Blue Exorcist: The Devil Does Not Forgive (Chapter 1)

Noya Morimachi

The teen blinked, tilting his head when he was asked how it worked. "I don't know.. I just.. do it" He said before he jumped off the desk and managed not to stumble and moved away from the desks before he outstretched a hand and a second later, he spun a scythe of ice between his fingers and brought it to his left hand, holding its chain in his other hand behind himself. "I just generate ice anywhere I want.." He said and snowflakes started to fall from the ceiling just above both of the other teens, but the air never got colder. "I can control it how I want" He said and the scythe suddenly became a blob around his arm and a second later he had armour on his arm and ice claws on his fingers. @Quark

(sorry but not sorry that we're rping so much o-o)
Shun Tsujimoto & Akira Kou

Akira's eyes followed Noya's hand and they widened in awe at the snow then at the ice scythe that seemed to have appeared from thin air. Just from the look in her eyes, one can tell that she was impressed. "Huh... looks actually sturdy, and looks rather pretty. " she commented, while leaning forward a little closer and blinked. The body of ice suddenly morphed into a hand rather quickly. "So what's the name of this technique that you have?" She asked.

On the other hand, Shun seemed to have picked up things a lot more quicker, being the one with more experience in the knowledge about demons. It didn't add up why someone the same age as them wouldn't know the ritual or method to how they summon ice magic and yet use it so flawlessly. Was he lying? Or was he a demon? The latter made him send a look towards Akira, who didn't seem to have picked up on the detail yet. Act normal for now, Shun. "I agree." he said with a smile, looking at the claws. They looked rather sharp. "Were you taught to do that since when you were young, Noya-kun?"

@Past Paradise Tears
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Noya Morimachi

Nodding, Noya sat down as all the snow and the ice vanished and he shook his hand off. There seemed to be a small bruise on his palm from the ice. Since he had to pretend to be human, he had to make it a bit more credible that such extreme cold as the ice scythe and holding it sort of hurt his hand. It actually did hurt since he used the ice when it enveloped his arm to bruise his palm in the shape of the scythe's handle. "My grandma taught me how to fight with it. The rest I just sort of started testing since I h-had too much time on my hands" He admitted with a little shrug. "But I'm not in complete control.. I-I sort of.. froze over a whole room because I w-was scared" He said. That actually happened pretty recently, looking down, he just massaged his bruised palm since he wasn't used to leaving injuries untreated. He did glance at Shun though as he could smell a tiny shift in mood but let out a tiny hum out after. The young demon just kept swinging his legs softly and rather childishly. Maybe these two couldn't sense he was a demon but anyone who was at least half-demon would probably get a sort of familiar vibe from him.

Shun Tsujimoto & Akira Kou

"Your grandmother must have been awesome." Akira said. "I'd wish I could have learnt something like that." She said while looking at the desk idly. Some of the desks and chairs seemed a little old for the classroom. However, Akira was more thinking about how Noya had said as though it was rather easy for him to grasp, that he was spending time in just testing. "By the way," her face went a little serious. "You said about freezing a whole room. What did you mean by that? Like ice-nine*, where it would - "

"Um!" Shun suddenly interjected into Akira's questioning, causing the girl to look at him. Shun's hands were behind his back but he was fidgeting. Some part of his instinct was telling him that had the current conversation was like the calm before a very bad disastrous storm. He looked over towards Noya. "I, uh... was going to say, is your hand alright, Noya-kun?" he gestured towards the hand that Noya had been holding the scythe earlier before turning into a pair of claws. 

*she's referring to the scientific weapon 'Ice-nine' in 'Cat's Cradle'. 

@Past Paradise Tears
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Noya Morimachi

Noya had to think long and hard about what Akira was referring to but was interrupted by Shun. He looked at Shun before blinking. "Oh.. u-um.. yeah.. I'm fine.. don't w-worry about it" He said, quickly pushing his hands into his coat pockets while averting his eyes. "And I don't know. I don't think so. Depending on my mood it acts differently. It just spreads like water from a cup you spilled" He tried to describe it. At least that's how it felt when it happened. "It hurts me too" He pointed out. His ability wasn't perfect and not nearly mastered. @Quark
Hana Akahana

The young girl was startled awake finally after the yelling of the bald-headed paladin woke her. Her eyes were wide as she looked around quickly, the large room full of students taking her back to where she was and why she was here. She panted; such an odd dream... What could it mean? What DID it mean? All that was brought from it was that word... Fate... What? Her brain was abuzz trying to decipher the meaning behind it, but nothing came. Maybe it was just a bad dream... 

She noticed how the paladin was acting, and some ditsy kid spilled coffee on his head... Oh my, this could get bad. She decided it was best if she just slipped away before anyone noticed her. She hated talking, and talking usually led to people asking about her mask. She thought it was normal to wear it, who would want demons crawling in their mouths? That was an unpleasant thought. Even if she's never seen one... Demons are real, and this academy had proved it. Unless it was one gigantic joke. Well so far it seemed pretty real...

The girl then left her thoughts, proceeding to leave the room silently.
Lilly Sinclair

Lilly wandered aimlessly before finding the sign thay said toilets. "Ah, perfecto," she opened the door and placed her gun on the side. "Why in the world did I have to be given a water gun, sometimes father is so worrisome,", the girl muttered with a roll of her eyes as she opened her handbag and cleared out the rubbish that had already accumulated. Lilly was trying to figure where she was to sleep, she'd never been to a school before and instead had been home-schooled.

Making sure the gun wasn't leaking she headed back out of the toilets and into a girl with a mask on. "Sorry," she said quickly and smiled, her handbag on her left arm as she ran a hand through her hair.

@Lilllysaurus Rex


Ikuto Fujimoto

The muscular man turned to his fellow teachers. "Let's leave before we all drift off into slumber, what's everyone teaching again?", he questioned as the man rose from his chair, still unable to find his nephew. 

"Paladin does my head in, I'll be performing healing on my headache after this," he chuckled as he stood with his fellow colleagues.
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Shun Tsujimoto & Akira Kou

Akira frowned, half confused and half not really liking the rather vague answers. She couldn't quite put into words what was bothering her about it so she decided not to say anything. 'That doesn't sound very useful." she said with a shrug, Her eyes also were looking at the same thing as Shun, the hand that Noya had quickly hid in his pockets. "If it's gonna hurt you as well in the process." 

Shun decided that perhaps it was best to move away from this topic seeing that there was a rising uncomfortable feeling in the air. "Ahhh,... I was going to ask, whether you guys were going to be doing anything else for the afternoon?" he asked suddenly. Akira picked up his attempt to change the subject and merely answered back in a casual tone. "Ah, that's right, we were going to see whether we could try to climb up all the way to the top, if we had the time." She looked over towards Noya. "You can join us if you want." she said, rising up. Shun pushed his chair back in under the desk as well. Seeing that they were the only ones here, perhaps it was best that they don't get caught in being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

@Past Paradise Tears
Hana Akahana

The girl was hurrying through the hallway, wanting to get far away from the possible chaos as possible. She wanted nothing to do with people most of the time. She only trusted the mothers from the church, but... They were gone now. She started shedding a tear, though was bumped into. She let out a muffled 'aaah!', her little body stumbling to the side and almost fall down. She panted, but then continued to cry from the memories of her mother's dead bodies. She sunk to the floor, putting her hands on her face, weeping silently.
She looked up at the girl, quickly recovering, wiping her tears, "I... I'm sorry. I had a troubling memory."

"Oh that's certainly quite alright, I wasn't paying attention either, here," the girl held out a hand to the mask girl kindness on her face but that was seemingly a mask too on her own face.

"What's your name? I'm Lilly," the British girl said as she looked around the hallway she was in. Private schools were strange, she no longer has the safety if the walls of her mansion. What were public schools like? 

"Do you know where the dorms are?" She questioned politely.

Yuri Walkowiak

Yuri stood up from the row of chairs, stretching his legs ever so slightly as he moved. The poor student being berated was just a few feet away, but Yuri made no attempt to step in to the discord. Instead Yuri took note of all of the students leaving, as well as the teachers stating their plans out loud. Yuri looked to Aimi first, noting her up and down. This was Yuri's first year as a formal teacher and he was looking for some sort of guidance as far as the facilities go. "Would you mind if I joined you?" Yuri's voice was a deep, formal, but pleasant sound; obviously a practiced tongue, and it went well with the body language Yuri performed, "Miss?". Yuri outstretched his hand to Aimi, hoping to make acquaintances before classes began. Yuri knew of all three of the teachers around him, specifically of the giant Ikuto. Yuri looked to Ikuto, making a note to introduce himself to him next. Any of the teachers would be of benefit to him, but the one sleeping was a bit out of his element.

@Kimona @CreativelyPerfect @LaDyGrEy
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Hanae Fujimoto




Before he even knew what was happening, a full on series of ludicrous events started to happen in front of him. Voices whispering into your ears and soul while you floated in a blank space baby, and I'll write your name. Suddenly, his body began to accelerate down as it hit something solid, Hanae landed with a thud.




After rubbing his bum due to the pain, he lifted himself up and the word 'FATE' appeared in front of him. The illusion of dreamland didn't last long, a few moments after he read the floating word his entire body was covered with light, and then the trap woke up like everyone else. The Paladin was yelling ferociously while Hanae sat there wondering why his voice was so loud. He held his teddy bear and lollipop close to him as the paladin walked closer to him.


"Oh no! I'm going to die, please no, I'm too young!"


Hanae got out of his seat trying to escape, but while trying to run away from The Paladin he tripped and made a whole row of chairs fall down.




The chairs fell down on him like a rain of arrows, and each of them hurt as if he was hit with a baseball bat.




Itsuki Hasegawa




"Oh! Shit, sorry!"


He said that, and he meant that. Holy shit, he just spilled hot chocolate on The Paladin. Well, at least the look on his face was worth the detention.




"Oh c'mon, it's not like I'm damaging your hair or anything. It's not like you have hair anyways you old fart."


He really did it this time, the scene that he always wanted to cause during the opening day assembly. Itsuki already knew his fate, he accepted the cold nature of one million years detention lightheartedly. Not like it made a difference either way, he always had detention for pulling off stupid pranks like throwing undergarments everywhere in classrooms, or using electric buzzers to handshake people. In fact, detention is so normal to him that he can't tell the difference between having it and not.

While in the heat of the moment, the prankster couldn't stop just yet.


"My name is Seymour Butts, I hope you have a good time catching up with me."


Before The Paladin even had a moment to react, he was out of the room.


Ikuto looked up to the cluttering of chairs and a smile appeared on his face. "Hanae! Come on 'ere!" he called out as he then winced at the sound of chairs.

"Excuse me you guys I've got to help my nephew," he turned and bounded down the stage, a beast, big and muscly, like a warrior running into battle.

"Hanae," he lifted the chairs one by one scooped up his nephew, placing the boy on a chair. "No one is hurting you, what's wrong?" he knelt down carefully.


Aimi Yoshida

"Huh?" The woman turned back to the teachers after hearing someone speak to her. She looked up at the man, he was one of the new teachers this year. That would explain why she didn't necessarily remember his name. She smiled and went shake his hand.

"Sure, I would like some company. And 'Miss' isn't really necessary, Aimi is just fine."

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