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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

she sighed as she got to her feet and whipped the tears from her eyes "wait wait wait plague? lord raven told me to talk to you" she looked over to the other man. he looked for a second before she turned her face to match the jester he knew. "I'm a shapshifter and you will never be safe as long as I don't know one your name two what is in that book." her face returned to that of a woman "so plague he is right do you have somewhere to stay or shall I take his place" she smiled meekly as she showed a little bit of her rapier "by force"

@Temmeh @Grizzlot
The Plague tilted his head,"You might be rather confused, you might of been able to survive two serial killers"He said chuckling as he started to rub his beak,"So confused you are" He said shaking his head, he soon turned around to look a the Jester,"Now the situation you brought me to, it's rather strange if I say" He started to tilt his head and acted surprised as her face became the Jester,"If you think you could take refuge in your victim's house I would rather have us deal of what you done to me" he said, taking a look at the rapier,"Showing off?" He said moving his cloak around, revealing his weapons for a small moment,he turned to the guy,"You might want to find a way to not let "it" take refuge in your home" He said tilting his head a bit.

@Temmeh @BadJoke
Devin crossed his arms and said"I knew you was Jester.I just didn't know how.I can see your heat signature and I saw it was the same.But why are you so curious about my book and my name?That is the one thing I can't figure out." @BadJoke @Grizzlot
"because one its polite to say ones name apon meeting them two I have no idea I like it the book I mean it appeals to me" she smiled. "but it is impolite to make someone wait so I will have to go with plague today speaking of which" he said turning to plague " I'm sorry to be pushy but we do need to go the gap in patrols in this area will not last"

@Temmeh @Grizzlot
The Plague tilted his head,"Yes, once they find two serial killers they would send large militia after us" He said before looking at him again,"You would have to careful boy, a great revolution would happen, and you would need to choose to join which four faction you would need to join" He said before looking back at her,"We must make haste!" He said as he started to run into the nearest alleyway

@Temmeh @BadJoke
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"So you wanna know my name huh?" He chuckled "well Devin or Dev.Choose your pick."his book levitated in front of him and opened."And you also wanna know what's in my book so bad too huh?"He laughed."Well I can show you better then I can tell you."He began waving his hand in the air and his hand got covered in red sparkles as if there was glitter around his hand."One guy has a name of a desease,make the jester head turn 360 degrees"He pointed his index finger at Jester and the sparkles flew off Devin hand and onto Jester face. @BadJoke @Grizzlot
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"welp now I'm just gonna murder you on principle of that sentence being the worst thing .... ever" she said turning around and taken off her high heels before setting off after plague. "or maybe not who knows though I do know that plague had a point any spell user will have trouble and you might need a priest" she winked as she ran.

@Temmeh @Grizzlot
Once they reached the alleyway, The Plague turned around, he started to tap the floor onto the ground harshly,"YOU KILLED MY CLIENT!" he said before laughing,"That's hilarious, love the jester act you did" He said sarcastically,"Tell me your reason for killing him" He said as he extended his arm, showing his crossbow on his wrist and aiming,"Cause, he was kinda a big deal for me"He said as he clenched his fist on the cane,there were many large bags surrounding the area

"the child? well honestly I thought he was just wasting away I did not know he had a doctor" he was honestly surprised that the man treated little kids didn't see him for a saint.

Devin sighed in relief "Thank God he didn't know it wasn't a real spell."He said as he bent over to grab his heels."hmm" He said as he started waking home."I can use these heals."
He started to tilt his head,"I promised to continue healing him if he could pickpocket large amount of things for me, now he nothing but someone forgotten in time!" He said with great excitement,"This is rather bad, that rascal was great at doing his work for me, now I suppose I would need to avenge him?" He said as he started to directly aim the crossbow at her, he chuckled and tilted his head the other direction,"I suppose you know,"Lord" Raven?"

"first of all it only turned violent after I caught him and he refused to give back my gun second yes I am equated with our local priest or the raven" she said not really concerned with the crossbow.

BadJoke said:
"first of all it only turned violent after I caught him and he refused to give back my gun second yes I am equated with our local priest or the raven" she said not really concerned with the crossbow.
He released a low hiss and started to look away, "I suppose that what would happen if you stole a gun from the person owning the gun" He said rubbing his beak,"Well lets focus on what is happening, the city is prepared for a all out revolution, it's depended if you want to take part in this "revolution" as such myself want to take part,merely to see the thing that would happen" He said as he started to lower his crossbow,"I will say, your ability is quite unnatural, you can take place of almost anything, it brings me to awe, the only question is" he said as he moved his cane around in a carefree manner,"Why do you decide to kill?" He questioned

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"That's more of a complicated question than one might think really though its the easiest means" she said bluntly "though out my life over and over I have tried different tactics to go where I want and do what I want to do which is of course to entertain." she though about it for a moment before continuing. "I once used this form for other reasons" she said Implying innuendo "but it took all night with some and became awkward to say the least but despite my attempts to entertain with impressions jokes and " she coughs" other means it always turned bad they figured out I was a shape shifter they tried to use me tell one day I figure out how to entertain my self along with them by finding a primal instinct to survive they push and try not to die that is entertain meant may not be funny but it keeps them enthralled so I guess I kill to entertain" she said

He nodded and tilted his head,"Then I would presume that what you were planning on that person" He said as he lean against his cane, still a bit hurt from his earlier battle,"Born a entertainer, people would say, I say born as the wildcard,able to change anything with a quick switch" he said as he started to tap the wall,soon the wall opened up,"I would recommend you to continue playing your cards, soon you might find a royal flush and be able to have the power to defeat anybody" He said as he took his pocket watch out,"It's almost time" He said as he took a step in and started to tap the floor with his cane, the wall started to close slowly
she walks in "well people truth be told a revolution is a amazing place to entertain" she would go with this revolution as long as it kept the heads rolling,

Vanessa came in Arthur's room, sitting on the bed, clenching her head between her hands. She held it tightly, crying quietly, and staring down at her feet.

Between sobs and sighs, she looked at a medallion she had in her pocket, opening it slowly. Looking inside, she saw a picture of her little brother.

Seeing that picture only provoked more tears.

@Safety Hammer
Gabriel97 said:
Vanessa came in Arthur's room, sitting on the bed, clenching her head between her hands. She held it tightly, crying quietly, and staring down at her feet.
Between sobs and sighs, she looked at a medallion she had in her pocket, opening it slowly. Looking inside, she saw a picture of her little brother.

Seeing that picture only provoked more tears.

@Safety Hammer
Arthur woke to the sound of crying. Although he wasn't really ready to console her properly, he sat up, gave his girlfriend a kiss, and then hugged her by the waist. He wasn't really capable of full speech either, so all he said was "Meep."
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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Arthur woke to the sound of crying. Although he wasn't really ready to console her properly, he sat up, gave his girlfriend a kiss, and then hugged her by the waist. He wasn't really capable of full speech either, so all he said was "Meep."

Vanessa would turn around, looking at him. "Can I ask...you a question?" She murmured quietly, putting the medallion in her pocket again.
Gabriel97 said:
Vanessa would turn around, looking at him. "Can I ask...you a question?" She murmured quietly, putting the medallion in her pocket again.
Arthur sleepily nodded his head.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Arthur sleepily nodded his head.

She sighed drammatically, "Since when do you feel this way?" She asked with a rather saddened tone, wondering if he was lying or not.
Gabriel97 said:
She sighed drammatically, "Since when do you feel this way?" She asked with a rather saddened tone, wondering if he was lying or not.
Arthur yawned. "Since I met you, baby. You're smart, funny, and sexy. Who wouldn't love you?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Arthur yawned. "Since I met you, baby. You're smart, funny, and sexy. Who wouldn't love you?"

She sighed in slight relief, "That's a huge weight off my stomach.." She muttered quietly, looking at him with a smile.

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