Blood and Glory

-scribbled in her stalker journal-

*Ships Iris and Roy, ships Cecil and Jack o Latner, ships the ship to the building.*

@Atom not a whole lot has gone one. One ground is on the roof and just took out a few Scarla. Another group just raided the lower floors getting rid of monsters and are now figuring what to do with the bodies.
I should just come outta some rubble somewhere then seeing as the last thing I did was fall through six stories of flooring while atop a large pile of stone xD
Maybe? xD We're on the ground floor so it could work. our group just opened up some kinda storage vault that reeks to all hell
Is there anything dangerous down there?

If not then I'm gonna say I fell through the floor into there xD
Na everything is dead

Oo I wouldnt recommend it. xD I don't think you would be able to survive.
Wait no better yet.

I'm gonna go find my old post and edit out falling through the final floor to the ground floor.

Then 'm gonna enter by falling through the final floor to the ground floor like right behind everyone. :D
But that's not as dramatic and I wouldn't fall outside xD

I'm falling THROUGH the floors of the building, I gotta land inside lol
The time line doesn't really work to have you fall in now. It's been 30 minutes or so since the crash
Found a way around that xP

I can just say he didn;t go through the last floor and it stopped. It hurt so bad that he's passed out for a bit.

Then just right at that perfect moment he awakes, starts to move, shifts the rubble, crack, crack, BANG FALL AHHH SHIT!
@Atom >.> They didnt start on the ground floor... they went through every floor which had monsters on it. They killed the monsters and searched the rest of the floor for any interesting items. They would have found you. Even now there are people on each floor...
well you didn't oh wait yea you did derp derp I'm dumb

Hnnng I shall find a way that he falls through the floor!

What if he was actually covered by rubble?

Ah screw it I might just have him be buried in a random pile of rubble next to everyone passed out.

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