Blood Curse {Actual RP 2nd Edition}

Jaclyn lifted with what little bit of strength she had, that always did take a lot out of her and from his voice he had to be right beside her."N-no...I'm sorry.. I-I didn't." she panted before gently feeling for him. "You have to stay still, please. " All this time, Jaclyn had never once done anything to take responsibility for the things she had done. Howl always cleaned up the messes or made sure she was protected, but now..."I'll make this better, I promise.."

Gripping at the bottom of her dress she torn off a big section to wrap around his rib cage, at least what she assumed."The pressure will help... "
Blaze winces as she wraps the cloth around his torso. All the while, he was watching her eyes. He was intrigued by the blank stare that was within them. Like she was seeing nothing and everything all at once. He rubs his neck lightly. It was already beginning to swell and bruise. He was hesitant, but he had to ask "Sorry if this offends you but....are you blind?".
"Yes, I am."She stated simply before using her sleeve to wipe away the blood that lingered over her pale face." I was born blind, please don't worry I take no offense. I should be apologizing more..I-I didn't mean to hurt you I just..Sometimes black out when I have not eaten for long periods of time. The women who did this to you wasn't me...To really say it was...My hunger.." How she must have sounded crazy explaining it." Much like blind rages."

Tying the knot nearly her hands felted around before resting behind his head to help him move upwards in a sitting position." You blood smelt toxic it was why I had to fight my way out or I would be the one dead right now...Then again for someone as me that fate doesn't seem to sad.."
She nodded and looked back at Rain. "Sure...I don't mind staying occasionally if you want me to." Equinox looked at the people around her and then back at Rain. "Yeah my most painful form is the bird...since I have to be so small. Its feels like your getting crushed into the shape of a rectangle..." She shudders and sighs "...and before you get smaller, wings sprout from your back. I've learned to ignore the pain but its not easy." She looks at the ground "Snakes are one animal that I try to wrong move usually makes them easily angry." She shrugs.
As Blaze sits up, he moans from the pain. It was almost unbearable, but he had felt worse. He looks to her and rests his hand on hers reassuringly. "No, I should be the one apologizing. I am though one that provoked you. Although..." he chuckles weakly "If I had known you where going to kick my ass, I would have never provoked you in the first place.". He frowns slightly hearing her so welcoming at death. He too knew what that felt like. To be so alone, so unwanted, that death seemed like a dream.
"I can't see how to get out of this place so for now seems like the best thing to do is hold still for the night." She removed her hand before offering a weak smile."My names Jaclyn. I wish we didn't have to meet under such standers. " She chuckled softly keeping him up." You aren't human, are you? I haven't met many others so I can just tell your scent is..Different." Looking ahead she felt him looking back at her and looked in his direction." Do you know your way out? If you can move I'll help you find shelter. A storms coming.."
+J. Winters; Dingy Bar, Kalladen+

Intake. The cherry on the end of his cigarette burned bright and amber as he filled his lungs with its much-needed cancer. A long exhale followed and wisps of blue-grey tendrils snaked from his nostrils and clouded near his head for several seconds before dissipating into seeming nothingness.

James was slouched over the top of the bar, hand wrapped in cool black leather cusping an untouched shot of Crown Royale, no ice. Eyes as dark as the earth peered at the woman next to him, watching her quite curiously. Her exterior showed nothing, but like the myriad of other broken souls that wandered in here, the story was much different on the inside, likely a tempest of feelings she wanted to put behind her.

He wasn't but a stool away, and he thought he'd open up in his typical charmer fashion; he took out a penny from the pocket of the jacket draped over his shoulders and slid it across the bar until it clinked softly against the bottom of her beer. "Penny for your thoughts," He'd say. Age showed, not just in his face and hair, but also in his worn voice. It was gravelly, signs of a practiced smoker.

Then he lifted the glass to the mouth, draining it of its contents in one go, with a satisfying lick of his lips. The bartender wandered back over and did him the favor of refilling his glass. He was a regular, so he was well taken care of, until he reached his cut off limit that was.
~Leeah, Bar~

Leeah watches as the man beside her slid the penny over, making a scratching noise across the wood of the bar. For some reason, even though she was watching it, the penny clanking against her beer startles her, making her jump. She looks at him. He appears rugged and worn, just as the bar did she was slouched against.

She takes the penny then slides it back to him "My thoughts aren't all that interesting." her voice was soft, smooth, and filled with sorrow. She begins tracing the tribal tattoos that adorned her arm with her fingertip. She keeps glancing up at the man sitting next to her. He was the first person in awhile that actually acknowledge her presence. She was yet to figure out if it was a good thing or bad.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

"You're about as subtle as a pup whining for a tit to suckle," He'd roll his eyes at Jean's complaining, and grimace as Bandit wasted such fine whiskey on his wound. Still, he was thankful for all the attention he'd gotten so far regarding his injuries. He figured he had ruined enough shirts for the day, so he figured remaining without one wouldn't hurt.

He turned in his seat as he drained his second beer, and glanced between Jean and Bandit. The latter he nodded to. "... Thanks." Howl would quietly say, giving up on his beer and taking the whiskey back from Bandit. He uncorked it again, and had at it like a kid in a candy shop, taking a few swigs of the chilled yet smokey fine drink. Tonight was as good as any to get rip-roaring drunk and, probably quite literally, howl at the half moon.

Talking to the sky always seemed to make him feel a little better.

+James; Dingy Bar, Kalladen+

He caught the penny as it slid back to him. He picked it up, and turned it over between his thumb and index again and again, looking at the scratched and aged surface. It kind of reminded him of himself. He slid it back into his pocket, and decided to nurse this glass for now with a small sip.

"If they weren't to me, I wouldn't have asked." The cigarette in his other hand was slowly burning up, a thick line of ash waiting to be flicked hanging on the end, stubbing it out on the ashtray on the bar after one more drag. He spoke again as he exhaled. "Take it from someone who's been around the block: These beers are gonna' do youi jack shit in makin' you feel better. You can run away from it all for a time, and you can stop thinkin' for the night when you're passed out, too shitfaced to have nightmares about it. But it comes back in the mornin'. Always does."

James kept his eyes affixed to the liquid in his glass this time, his curiosity for the woman's appearance all but sated. Opening her up with talk was the quickest step to figuring out what her game was, and how to play it, so he could learn more about her. As he mentioned before, he'd been around the block. He was no fool when it came to noticing Vomica.
~Leeah, Dingy Bar~

Leeah let out a deep breath. She begins tilting her beer back and forth on the bar as she thinks. What would it hurt in telling this man what she was? If he was infected, then he wouldn't care. If he was still human, then he could possibly send her to Fathom or kill her. The later of the three didn't seem like a bad option at this point. She had already ruined her life. How could one conversation with a stranger at a bar ruin it anymore?".

"I am infected." she states bluntly. She sets her bottle down and folds her hands into her lap. "It's pretty ironic actually. I was attacked just two weeks after I sent my boyfriend away when he was infected." she forced a small laugh. Though the whole situation would seem funny to an outside force, it was anything but to her.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Jean rolled her eyes at Howl, letting a small smile quirk the edges of her lips, "First of all, that was a very werewolfy thing to say... second of all that was also a very old man thing to say, third of all why did you start speaking about tits as soon as I mentioned them?" she chuckled. She crooked her eyebrows up as he took another sip of the gross beer, forcing a subtle "blegh" face.

"You're welcome, anytime Dogbreath, just try not to go naked forest running anymore, and maybe you won't get shot next time," she said, crossing her legs daintily and chugging the rest of beer like a pro, "And a shirt wouldn't kill you either,"

She leaned back against the wall after finishing the beer, mulling over the way the man had run off, in a very much dramatic manner, of course nobody in here seemed to want to see him in the first place.
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

"Howl, After I am done I would like to talk with you." She spoke quietly to him. Her arms circled arouns him as she pulled the bandage around. "and dont drink all the whiskey I need some more for later, when I clean then stitch the wound." Once she was done wrapping him up she tied it off and patted his good shoulder, grabbing a beer off the table she sat down in the chair across from him. "Do you know why I was brought here?" She then glanced Jean's way. "Can you please lock the front door." she said in a calm voice, taking a swig of her beer.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

"I AM old, you little shit." A smirk. Obviously, he was teasing. He seemed to disregard the rest of her teasing as his attention shifted to Bandit, slightly curious as to what she needed to say to him. It likely had something to do with... well, them and their unique situation.

Scratching at his beard for a moment, he'd shrug his good arm and answer back as quietly. To spite her after her comment on the whiskey, he'd take another swig before corking it and setting it back on the table, licking his chops again. The aftertaste on his lips was always the best part.

"I'm afraid I'm not much of an expert on these things. You're the first... ah, of my kind that i've met. Never had my brain tell me to go running off somewhere. Though I did feel your presence when you came, and I definitely smelled you." He realized that last bit could be taken wrong, as if implying that she stank. Of course, he was referring to her scent, something that all wolves carried.

+James; Dingy Bar, Kalladen+

He listened to her short story in relative silence, nodding once it appeared she was finished talking. Another sip from his glass, and he contemplated sparking up another cigarette, but he decided on holding off for now.

"I had you pinned as once, the minute you sat down. It's not the case, for me. But my brother...? Well, he wasn't so lucky. So I sympathize with you there." James admitted. Honesty and a few white lies were always the best policy, but here, he was being open. Anything out of place, and he'd shut himself down before he began.

He sighed into his glass as he swirled what was left of it around, sloshing back and forth. "It's been hard, but I do my best to help him while he's out there, on his own, while I'm stuck in here." Although, from his underground connections, it was quite easy to smuggle himself out. He just had no reason to, at least not lately. He wasn't scheduled to meet with those Atrum wackjobs for a while.
~Jean Latvia, Old Farmhouse~

Obviously distraught at being called a "lil shit" the same day she was also called "little girl", Jean opened her mouth to verbally tear him a new asshole, of course she was completely disregarded. She got up without a word and went to close and lock the front door before anymore hot men decided to run in, in search of Bandit.

Watching as the two werewolves went to go and have a powwow, she glanced at the pile of blankets Howl had gotten up from. Could she trust these two enough to fall asleep around them? Or would she wake up in a dog food bowl covered in peanut butter? Either way she was too tired to care.

"Wake me up when you're done talking, geezer," she called out, walking over to the blanket pile and crawling underneath, snuggling up to the material she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
~Leeah, Dingy Bar~

Leeah was relieved (and somewhat disappointed) to know that he had no intention in throwing her out just because she was Vomica. It still sounded so strange to her. The monsters she was so fearful of. The reason she sent her love away like he was a stray dog. She had become one of them. She takes her beer to her lips taking another sip, before sitting it back down. She turns back to the stranger. "It seems we have all been infected by this virus in one way or another.". She pauses for a moment before continuing. "Say, would you happen to know somewhere I can get a job? I have been looking for weeks but no one will hire be because of being...infected.".
~Bandit, Old Farmhouse~

Bandit went over his words a few times in her head, thinking. Her head fell into her hands as she thought. She then looked up to him. "Did... Did something click? Like click in your brain?" She mentioned the clicking that kept happening in her head. "I dont know how to explain it." She huffed in defeat. She wanted to know what brought her here and how he knew she was here before he caught her sent.
Before Marcus could continue much further he stopped suddenly. His ears twitched sightly, aching to take in even the faintest of sounds. He breathed deep through his nostrils, a flurry of scents cascading in all at once. Most of them were well known to him, but there were two that were not. "Intruders," he growled softly, feeling his heart rate quicken as his mind did the same. How far were they? What were they here for? WHO might they be here for? Questions whipped through his mind like a tornado, even as he fought to concentrate.

Pushing forward slowly, he advanced on the smells, hunched over and near silent, despite his hulking frame. Moving through and around underbrush and trees, he stalked ever closer until he could hear voices muffled and quiet as they were. Had he stopped to listen, he may have heard apologies or explanations, but he moved on instead, closing in the distance quickly and quietly.

As if emerging from the forest itself, Marcus stepped toward them, hands clenching and unclenching. A growl bubbled deep in his throat and sounded outward, echoing through the clearing dreadfully. "A storm is comin', you're right about that. Whether you live to see it is up to you," he spat, looming over the two forms and studying them. "What the hell're you doin' in my forest and who are you." The words were less of a question and more of a command and the speaker of them watched for an answer, angry brown eyes locked upon the others.
~Blaze, Deep Forest~

Blaze's head whips around at the sound of a rather angry voice. He tries to stand, but the pain is to overwhelming. His breathing is hastened and heavy. He feels as though death is staring him in the face. Shadows from the ground fly up and begin swirling around him, like ribbons of darkness caressing his skin. He clenches his fist as he glares at the man before him.

"Last I checked, this forest belonged to know one. You better watch who you are speaking to in that tone, beast.". His jaw clenched as he spoke, he knew he would be know match if this man tried to come after him, being injured. The girl he was with wouldn't be much help either, being blind.
Jaclyn froze, she couldn't see the man but the scent made her well aware. Turning slowly it felt as if he were so close that it made her skin crawl." S-Sir, we mean you no harm...This man, he's been injured and with this storm it will only make a matter worst." She pleaded as much as she could." I...I'm fine if you prevent me from coming but please allow this man a warm bed and rest...Please.." She was already on her knees as she begged. The scent of blood was already thick and her wrist were still bleeding but merely as small wounds since she was able to get a bit of blood inside her.

She could already smell the rain before it even began to pour like crazy on them. The sound shattered and echoed like static from a television. Her raven hair was mattered as her clothes already torn. The water washed around her in a faint crimson.
The male spun his head toward Marcus, unable to get up it seemed. The werebear tilted his head slightly, scowling at the shadows that twisted along the ground in ribbons. At the others words, however, a hint of cold smirk appeared on the corner of his lips, partially hidden by his mane of facial hair. "Last I checked, this part of the forest was on my property an' under MY protection. Watch yer' tongue before you end up eatin' it, yea?" he grunted. "You ain't in any shape to start pickin' a fight, anyway."

Turning toward the girl, he listened to her words, but noticed she wasn't looking at his eyes, just in the direction of him. Blind? He almost spoke of this, but stopped when she spoke, pleading. He sighed lightly, staying silent for a beat before answering coldly. "I've got a cabin not far. Don't make me regret lettin' you stay," he stated bluntly, the smell of rain filling his nose as well.

Before he could continue lecturing them, it began to pour down in waves. He leaned his head up, tasting the rainwater and breathing the smells it carried with it. Looking down once again, Marcus shook his head and grunted in disapproval. "Yer' both comin' with me... but it's lookin' like I'll have to carry you if we wanna' get outta' this storm on time." The giant frowned, not exactly happy at this turn of events, but not too pleased to remain soaking in the downpour either.
"Thank you." She stated over the rain before turning to feel Blazes frame against her finger tips, for once she was able to help someone and regards to how this had first started it made her happy. "I don't require to be lifted, but his ribs are cracked and he can't walk. Don't worry about me, I'm a lot faster then you may thing due to my weak appearance. " Biting her lip she wrapped her arms around Blazes shoulders and lifted with her legs to help him stand properly and go with the large man." I don't know how to every repay you, sir. I'm...."Jaclyn paused." We are in your debt."
~Blaze, Deep in the Forest~

Blaze felt a since of degradation as the small girl lifted him from the ground. He groaned, realizing he was in far to much pain to care about how it looked. Carefully he took a few steps forward on his own before collapsing to the ground. Biting his tongue, he looks up at the man "I'm going to need your help. I can't walk." the words left a bitter taste on his tongue. He was beginning to think he would have been much better off in Fathom. He had only been out for two days and he had already been nearly killed twice, and severely injured by a small girl.
Marcus stiffened slightly at the girl's thanks and shook his head. "Don't. I'm still unsure this is a good idea," he murmured quietly, sighing again. He knew how badly this could turn... so why was he still helping them? Maybe it was for possible companionship, maybe he just thought it was the 'right' thing to do. Either way, it worried him.

As the girl spoke again, he listened and gave small nod. "You just be careful if yer' following me. This forest can be tricky even to someone who knows it well." At her words about repayment, the giant shook his head, wet brown hair falling over his eyes slightly. "Ya' don't owe me a damn thing. Either of you."

Turning toward the male, Marcus watched him struggle and fall to the earth again. At the words, the werebear gave a stony nod and moved toward the other, lifting him easily and setting him as carefully as he could over his shoulder. "Just make sure you hang on the best ya' can. Don't be hurtin' yourself more by lettin' go."

Walking forward a bit and sniffing the air, the beast moved in the direction of the cabin and turned once more to the girl. "Make sure ya' keep up or cry out if ya' fall back." With those words and a nod, he started off, dashing forward at an inhuman speed and weaving between trees and brush. Though one would expect the journey to be a rough and bumpy one, the large man rushed through the forest with a bestial grace, quickly making tracks to his home.
((Okay, I'm going to like, skip my characters a bit because I feel soooo behind so heads up if anyone reads my post and gets confused.))

Adela watched as the strange man commended their courage and then suddenly disappeared onto a nearby roof. She looked to her partner, Karan, and shrugged. "Well, that was way easier than I thought it would be." She said and looked to her friend.

Keran shook his head and looked toward the prison. "Well, I'm not counting on our luck to keep consistent to let's get going and get out of this damned city as soon as possible." He murmured and took the lead into the building.


Adela's breath was short and her eyes were blurry.

"Don't stop! Don't look back!" Karan's distressed voice called from behind her.

Many obscenities and panicked thoughts raced through Adela's mind as her feet pounded against pavement and grass. She couldn't tell what pounded harder, her feet or her heart. She fought back tears and little yelps of pure terror as she ran and dodged shots from all around the prison.

"Karan?!" She screamed, throwing her eyes over her shoulder to see if he was still behind her. Things had gone sour fast on the rescue mission. As it turns out, many of the inmates had escaped earlier that day and Karan and her found themselves buried in the middle of a freak out. Now they were running from the human's with one very weak and frail Fae and, Karan with a bullet hole in his side.

"Just keep going, Adela!" He yelled back, his voice sounding a lot farther than before. She bit down on her bottom lip and just kept running, she could see the opening in the wall where they had made it into the city just a hundred or so yards away. They were so close, so close to tasting the freedom they had been taking for granted before stepping foot in this God forsaken place. So close to beautiful forest sunsets and natural waterfalls and, warm nights talking to her friend Karan, one of the only people she became good friends with quickly after moving away from Kalladen when she was 15. All she could think as she raced for the iron wall was how she wanted to make it home with Karan. Make it home to her family with her friend.

Just as she was in reaching distance of the wall a scream rang out and shook her very soul. Her breath caught in her throat and as she stepped through the opening of the hole she took a chance and looked back fully to see Karan still running but the Fae female was down and surrounded by men.

That was all Adela needed she gave a short breath of relief and kept running. Her heard beat easier and she allowed herself to smile as she ran through the hole and didn't stop until she was where the field met the thick treeline far from the large iron walls of Kelledan. When she was a few feet into the forest she stopped and immediately bent forward to catch her breath. She laughed out loud and ignored her heart pounding in her ears. They had made it! Yes, she would have to tell the Fae elder at Lumen base camp that they failed on the mission but at this very moment screw the mission, they were alive.

Adela Forest edge.

"We made it!" She cried and laughed at the same time as she caught her breath. "Can you belie-" She started but quickly realized that there was no response from Karan. her happiness fell as quickly as it rose. She stood up straight and listened as dread filled the pit of her stomach.

"Karan..." her voice shook as she stared out through the tree towards the empty field.

She was alone.

Her lips trembled and she fell to her knees, suddenly exhausted and sick. She was all alone and Karan was dead. She had completely failed her family and the rest of Lumen. She couldn't move, she could barely breathe and now she was lying on the soft wet ground, next to a puddle of her own vomit. She didn't care, she cried, bawling into the growing dark sky. It was storm clouds. Her friend was dead, she'd failed and now it was storming.

"GREAT. FINE." She cried at the sky. "GO AHEAD AND JUST BRING IT ON THEN." She bawled some more until she felt she couldn't feel anything and just laid there. This was the first time she'd really dealt with death and it hit worse than anything.

"Humans are monsters." She whispered as she stared at the dark clouds, passing over her.
+Howl; Old Farmhouse+

He would watch Jean leave the room as asked by Bandit, and heard her request coming in from the other room. Seemed she'd be getting a little nap in. At any rate, his attention focused back onto the woman sitting across from him, and he rubbed at his beard for a few moments as if considering it.

"Now that I think about it, I did feel something... strange when you first arrived. Though as I said, it's all new to me. I've never had it happen to me before." Howl mulled over his own words as he opened another beer and began to nurse it. The alcohol he had already rapidly drained was slowly making its way into his system, but he was going to need a lot more before it did him any amount of good.

+James; Dingy Bar, Kalladen+

A scoff rose out of his throat at her words. As cheesy as they were, it was the truth. The virus did hurt everyone in a myriad of ways. That's why he was in his line of work now, as a resistance leader inside of the city, instead of hiding out in the wilderness, scurrying like rats with their tails tucked between their legs.

"Looking for work? Well, as a matter of fact, I do know where you can get a job. Walk with me." He'd drain his glass and throw some money on the bar to cover for both of their tabs. Standing from the stool, he'd fish a cigarette out of the pack in the breast pocket of his coat, sticking it between his lips and producing a zippo.

A soft metallic click, and the lid popped open. He ignited the butane flame and lit the end of his cigarette, inhaling deeply before flicking the lid shut and stowing the zippo. He'd stick his hands in his coat pocket, and make for the door.

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