• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Blood Upon the Risers CS

Rusty of Shackleford

Ten Thousand Club
  1. Characters must be at least 18 years old. If they're younger than that, mention that they liked about their age.
  2. Characters must be American citizens. They can be from various ethnicities, but they must be Americans.
  3. Not to be racist, but to keep this accurate, they can't be African American. Due to the segregation of the army, blacks were assigned to their own regiments, and rarely served alongside other ethnicities.
  4. Have fun!


Rank: (Highest Rank is Captain)

Birthplace: (Can be U.S. territory)

Designation: (What role they fill in a squad)

Preferred Weapon: (Has to be American, or obtained prior to deployment.)



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