Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She eyed Howl closely, going over his words in her head. Its all new to me too... She thought. She then thought of the male sitting in front of her. Howl could not be his real name. Did he change it to get away from everything happening? "Im sorry if I have bothered you." She furrowed her brow as she sat there in front of Howl deep in thought. "I'll leave if I need to." Her hands were clasp together, so tight, her knuckles were turning white. Her light gold brown eyes looked up at Howl as she finished off her beer.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

"Don't worry about it. I guess it's okay to have company now and again." Howl turned the bottle by its neck over and over again on the table. In outward appearance, he seemed to be deeply contemplating something. However, he just let the silence sit, both inward and outward.

He wasn't stupid by any means, but when there was time to himself, it was best spent not reflecting on things. His mind did him no favors by conjuring up memories he wished he could drown in the liquid kept cold inside this amber bottle. He picked back up for another drink.

Howl shifted his eyes and they rested on Bandit's face; For a moment, he seemed to look through her, not at her. Then he'd part his mouth to speak quietly. "Do you ever stop and feel... that who you were is dead now?" A question, seemingly out of the blue. But it was something that weighed heavily on his conscious ever since the infection five years ago.
~Bandit, Old CooCoofarm Farmhouse~

She'd look up and catch him staring, no not staring, just looking. He was off in another world. Bandit slowly slid into her own little world until his question caught her off guard. Her eyes snapped up to his. She wouldn't answer for a few moments as her brain reeled over the question. Is she dead? Yes... The Bandit before the now werewolf Bandit? I said yes... Will she ever come back? No... When her voice did speak up it cracked. "Y-yes. I do." She would nod and watch him closely.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

Howl considered her answer for a while, stroking his chin through the thick, short beard that framed his face. Lines of age showed, and dark circles had formed under his eyes, giving off an aura of wear and tear. He finished his beer and sighed. That familiar buzz coursed through his veins as he stood up and threw away all the empty bottles.

He put away what was left of the booze that he brought out and he hovered near the fridge for several moments. If they think I'm a monster, I'll show them all a monster... He grit his fangs together again before he left for the living room, pausing a moment to give Bandit a pat on the shoulder as if to tell her thanks for listening to his bullshit. Secretly, he wished that nightfall would get here sooner.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

She watched him closely for a few more moments before he stood up. She placed her head in her hands letting her fingertips brush across the faint scar above her right eyebrow. She jumped some when Howl made contact with her. She looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile as she looked down at the bottle in her hands. An audible sigh escaping her lips, she stood up and tossed the bottle away.

Making her way to the front door she unbolted it and stepped out into the warm air. Slipping her fingers into her back pocket she brought out a pack of cigarettes. Lighting one made all her stress melt away. Closing her eyes, she didnt care about being a werewolf or the fact that she killed people. When she opened them all she could do was enjoy the view of the clearing and trees in front of her.
~Blaze, Deep Forest~

Blaze holds tightly around the bears neck. He realized the indignity he had being lifted by a woman, was now being matched being carried by another man. At least this felt more like being carried by a mere animal. Blaze kept that thought in his mind.The rough ride jostled him around sending deep pains through is abdomen and chest. "Hey, you want cool it down big bear? It's a rough ride from my stance.".

Blaze looks behind him to see if the blind girl was managing to follow. He had figured that being blind, her hearing would be better so she might be able to keep up by following their sound alone. When he didn't immediately see her he calls out. "Hey! uh,....." he then remembers that in the midst of the attack, he never even got her name. "Hey, bloodsucker chick! Are you ok back there?".

~Leeah, Dinky Bar~

Leeah gave the man a weak smile. It was so hard for her to smile any more. To much pain. To much loneliness. Just to much life getting in the way of death, a state she was welcoming more and more. She watches as he pays both tabs. Normally, she wouldn't allow someone else to pay for her, but in this case she didn't really have a choice. She had a whole five dollars to her name. If she didn't find work soon, she was going to have to take to the forest like most of the Vomica did.

She gives the man a nod of appreciation and stands from her bar stool. She looks behind the bar, and the bar keep smiles at her. She gives him a small smile from the corner of her mouth in return. She then looks back to the man who was now offering her a job. Following a stranger out of bar had danger spelled all over it, but she didn't care. The closer to death she was, the more numb she felt. It was the whole reason she had got into adrenaline seeking activities. The more dangerous the better.

She stands besides the man, waiting to leave. She crosses her arms and rubs her hands against them, feeling the chill of the cool bar. "So, where are we going?" she asks just looking to him. It surprised her that he actually knew of a place she could work. She hoped that if she could gain, somewhat of a normal life, then the pain would eventually fade away.
"Jaclyn!" She called back though unseen she was managing well enough to keep up with them. Her mind was else where when she heard the man call out for her." That's my name." She stated with a slight smile even if she was being poured on and utterly felt horrid. Jaclyn was never one for rain, she enjoyed listening to it and looking but whenever it rained she would curl next to Howl and sleep.... Howl, her mind wandered off to that name. A name no longer needed as to that man wasn't Howl he was someone else and...So was she now. Of course she couldn't help but wish he was alright and wonder what he was doing right now.
Rain listened well as she opened the door to the church. " The bird, I would find only the wings to be painful. I mean its sprouting from your back, but I can see why the rest would be. Your body from its original stature is shortening....ouch. " She allowed her to walk in first then herself ,before shutting. " I feel like taffy when I stretch...the wolf however, new bones ...that's the benefit with being a snake. We have none, so " She shrugs." Eh I think I would like to give a bird a try, but that will be for another time. Her conversation was interrupted by an old man holding a cane. He walked up to them and was able to muster out a few words. "who is your friends Rain." Rain held out her hand in front of Equinox. "This is Equinox.

Rain had passed by the old man and set the two snakes down to go join the rest of the family. "Equinox is just like me, she forms in to more animals then I do, one is a wolf. She helped me out earlier when a boy had spotted me. " The old man turned around as fast as he could. "What did you get yourself in to ." Rain waved her hand to and fro. "Oh no he just saw me trying to save a cat, the snake bit him and I didn't want the venom to spread.
Government Announcement:

The speaker's hanging all around the fort walls hiss to life.

Attention all Vomica. Your cure has been found.

Those wishing to have the cure may report to Fathom Hallow without fear of incarceration.

Those who continue to live on without being cured, will no longer be imprisoned.

They will be prosecuted on sight.

Thank you for your time.

Ryan sat in a tree, testing out his powers, when he suddenly had an idea. His stretched his influence into the tree and down into the ground, and outward in every direction, connecting with every living thing within his range of influence. He smiled as he followed ants down into their network of caves, and felt trees and plants blossoming under the influence of his power and the energy of the sun. He felt fully at peace, and actually zoned out for a while, until he felt a new group of organisms, larger than everything else here. Humanoids... other infected. Wonderful. Maybe they'd like to chat. He didn't recognize their fields, so he figured he'd never met them before. He hopped down from the tree and walked towards the group, keeping tabs on them as well as he could, and walking in a direction that seemed to lead to a face to face meeting. The good news about this new skill, he used very little energy, and would still be perfectly fine if this turned into a fight or flight situation. He hoped to avoid a violent confrontation, but you never knew with the people here. Ryan sighed. They were getting close now.

((Whatever group wants to run into Ryan, well, yeah.))
Pashmina was hunting when she heard the message about the cure. This struck her completely by surprise and almost dropped her rifle. She was enjoying the form as was in and din know if she wanted to accept the cure. What could they really do if they tried to prosecute her? She could shoot them, but that would make her a wanted criminal. The life of a criminal could be fun. Always on the run and having the constant adrenaline rush from beig in danger. Her appearance would give her away pretty quickly though. This eyesight made her hunting way better, but she also wanted to be accepted into society again. She wanted to see her mother and all of her customers. She could start a real hunting business. She sat down and sighed, setting her fun next to her.

(could someone please run into Pashmina? I have like nothing to do!)
Equinox stood in shock at the announcement that had just been in the air moments ago. She wondered what this 'cure' was...for all everyone knew it could be killing everyone who has it. She shuddered and looked at the old man and Rain. She, for one, didn't wanna give up her powers but she also didn't wanna die. She was frustrated but she was in a guest's building so she kept calm and collected.
Darius had spent an hour walking in his illusory invisible state back to the edge of the forest and beyond. He had used his illusions to become invisible many times, he could use telepathy to mess with the senses of living creatures as well. It was how he had hunted and lived through encounters with so many different people and creatures, especially the darned were creatures. If he hadn't been able to mentally mess with their senses he would have died many times over by now. He shrugged and kept moving, thinking back to a time where he hadn't yet known how to use his powers, a time where he had to watch his parents be killed by a were creature of one kind or another. A time where he hunted endlessly but never found the culprit. He shook the thoughts from his head and quietly approached the clearing that had his tree home in it.

He stopped, his illusion foolproof enough to mask the sounds and movement of the leaves under his feet. There was a woman in the clearing where he crossed to his tree. He cast forth an illusory clone of himself, one of his common illusions, it takes zero toll on him now unless he makes a huge amount of them. He can even throw three illusion copies of himself instantaneously with no difference between them and himself. His clone crossed the area to the woman, and through a medium effort he used it to see her, he also had to use illusions to create the right feel of reality, the leaves crunching under the illusions feet, the wind rustling his coat. He had it stop a couple of feet from her. She was quite a lovely woman he had to admit, and she had altered skin color same as he. He cleared his throat and said, "Hello, may I ask what you are doing here?"
Pashmina looked up and saw a man. "Why must you need to know?" She asked him raising her eyebrow. She wasn't sure how she felt about a random stranger coming up to the forest. She held her rifle closer just in case she needed to stack this guy. He didn't look too bad. He was a Vomica like her so she assumed he couldn't be all that bad. Unless he was a Lumen. They were all for peace and harmony with everyone, but didn't they realize they kept them locked up like they were prisoners?
Darius thought for a moment before using his illusion to speak. He might as well tell her the truth for all he knew she could have found where he lived already, and it wasn't like he didn't have other homes in the forest. Plus, he could always make a new one. "Well I live here for one. You are the first person besides myself to actually come into this specific clearing in the forest, that is why i made it my home. Now might i ask you what you are doing here? And what your name is as well." His illusion squinted his eyes suspiciously at her. He wouldn't take her lightly, should she move to attack his illusion he would maintain invisibility and head towards another of his homes.
"Alright, since you answered I guess I'll speak, chap. My name is Pashmina Afghan: Hunting Master!" She told him "You might know me if you or your family has ever gotten game from me" she told him "and I happen to be hunting here as my food supply is dwindling down to an unfortunately low number. My last piece of rabbit will be eaten at dinner tonight" she told him "So why do you live here? Were you we at the prison?" She asked him.
Darius thinks back and tries to remember. Ah, yes, her name does ring a bell, his parents used to buy fresh food from her before they died. Food from her generally meant quite a good meal that night. He didn't know that she had been infected, he guessed his parents really had accepted him and the others even though they were regular. He burned with pride and happiness for his lost parents, they truly were great people. "No, I never got put in the prison, my parent's hid me away and i didn't have to deal with that. And i live out here because it's safer then anywhere else, i feel comfortable here, and because i have nowhere else to go.", he made his illusion frown slightly and look down.
Marcus continued his sprint through the forest, brown eyes squinted slightly in concentration, his face a blank mask that hid emotion. His mind, however, still twisted over ideas of just how bad a situation this was and, though he tried to convince himself otherwise, he was certain trouble was brewing.

The other male spoke, gripping down on him in pain and voicing his disapproval. "Tryin' to be as gentle as I can," he snorted, but his voice had lost some of its usual harshness. He slowed his pace just a bit, going to say something else when the male called out to the 'bloodsucker chick' who, when she called back, revealed her name to be 'Jaclyn'.

Soon, the trio arrived at a large, well-kept looking cabin. The place was surrounded by trees and, from the smell of it, had an astounding lack of scent. Marcus had gone to great lengths to achieve this, keeping the area somewhat camouflaged from other creatures such as himself.

Quickly, he unlocked and opened the door, hurrying inside and helping the male onto one of the couches there before going over and holding the door open, awaiting the arrival of the Vampir female. As he waited, his ears twitched slightly. An announcement? Words of a cure being found and surely false promises being made to not harm those seeking the cure. The giant growled low, usual frown deepening and the feeling of dread he'd noticed before deepening with it.
Pashmina nodded "So, do you have any food?" She asked him ,"because I can shoot some for ya if you need any" she told him. "I live here too I guess" Pashmina hadn't been into town for a long time and had been living off nature and her wits so she was pretty sure that qualified as living in the forest "Although I don't necessarily have a home, I just wander around" she took the ammo out of her rifle and put it in her bag.
An announcement...Jaclyn felt around before she had fully gotten herself inside the house. A cure..? Could it have really been true..The government had tried many things against the people like them so now to really say they were offering something like this she felt conflicted, but non of that mattered right now. Blaze was her top priority. Closing the door behind her she stayed a good distances turning her body to face the sounds of what seemed like the mans foot steps. He had to be a lot larger then she assumed.

"Are you alright...?" She asked softly."I don't know the lay out so I can't come to you, but hopefully you will rest better here with this kind man."
Darius felt oddly more relaxed around this woman, he thought for a moment and decided to actually talk to a person for once. "Yes, I have food stocked in the tree I call home. I can spare some if you'd like but first off...", the illusion dissipated and the illusion of the broken leaves and such around it turned to the actual untouched ones. Darius slowly approached and dropped the invisibility illusion. His body appeared standing several feet to the left of the original illusion. He just, poof, appeared as if out of thin air. "Ahhh, it feels good to talk to someone as me for a change. It's been too long. Now would you like some food Ms. Pashmina?" He gestured towards a large tree and began walking towards it.
Pashmina was shocked by what had just happened "I think that I would like that, uh, what is your name, might I ask?" Pashmina said when she realized this strange Vomica had never told her his name "After all I need to know your name to get you know better. I bet it's a nice name for a nice face" she said and giggled. She had never really liked a person as much as this man that she had just met. He seemed to know what she was like. He had a similar fate to her, living in the forest ad hunting for his food. She had been hunting her food most of her life so living like this really wasn't any different for her, she just lived in the woods instead of a cozy house.
~Valen Helsinger, at the Magnus Central Command in Kalladen~

Valen was about to give the young soldier before him orders before he heard an explosion, followed by the aftershock vibrations that shook the floor beneath him. The suddenness of the eruption caused Valen to curse loudly, holding himself against the wall to maintain balance. "****! Soldier, come on! We need to find out what is going on!" Grimacing, he pushed himself off the wall as the shaking stopped, and began to steadily make his way toward the front of the Command building...only to see a sight that made him squirm.

Right outside the entrance to the building stood a line of Magnus Soldiers and a pair of defense turrets, all fully equipped in their standard body armor and leveling their military-grade assault rifles on a roiling mass of rioting creatures. Growling quietly, Valen withdrew a pistol from his coat and proceeded out of the building...only to be met by a barrage of sound. The crowd was yelling and cursing at the Soldiers, their faces contorted with rage and hatred. The sight made Valen squirm on the inside again. Not out of fear...but from excitement. Approaching the mid-center of the line, he pulled out his other silver-bound pistol; one with dead man's blood in its ammunition.

The crowd shrank back at the sight of the Purifier, but they quickly regained their fury and returned to their original spots. Valen kept an expression as emotionless as stone...and as cold as death. "What is the meaning of this?! Return to your homes, or be-" One of the men at his side interrupted him, informing him of the announcement made by the government, causing Valen to stare at him as if he were mad. Well, madder than Valen himself. Turning back to the mob, he narrowed his cold hazel eyes. "A cure has been found. Why do you riot? You should be celebrating!"

His answer came in a barrage of dissent, the angry voices sounding like a dissonant chorus. "You have killed so many of us!" "How can we trust you?!" "Why should we even get cured?!" Each response made Valen's expression turn darker and darker, until one of the creatures started approaching him; a vampire woman who was shouting viciously at him. "We do not want your cure! How about you take it and shove it up your-" A shot rang out, silencing the crowd as the vampire girl clutched at her chest, red eyes wide with pain and fear as she felt a sludgy, almost-black liquid trail down from her wound. The next moment, she collapsed on the staircase, her body twitching in its final death throws.

Valen stared at the body for a moment, before turning his pistols on the populace in preparation to defend himself...his expression had changed from the cold, mercilessness that these creatures knew. It became...solemn, almost depressed. The rioters began to scream and snarl at the atrocity Valen had just committed, and the Soldiers shifted slightly in fear of what may come next. Valen shook his head sadly at the mob before him. "...I see now there was never hope for any of your kind. You are a stain upon this beautiful world of ours, and it is my job to remove that taint. I hope you can forgive me, but it is for your own salvation. at will." With those words, the chaos finally began.

Immediately after he gave the order, the Soldiers began to fire their weapons at the crowd, mowing down the creatures as they began to scream in horror. Some tried to climb up the stairs to retaliate, but they were cut down by the turrets in the back lines. As the carnage began to grow, more and more tried to run away from the murderous Soldiers, desperately trying to escape for their lives. Valen watched the scene for a moment before stepping down the steps and onto the street, stepping over the fresh corpses and followed by the Magnus Soldiers.

Once again, Valen's emotions changed, this time into a more sinister tone. With a wicked, sadistic smile growing on his face, he raised the barrel of one of his pistols and shot a shapeshifter trying to escape, his gleaming eyes reflecting the squirming creature before he shot it in the back of the spinal cord. "Today...will be a day painted in my family's blood. This is for you, Yuna! Michael!"
Darius smiled and turned from her slightly when she complimented him. His face heating up as she did, not that anyone would be able to tell with his onyx skin color. He was unsure whether or not to tell her his real name for several seconds. But when he realized that she had been honest with him so far, completely honest in fact, he decided it was an acceptable and honorable risk. "Well my name is Darius, Darius Velanik. And thanks to hooking an illusion to this tree as a tether, I can feel safe that no one finds my home inside. It is rather well furnished considering it's in a tree." He turned and smiled at her. "You'll be the first person other then myself to enter."
Adela, Forest

Adela lay in her spot in the soaked ground for what felt like years. Her eyes burned and her head pounded. When she breathed in her breath rattled in her lungs. It was apparent that she was growing ill. With a groan and almost all of her energy she pushed herself from the slick, muddy ground and wobbled on her feet for a few seconds before taking her first step.

"STOP IT." She growled loudly to herself and willed her legs to hold her straight and firm. Today had been total shit and as she stared into the thick forest through the now, pouring rain she realized she was also lost. It was almost impossible for her to now see her way through the dense wood and rain and, as skilled as a hunter as she was she didn't have the focus, energy or drive to find her way home. in fact, she considered just letting herself lay right back where she was and possibly just die. You can't fail at anything else if you're dead. You can't experience loss for anyone else if you're dead. You can't be apart of a world that was slowly turning to complete shit if you're dead.

"Attention all Vomica. Your cure has been found...

Those wishing to have the cure may report to...

without fear of incarceration...

Those who continue to live on without being cured.....

They will be prosecuted on sight.

Thank you for your time.

Complete shit.

"What am I doing?" Adela murmured to herself as she whipped her running nose on her wet arm. She took a few more steps into the forest and fought the heavy exhaustion that weighed on her eyelids and heart. She didn't wanna be here. She didn't wanna be anywhere at all. "I'm sorry, Karan. I'm sorry to you the most." She cried as she trudged through the forest. She held her blades out, mostly for cutting the thick brush that grew in her path. Soon she had a steady rhythm in her shaky footsteps. She had no idea where she was going, at this moment she didn't care either. Her pace quickened to a light jog well, if you could call it that. She moved quickly but found herself stumbling every few yards. She was quickly growing angry and more ill and she made her way deeper into the forest.

Adela, Deep Forest

After what felt like forever she stopped, catching herself on the side of a large oak tree and looked through the bush in front of her to see a cabin. A cabin with three Vomica going inside of it. The owner seemed to be a very large were-something. Werebear perhaps? It was difficult for her to get a good look with the male he had slung over his shoulder. The last person to enter the cabin was a female. She heard the male over the beast's shoulder say something about her being a bloodsucker so it wasn't hard for her to add things up and discover she was vampire. She waited until they were in the cabin with the door closed. She wasn't sure why exactly, she should have cried out to them and crawled her skinny butt over to them but, she was glued to her tree. All she could do was stare helplessly to the cozy and warm looking cabin as she shivered behind a bush.

At that instant she suddenly remembered a quote she heard Karan laugh about once on a hunting trip they took four years ago when she was learning how to successfully find food. They saying had gone something like, "Nut up or shut up." She couldn't remember where he had heard the saying, it was something from their past lives. Something that seemed like a dream now.

"Nut up or shut up." She whispered to herself raggedly as she slowly made her way towards the cabin.

You know how you can hold your pee for hours but as soon as you get near the toilet you suddenly feel as if you'd piss everywhere? This moment was similar for Adela well, except she didn't have to urinate. As she grew closer to what seemed like the sanctuary of the Werebear's cabin her legs grew weaker and weaker but, she was so close, she could almost touch the wood of the door and as she reached out her knees buckled and she fell forward, hard and into the mud. Hr hand, barely scratching the wood of the thick door. "please, Karan." She closed her eyes, her face felt so hot, why was it so hot? Her vision blurred, was she crying again?



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