: Florence was born in London, England, and to two very loving parents, her mother is a half dragon and her father is immortal so that makes her 25% dragon. But there was one problem... Her mother was very old fashioned. The woman kept her daughter in so much during her life, that the girl has bad social skills at certain times. This rough and ridiculous childhood was also filled with very few friends, many doctor visits that were caused by her mother's worries, and rarely ever going outside. Aside from school, she's rarely ever allowed out of her mother's sight and barely leaves the house. This behavior intensified about fifty years ago. Florence had developed Osteoarthritis in her knees at a young age and over time, it has slowly gotten worse and she has to take medication for the pain. She is often teased about this but she's gotten to the point where she ignores it and keeps to herself, this all mostly happens during gym when she can't participate. Her father had enrolled her in boarding school and she's been there about six years now.
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Type of creature: Human with powers over illusions and his appearance.

Name: Siel Dawnwood

Age: 17

Birthday: October 31

Personality: Siel is very outgoing smart and mischievous with more curiousity than a cat and many weird quirks. He finds it hard to trust others despite how friendly he acts towards everyone but those he trust gains a brave loyal and affectionate friend that will protect them until the end. He is determined and stubborn doing whatever it takes to find what he's looking for. He has a learge sweet tooth and often comes off as being hyperactive though knows when to be serious.

Appearance: Usually has long white hair down to his ankles and different highlights in it, pale porcelain skin, and cat shaped eyes that are usually a different color. The color takes up the whole eye leaving no white. His lips are ruby red and bow shaped. He stands at 5'4 and is slim with a androgynous face.

Bio: He grew up in an orphanage abandoned at birth. He was a loner his quirks and rebellious personality when it came to what society accepts making others stay away. He didn't mind though it was lonely he kept his upbeat attitude until at the age of 13 he finally found something special about himself. A teacher kept him behind after class and tried to rape him. His powers over illusion emerged in his fear and he drove the teacher insane. After that the teacher was sent to a mental hospital and he began teaching himself how to bend and create illusions and after his other power emrrged change his appearance. He was found by a member of the school soon after and has been there ever since.

Extra: He dresses without a care for his gender and is homosexual.[/URL]

Bio: Clara was born into a small Native American tribe in the mid 18th century and grew up with nine older brothers. She was the youngest of all of her parents' children and she was treated just like her brothers, rarely ever getting special treatment. As she grew up, the colonies continued to grow and her people were forced to move constantly. Soon enough, some of her tribe members either died or moved away again and she left, going for one of the colonies. There, she met a woman by the name of Ares and this woman took her in because she pitied the girl. Clara, of course, became very attached to the woman and helped her with her children and almost everything else that she needed help with.
Name: Michael Stripe

Age: 36

Birthday: December 15th

Personality: Michael is a kind man who takes extreme measures to keep his students happy. He tries his best to keep the campus clean of problems. He is liked by most of his students and is happy with that. He is very ambitious and will go to extreme lengths to get what he wants.



Bio: Michael was born to your average middle class family. He got good grades and his life was perfect. He went to UC L.A. and became a teacher at 29. He met a woman by the name of Justice. Michael and justice had a great relationship. Fast forward 4 years and Michael sat next to Justice who had been slowly dying of cancer. On February 12th 2012 at 5:23 a.m. Justice had passed away leaving Michael with noone.

Extra: Michael is the schools English teacher.

((I apologize for the lack of detail I'm on my phone))
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It's fine!

Type of creature: Immortal

Name: Lacey Belizaire

Age: 200 (looks about 22)

Birthday: November 10

Personality: A very quiet person and she's very smart. She loves to study psychology and loves to work with people, curious to know how they think. Keeps to herself and doesn't bother anyone unless she has to. Adventurous and wants to see the majority of the world, wanting to meet the people of the world. She's a calm person and rather passive until it involves herself. Isn't one to judge and accepts nearly everyone that she meets, no matter what they do. An avid book reader and loves mysteries, mostly crime mysteries. She loves to be outside when she reads or is playing a mind game and often sits on her porch swings to enjoy the outside while she lounges around. Can be a little awkward when she doesn't know what to say and fidgets as she gets nervous because of her awkwardness. She likes to cook, even though she's not the greatest, and she tries her hardest at everything. Though she may be smart, that doesn't mean that she's good at everything and the smallest things can leave her very frustrated. She isn't used to modern technology, aside from computers for writing purposes, and it often irritates her. Can become easily frightened if something goes wrong that she didn't planned to go wrong and stands there, frozen in fear if the situation is bad enough.

Appearance: 4'11" in height and has thick red curly hair that goes just a little past the tops of her shoulders, her eyes are nearing white in color. She keeps her hair in a tight bun during her work hours, her bangs hang in her eyes, and she wears a nice work suit (Example: When she's at work, she often carries a notebook and various pens to record what people say to her when she interviews them. She sometimes carries the files of the people she interviews and looks it over before she starts asking questions. When at home or out and about, Lacey wears a pair of jeans and oversize shirt and a pair of simple tennis shoes rather than the heels she wears everyday, her curls down rather than up. She wears simple earrings and a simple opal bracelet everyday and wears little to no makeup. Lacey is petite and dainty, obviously not athletic in any way.

Bio: Lacey was born to a poor family in northern France and never had any schooling growing up. She was the only child born to her parents and she often sought entertainment in watching people do things, waiting to see what they'd do if angered or upset. When she became a teenager, she ended up learning how to read and write from a kind old woman who wanted to teach her when she saw her attempting to read something. She then went to school about a hundred years later and then college when she earned enough money to pay for her schooling. Her parents are still alive to this day and she supports them when she can. She works at a prison in upper England and works in the mental ward of the prison but she often works with the more sane prisoners. Lacey has been working at a prison for about twenty years now and she loves it despite what is said to her sometimes. Her work means a lot to her and she loves working with people despite these people being horrible in the mind. She quit her job after a while and got her teaching licence, now working as a psychology teacher.
Out of curiosity, what classes are the students taking? Are there subjects that are specific to being a supernatural being as well as regular classes?
They can take any class they choose but some are given to them. Specifics would be a human behavior class, how to survive in the world of humans, etc. They also get classes like we would get. Math, science, English, etc.

Type of creature: A Undead Being |Zombie;Immortal|

Name: Noona Cowaski |Dialogue Color|

Age: |5 Centuries Calm Seas| 17 Years Old

Birthday: |The 6th of June, Summer Goddess|

Personality: |Noona is dead... Literally she is a corpse that somehow came back into this chaotic world and decides to get and education. Noona has always been different, from her eating styles, her lack of pain, and the sowing of her body parts. She can never take a break from someone running into her emotionless form and ripping an arm off her soulless body. She plays it off like she doesn't care but in reality, she does. She's going to forever alone, cursed to have no one beside her and watch the others rot and wither into death. Noona is highly influenced by what others think, so when criticism comes her way, her heart is very soft to it. Noona is not your common mindless zombie staggering to get a meal of sweet flesh {which she doesn't mind tasting a little piece}, she is also a zombie blessed with the human mind of logically thinking and harboring human emotions.

Bio: |Noona was born exactly at midnight by human parent on the sixth day of June, the resurrection day of the dead for her native culture. Being the only baby born, she was blessed to be the sacrifice for the Summer Goddess that day but was reborn after two weeks for the resting period. Her life was a living hell of going to the witch doctor, for skin conditioning potions and trying her best to keep her body from falling apart. She was a living corpse, even for being so holy, people were scared of her and her ancient ways. The only ones that were left, was her parents. They died but she lived on, after a hundred years of not even aging, she knew that she was cursed with being immortal. Her life wasn't getting any better, each step forward always some how cast her back to the start. She is tired of running to the finish line and being disqualified, she tired of watching people leave and she cannot. Never a sheltered child, maybe it was her time to run free.

Extra: Has a large scar on her arms, which is why she only wears long-sleeve. Also she fears water, being immortal, she is able to swim but she still fears drowning, since she was drowned to be sacrificed.
NotAllThatCreative said:
They can take any class they choose but some are given to them. Specifics would be a human behavior class, how to survive in the world of humans, etc. They also get classes like we would get. Math, science, English, etc.
That sounds perfect. Thanks :)
ZlokobanSins said:

Type of creature: A Undead Being |Zombie;Immortal|

Name: Noona Cowaski |Dialogue Color|

Age: |5 Centuries Calm Seas| 17 Years Old

Birthday: |The 6th of June, Summer Goddess|

Personality: |Noona is dead... Literally she is a corpse that somehow came back into this chaotic world and decides to get and education. Noona has always been different, from her eating styles, her lack of pain, and the sowing of her body parts. She can never take a break from someone running into her emotionless form and ripping an arm off her soulless body. She plays it off like she doesn't care but in reality, she does. She's going to forever alone, cursed to have no one beside her and watch the others rot and wither into death. Noona is highly influenced by what others think, so when criticism comes her way, her heart is very soft to it. Noona is not your common mindless zombie staggering to get a meal of sweet flesh {which she doesn't mind tasting a little piece}, she is also a zombie blessed with the human mind of logically thinking and harboring human emotions.

Bio: |Noona was born exactly at midnight by human parent on the sixth day of June, the resurrection day of the dead for her native culture. Being the only baby born, she was blessed to be the sacrifice for the Summer Goddess that day but was reborn after two weeks for the resting period. Her life was a living hell of going to the witch doctor, for skin conditioning potions and trying her best to keep her body from falling apart. She was a living corpse, even for being so holy, people were scared of her and her ancient ways. The only ones that were left, was her parents. They died but she lived on, after a hundred years of not even aging, she knew that she was cursed with being immortal. Her life wasn't getting any better, each step forward always some how cast her back to the start. She is tired of running to the finish line and being disqualified, she tired of watching people leave and she cannot. Never a sheltered child, maybe it was her time to run free.

Extra: Has a large scar on her arms, which is why she only wears long-sleeve. Also she fears water, being immortal, she is able to swim but she still fears drowning, since she was drowned to be sacrificed.​

Type of creature:



Morgan Winters

Science and survival teacher






Morgan isa open and free spirited person who is just getting used to the idea of becoming a teacher and as such is equally friendly and relaxed towards most people. Also hes marveling at the idea of talking to people on a daily basis again. Hes a little rough mannered because of it, but is good at reading moods and makes an excellent mediator. he's a deeply practical person and enjoys the simple things.

Appearance: Morgan is 6 foot 4 and heavily muscled. He cuts a rather intemidating figure with a clean shaved face and close cut dark brown hair. He cuts intimidating figure at first glance, but those who take more than a second notice that he's got the aura of a friendly carnivore. he's big and nice, but you feel like he could rip your throught out with minimal effort. This is added to by his eyes, they're both steel grey and intensely convey whatever emotion he's feeling b look alone. He usually wheres jeans, a tee shirt and parka and tends to overdress for the temperature, with as many layers as possible


Morgan lived a hard life. He was born in the far north of Siberia to a pair of supernatural researchers. he was brought up happily until one day, when he was 12, they left on an expedition and never came back. This left Morgan alone in the harsh siberian north where he lived and educated himself until he was refound by another research team 8 years later. He worked with them to stop a supernatural threat (tbr in rp) and his knowledge of science and out door survival schools made him an instant recruit for the school.


He has a pet wolf named Evergreen who is an immortal pup of fenrir (yes that fenrir) she is bigger than normal (4 ft at the shoulder) and is genrally stronger faster and smarter than normal wolves. She and Morgan can instinctively understand each other but she can't directly communicate with anyone who can't speak wolf. Perosnalitywise shes very similar to morgan, very friendly if a bit scary and she LOVES pups (her word for students) its not uncommon for her to be seen playing with students in the commons or fields.

theunderwolf said:

Type of creature:



Morgan Winters

Science and survival teacher






Morgan isa open and free spirited person who is just getting used to the idea of becoming a teacher and as such is equally friendly and relaxed towards most people. Also hes marveling at the idea of talking to people on a daily basis again. Hes a little rough mannered because of it, but is good at reading moods and makes an excellent mediator. he's a deeply practical person and enjoys the simple things.

Appearance: Morgan is 6 foot 4 and heavily muscled. He cuts a rather intemidating figure with a clean shaved face and close cut dark brown hair. He cuts intimidating figure at first glance, but those who take more than a second notice that he's got the aura of a friendly carnivore. he's big and nice, but you feel like he could rip your throught out with minimal effort. This is added to by his eyes, they're both steel grey and intensely convey whatever emotion he's feeling b look alone. He usually wheres jeans, a tee shirt and parka and tends to overdress for the temperature, with as many layers as possible


Morgan lived a hard life. He was born in the far north of Siberia to a pair of supernatural researchers. he was brought up happily until one day, when he was 12, they left on an expedition and never came back. This left Morgan alone in the harsh siberian north where he lived and educated himself until he was refound by another research team 8 years later. He worked with them to stop a supernatural threat (tbr in rp) and his knowledge of science and out door survival schools made him an instant recruit for the school.


He has a pet wolf named Evergreen who is an immortal pup of fenrir (yes that fenrir) she is bigger than normal (4 ft at the shoulder) and is genrally stronger faster and smarter than normal wolves. She and Morgan can instinctively understand each other but she can't directly communicate with anyone who can't speak wolf. Perosnalitywise shes very similar to morgan, very friendly if a bit scary and she LOVES pups (her word for students) its not uncommon for her to be seen playing with students in the commons or fields.


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