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Fandom BNHA - Lost Heroes Characters



Senior Member
This is the form, but feel free to add more info. Please get accepted before roleplaying. To get you accepted I’ll like your reply. Once we get 2-3 characters in each of the important roles (vigilante, police, pro) I’ll start the rp. Everyone can have up to three characters.

Also, OOC link: Fandom - BNHA - Lost Heroes OOC


Role: (This is essentially their current occupation. The three main roles are vigilante, pro hero, and police, but feel free to venture away from these if you want. After all,m reporter, citizen, etc are perfectly fine roles.)






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Name: Clementine (clem) Avens

Hero Name: Amaryllis

Role: Pro Hero

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Quirk: Plant manipulation



Personality: Hardworking and kind Clem always tries her best, though she has a knack for getting in over her head. She has a strong moral compass and wants to make Detroit a better place.

History: Clem grew up in rural Michigan and idolized the Pro Hereos that lived in Detroit, she knew her quirk would be harder to use in the city but was still determined to become a pro hero. Her Family was close and fueled her ambitions, often saying that no matter what she did they were proud. After moving to the city Clem worked constantly to try and do her part, sadly she's still relatively unkown.
Name: Iris Ayanami

Role: Vigilante

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Quirk: Nerve Overload
Her quirk is activated through her touching people. Her quirk allows her to stimulate someone's nerves in whatever way she wants where she touches them. Her quirk can send these signals through clothing (depending on the material and how thick it is, it'll weaken the signal). The longer she touches someone, the more powerful her quirk is on them. If she uses her quirk too much, she loses motor control in her hands. Her quirk won't activate if one of her eyes is covered.

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Personality: In her normal life, she's an extremely happy high school girl. She goes to school and makes a ton of friends. She fakes being quirkless, but due to her popularity, isn't bullied for it. While she's being a vigilante, she displays less emotion. Though she enjoys making what she calls "bitter people" feel "more bitter"

History: Iris was raised without a family most her life. People avoided adopting her due to her lack of empathy and borderline sadistic acts towards the other kids using her quirk. She got tired of staying in the orphanage, so she learned how to put on a fake smile and be a "nice person". After being adopted by the Ayanami's at age 7, Iris went to school, pretending to be quirkless from both her family and her classmates. After getting mugged in an alley and using her quirk on a few punks, Iris remembered how fun it was to use it. So she fights for good, but mainly because she has fun doing it.
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Name: caddaccarus cadarver (a.k.a caddy)

Role: rougue villain.

Age: 55

Gender: male

Quirk: decay - surrounding his body he emits a faint yet fatal gas that is able to rot and decay enemy attacks, beings ans such. However takes a great tole on his own body, by halting his age. Being such a powerful quirk it surfaced much later in life, meaning he gained it by the age of 50. He is also (one of) if not the slowest in the villain hand book.


Personality: he being fairly old and decrepped believes that the past should stay in the past, and will treat all those even ones that wronged him with respect. However...if you wish to see his nasty side, you need only bring up his age to which then he becomes much more arrogant. To note his quirk also made him over confident and will resuilt in him getting the last hit.


He had a normal life before his 45th birthday, a family, grandkids.....however...

When he started to notice his abbilities, his family was picked off one by one, and people believe he murdered them. In reality it was simply the means he cant control his quirk all that well, and during somthing as simple as a hug or a hand shake people they would decay...rot...and perish.

Once he was 50, his powers finally took hold and he begun to commit crimes, avoiding companies of villains (for fear of both harming them and bringing attention to himself) and making himself a rouge villain. He goes by a name simply known as



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Name: Rumi Reinhardt

Role: Police Officer/Private Eye

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Quirk: Shatter
Rumi's quirk allows her to shatter things she puts her hands on. Her quirk activates based on her emotions. The more desperate she is, the more powerful the shatters. This sends ripples through her body, temporarily stunning her depending on the magnitude. She has only broken her bones this way once when she was young. She tries to avoid using it.


Personality: Calm, collected. Doesn't get close with many people, but not shy. She prefers to view things from a more distant perspective. She's a workaholic, always either doing police work or detective work. When she isn't she gets really bored. Many people describe her as a dull person when they first meet her.

History: Rumi doesn't like the idea of being a pro-hero due to her quirk's nature. She also doesn't like the fame that comes with it. Being a private eye and police officer fits more into what she likes. She keeps her secrets as secrets, for example, what's under the bandages on her face. Her bandages are tied in a way that if she pulls one down, her mouth becomes available for food and water. Nobody knows what she does outside of work, as she keeps that secret too.
Isabella Cornelia Contiellos




She has a dragon-like serpent that goes through her head. The dragon's name is Leviathan and can spew out fire. A disadvantage of this quirk is that if her serpent has been dealt a heavy blow to it's head, Isabella becomes stunned or unconscious, depending how hard it really was. The serpent can spew out fire and can morph itself into defensive and offensive forms but Isabella needs to move towards the enemy since the serpent can only go a range of 5 meters.

Quirk Type:


Her upbeat attitude and unwavering sense of loyalty towards her friends makes her valuable to anyone that she cares. Leviathan has always been a protector of the girl, in return, Isabella treats it with kindness and care. Her mannerisms make her an odd spectacle when it comes to interacting with people. When justice has to be served, she serves with no mercy.

She born and raised in Detroit by her family, the Contiellos. They were known for their background as singers in Operas. Her father had a quirk that was very similar to Isabella's but his could be activated and turnt off in a flash. Her mother could control fire and use it for situations that would need self-defense from strangers. In the 18th birthday of Isabella, a mysterious woman showed up to her residence. She came with a group of armed men, she then proceeded to say some words, "Happy Birthday, Isabella." The men started to shoot everyone on sight with no remorse and guilt shown on their faces. Luckily, the girl hid inside a metal cabinet and stayed there until they were gone. She saw the horrific scene after they left, a room filled with blood and guts of other innocent people. Her parents were on the floor, laying with their eyes closed and clothes riddled with bulletholes. She left her home with tears on her eyes and on that day, she wanted revenge for her parents and to serve justice to those who have wronged.

Inspired by: Sienna "Squigly" Contiellos from Skullgirls
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Name: Kiyomi Shiruku

Role: Vigilante - Silk Lady

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Quirk: Unravel - Her arms and legs have taken on the properties of wrapped silk. Makes her arms and legs look like mummy bandages, but cleaner. She can unravel these appendages at will to wrap around anything, or (more often than not) she ends up just throwing her hands around like one of those sticky hands toys you got at the prize corner at Chuck E Cheese? Yeah, those.
This unraveling gives her an additional fifteen feet of reach on either of her arms, and even more with her legs. Reportedly, she uses her crazy extendo arms to swinging around the city like Spider-Man.


Kiyomi is a young Japanese-American woman standing at about 5”5 and weighing in at [REDACTED]. She is sporting dark black hair and amber eyes.
Most notably, Kiyomi in her civilian attire keeps her hair down and is typical... disheveled in appearance. You know the look, a half-tucked button down shirt with a really loose tie and a graphic tee, ratty jeans with chains and stuff. Just a mess. And she loves it.
If she has a chance to change, she’ll put on one of those traditional Japanese mandarin shirts that she cut the sleeves off, and switches out the ratty jeans for leggings. And just for a little extra identity protection, she throws on a red mask like the ones the TMNT wear. Specifically Raphael. She’s very picky about her ninja turtles, damnit. She even throws her hair up in a (messy) bun.
White shirt, but sleeveless
Kiyomi is a young woman who is a professional troublemaker. She is also an expert deceiver. No, she did not know it was private property and the fact that you would ever suggest she did this on purpose is insulting how dare you. The definition of Chaotic Neutral.


Kiyomi has always been a troublemaker. Always getting into trouble at school, whether that be cheating on tests, getting into fights, ignoring the dress code, aggravating other students, aggravating the staff, anything really. It is honestly a wonder that she hasn’t managed to get herself expelled yet.

Her older brother, Kito, practically raised her, because their parents were rarely ever around. They were two big company CEOs, and barely spend any time with their children, always being off on some expensive business trip. Until, well... they just never came home. Kiyomi still heavily blames them for her... demeanor problems. Kito is contsantly having to bail her out of bad situations and the two rarely seem to get along, but they love each other no matter what. They are all the other has, after all. Kito and Kiyomi live in a semi-decent apartment building in a semi-decent part of Detroit.

As the silk lady, Kiyomi takes to the streets and mostly deals with petty crime- stopping gas station robberies, car theft, muggings, stuff like that. But it isn’t unheard of for the infamous Silk Lady to go after child abusers, even if they were just accused and not convicted. It would not be the first time that an unconscious child abuser would be hand delivered to the front of the police station, gift wrapped with a pretty red ribbon.
//hopefully im not too late ;-;

Name: Nicollas Mendes

Role: Student

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Blood Manipulation:
Nick can manipulate his own blood and other's as long as they are not in their body(or clothing). He can crystalize it to create weapons and even absorb other's blood to heal himself.
He has to cut his skin to activate it, for this he was born with vampire-like fangs.
His blood can be delivered back into his body, but incase he doesn't he will suffer from blood-loss problems. These vary depending on how much he's missing.


He describes himself as "laid-back" or "calm", but there is no denying: He is just lazy. He has always prefered to sleep over paying attention to class and videogames over his homework. It's a mistery even to himself how he keeps passing year after year.
Despite that, upon recieving an offer(God knows how) to study at a hero academy in Detroit, he has been trying to turn his life around into a decent human being, but is struggling. He also likes making puns and has adopted the whole "vampire" thing, though not sure how he'd turn it into a hero.

History: He was born in Brazil into a mid-class family living in the suburbs. Heroes there are rare and with Quirks, crime is at an all time high. He took the first chance he had to leave the place, which came in the form of an invitation to study in the US.
(Sorry wasn't planning for the history to be so long and detailed, but when inspiration hits.)

Name: Grant Denning (A.K.A. Impresario)

Role: Villain

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grandeur is an emitter type quirk that alters the owners body based on how many peoples attention are one him. The owner is capable of completing any task humanly possible to superhuman extremes when he has enough eyes on him. For example, if he's in a race and most of the people in the crowd are watching him specifically, lets says 100 people, he could easily outsprint and world record holders and not break a sweat, because not only was his speed increased, but as was his endurance. If a million people were watching him exclusively, he would be unable to fly, because he can't do whatever he wants, for it is out of his anatomy. However, to that extreme he'd easily be able to leap over tall buildings, even from a standing jump. The user can also be mentally enhanced, becoming an expert strategist who can plan a few moves ahead with just a few tens of people watching. This ability requires eyesight, so those who are simply just hearing him or thinking about do not give him power with his ability. However, someone watching him through livestream or via news would support his ability. This ability offers no downside to not having attention other than not receiving a performance boost. (But Grant gets very upset when no ones paying attention to him.)

Appearance: Flashy, Very Flashy.
Personality: As made clear by his name and quirk, he likes to make a scene, make it bigger, add some danger, then make it bigger still. Grant is very egotistical, and is easily irritated when attention is not on him. He has a cruel sense of humor, and trust me, he loves to laugh. He's not so sadistic to torture people for no reason, only when he's bored or feels as though he has a announcement to make. Despite this, he abhors the concept of death, as he wishes for his show to never ends, and he always intends to use his cast to their full potential, keeping them alive no matter how injured they are or how much they plea for death. Also known as the Showmaster or the Ringleader by the police, he always intends to leave an impression.

History: Grant Denning was born in the heart of Detroit, as with many other residents, his family was very impoverished. Grant's father was killed in a domestic dispute gone even more awry than a domestic dispute should. Grant's father beat his mother, and the mother accidentally pushed him down the stairs, supposedly in self-defense, and he died before reaching the bottom. Grant's mother was arrested, and imprisoned for manslaughter, as the police couldn't find definitive proof that it was a planned homicide. Grant was taken by Child Protective services at age 4 and was moved into an orphanage for young children. Grant was very social with the other children, which relieved the nannies and owners who were concerned about how his traumatic experiences would affect him. Grant was always the most athletic of the children, and by age 6 seemed to be able to run the speed of a grown adult sprinter. Curiosity peaked the owners interest and they took Grant to the Doctor's in order to learn what his quirk was. The doctor had no explanation for Grant's quirk as he seemed to be a completely normal child who exhibited nothing extraordinary during his checkup. Weeks pass and Grant returns to being his normal athletic and energetic self, however he starts getting bored or just being above his peers in physical prowess. Grant mentions this to the owner, and the orphan concedes and get him a chess board for his birthday. Once again, Grant proves himself superior to all that challenge him, including the adults he faced. Grant got bored once again, and returned to the owner saying he is disinterested in physical and mental prowess, but the owner had no solution. The owner then told Grant to go ask the others kids what types of games they play. And he did. He came upon a group of kids playing rock, paper, scissors. After they explained the rules, he simply asked, "What happens when I win?" To which the kids responded, "We play again." Grant accepted this premise and played with the children, to which he lost the first game. Bewildered by a game or luck, he enjoyed himself, though he won every time from then on. One day when he was getting bored of the game, he decided to play a little prank on a kid he was playing with. He was gonna throw rock, and he did. As the boy lay there crying, Grant giggled. He liked the commotion or the handlers running over, he loved the attention that came with being chastised. It was as if their gazes fueled him. Harming fellow children slowly became a habit of his, and by the age of 10, it had become a weekly thing. Finally realizing the trend wasn't as string of accidents, the orphanage removed him from their care. They did it out of the books so no one would question why they are leaving a child on the streets. Grant quickly became a street performer, in which he made change accomplishing any feat requested to him by a crowd. Like everything else however, he soon got bored of that too. Grant missed the gazes of fear and awe, he missed what he perceived as worship. At age 13, he stopped wandering the streets and wandered into someone's home. Those people were never heard from again. Well, after the pained screams that followed that night. Thus began the legend of Impresario.
Name: Carolynn Klaus

Role: 2nd Year HoD Student (School similar to U.A. that train children with quirks to become pro heroes. HoD - Heroes of Detroit (Obviously just a place filler in case you have and idea for a U.A. like school)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Quirk: Corral
Corral is an emitter quirk in which the user is capable of restraining others from a distance. Those affected by this quirk have their arms and legs bound as if they had invisible ropes tied around them. The user has range of effect thats spans 100 yards. These "ropes" can be broken through use of sheer strength, and the ropes durability increase the closer they are to the user, making them harder to break. The same goes for how many people they are restraining, more people = weaker ropes. They can only be released by the user if the user touches the restrained person, or if they manage to break through the ropes.


Carolynn is a happy-go-lucky, fun loving tomboy with a strong sense of justice who is competitive and puts passion in everything she does. She never gives up and often serves as an inspirational leader. Carolynn is mentally and physically tough, the top of her class, and a perfect candidate for becoming a pro hero.

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Diana Volundam

Current Random Citizen (CRC)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Quirk: (Quick note - she doesn't know she has this quirk yet)
EMP is exactly as one would guess the name implies. It's a massively overwhelming burst of energy capable of frying modern tech. Being a quirk she has just realized she has, the current maximum distance EMP can reach is a mere six feet. With training, she could potentially reach up to a mile. The energy can also be focused into a beam of pure energy, with enough training.


Diana's a very bouncy, energetic girl with a passion for music and tech. She'll listen to a wide range of music from hip-hop to some lighter classical-age canons. She strives for and deeply appreciates purposeful simplicity, meaning she's a hot mess on the best of days. Rejecting tradition, Diana is very forward-thinking and prefers to remain skeptical of things she can't immediately pick up with her five senses.

History: Diana is from Patterson, New Jersey (yeah she can do the accent, and yeah she can pronounce words clearer... Now... Shut up!). Being used to densely-packed, urban environments, she feels right at home in Detroit. When she was little, doctors couldn't find any hint of a quirk, so decided to claim she was quirkless. A decision Diana couldn't have cared less about. She was always lost in either her studies, music, or small-talk with her friends. She went through high school as a normal teen and graduated with high marks. Those high marks earned her a full-paid scholarship to a college in Detroit, making her decision between a small grant at a local college easy. It's free school. She currently works part-time as a waitress at a restaurant not far from the college for some "fun money" and lives life like any other smart college kid: stressing over the next exam.​
Name: Lyre Finch

Role: Student

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Whispering Wind:
Lyre is capable of controlling his volume, changing his density and allowing him to shift between the various states of matter. Basically, he can become a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma at will. He can easily shift between liquid and solid with minimal effort. To become a cloud of coordinated gas takes concentration, and a plasma even more, changing a hand or his head for a few seconds being his max at the moment. Conversely, this also means he can contract himself as well, easily able to increase the weight of his hands or feet by five pounds. Condensing his body by half his height is currently his max.

Amerindian Anime Boy.jpg

Varied. Lyre is a more closed-off, grounded individual who religiously prays to the spirit who he believes gave him his quirk: Adalira. He tends to stick to what he knows, but the modern world has forced him to make some logical leaps in order to avoid existential crisis. He's haunted at night by thoughts of his beliefs being founded upon nothing but power-hungry individuals or simply oral tradition. This strain on his mind made him cunning and good at improvisation over time. He tends to get defensive around people he doesn't know or shows apathy toward Adalira.

Lyre comes from a poor, strict, traditional family, who weren't mindless, but wouldn't take kindly to their children straying too far from what they believed was the truth. This graced him with great organizational skills, good time management, a sense of purpose, a sane mind, and a powerful drive to better himself. Using his skill-set to his advantage, he was able to attain the highest grades all throughout primary school, catching the attention of a previous citizen of Detroit who had been teaching at Lyre's middle school. Seeing the promise in the young kid and having connections to a prestigious college in Detroit, the teacher was able to direct the school's attention toward Lyre, who was enrolled later that year. Unprepared for the atmosphere or the other kids, his grades soon fell to just above average, leaving him with an extremely competitive uphill battle to catch up. He was eventually able to make it into the top ten kids in his grade for his sophomore year, but nothing could really prepare him for what he was about to experience this year. To this day, he hasn't quite gotten over his fascination with touchscreens and Wi-fi.​
Name: kinren blood

Role: pro villain /netrual hero

Age: 27

Gender: male

Quirk: blood spite
This quirk allows kinren to spit his own blood at an enemy. When the blood hits his target it can give him control over the targets body through the blood in their body. Kinren can only use his quirk when an target is cut and if it is used to much can cause bloodloss and death. Kinren can control a target for about an hour it all depends on how much blood was given to the target.

Kirens quirk is killing him slowly as it poisons his blood. He body is unable to replace the blood used fast enough each time he uses his quirk. Thus his body releases a toxin that creates it faster but destroys his blood cells which defeats the purpose its meant to give.

Appearance:59852098cca30d844d5ebe3138b062f9--anime-guys-manga-anime.jpgPersonality: kinren is quite calm but can become angry if provoked. He tends to remain in the shadows and does not usually proclaim strait out he is a villain. Kinren is childish at times and loves to play with his targets. Kinren does not go out much do to his weaking body. He confines himself to a room and bides his time until the heroes drag him to his death.


Kinren was born to villains and never really got to know other children. As he was growing up he tended to hide from his parents who hated that he wished to become a hero. His parents were abusive to kinren till he turned four and devolped his quirk blood spite.

When kinren first devolped his quirk blood spite. He was excited, he thought his parents would accept him. but soon found out it was not something he should celebrate.

His parents noticed when they were training him that he would look frail after using quirk for a short period. They took him to a villain doctor who informed them that each time he used his quirk it would kill him slowly.

When kinren learned of the quirks effect. He was devasted that he couldn't use his quirk much. His parents were angry and abused kinren until he turned 16.

He tried to enroll at UA but was denied due to his quirks functions and his health. As kinren grew older his health got worse and he gave up becoming a hero. Instead kinren became a pro villain and a neutral hero on the side. Kinren is now in very poor heath from over use of his quirk and is on the most wanted list for his crimes. Kinren remains in hiding only coming out to get pills for his weakening body.

Other; Due to Kinrens condition he is forced to take pills and the pro heroes know this. So if kinren is arrested the heroes are required to transport him to an hospital that will care for him until he dies. Kinren remains in a room not far from the pro heroes head qaurters.
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Name: Ezekiel Ulysses
Nickname(s): Goes by his first name, but people close to him tends to call him 'Zeke'.
Hero Alias: Rá, the Sun Hero. Pronounced exactly how it looks. 'R-ah'.
Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Half Egyptian, half African American.
Age: Eighteen, although he's nearing nineteen.
Birthdate: October 27th
Sign: Scorpio

Appearance: Ezekiel is tall for his age - noticeably so, considering the fact that he now lives in France. Standing at around 6 feet, with broad shoulders and a lean, muscular frame that is littered in mysterious scars and tattoos, it isn't uncommon for most people to initially be cautious when dealing with the foreign exchange student. Light brown skin covers his frame, meshing rather well with his deep blue eyes and dusky black hair. Speaking of hair - his has been growing since he was a baby, pulled into a multitude of dreadlocks that he generally ties back in order to keep his vision completely clear. That being said, there are usually a couple of locks that falls over his forehead, annoyingly enough. A little quirk of his quirk is that there is always energy beneath his skin, so his body temperature is always very warm. It also gives a golden tint to his otherwise chocolate-like complexion.

Quirk: The Sun's Blessing - When Ezekiel was born, his Quirk was immediately awakened - and it was with an explosion of light that he permanently blinded the doctor. To keep it relatively straightforward and simple, Ezekiel's Quirk allows him to generate and store raw solar energy, either from the sun or from his very own body, in a multitude of ways - in what most people has since dubbed 'Light Manipulation'. Much like that of the sun, the energy Ezekiel utilizes is comfortably warm at its coldest, and bone-meltingly hot at its hottest. So far, he has found many useful and creative ways in which to use his Quirk - most of them offensive in nature. Beams, blasts, bangs, you know the drill. Then again, that is what school is about, right? Developing and learning how to use your power for good. Due to the inherently powerful nature of his Quirk, it does come with a downside of being hard to control, and dangerous to the user if not careful.

Personality: Coming across as a stoic and intense on first glance, Ezekiel is, in reality, a cool-headed, independent, and quiet young man with a tough past - a past recognizable by the mere feeling of danger coating his body language. Fortunately, his heart has always leaned towards the 'kinder' spectrum, and so he has always done what was right whenever possible, steering him off of the path of a villain. Though it's a bit difficult to shake his calm bluntness and piss him off, Ezekiel does have a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor that often ends with deadpans and smirks, though it is mostly all in good taste and surprisingly funny - though the darker side of his humor can be iffy for some goody-two-shoes. When he does get pissed off though...well, try to clear out. It's not a pretty sight. At the very least, close your eyes.

With that being said, Ezekiel is very adaptable, clever, and quick-witted, which is partly the reason why he manages to keep his shit together almost constantly. A side-effect, and one of the very few positives, of living his life on the streets. At the very core of his character, past the cool confidence, blunt attitude, stoicness, and sharp humor, Ezekiel's sense of what's right and wrong is extremely strong. No matter what, he would never abandon or ignore his own moral code - and this is what makes him such a stubborn and determined Hero-In-Training. Even if that code isn't synonymous with that of other heroes, it is his code, and one that he'll follow 'till the day he dies. He's experienced with messed up situations and decisions, and has the wisdom and maturity to take responsibility for his own actions and choose his own path. Unfortunately, his heroic will is so strong, that he has problems with failure. Blaming himself is something that he has done, and continues to do, a lot in his life, regardless of if something was his fault or not.

One thing to note is that Ezekiel has a soft spot for naturally sweet and innocent people, and will soften up quickly around them, showing a side of himself that almost no one gets to see.

History: Ezekiel was born to a poor mother within the slums of Cairo, Egypt. His father was never in the picture during the early years of his life, and Ezekiel never saw fit to ask about his absentee of a father again after his mom broke down during the first time. Life....was hard, to be honest - really hard. His mother had a job as a nurse, despite her significant lack of training, but she was a nurse to an illegal street doctor so her lack of credentials was never a problem. Even when he was a child, Ezekiel knew that he had a responsibility as the man of the house, and so he went out into the streets to do whatever he could to help his mother with their survival. Odd jobs - be they legal or illegal - was what he did starting off. The people in the slums...they didn't give a shit if you were five or twenty, as long as you could understand orders and directions, and your legs worked as well as your brain.

He was a favorite since he had a really powerful Quirk. Sure, Ezekiel was a kid, but considering the alternative was having his mother and him starve to death...well, he didn't really have any choice. Practically raising himself, and always running around - whether it be to the next dropbox, or away from the law enforcement or thugs, Ezekiel learned to grow up fast. And, as he grew up, the young boy began to realize that a life of petty crime...it wasn't what he wanted. He was doing it all to help his mother, sure, but damn if he didn't wanna do something that could help his mom and help others at the same time.

It was around this time where he realized...that maybe he could. Street gangs...they were very popular in Cairo, considering the flaky and horrid conditioning of the slums and the law enforcement within. The decision to make a gang was a tough one, but with other likeminded people...maybe he could do some good. Stealing from other gangs, fighting for their territory and resources...maybe that was better than stealing from other poor people, and delivering drugs to addicts. No, not even maybe - it was, and it would keep his mother safe. So, a boy became a gang leader, and though the gang was filled with other kids and teenagers, they became as close as siblings and practically took over the underground network of thievery and crime - with a cleverness that astounded many, all underneath the leadership of a boy with an unshakeable will.

For years, this was his life. He managed to get his mother into a comfortable spot where she was no longer starving every morning in order to fix him breakfast. Their life wasn't perfect...but it was no longer terrible, and that's all he could ever ask for. She never asked where the money came from - not when he came home during the nights and early mornings, bleeding from cuts, eyes glowing an ethereal golden. Ezekiel was happy for that - happy that she trusted him. And she did, even if her lack of action both disappointed and disgusted her.

Of course, all things eventually come to an end. The visit from his father was surprising and completely random. Ezekiel had been resting at his mother's flat with a couple of his gang brothers. It was his mother's flat, because he had moved into the gang's hideout a year ago. At the age of fifteen, he stood eye to eye with the dark-skinned city man in the expensive Armani suit. And when the man told him that he was taking him to America to live with him and be given a proper upbringing, right after revealing that he was the man who abandoned his wife and child to life in the slums?

Ezekiel attacked him right there.

He didn't win, of course, even with his brothers backing him up. The man had security - a lot of security, and though his 'father' would forever be scarred with a fist-shaped burn mark right over his heart, the man got what he wanted regardless. Chained and shackled, Ezekiel was forced into the back of a car, and taken to a private jet. His mother...she was left behind. That's what pissed him off the most. But he had a lot of money stored away, and his brothers would tell the gang of what happened. His second in command would take over. His mother would be safe. But him? Stuck in a foreign country...?

He wasn't looking forward to it. His father spoke during the flight. Rehabilitation. Turning him into a Hero worthy of the Ulysses name. Make father proud. Blah blah blah, a bunch of other bullshit. Though, now that Ezekiel calmed down, he did realize something. Moving past the crap about rehabilitation and the 'Ulysses' name, this did give him an opportunity. The opportunity to become the strongest he could be, and eventually, save his mom from the slums. Shower her with luxury. Hell, he could even clean Cairo from the scum, and all of Egypt! He just had to become the strongest Hero. Number One.

Easy, right?

So far, he's been living in Detroit for a couple of months - in a somewhat decent apartment that he rented with his exchanged pounds. His dad tried to lock him in a bugged, camera-infested penthouse in the upper parts of the city...but screw that.

Role: Vigilante.
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  • 6R8olqs.png

    Jean Glastonbury
    "Spin Doctor"

    Role: Vigilante
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female

    • Quirk: Spin
      Put simply, by touching a target Jean is capable of imparting or stopping rotation with a stored energy. The level of effect depends entirely on the time spent in contact or the amount of stored energy expended, though various effect can increase this store. The amount of energy that can be gathered is limited by the users own stamina as the excessive act of converting such energy can be exhausting, which has resulted in Jean refining the efficency of such actions over time through subtle movements and techniques. A Extremely versatile quirk, it was origionally believed to be fairly weak though has been pushed beyond its limits by her through her practice, she has even managed to gain control over the Magnus effect further expanding there capabilities to a variety of unique effects and incorperating her full body to produce the spins desired.

      -The full effect is limited by the users own stamina
      -Most advanced effects require full use of her limbs or movment to implimiment.
      -Unable to be used effectively if time has not been taken to gather energy beforehand.
      -Requires tools in order to extend her range beyond close combat, with 20feet being her maximum without such.,
      -While one of her Ultimate moves bypasses this limit, it must hit its target otherwise the item will spin forever until it hits a person risking excessive collatoral damage and friendly fire.



  • Astarte Canaan22.png
    Astarte Canaan22.png
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[Class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. you'll have to use the
tags// // Square sized images also will look best but if you have a non square image it'll still work Don't worry// [/class]
[class=Notes] //The code above makes usre everything is the same font and is the mx width the code takes up on a post// [/class] [class=ColorBlock] background-color:#A3BABB; color:white; padding:10px; font-family:Verdana; font-size:5; // This is the box of color around everything change this and you change all the colors// [/class] [class=BarCode] font-family:Libre Barcode 39; font-size:30px; color:white; text-align:center; //The Bar code at the bottom of the ID. Once again I had to just use the [font=] tag to get it to work even though I have the font in the class correctly IF YOU WANT A UNIQUE BAR CODE 1) Replace the letters of the word "Name" with your OC's Name 2) Alternate Caps often to give it an even more unique look// [/class]

[div class=ColorBlock]
[div class=ColorBlock]U.A. Highschool


Hero Name:Black Widow
Name:Kagura Hamasaki
Age: 25
Weight:Slim Fit
Gender: Female
Quirk(s):Acid and Web Generation
Role: Former Vigilante | Pro Hero

[div class=ColorBlock] [div class=BarCode]NameNa[/B]MeNAmE NAMeNAmiE NaMaNAmE NaMeNA[/div] [/div][/div]

Teacher File

Personality:Mysterious, Quiet, Insightful, Reserved, and Kind.

Bio: Kagura Hamasaki is a former vigilante. When Kagura was on the verge of graduating and becoming a certified pro hero, Kagura decided to drop out and become a vigilante. She has plotted and killed pro heroes and villains under Stain. After serving a prison sentence of 7 years, she's decided it was time for a change and became a certified pro hero so she may teach the students of UA Highschool. Especially with the shift in atmosphere as many vigilantes begin to form and join the league of villains, she decided to use her insight from the opposing side to teach the students. Becoming a sociology teacher, she teaches the students about the current state of society and how important it is to be a true hero. Though she is working on changing her ways, she still struggles to release her old beliefs as she witnesses certain students and heroes continue to treat heroism as fame and sport.

Goals for this school year: Tolerate the students and work on changing.


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