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Fandom Blue Exorcist Post-Show

Upon hearing Elizabeth's announcement that the demon is over in the cupboards, he walked over to it. He then drew one of his blades and drove it into the cupboards. Soon from the blade ice began to cover the cupboards. He then said," If there is a demon in here it will leave the cupboards or turn into solid ice, once it does we kill it." He drew his other blade ready to strike the demon if it makes a run towards him. He thought to himself 'Dang it, I didn't want to show them my abilities yet, but this is a test and I want to pass it.' The ice had almost completely cover the cupboards by now.
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"Thank you Hikari, and as promised you will not witness combat." With that Elizabeth, slid her foot across the chalk circle breaking it, her familiar fading into nothingness.
"Oh well, people here are such freaks about powers" he says as he discreetly sends away both of his "friends" followed by him dragging a trashcan to the center of the room, and quickly drawing a ritual circle around the can itself before pulling out a small vial of black powder. " oh well, if you don't wish to hunt then let the others startle the birds for you." afterwords he folded his arms and kept a guard over all corners of the room, especially the one where the small group of cabinets are located.

Seeing the destruction he asked " Was that truly it?" " I would think that a demon would put up something other then just sitting in it's hidey hole.
"I didn't think so. But once Eve got ahold of a demon, I had my suspicions. What I do know is that if the master appears weaker than the demons he/she summoned, the demon will attempt to kill and overthrow the master." Lil lost all positive energy in voice.
[From three consecutive cupboards burst three separate snakes, each the size of a small child. They bobbed and lunged toward Leon.]
Taken aback by the amount of magic going in in the room, Joseph dropped his holy water in shock. 'These people are like me,' He thought. 'Maybe they'll understand me.' He glanced in awe at all of the extremely capable warps in front of him. 'Alright. I can do my part as well.' He looked down to draw a weapon of some sort, but then realized he had broken glass in his foot, just as Leon was attacked
"hurting humans, the first and greatest offense you could've commited" He then lit the can ablaze and a grand fire erupted from the trash and the sound of jackels crackling was heard in the distance.

"Natus and Letum" he spoke slowly

"Sic the snakes"

Two salamanders burst from the bonfire in a blaze of yellow light as they immediately grabbed one of the snakes with their mouths and dragged it to the back of the room , as it was hissing and trying to bite them. once there fighting could be heard for a few seconds,but then then grew silent.

They quickly returned to me with quite a few bite marks from the snake in question and from thew two other snakes nearby.
Leon instinctively jumped back to dodge the snakes. He then moved in front of Elizabeth to protect her from the snakes, since he noticed that without her summoned demon she didn't have a weapon to defend herself with. As one of the snakes approached Elizabeth and him, he cut the snake into two with his sword,soon the two pieces of the snake turned into ice and crumbled away.
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Joseph winced through the pain and ran forwards to help before realizing that the fighters had it under control. 'These people are so strong,' He thought, his last thought before he collapsed from the shock of the second realization that he had cut a major artery.
Lilith saw Joseph collapse and saw the one remaining snake. "Med 1 down." She noticed his med pack about 5 or so feet away from him, a scapel fallen from the med pack. Lil ran towards the scapel and picked it up. The snake had lunged at the doctor, but Lil threw the scapel into the snake's skull.
Serenity was nervous on her first day and now to make it worse, she was extremely late. Her heart was beating loudly and very hard in her chest as she ran down the long hall to find the classroom. Her long golden hair tied back in a low ponytail with a talisman used to tie it back instead of a hair tie. It was a necessary precaution in making sure her human half staid in control and her devil side out of sight. She stood at the door finally after finding the room and was hesitant to go in. She was, after all, Satan spawn. What would the other exorcists in training think of her. The daughter of Satan in a place like this to learn to become an exorcist. This was not something she ever thought of, to be certain but, it was what has happened and now it was time to make good use of what she was given. She reached for the knob and turned it. She stepped through the threshold and found the room in a bit of chaos it it took her off guard. She didn't expect this. "Um....hello?" She greeted shocked. Her blue eyes saw that there was a strange demon coming out of he chalkboard and a young girl driving a scalpel through one of its heads. She wondered if she should help but she didn't want to expose her heritage yet. At least not on the first day.
Elizabeth blushed slightly, as Leon protected her. She know that she was to close to defenseless, but she had never expected anyone to protect her. "Thank you." She stammered. Elizabeth watched in awe as the snake crumbled to Ice, even among the various organizations, she had never seen a demon sword. Such powerful weapons. Elizabeth failed to notice the doctor fall, her only attention was Leon.
Eric let loose a long string of swear words. "Who in the blue fucking hells knows how to treat a damned doctor." Eric knew nothing about medicine, or first aid, or jack shit. He knew how to use a sword, a gun and a bible. He was useless. As the door opens and a new girl enters he quickly looks at her horrified face. Turning to Elizabeth "Do you know anything about healing?"
Upon being called upon she snaps from her shock and nods her head. "A little." she replied and looked at the man on the floor and saw he was hurt and went over to him to see what she could do for him. "What got him?" she asked as she inspected the wound carefully before she made a decision. She had to be sure that it was something a human could do or if she would need to show her true self. She saw that the glass had cut a major artery and if she didn't do something now, he would bleed to death before the real doctors got there. She looked at the others a moment in fear of them and took a deep breath. "Um...please don't hate me...please...I'm not like my father...I promise..." she said before she reached behind her head and pulled the talisman from its tied position in her hair and let her blue flames engulf her but nothing burned. Her ears and teeth extended but she still looked to be in control. She leaned down and glided her hand across his injuries and used her accuracy with her heat to cauterize the artery so it would stop bleeding and then further back and expanded the area to cauterize and disinfect the wound. Once he was out of the danger zone for the time being she puled back and tied her hair back into its low ponytail and her flames dissipated back and she looked like she was human again. She backed away from the group in worry that they would only see the Satan spawn. "H-he needs more help than I can give. I only stopped the bleeding but he needs more than just that." she explained quietly.
Eric steeled his face. Drawing his shield from his back he takes a combat stance. "You have thirteen seconds to explain." he sneered, "If you don't I will gut you like a fish." Eric thought about it. Another child of Satan, in a human body, how many did he have. He like everyone else had heard the stories of the twins, but now there is a third. Eric slowly started to panic on the inside.
Serenity baked away more, frightened of her fellow classmate that had instantly turned on her, "Please, I don't mean any harm. Please don't hate me...." she pleaded as she trembled. She didn't want to hut anyone but she will defend herself if she has to. "I knew this would happen...I just knew." she glanced at the door to make sure she had a way out so that no one else got hurt. She then looked back at him and gulped before she spoke again, "You're the one who asked for my help and then you draw your sword and shield on me. What is wrong with you?"
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"You're welcome," Leon replied to Elizabeth as he sheathed one of his swords. At the time he noticed the doctor had collapsed, but he did nothing about it. He couldn't help since he didn't have any medical training, and if he tried he would only get in the way. After recovering his other blade that was resting inside the cupboards which have now turned completely into ice, he noticed a girl walk into the room. He watched the girl as she volunteers to help the doctor out. However he didn't expect to she someone like the twins, so when she used her powers to help the doctor it gave even him a bit of a shock. He noticed though that Eric didn't take to the surprise very well. He listened as Eric threatened the girl and the girl trying to convince him she isn't the enemy. Leon didn't want anything to get out of hand and walked over to Eric. He placed his hand on the sword slightly pushing it down. "If you are going to fight her because she happens to have demon blood running through her veins, then you will have to turn your sword on me as well. The fact that she isn't normal shouldn't surprise you. Elle est encore humaine " Leon said to Eric. He left Eric's side and took a seat at his desk. He was hoping his words would call down Eric, even though the last part he said was in French.
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Lilith had watch the girl help the doctor, who had surprised her. She knew some demons could be good, but she hadn't expected to get that lucky. Her blue flames reminded her of the stories Eric had told her about twin brothers who were the children of Satan. Once Eric became defensive, she realised the severity of the situation. After Leon had sat down, she looked from the doctor, to the new girl, then to Eric. "I'm sure a secret such as this must have been know by the administrators before she was let into the school. Before we worried solely on her, we should get Doc some help."
Thomas lazily walks through the doorway letting out a garbled yawn. " hey guys sorry im la-" he freezes in surprise as he takes in the scene before him. " well shit looks like i missed all the fun" he retorts sarcastically. Thomas regains what little composer he had walked in with and proceeds to take a seat at one of the undisturbed tables. "Ahh, i dont meen to piont out the obvious here but that guy looks like he needs some help." Pointing at the doctor looking guy. yawns again.
Eric looks from Leon to Lilith and back again, before sheathing his sword and shield. Resigning himself to the will of his classmates, he moves toward the doctor. "Someone check the desk for the infirmary key." Eric looked at the new entrant to the scene. "Could you help?" Turning to serenity "I apologize, when I return please allow me to make it up to you."
"dude I couldn't even help my roommate out of bed" Contorts face, " but i guess." Walks Over to one end of the doctor. " Oh nice flames by the way sweetness." Smiling at the flaming babe. "Halfbreed huh, thats cool." sighs and shifts his weight, "well lets get this guy to the infirmary" Thomas say, "wouldn't want him dieing here am i right?" He adds with a bit of ungrateful sarcasm.
Eric mumbles under his breath, "Great." Lifting the other half, Eric began waddling out the door. He didn't like the demon, he didn't like the sarcastic dip wad, he didn't like the tamer, and he hated the doctor, what kind of bloody doctor passes out at the sight of his own blood. He was indifferent to Leon. And while he tried to hide it he was protective of Lilith
Serenity breathes a sigh of relief when Eric put his sword away as Leon had asked of him. She wasn't a very violent girl and preferred peace to that of violence but she would fight if it was necessary. She gave a kind smile to Eric when he apologized for drawing his sword at her. "It-it's alright. Just please don't do that again. I don't want to hurt anyone if I can help it." She admitted to him. She then sighed as her secret was out on the first day and already it got her into more trouble than she would have liked. "Well, I guess it's better to have it known now rather than you find out later." She then heard Thomas comment on her blue flames that were now contained by the talisman that tied her hair back so she looked normal. She blushed a little as her flames were called scary, horrid and other awful names but never "nice" and it was a refreshing change for once in her life. She watched as both Eric and Thomas carried the doctor to the infirmary. She felt bad that she couldn't do much more than that to help. She wanted to do more but what else could she do? She was never told if she could heal with her flames or not but she doubted that. She decided to try and make everyone a little more at ease and sat over in the corner desk in the back of the classroom. 'This is great. First day and I've already made an enemy of myself to my classmates because of my stupid flames. What else could go wrong?' she thought to herself as she sat by herself.
Lilith's eyes followed Thomas for a moment, then she looked down at the doctor. She gave a supportive smile to Eric as he carried the doctor. "What can I do to help, Eric?"
Leon watched as the newcomer and Eric took the doctor to the infirmary, he didn't trust Eric yet because of what happened with Serenity. However he wasn't going to hold that against him, since it did even surprise himself, 'for now I will keep an eye on him' Leon thought to himself. He turned his head to look behind him towards Elizabeth, and said, "Elizabeth, thank you for finding the demons. If you didn't find them so soon, it might have taken longer then the time given. You helped us a lot." His gaze soon returned back to the front of the room. While waiting for their teacher to arrive he started to think to himself what other tests might they be given. While he was in deep thought he removed both of his swords and scabbards from their harness on his hip and put them on the desk. He wanted them to be in arms reach without anything getting in the way if something did happen, and if they were resting on his hip he wouldn't be able to respond as fast as he wanted.

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