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Fantasy Blood & Steel (Original - Contemporary Fantasy - Open)

his laugh calms down to a chuckle "name? I was raised by clowns they call me jester" He said stepping closer making the clothes he is wearing all the more obvious their clown like nature. he extends his hand toward the bird like man "if its not to rude sir may I ask yours" the red stains on his white gloves showing.

BadJoke said:
his laugh calms down to a chuckle "name? I was raised by clowns they call me jester" He said stepping closer making the clothes he is wearing all the more obvious their clown like nature. he extends his hand toward the bird like man "if its not to rude sir may I ask yours" the red stains on his white gloves showing.
Theo took his offered hand and shook it. His hands were far bloodier than Jester's

"I am Theo Sek Mekhanes, Highest Priest of the Cult of Ravens, Idol of the Forgetful, Icon of the Forgotten and Lord Raven of the Nightfall Atrium district of Frenbert. Everyone calls me Lord Raven. It is refreshing to see that the youth still have respect for their elders and betters. Welcome to my Atrium, Jester."
"well a jester must know how to behave in the face of those he must entertain and thank you for the welcome sir" he looks to the sky seeing the darkness setting in "its becoming late" he mumbles under his breath. "well Lord raven I'm glad to have you welcome and to see" he looks at the corpse of the cop ".. my humor is shared" he was crazy not dumb he would have to plan this ones death. " youth my not be the correct word your most holy" as he said that his flesh simmered his hair changed color before changing back and his entire body grew and shrunk an inch.

BadJoke said:
"well a jester must know how to behave in the face of those he must entertain and thank you for the welcome sir" he looks to the sky seeing the darkness setting in "its becoming late" he mumbles under his breath. "well Lord raven I'm glad to have you welcome and to see" he looks at the corpse of the cop ".. my humor is shared" he was crazy not dumb he would have to plan this ones death. " youth my not be the correct word your most holy" as he said that his flesh simmered his hair changed color before changing back and his entire body grew and shrunk an inch.
"I see. You are not as you appear to be. A thief of forms, shifter of shapes." Theo was not shocked at all; he suspected that there was more to the Jester.

"It is no less wise for you to show respect to the presiding lord of this land. I would tell you to be careful in these trying times, but if you can be whoever you want then you are always safe." He released Jesters hand and turned to find more hearts to consume.

"I would caution you against ever assuming my form without permission, though." He threw over his shoulder carelessly.

"The consequences would be... dire." He cast a sideways glance at the mutilated corpse of Officer Micheals, before disappearing in a dark flurry of midnight feathers.

"Oh and if you happen to run into the mysterious figure, Plague. Ask him what I expect of outsiders who visit my Atrium. Be on your best behavior, boy." His voice filled the space around the Jester, for a few seconds, making the air feel heavy and forbidding before the last trace of his presence finally faded.

((Between Jester and Plague, Theo is going to be VERY busy. I do like your little psychopath though.))
Delacare said:
"I see. You are not as you appear to be. A thief of forms, shifter of shapes." Theo was not shocked at all; he suspected that there was more to the Jester.
"It is no less wise for you to show respect to the presiding lord of this land. I would tell you to be careful in these trying times, but if you can be whoever you want then you are always safe." He released Jesters hand and turned to find more hearts to consume.

"I would caution you against ever assuming my form without permission, though." He threw over his shoulder carelessly.

"The consequences would be... dire." He cast a sideways glance at the mutilated corpse of Officer Micheals, before disappearing in a dark flurry of midnight feathers.

"Oh and if you happen to run into the mysterious figure, Plague. Ask him what I expect of outsiders who visit my Atrium. Be on your best behavior, boy." His voice filled the space around the Jester, for a few seconds, making the air feel heavy and forbidding before the last trace of his presence finally faded.

((Between Jester and Plague, Theo is going to be VERY busy. I do like your little psychopath though.))
he laughs at the dire part "I understand" he said as the bird like man left he decided that it would be wise to take his leave too. he when to wonder the streets he was looking for interesting people and this city was providing.

(thank you :) )


(open interaction)
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Devin walked the empty streets of the city.He had his book I'm the right of his hand while his left hand was in his pocket.He seemed very nonchalant.As if he wasn't worried about anything even though he just moved to the city.The streets were empty and he couldn't hear any thing besides the wind blowing in his ear. @BadJoke
his body morphs turning into the larger clown the snapping of bones was audible as they become larger he did this when he saw the man walking down the street. he quickly changed realizing the larger clown suit was needed. as he changed he thought of the fact that the man might hear him but what did he care he thought as he pulled on his pants.

@Temmeh<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-3_20-51-55.png.84a36ac5dbf85ecaa765041b93fc7917.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-3_20-51-55.png.84a36ac5dbf85ecaa765041b93fc7917.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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He heard a disturbing bone cracking sound but was to desturbed to see what the song was.He shrugged a but then cracked his neck,took a gulp of saliva then kept walking Still with a nonchalant look on his face.He clutched onto his book harder.
finally finishing his costume change he lets out a laugh as he walks out of the ally way he figures if he had any chance of getting the drop on the man he had blew it. "well hello there" he says a large smile across his face he looks the man over seeing that he was gripping a book pretty hard. "What are you reading that makes you hold on to it so?" he says some what curios.

He trembles a bit.The exspession on his face turned from nonchalant to frightened.Devin pulls his left hand out of his pocket then put his book on his chest with both arms wrapped around the book."Wha.....what's it to ya".He said as he started backing but slowly."It's non of your business.It's rude to ask a random person on the street what he does.expecially a random person"@BadJoke
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Ok that is especially interesting he strides up to the man not seeing any weapons on him thinking the worst the man could have was a derringer up his sleeve and that would be rather useless if he was not even an inch from the man. "well you have ether an extremely embarrising secret in that book or" he said as he leaned over to look the man in the eye "its worth something and If that was the case I wouldn't walk alone" he says putting out his hand his blood covered glove the only thing that he kept on " Names jester by the way" his unnaturally large smile taking up the mans vision.

He started shaking then he cleared his throat."So uh.....your name is jester.It's nice to meet you".He said as he started moving backwards."Well it's was nice meeting you but would you look at the time."He said as he was looking at his wrist as if he had a watch on."I gotta run!"Devin ran from jester and went into a cone store to hide from jester. @BadJoke
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he followed the man easily his eyes made it easy to track where the man went. He walked into the store the man at the counter looked at him and opened his mouth probably going to saying something like we are about to close before noticing his blood covered gloves and closing his mouth. "O come on I have no where to stay they will arrest me in this town if I'm out to late " he said knowing the man was hiding. "and I don't know your name friend" he said as the last word came out of his mouth he started to look for the man. "and you never told me what you were reading" he said jokingly.

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Devin started hyperventilating."Stay back!".He said as was sitting on the floor in the snack isle."If you won't stay back I will....."He stopped to think and knew that he couldn't give any information about hiself."I don't know who you are or why you want me.But for whatever reason you want me you can have me.I'm warning you!"He said as he clutched on to his book as hard as he can. @BadJoke
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as he walked toward the snake isle he grabbed a knife out of the kitchen isle casually throwing it toward the man at the counter who had just picked up a phone. The man at the counter froze it looked like the knife had passed by the mans neck leaving not a scratch that is tell blood started to spew out of his throat he dropped dead without a noise. he took long strides toward Devin his face a horrible smile. "COME ON" he shouted in a craze "WHATS YOUR NAME" he said getting extremely close. "I NEED SOMEWHERE TO STAY LETS SAY YOUR HOUSE COME ON" he shouted.

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Devin got up and started throwing all the snacks on the shelves at Jester." STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU LUNATIC!" He screamed from the top of his lungs.As he continues throwing throwing snacks at Jester. @BadJoke
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"i am the son of a mormon and a veteran of 2 world wars and My lucky number is 7 and you had better bite me before I blow" he said pulling the 1911 pistol and pointing at the man. "here is the game solve the riddle and you live don't and you go the way of the cashier" he said smiling his crazed smile.

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Devin looked at him baffled"So you ask to come to my house then threaten to kill me."He said as his book began to levitate over his head. "Well guess what.I'm not playing your games anymore."Devin slides on the ground towards Jester.when the tip of his foot touched Jester leg he did a backflip.In the process of the backfill he successfully kicked Jester pistol out his hand and into the air.Devin book then levitated under the falling gun and the gun landed on the book."Get away from me a said!"Devin hand went on fire then he punched Jester in the gut then upper cut his chin.He ran to grab his book,grabbed the gun off the book and pointed the gun at Jester "Looks like the tables turned"He said with a smirk on his face. @BadJoke
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"you have to click the safety" he said pointing toward the button on the side of the gun. 7 rounds a mag the guy didn't look like the kind to shoot so if I did something surprising he would probably miss. he didn't move an inch but being a shapeshifter his body's muscles stretched them self's while he stood perfectly still getting ready to do what was needed.

Devin put the gun down and looked at his as if he was crazy........which he is"are you crazy.What's wrong with you?You just killed a cashier and you think I'm ok with that."Devin started rubbing his head."You think everything is a joke don't you.I....I don't even know how I got into this mess"Devin tossed the gun to the back of the store then ran out. @BadJoke
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this time he just grabbed his gun and didn't follow the man this would be a hunt not a murder as he walked out of the building going to a clothing store near by it took a few seconds for him to kill everyone in side then he grabbed a purse, some high heels, and a red dress he saw, as well as a bra and some panties he walked into a changing room and a couple of moments later she walked out. (the image) She wondered if she was his type she wondered if he would give her some manners he hadn't shown before. She laughed at the though of luring him into a room just to crack his neck and read through that dumb book. How it held her mind she wondered why as she walked out of the clothing store. "A jester never was only men" she said walking to follow the man as she applied the last bit of lipstick she had taken from one of the women in the building.

@Temmeh<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-3_23-12-4.png.974da8698c45fe9d4a77db5787861d9d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-3_23-12-4.png.974da8698c45fe9d4a77db5787861d9d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Devin was getting close to his house but was looking around to make sure no one was following him.He looked behind him and saw a lady in nice clothing.His eyes flashed red for a sec then went back to normal."hmmmm" He walked to to the lady and said "What are you doing out at a time like this.It's almost passed cerfew and it's not really safe out here.I suggest you start going home" @BadJoke
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Soon a mysterious man appeared,"Stop your matter of talking!" He said in a rather mad voice,he pointed at the lady,"You dare kill my client!"He said tapping his cane on the ground,"That's unladylike!" He said before tilting his head,"Or ungentlemanly!" He said clenching his fist,he soon started to act like he was wiping his mask's eyes,"I was suppose to finish his line, I had everything planned out!" He said with great frustration, before bursting in a quick laugh,"Looks like luck hasn't in my favor!" He said with great excitement, he turned his head to the men,"Hello,i'm The Plague,you might of read of me in the papers" He said putting his head down,"Hopefully..."

@BadJoke @Temmeh
She looked shaken and as she heard Devin she burst into tears falling to her knees "THE CLOWN" she said as her mascara runs and her words become slurred in the tears at one point in her crying she said the word "jester" in her fit she barley even registers the other man walking up.

@Grizzlot @Temmeh
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Devin started freaking out cause the lady was on the floor and a random guy appeared.He started pulling on his hair"WHAT!?" He yelled as his body began to steam. @BadJoke

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