Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}


The Amazon
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Tick....Tock....Tick...Tock. Like a persistent hammer, driving him into madness, Blaze curses at the clock hanging on the wall. It has been his only companion since he had been thrown in the prison. Everyone else treats him like a monster. An annoying pest that needs to be exterminated. If they are going to treat me like a monster, I might as well live up to the reputation.With that thought, he begins to gather shadows into a ball in his hand. For the last few weeks, he had been slowly perfecting his powers trying to steer clear of the watchful eyes of the Fathom Hallow guards.

Carefully, and with as little sound as possible, Blaze forms the shadows into the shape of a key. He only had one chance at this, and if he failed, it surely meant death. He pears out through the bars of his cell. The guards where distracted by a rather attractive female inmate. Quietly he moves his shadow key into the lock. With a few flicks of his fingers, the lock opens with a click.

A mischievous smile forms on Blaze's face. The first one since he watched Leeah's emotionless face as they hauled him away. He walks out of the cell with a sense of confidence. He makes it half way down the hall before he hears behind him "Stop!". He turned to see the two guards running after him with pistols aimed. "I wouldn't do that if I where you.". he states coldly. He throws his key of shadows at them, and it turns into two ropes in the air. The ropes go around the necks of the guards squeezing tightly, making them drop their guns.

Blaze watches as the guards drop to the ground struggling to breath. His grin grows bigger as a sense of satisfaction and power washes over him. The guards eventually stop struggling as they take their last breath. He walks away from them without a second glance.

The rest of the prison was far to easy to get out of. He makes his way out into the main courtyard, then sprints to the city streets. He doesn't stop until he reaches the edge of town in the surrounding forest. With a sigh of relief, Blaze collapses by a near by tree. He sits, leaning on the tree, looking up at the morning sky breathing in the fresh air.
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... W-What are you?! ... No, st-staaaa-.... Stay BACK! ...


Kodiak jerked awake, sweat pouring from his brow. He was laying face-first in the grass in the outskirts of Kalladen again. He pushed himself up by his hands and sat up, looking at each palm in dread silence. He knew what happened last night. He knew what he'd done to that man and his wife. His hands were caked in crimson long dried. The tattered remains of his clothes hung by mere threads around powerful shoulders.

With uncertainty, he rose to his feet, instinctively licking at dried and cracked lips. The taste of copper. He spat into the grass with a glob of reddened saliva. Yellow eyes scanned each horizon, rolling out in every direction. Seemed to be some sort of field. To the north was the city, so he turned his back on it and went for the outlying forests. A good hour in as the sun arced into the sky, breathing warmth into his nude form. He didn't have to walk long before he found a natural creek bed that had nearly dried up. He knelt on the bank, and scooped up the crisp sparkling water and rubbed his hands together. Red washed away downstream. He took another handful and drank it, swishing it around his gums before swallowing.

He remained there for quite some time, just watching his disheveled reflection rippling in the cold and clear liquid. It stared back at him. It made him feel like a monster. His knees began to tire squatting like this, so he stood and turned to leave. He recognized nearby landmarks; he'd fashioned them himself for occasions just like this. The old farmhouse was nearby; That's where he left Jaclyn. He had to get back to her as soon as possible, and put on some clothes. With the way he looked, he wouldn't be making any friends, that's for sure.

Twigs snapped under his bare feet with a crunch here and there from dried leaves. His stomach ached, slightly distended from gorging on flesh, protesting at the grotesque amount he had no doubt greedily stuffed himself with. It had been a few years since he was dealt the hand he was forced to play; Every month this happened. And he had no way of controlling it. He was a monster, and he despised what he was, but...

He was too much of a coward. To end it, that is.
The woman pulled her red-brown hair out of her face as she trudged through the sticks and grass of the forest. She had a sheet, she stole from a homes clothes line, wrapped around her slim body. She held the bloody sheet tightly as she shook lightly. She hated when full moons rolled around. They scared her and she woke up this morning a few feet from the body's of ripped apart hikers. She knew she did it. she could smell their blood on her. She could taste their blood on her lips.

Bandit gripped onto a nearby tree and hunched over, emptying out her stomach. Her vomit was a red color and she could see the men's flesh in it. Her stomach lurched and she held it in. She couldn't get hungry again like that. Moving away from where she got sick she made her way deeper into the forest, alone.

Her mind was racing as she begin to have flashbacks of the night before. Bandit was not the type of girl to break down but she was about to crack. She then lost her vision and seen her own claws rip the younger mans head off. Bandit let out a yelp as she fell to her knees in tears. She sobbed for the family's she just destroyed. She sobbed for the children they had. She sobbed because it tasted good...
Kain stalked the rooftops of the city searching for a satisfying meal. He was very thirsty and wanted to feed off someone quickly, or he was gonna go nuts. He continued stalking for any kind of prize, he noticed out of the corner of his eye was a poor citizen running from something. He leaped down and stalked towards his prey, coming closer and closer he turned to see what was chasing the man. Whatever it was, it was gone now. Kain approached the man and pinned him to the wall, he bared his fangs and sank them right into the man's throat. He drained the man as fast as he could, and tore his throat out with his teeth, he tossed the body aside and walked away.
Spencer walked around the forest with her jacket hood covering her ears and her tail only slightly hanging out. She kept her eyes on the ground as she walked, the smell of death and decay all around her. She knew she wasn't the one to cause something like this, she only hunted other animals, but that didn't make it any better.

After an hour of searching for a place to rest, not having a proper nap since a few days ago, she heaved out a heavy sigh and climbed up a nearby tree. Spencer knew that she needed to find some food and a quick drink soon but she was too exhausted to go hunting so she leaned back against the branch and closed her eyes, deciding to only take a small nap for right now.
Pashmina was in a tree. She held her rifle close to her body looking for somebody to shoot. She heard several noises coming from all around, but couldn't identify who they were. She waited for somebody, but it was difficult. Pashmina wasn't a patient person and had to always be active. She was doing her best to not keep from fidgeting. She zoomed into a tree, because she thought she had seen something, but it had turned to just be a bird. It was food why not shoot at it!? She had an excellent shot and almost never missed.

She loaded her rifle with ammo and shot at the bird. She saw it fall and knew she had shot it. She jumped down as quietly from her tree as she could and scampered over towards the tree. She picked up the bird and put it in her bag she had with her. She thought that this would be a tasty bird and could already hear her stomach rumbling. She set out to find sticks to create a fire with. As she set out deeper into the forest she heard somebody walking fairly close to her.

She looked over towards where it was coming from and zoomed in. She saw a rather old looking man. She had no idea who he was, but thought it would be a good idea to shoot him anyways. She loaded her rifle and aimed for his back. She pulled the trigger and fired the bullet.
Adela stood outside the city walls and looked up at the tall intimidating Iron that surrounded Kellen. She normally would never venture this far away from the other elves or base camp for Lumen but, today was special. She was sent here specifically as an attempt to help Vomica trapped inside out and hopefully have them side for Lumen. The only problem at the moment was getting inside the city.

"Eh boy..." She mumbled as another elf, a male by the name of Keren walked up beside her and looked up at the walls.

"Yea... So the elders didn't give you any instruction on how to get in?" He asked and scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Well... they said that It shouldn't be hard for me to find a weak spot, I mean by now in there it's got to be a problem with the upkeep on these walls with how the human:Vomica ratio is growing ever more in the Vomica's favor every year and-" Adela started, calculating all the ratios and remembering all the theory's she had to study before coming but, Keran cut her off.

"Yea-yea, math and stuff. Hey, let's look around the base of this thing until we come across a weak spot or an emergency door or something." He said and took the lead, sprinting off ahead of her to the looming iron city.

Adela hesitated before following, looking up the length of Kellen one more time. "Wow, I can't believe we're doing this.." She muttered thinking of all the stories she'd heard of the place but having no memory of it of her own.

When they reached the wall they stopped and stared at the rusty iron. "So, what, any loose pieces of iron or emergency doors?" She asked as she reached out and ran her finger gently down the old metal playing with the colors she let her hand disappear against the metal like a chameleon would against a rock, practicing for just in case they were to run into any potential danger.

"Yeah, or ladders/ anything we could climb up." He added and they started to walk along the wall, examining it closely.

"Man, wouldn't it be great if we had wings like the fae." He muttered after a few minutes of searching without any luck.

"Well, I guess except we wouldn't be able to go anywhere near here." She sighed and remembered overhearing an argument between a Fae elder and Elf elder about sending troops to the city to free imprisoned Vomica. The Fae elder had begged the Elven one to send as many Lumen as was available to free some of his people trapped in the prisons and the Elf elder had argued that we needed to try and not enrage more humans against Vomica but, it was eventually decided that it would be a volunteer mission. To the Fae elder's relief and dismay, Adela and Karen were the only two to volunteer. The rest were either terrified of the city or believed that this would only make things worse with the humans.

"Well, what do we have here?" Karen's voice brought Adela out of her head and she looked up to find him pushing aside a piece of rusty metal. Behind it was nothing but blackness that lead to who knows where.

"We don't know what could could lead us though..." Adela said, suddenly feeling very nervous about the whole thing.

"We do know it will at least lead us closer to being outside the city than walking around it will." He flashed a proud smile and disappeared into the blackness ahead of her.

((If anyone would like to be a Fae in the prison, let me know :D other than that, anyone in the prison I run into I'll acknowledge.))
Bandit picked herself off the ground and walked around another tree. Her sheet got caught on a stick and it got ripped up. She sighed and tied it together so she didnt have to hold it. She tripped over a rock and fell to her knees in front of a man. Bandit's eyes widen as she falls back on her bum and scoots away from him. She didnt know who he was or if he would hurt her. Keeping her mouth shut, to hide her teeth, she looks up at him.
Blaze was caught off-guard when someone nearly fell into his lap. His first reaction was to hold up his hand, shadows swirling around it. When he sees that it was a young girl who seemed frightened and scared, he lowers his hand. He stands up, eyeing her over, and began walking around her like an inspection. "So..." he states in a deep voice "Where exactly did you come from?".
Bandit eyes the man that was walking around her. She was frightened but was ready for a fight if he was going to give one. She didnt want to open her mouth to answer him, in fear of him seeing her fangs, but if she didnt would he take it as a threat? "I dont know." She said as she watched him closely. Her hands found the folds of the sheet that was tied around her.
Spencer wakes up to the sound of her stomach, announcing the fact that it was hungry. She sighed and shook her head as she stalked further up the tree, looking for something to eat. When she didn't find anything she climbed back down the tree and had her feet lightly touch the ground, barley making any noise.

After shifting into her wolf form and gathering her clothes inside her bag that she carries with her for when she does shift, Spencer headed into the deeper parts of the forest in search of a bird or squirrel, planning to cook it later, that is if she found anything.
Blaze tugs on the cloth wrapped around the body of the girl. "Well, from the looks of what your wearing, you must have come from a hell of a fight.". He laughs. He stops circling her and stands in front of her. He puts his hand out in a friendly gesture."The name is Blaze, pleased to meet you. A young woman such as your self should not be walking these woods alone. It is dangerous out here.".
Bandit pulled away from the tugging and huffed at the fight remark. You have no clue... She looked down at his hand and took it in hers. She shook it lightly then let go. Her fangs now fully visible. "I can take care of my self thank you very much!" Well, not on full moon nights... "My name is Bandit Harlem. Nice to meet you as well."
Blaze grins at her at the sight of her fangs. He was pleased to know he wasn't going to have to kill her after all. He would hate to have to kill on his first night of freedom. He would much rather enjoy the serenity of his surroundings. "Well, well, it appears as though your are not so helpless after all." he nods to her fangs. "So what type of Vomica are you? I am a demon-extrordinaire myself.".
Bandit raised an eyebrow as her eyes grew dark. "Im evil." Her hands shook. "Im a repulsive beast." She clenched her jaw. "I cant control myself on full moons." She looks up at him with a disgusted look on her face. "Im a werewolf." Her eyes lightened up and the look on her face goes away. "Just dont stick around me on full moons."
Kain stalked the rooftops searching for a resting place before the Sun went up. Kain looked around and found a girl, she looked like an Elf. She was standing looking into a whole, did it lead out of the city? Kain crouched down and watched the scene unfold. He jumped down and slowly stalked forward approaching the hole and the girl staring into it. "Hey, what are you doing?" He asked her with a bit of hostility in his voice, he never let his guard down... Ever.
~Jean Grey Latvia, Forest~

Jean was supposed to go with Navraj and destroy some human outpost or something like that, but she couldn't see any real point in it. Maybe later on she would swing by and throw an orb or two but she didn't see any point in getting shot or rushing in without a set plan...

Instead she found herself maneuvering through thick foliage and thicker tree trunks upon hearing a gunshot, she pushed past another thick cluster of leaves and saw a hulking, hairy man take a bullet in the back. She winced at the wet sound of lead meeting flesh and hurled an orb in the direction of the bullet, burning a few trees where ever the light burst, hopefully she hit or stunned whoever shot the bullet. Unfortunately shooting the orb meant no flight, and she ended up having to tuck into a roll.

Spitting up dirt and brushing it off her t-shirt she approached the man, or what she assumed to be a ma-.... no definitely a man... everything was there.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" she asked.
Blaze runs his fingers through his long black hair. He could see that this girl hasn't yet accepted her fate. "Well, you don't look all that repulsive to me.". He gives her a wink before going and sitting down back where she originally found him."So you are one of those were types. Look, you are Vomica now, you might as well embrace it. You are not a beast, you are better than human. And...I think I can hold my own around you during a full moon or not.".
~Valen Helsinger, Kalladen City Square~

Valen Helsinger stood a few feet away from a towering stone slab at the center of the city square, his eyes kept ahead of him and focused on the gathering populace. He wore his standard black coat and leggings today, with an equally-dark cloak wrapped around his neck and back. His iconic wide-brimmed hat sat on his head evenly, a testament to his shadowy mind. Behind him on the slab was a limp and subdued vampire, chained to the pillar by steel links and covered in several scars and recent wounds. The vampire was a criminal of the city, and was guilty of transforming four innocent humans into other monstrosities. It would be punished. The growing crowd was deathly silent, for they knew what was going to happen here. It had been a common event for the past five years; the Magnus Purifier capturing a victim, then displaying him to the city as a means of intimidating the infected population. They hated him...but they feared him as well.

When he was finally satisfied with the number of spectators, he signaled for the squad of Magnus Soldiers with him to encircle the vampire, keeping their rifles trained on the exposed moon-shaped birthmark on its body. If the creature tried to retaliate, it would be swiftly put down. After a moment of silence, he approached the limp vampire boldly, stopping at the slab's side and grasping a fistful of the creature's hair, raising its head for everyone to see. The vampire opened its red eyes and glared at Valen, its teeth glistening as it snarled. The Purifier ignored the creature, keeping his attention on the crowd.

"Citizens of Kalladen, I come before you once more with a special present for you today! I have here the infamous vampire Jandis Carthin, who is guilty of four accounts of infection, and five accounts of murder. He has been deemed unworthy of being kept in Fathom Hollow, and must be put down...out of respect for the law. Today, you will see what happens to those who stand against the laws we have put in place; today, you shall see the consequences of such...self-destructive decisions. This...bloodsucker...was human once, and only in death shall he be human once again."

Without even pausing to let his words sink in, he pulled out a long combat dagger that had a deep crimson, almost black, stain on its blade. The vampire looked at it and fear suddenly lit up in it's ruby-red eyes. ", anything but that. Anything but that!" Its pleas went unheard, however, as Valen turned around on his boot heels and slowly walked towards the vampire, his face expressionless and his movements composed; an executioner preparing to lower the blade of the guillotine. The vampire became to thrash and scream in its chains, begging for mercy until Valen was mere inches away from it...then it slumped once more, weeping pitifully. Valen felt nothing for the vampire.

"This is what happens...when you spread your filth, monster. I hope you are human once more in the afterlife...wherever it is you think you will go." It was then that an icy, cruel smile appeared on Valen's face as he plunged the dagger deep into the creature's chest. It began to squirm and scream loudly as the dead blood entered its system. Valen left the dagger there as he backed away, turning once more to the crowd. "Remember this, citizens. This is what happens to lawbreakers in our 'fine' city. Do not expect mercy or compassion, for you will be shown none. This vampire is to be left to slowly die from the effects of dead man's blood...and if any try to get it down or help it, you will share a punishment of equal value. Good day, well."

The Magnus Soldiers fell in behind Valen as he made his way through the crowd, the creatures and humans making a path for the intimidating Magnus Purifier and his guards. Such was another day in Kalladen, and Valen once again felt the emptiness inside him that had appeared with the death of his family. Once he and his detachment reached one of the city streets, he motioned for them to return to headquarters; he needed a drink, and he wanted it alone. They obeyed and began their trek back to the garrison they had come from. With a sigh, Valen continued along the street, keeping his eyes off of others as he searched for a bar of some sort.
Bandit looked up and could still see the city. "Dont you think we need to move. We are rather close to the city." She huffed and looked down at him just sitting there like everything was fine. "I know what I am. I just dont like the fact I cant control myself on full moons. I rip everyone appart." She huffed again and looked back at the city. "Blaze I never talk this much but can we please go dammit. I dont like being this close to the city."
~Blaze Carson, Forest Outskirts~

Blaze stands up and takes a few steps towards Bandit. "Fine, fine, but we got to get you some clothes." He takes her hand and nudges in the opposite direction of the city."Follow me. I know this cave where a lot of the Atrum members hang out. There are probably some clothes there you could borrow".
Bandit looks down at her hand and his and looks back up to to him. She nods and begin to walk with him in that direction. "So do you know many people here? I mean in these woods?" She looks around and caught a smell of the men she killed. "I have been alone for quite some time."
The first shot was something that should have set Kodiak running all the way to the old farmhouse; But for some reason, he had paid no mind to it. Exhaustion did overcome him from the strenuous night before, or at least, that was the excuse he used to convince himself for not being so damn stupid.

But the second one came as both a literal and figurative shock to the wereman. His senses were sharp as a blade, and he'd heard the crack well before the bullet had even left the chamber. Kodiak lurched forward and slightly to the right, but try as he might, he was not faster than a gun. The round entered in his upper shoulder, nearly missing his lung and spine. Blood painted the grass before him as he stumbled forward and collapsed in a great deal of pain. Stars exploded in his darkened vision as he crumpled into a ball, wound flowing freely. He'd moved just enough that the shot didn't enter cleanly and the bullet lodged in his flesh.

A voice sang in his ears, almost as if an angel had come to claim him from this cruel world. But his vision cleared and he was face to face with mother earth once again. Whoever it was had asked if he was okay, and he smelled something burning in the distance.

He clenched his eyes shut, and he grit his teeth. The only way he was going to pull out of this was to change, and that was something he didn't want to do, right now in broad daylight. But that was something he would just have to deal with. He let out a cry, partially from the bullet and from how his body began to warp itself. It twisted and contorted, and his body began to bulge as bones readjusted. His ears lengthened into a point, almost Elven in nature, and his mouth had a slight snout to it.

The hair on his head began to lengthen, and his hands turned into razor sharp falcates, ripping clumps of earth right out of the ground. As he took on his new form, the muscles contracting and shifting slowly pushed the bullet out of its entrance wound, and he stood up to blood running down his back. He would turn, and a low snarl would rumble out of his throat. Yellow slitted eyes scanned the immediate area; he found the owner of the voice in his vicinity. She had no gun. She wasn't the one he wanted to maul. A figure in the trees, fleeing from the small fire that had been conjured up. Another woman. Now the pivotal decision: stay and fight, or flee back to safety to lick his wounds?
~Blaze Carson, Forest Outskirts~

Blaze leads her down through the forest. As they walk, the tree line gets thicker, beginning to block out the morning sun. He shrugs his should at her question. "I was thrown in the prison as soon as I got infected so I don't really know anyone yet. The only reason I know about this place is because I heard some of the prisoners talking about it.". As they moved further into the thickening brush, the sound of running water could be heard off in the direction they where heading.
Bandits gold eyes adjusted to the dark. She looked around and watched some of the creatures go into hiding. The girl before the creatures was 5'6" and 110 pounds. She didnt look like a threat, but they could smell the beast on her. She could smell their fear. "Im sticking with you... until you dont want me to. I dont like being alone. I run off and kill."

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