Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

Adela sniffled as she watched the large man speak to the distressed girl. When he bent down near her she sat up and wiped her eyes. A blush played across her cheeks as she listened to him say that crying wouldn't help. He was right and she knew it. She looked down at her hands as they gripped the towels to her shivering body.

When he asked who she was and how she came to be outside his cabin she nodded and took a deep breath.

"My name is Adela. I'm a member of Lumen's task force. I was sent with a partner..." She took a shakey breath at the mention of Karan and swallowed her tears. "We-uh, we were sent to Kalladen on a rescue mission... I was the only one to make it out..." She roughly cleared her throat and unwrapped one of the folded towels and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Kalladen is the last place anyone should want to go right now. Your friend, is a fool." Adela looked up at the female vampire, her voice was like ice.

When the elf female looked back at the beast man she caught the obvious uncomfortable look on his face. She wasn't sure what she was going to do. She felt extremely conflicted about almost everything at the moment, especially home. She was starting to think that perhaps peace was impossible between humans and Vomica.

"I think I will take your clothing offer. Thank you." She spoke softly and stood up slowly before shakily walking herself into the room where fresh clothes awaited her. After throwing her wet clothes to the side and changing she returned to the sitting room where she once was and sat back down on the couch.

"Thank you. I know this is very inconvenient of you. I am in your debt." She said as she toweled at her wet purple tinted hair. She sighed as she leaned back against the cushions. She was feeling a lot better but not anywhere near as she used to.
~Valen Helsinger, on the streets of Kalladen~

Without pausing to think, Valen fired off a shot from his pistol at the approaching demon, but the shot missed. He could not fire another and insure his survival at the speed the creature was charging at him. Growling, he pulled out a pair of his long-bladed iron daggers from a couple of discreet pockets in his coat and attempted to defend himself. Due to the demon's overwhelming rage, it had a poor aim, thus Valen was able to side-step the attack...however, it still managed to graze his cheek, causing a small stream of blood to trail down from the minor wound. Once he was out of range from the mad monster, a pained grimace appeared on his face; the sentimental side had taken over...something that had not happened in several years.

"She wanted to die, Vomica. I could tell from her eyes that she was not happy the way she was...from what she had done in her past! I granted her wish, and I do not regret the decision!" He blinked after saying it, and his expression changed once a cold, wicked smile. "...I purified her wretched body and soul, demon. Since you loved her, how about I help you join her?!" Cackling, he flung one of his daggers with deft accuracy, the flying weapon gliding straight toward the demon man.
Equinox turned to Rain with her eyes showing nothing but a dangerous curiosity. "Let's go check it out...If it turns bad I'm going to my basement to plan...If it doesn't I'm still gonna go plan..." She replied and bit her lip. "...this virus gave some of us gifts and some of us curses. Ours is a gift. I've already lost someone...I'm not losing anyone else." Equinox growled her eyes seeming to shine a bit and a canine seeming to peek out from under her lips.
Rain returned the shine from her eyes to an evil grin. "Ill show you the true form of the snake God." She chuckled as she pointed to self. "It's cheesy but I call myself that ...when I was alone . My original from is much more scary, and tends to ...make a mess of things." She ran toward Equinox and took her wrist. "Come on, lets go see what's going on." She ran with her , tugging her along with her. An evil smug plastered on her face as the snakes tried their best to ketch up. She paid no mind. She knew they would ketch up to them.
Equinox allowed Rain to tug her on with her, figuring that she had a plan. "You may just be the snake god...I'm just a woman of many forms..." She whispered to herself and looked back at the snakes. She hoped that this wouldn't get her killed, or worse, her powers taken from her.
~Blaze, City Streets~

A searing pain shot through his body as Blaze felt one of the daggers slice right into the side of his abdomen. Luckily, all his major organs where missed, but the pain sent him to his knees. He cradles his hand over his now bleed stomach, panting, trying to catch his breath. His looks up to the man attempting to kill him. His eyes where full of confusion. His breathing is hard, barely holding on to the strength he had left. "She...she..she wasn't one of us. She was pure. She was uninfected. W-w-what the hell are you talking about?".

Blaze staggers up from his knees. His strength and adrenaline where quickly fading away. He takes a step towards the man, but quickly falls back to his knees. "I-I...." he looks to the ground. There was nothing else left in him. His fight was gone. "I can't.".

~Valen Helsinger, on the streets of Kalladen~

The man was surprised to hear that this demon had no idea what ailment had afflicted the creature's 'love', and the revelation turned Valen's wicked grin even darker. Watching as the strength leaked out of the demon, Valen walked slowly toward him, holding his last dagger downward in a devious curve. Once he stood in front of the kneeling creature, he grabbed it by its hair and raised its head enough to reveal its neck to him. Valen settled the edge of the dagger on the demon's throat, then bared his teeth at it.

Tapping the blade of the iron weapon against the demon, he spoke quietly and maliciously, his voice dripping with venom. "You Vomica may ask yourselves why I am such a monster...why I delight in killing your kind. Well, I will tell you a little secret that no one else of your kind knows...that no one other than myself knows." Leaning in, he whispered into the demon's right ear, just loud enough for the creature to hear him and no one else. "You monsters took away my life. A werewolf killed my family, and destroyed my was a monster, and while I was not infected with your contamination...I was infected with its rage and hate. I will not rest until your disease is wiped clean from this earth, for that is what a monster such as myself will do."

Valen viciously grabbed the demon's right arm and pulled back its clothing, his hazel eyes staring deep into the demon's own. His grin faded, and his expression adopted that of an executioner's. "Your loved one was a vampire; she bore the mark of the crescent moon on her collarbone. You did not know her as well as you thought you did. I continue this cycle of hate that began on the night of my family's death...and I transfer my disease to you. As men of sin, we must be marked for all to see as the wicked creatures we mark is my actions. Yours...yours will be the tainted mark of your lover." Keeping his eyes locked on the demon, he drew back his dagger and pulled at the demon's arm, lowering the tip of the weapon at the smooth area just beneath the demon's right wrist. "...Welcome to our circle of hatred, Vomica."

With those words exiting his lips, Valen drove the dagger's point into the demon's flesh, etching away at the skin and tissue despite the pour of blood or any screams and thrashing the demon might attempt. He grimaced, intent on finishing what he had begun as he tore away at the demon. When he was done, he released the creature and stood up, staring down at the demon without pity or remorse. What Valen left was the crescent moon symbol of a vampire, its bloody design now engraved deep into the demon's flesh. "Every time you look at that, you will remember her. You will remember that you could not save her...that you were weak. You will also remember the man that took everything away from you."

Cleaning the blood off of his dagger on a dead man's shirt a couple feet away, Valen turned to the soldier who had accompanied him. "Let us go. This one will not be purified today. Let him suffer." Sending one last hazel-eyed glance at the demon, his eyes glistened with some hidden emotion. He stood there for a moment before finally turning and walking away, his back toward the pitiable demon. Valen sheathed the dagger back into his coat-sleeve as he walked, his mind intent on moving forward.

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~Jean Latvia, Riot zone of Kalladen~

Jean felt a familiar terrifying nausea enter her system as she witnessed the riot in front of her, the blood and gore was on a more ridiculous level then the chaos Nav normally brought to the table. It was hard to believe that this was her life now, her eyes roamed the scene and she felt herself try not to gag, it was hard to stomach, and what the hell was this "cure" everyone was yelling about?

Then her eyes zoomed in on a particular scene, a familiar man, the one from the cabin, being scarred by a man who's twisted smile could not belong to a sane human. There was no doubt the insane man belonged to the government, anger twisted away her better judgement, and she glanced at Howl.

"Howl I'm going to go stop this, if I don't see you again... it was nice meeting you and I hope to see you again," she said, glancing up at his face, taking a second to memorize it, the weary expression and the gold eyes before she took off. She ducked low, fearing flying in case she became an easy target for a bullet, she tapped into her reserve energy and began charging an orb, a big one, and aimed it full force into the insane man. At that instance she focused on her building a glamour in order to not draw suspicion that she shot the blast, painfully taking on the appearance of a small girl, spitting out the long strands of blonde hair that fell in her face.

She reached the injured man and stepped in front of him, staring at him briefly as whispering, "Run, I've got this alright? Go get medical attention,"

After she gestured for the man to run she stepped in front of the man again, staring up at Mr. Insanity, hoping to keep his attention focused on her, whether her orb hit or not.
~Bandit, Riot of Kalladen~

Watching the fires roar though the city, watching all the death, the blood, the gore. Bandit cringed and her heart broke. This riot was horrible, all because of the dammed government. Her head snapped Jean's way as she told Howl good bye and took off for the city. She had to do something she could not stand here and do nothing. Her nose caught a scent. A sent known to her. Blaze.

She looked over to Howl who was a few feet away. She ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck, in a hug. "Be safe...Please. Dont get yourself killed mutt." She said giving him a sad smile. She only said this for one reason. She knew she would not make it out alive. She knew she would not see him again, already feeling bad for not telling Jean goodbye. Her anger will take over and she will 'change' and the soldiers will kill her. She let go of Howl and with one last look of good bye she took off. Her legs carrying her at a speed faster than a humans.

She broke though the hole that was exploded in the wall and stopped for a split second to search for Blaze. She took off again, running into the main part of the riot. Hit after hit came at her from the people in the riot. She gave hit after hit to citizens and soldiers alike. Nothing was gonna stop her. Up ahead Blaze sat there, bleeding from his stomach and wrist. Anger flared though Bandit. She barely knew the man but he was a friend to her. Her eye twitched as she took off his way.

When she got to him she pulled his chin up, checking his eyes. "Blaze, listen to me. I'm gonna get you out of here. Take you to the woods. I'll patch you up. Okay?" She pulled his arm around her neck as she pulled him to his feet. "We have to get out of here fast!" She begin to walk rather fast. She was worried about her anger. She didnt want to hurt Blaze or Jean, who ran into the dammed Riot. What if Howl came down here and got in her way. He could hill her, easy, but she would hurt him. She cringed at the thought and begin to pull the injured man toward the woods, for safety.
Pashmina popped open the soda. She hadn't drank a soda in so long. She took a sip and felt the fizzy nectar run down her throat. She almost moaned in delight as she had forgotten how sweet it had tasted. She sat next to Darius and cleared her throat "Alright, so you'd like to hear about my life? Yeah, I guess I can do that" she crossed her legs "Well, when I was born my parents wanted a boy. Mostly my dad, but my mom wanted a boy I guess. My dad started taking me hunting when I was, what, five or six? Yeah, once I shot my first animal when I was still young you wouldn't believe how proud my dad was" Pashmina chuckled.

"When I was a teen I started to hunt game and sell it. Then when I was a couple years older, well..." Pashmina considered telling about her dad, but he was a touchy subject. She also just met Darius, but he wanted to know everything. She sighed "I'll just leave it right there, what I was gonna tell you was kinda touchy, so I'll tell you if I'm ready" she told him holding her hands together.
Jaclyn swallowed hard before speaking." That is a deal then.." She whispered before she heard the other speak. Her brows knitted in an obviously displeased manner." Regardless of what our reasons are in this world for the actions we do. I don't plan to leave him behind to die either. He was reckless and very foolish but all the same if I can help him then I plan to do it, with our without help." Turning back to the larger man or where at least she was looking before." This women needs your help, there own't be time. I know my way around this forest, blind or not I can do it... She needs you more. I thank you but I can no longer sit here biding my time while he or...Anyone else for that manner could be in trouble."
When the girl spoke again, Marcus couldn't help but find himself giving a hit of a smile at the name. It was fitting for some reason. Before he could give his own name, however, she continued speaking and he let her, listening carefully to the tale as she struggled through it. "Fool or not," he started with a sigh, raking back a handful of hair. "I can understand the reasons for goin'. A cure sound pretty damn fine... but at the same time sounds like the farthest thing in the world for some've us."

When she thanked him for the offer of clothing, the giant waved it off, but gave a nod that almost seemed an afterthought. When she returned, he shook his head at the continued thanks and the mention of debts. "Second time I've been told tha' today. Nobody owes me a damn thing." The words were obviously serious, but had softened ever slightly from the bitterness they'd held before.

When Jacklyn started speaking again, he moved closer, watching her as she talked. "As much as I'd love to disagree with ya' or try to talk you outta' this nonsense, I s'pose I can't. But, what kind of monster would I really be to let ya' head into the mess that's surely brewing yourself?" He smirked, but his eyes didn't share the expression. Glancing sideways to the elf, he thought for a moment on something, then sighed again for the umpteenth time that day and spoke. "If yer' still not okay, you can stay here. Get some rest of somethin', stay outta' the storm. As for me, I'm going with Jaclyn over here."

Clearing his throat, the giant moved closer toward the door and glanced back, the look on his face betraying no emotion save determination. Whatever they were going to do, he was set on getting it done and getting back here in one piece - no matter the price. "By the way, I've got both yer' names, but I never gave mine," he started, running a hand down his beard thoughtfully. "Name's Marcus, but most folks have taken to callin' me Ursus."
“Sir?” The Soldier gripped the holster of her own pistol. “Sir, I could…put a bullet in for you, sir, if you need that. Clearly, this monster needs no such sympathy.” Too late to plead to end the life of the miserable freak, though, as Commander Valen had already left the creature alone and headed away. Her hand slipped away from the pistol and she gave an audible sigh, muffled by the helmet. She trudged after the commander, but paused just to bring a foot right onto the demon’s face for good measure. That would leave a mark for sure. The Soldier unslung her crossbow, and pulled back the twine calmly as she tailed after her commander. Without breaking a stride, she stooped down, her hand sweeping past the dead lycan and plucked out the silver bolt from earlier. She pushed the bolt into the crossbow, until a satisfactory click sounded. With the bolt locked in and ready to fire, she pressed on behind her commander, taking care to snipe down the Vomica who dared come within his surroundings.


“Hmm.” A light flickered in the darkness, the amber glow indicating that the light source was a cigarette as ashes, still lit, fell to the ground when the owner of the cigarette tapped it. Nietzsche broke free from the covers of the shadows, having been behind the Magnus Force all along, massaging his shoulder and rubbing the back of his neck. He stopped next to the fallen demon, Blaze was his name, from the files he had received. He took another drag of his cigarette, breathed out a tendril of smoke from his mouth and crouched down beside Blaze. He stubbed out the remnants of the cigarette beside the demon and reached into the pockets of his rather dull-coloured trench coat, pulling out a bottle of disinfectant and a roll of bandages.

“Now, now, this will sting, so make do with the pain a bit, hm? You should be able to bear with this. You don’t start a fight with Commander Valen or his soldier unless you can take the pain. It’s really your own fault if this stings like hell.” Alan poured a bit of the disinfectant onto a piece of cotton and dabbed it around Blaze’s new scar, ignoring whatever Blaze might do, and continued with his treatment. “Sheesh. You’re a piece of work. Now, I’m no doctor, so really, get this sorted out as quickly as possible.” Alan dumped the cotton away and produced some more, this time leaving the disinfected cotton on the wound and then proceeding to wrap the bandages around the demon’s wrist, where the cut had opened up. Once the entirety of it was looking mighty fine, Alan took a stapler from his pockets, abyssal as they were, and fixed the bandage there on his wrist.

Nietzsche returned all the items into his pockets and stood up, before taking out his phone and dialing a number. After a pause, Nietzsche started talking. “I did as you said, honey. He looks pretty swell for a guy having his major arteries cut and his face stomped in. Sorry, honey, no ice, no raw meat. Can’t fix that bruise on his face.”
~Blaze, Kalladen Riot~

Blaze drifted in and out of consciousness. The events taking place in front of him seemed like they weren't actually happening. Simply bits and pieces of a faded video in his mind. He saw Jaclyn, the fairy that nearly killed him before. She spoke something to him. Something about him running. Running? The word sank into his mind. He then thought he heard Leeah speaking. Run...Run...get out of are going to are dieing. Then the world went black.

He awoke again, this time he saw Bandit. She looked worried. She was bent over speaking to him. Something about getting him out...fixing him. She was saving him. Leeah's voice drifted into his head again. She will only hurt are will die.He tried to speak to her, but his voice only came out in painful groans. Slowly he closes his eyes again.

When his eyes opened, he saw the soldier. The one who sucker punched him. He was doing something to him. Medicine? Was he puting medicine on his wounds? It burned. Unbearable pain. He is burning you alive. You are dieing Blaze. Till death do us part. He swings his arm at him, but it is no use. He can't fight. There was nothing left. He closes his eyes once again, welcoming whatever fate had in store for him.
Adela listened to the Marcus and Jaclyn as they spoke.

Jaclyn seemed very determined to get to the city. If she only knew exactly how bad it was. Perhaps she did though. "Fine, I will not tell you what to do, it is your choice." She hissed back and crossed her arms as she sat on the couch.

Had Adela knew the 5 stages of grief she would have known and realized she was in the anger stage and, would have tried to be a bit more gentle but at the moment all she could do was get angry at the idea of anyone wanting to go near the city.

Her eyes shifted over to Marcus as he offered her to stay in his home while he went out and possibly never returned. So he was going to help her. He seemed like a smart person and if he was going than she felt she didn't want to be left out or, left alone here. Adela sighed and rolled her eyes at his dismissal of her debt. No matter how many times he insisted she owed him nothing, she would still feel she did, perhaps it was the elven pride in her, anyway, he'd have to get over it and let her do her thing. "No, I will come. My skills with my blades will come in handy." She spoke sternly, her strength was coming back quickly and for now she was able to set aside her loss and focus on more important things, like avenging him.

She stood from the couch and stretched, testing her limbs, they were already feeling a lot warmer and normal as opposed to the shaky clamminess from before. She was already regaining the gracefulness in her steps as well, she noticed this as she took a few dainty steps towards the beast man. "It's a pleasure, Marcus." She gave a small nod and looked towards Jaclyn again. "I suppose you'd like to leave now then?"
~Valen Helsinger, out on the streets of Kalladen~

Valen turned to see a girl, a young girl, standing in front of the demon he had just scarred as the creature was being dragged away. At first, Valen began to raise his pistols to put down whoever it was that had the gall to think she could stop him if he wanted someone dead...but then his eyes settled on her features. Blonde hair, waist-low...deep, bright hazel; it couldn't be. His eyes widened as he stepped back a bit, a look of pure terror on his face. "No! You're dead...! I saw you die as a small cannot be alive!" A sudden light to his side drew his attention, and he twisted to see what it was; a glowing ball of fluorescent light heading straight toward him. "What-" Before he could say what he wanted to say, the ball exploded into a fiery wave of energy, the shockwaves sending Valen flying at high speeds.

The suddenness of the attack shocked Valen, and he could feel himself flying in the air for a couple dozen meters before finally landing, hard, against the city's pavement, skidding another few meters until he came to a complete stop. Dear God, he ached...! His entire body hurt as though it were on fire! He looked at himself, but could see no burns, and even went so far as to touch his face; nothing, except for a couple minor cuts. Groaning, he tried to push himself off the ground, only being able to drag himself up to his knees. He was fine... internal bleeding aside, that is. He looked up at the distant girl who looked so much like the one from his past; a past he had blocked out for years. No...this was not the same girl; she couldn't be! An even more wicked light of insanity lit up behind Valen's eyes as he picked up one of his pistols which had landed nearby, raising the barrel and aiming it at the blonde girl. However, before he could pull the trigger, his body froze up.

"No, Valen! You will not take the life of a child! I TOLD YOU! You kill her, and I will kill us all! DO YOU HEAR ME, MADMAN?!" Valen's body had a few spasms before he regained control, but his momentary blood-lust was gone. Cackling, he painfully raised himself up onto his feet. "Fine, win this round; but the next girl who impersonates Her...I will kill, regardless of what you think." Sending one last cold glare at the mystery girl, he ran off into a smoke cover provided by a few burning buildings, effectively disappearing from the scene.

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