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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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Sienna Argante

Northwest Forest

Wasn't it a very peaceful day for a hunt? Sure she sometimes saw smokes and heard explosion sound from afar, but beside that there's nothing too severe that get in her wa-

And then someone slammed to the tree nearby.

Shocked, Sienna jumped away in reflex. The shock quickly turned into relief as she saw it was not a monster, but a human boy around her age. Another Champion, definitely. "Oh, hey-" her greeting was cut off by his shrieks as he backed away from her. Since she was completely forgot about her bloodbath state, Sienna frowned in confusion at this reaction. "...Aren't you a Champion? How come you're brave enough to face monsters but afraid of a friendly, harmless girl like me?" she extended her blood-dripping arms, still holding the lance with painfully sharp spikes protruding from it. A completely friendly and harmless gesture, really.

She didn't have the luxury to be confused for long, though, because right after that, she heard the heavy steps and sound of trees collapsed. This boy didn't come to here alone; there's something following him. She turned around, and her eyes widened as she saw the creature that approached them.

she gaped in awe at the marvelous abomination before them, "A real-life Mantis!"

"What, Mantis?!" shout the voice from her device, "Sie, get out of ther-"

The Mantis raised its barbed foreleg and with a swift motion, swung it at them. "Watch out!" Sienna yanked the boy down and dodged in time before the Mantis could cut their head off. Lucky for them, its foreleg now stuck in the trunk that the boy hit before. As the Mantis tried to release its foreleg from the trunk- knocked down the tree in the process- Sienna managed to drag the still freezing boy up to the higher canopy.

"Oh, phew, that was a very close call," she commented, looking down at the Mantis which now was looking around furiously for its two missing prey. "I hope that thing doesn't have the ability to climb tree...although with its heavy weight it is more likely to knock down the tree than climb them. But still, wow, a Mantis." she was still admiring the colossal horror from above. She tried to recall what was the academy taught them about Mantis. Hmm...they are heavy, they have neuro toxin, their average height is around 18 feet.... She noticed the Mantis that chased after them was slightly smaller than average. A youngling, perhaps? Still didn't make it less dangerous, though. Most of them have bad sight, so they rely on sound and vibration to catch its prey. Their exoskeleton is almost impenetrable, perhaps just as hard or harder than human bone. She wondered if her bone drill had enough force to crack through it. And they have acid blood...oh, curses! Acid blood! She definitely couldn't use her usual fighting style with acid blood involved. Other strategy was needed.

Sienna turned to the Champion beside her, "Hey, what's your ability-" she paused as she looked at him. Wait, wait, she thought she knows him. Sienna was always up-to-date about news and issues about Champion her class due to her sociable nature, so she had heard something or two about the boy, "You are Marcus, aren't you? Marcus-" Marcus 'Why-Isn't-He-Dead-Yet' Winter. Ouch, that nickname was harsh, better not mention it. "-Winter?" She looked back at the Mantis, which was now steadily approaching the spot beneath them, probably had discovered their hiding place. Uh-oh.

@Lucem Tenebris
Marcus Winters

Northwest Forest

His lips rendered useless, as if they were tied into a neat bow, Marcus was incapable of informing this stranger of the Mantis' presence. Knowing that the creature wouldn't be inclined to wait for him to compose himself before speaking, Marcus tried his best to work his gibberish into a cohesive sentence. However, any progress that had been made was quickly destroyed and sent into the negatives when the girl extended her hand towards him.

Bone. There was bone protruding from her hand. Crimson covered ivory was presented to him, heart ready to burst. Why couldn't internal parts of the body stay there? Blood, bone, and everything else that would make his skin crawl.

Attention taken ahold by the pointed instrument of death, Marcus had nearly forgotten about the large, insect-like beast that was fully intent on butchering him. The Mantis' attempt at severing his head was enough to bring him back to the horrifying situation he had been absent from for mere seconds. If not for the female Champion's intervention, he would have most likely suffered the cruel fate of death.

Everything dissolved into one large blur. It had taken Marcus a few seconds to register that he was still alive, heart beating at an abnormally high rate. Rather than ascending to the heavens above, he simply rose to a higher vantage point, brought along to the canopy as nothing more than a breathing paperweight.

When the two had finally made their way to higher ground, Marcus had managed to bring himself somewhat under control, albeit with heavy breath.

Dark coat hanging loosely from both arms revealed the remarkably plain striped shirt from below, the right side of his neck exposed to the elements. With the tips of messy blond sticking to his forehead, anybody could classify him as a wreck. Although, this wasn't far off from how he normally looked, only distinguishable by the light remnant of sweat.

When his large intakes of oxygen were brought to more of a controlled pant, one orb of grey peered out from the depths of his bangs, rising to meet his fellow tree-climber. To say that their current moods were different seemed to be an understatement. With her own eyes fixated on the monstrosity below, accented by her words, it brought a sense of disbelief. Admiration of some sort? He'd be lucky if he could be in its presence without running, her apparent feeling toward the Mantis unfathomable.

Following suit and observing their current predator, Marcus began to make a few observations. It was a tad shorter than the average Mantis, meaning that with its late weight, the center of gravity should be lower. In that case, the core should be more sensitive. Its hard, spine-tingling, monstrous core.

Shaking his head to expel the onslaught of negative thoughts, Marcus began to place his gaze elsewhere. While he may not have looked like the poster child for honor students and others that led successful lives, Marcus was remarkably intelligent and had a knack for putting his creative mind to use. However, his current anxiety, combined with the severity of the situation, made it difficult to focus. There was no way he could stay calm and make a proper analysis.

While he was busy trying to avoid the image of the Mantis below, the girl he had momentarily forgotten grabbed his focus with her sudden questions. She knew him? Well, reputations did tend to spread, both good and bad.
"Y-Yes!" Stutter aside, the volume of his response made it easy to see that the boy was nervous.

When discussing abilities, Marcus had been presented with more than enough evidence to deduce hers. He believed it to be one that allowed for the manipulation of bones. The exact specifications couldn't be determined at the current moment, but they had to be quite dense in order to be used for combat.

Swallowing in order to clear his throat, Marcus attempted to speak once more.
"V-Vibrations." While the stutter had nothing to do with his body's high-speed movements, it seemed horribly fitting for the speech impediment to have worked its way into his daily life.

Before he could say more, he could feel the uncomfortable sensation of rocking. He hoped with every fiber of his being that this wasn't what his mind had immediately became paranoid of, but his fears were confirmed when his steel eyes found their way to his old friend taking swipes at their sanctuary. Every time its forearm connected with the bark of the tree, he could feel the pit in his stomach grow deeper.

Leaves raining down upon his head, descending to the forest floor as their previous home swayed back and forth, Marcus had become paralyzed with fear. Body growing colder by the second and eyes as wide as saucers, he couldn't even blink. Was this it? Was he going to die?


Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

Southern Forest

A piece of bark broke off, and Mathias quickly gripped it. Even dropping this might earn him the attention of the passing horde of Iseags, and they were not a problem he wanted to deal with. Mainly because his first kill after this break couldn't be something that weak, and secondly because Iseags were assholes. Matt looked at them with a bothered look. Glorified ferrets, the bunch of you.

They finally passed, and Matt let the bark fall from his hand, then brought the piece of meat he'd been holding between two fingers of the same hand back up to his face and blew a couple of pieces of bark off of it. He'd been lucky to find an already half eaten Uaccam to satiate his immense hunger. He could probably have gotten away with killing one or two weaker monsters without anyone noticing, but that wasn't the point. He wasn't going to cheat. Something big was going to fall after waiting 5 years to get into another hunt, and it was going to be his first kill. He placed the large piece of meat - still with a bone sticking out the side of it for a handle of sorts - in his mouth so he got his hands free, and started his climb again. The forest was slightly humid at this time, which made the trees a bit harder to scale, but Matt's muscles still remembered all the tricks. He easily climbed the large trunk, though it took him a moment, and perched atop one of the large branches.

The barrel of his gun leaned against the branch as he took a large bite out of the meat and pulled his mask back down onto his face. Aided by the scopes provided by his mask he looked around the vicinity for larger beasts. He'd been doing the same procedure over and over again for the past 1,5 hours looking for a suitable target, but there seemed to be a complete drought of worthy adversaries. After five minutes of scanning every last detail within his field of view, Mathias gave out a quiet sigh and sat down on the branch, pulling his mask up again. He dug back into the food as he thought Maybe the schizophrenia was a sign. I should just give the hunting up. A lone small lurchbilge slid out of a nearby bush, and with a frown Matt got a large bullet into his hand. If you're the best I'm getting, I might as well just take you. He thought as he began charging the bullet in his hand.

He was sitting very casually on the end of that large branch, and anyone knowing anything about firing a gun should've known he was either very confident, very new to this, or very desperate, and at the moment it felt like only the last one was true. He put the large piece of meat back in his mouth, secured the mask atop his head so that it wouldn't fall down and screw with his aim, and loaded the bullet into the gun. He raised the rifle and put the cross in his aim just on the lurchbilge's head. With a final sigh, he whispered "Bye-by-". His comment was interrupted by the trees next to the bending as the largest brayx he'd ever seen came out of the foliage and sent the lurchbilge flying across the area, straight towards him.

The lurchbilge disappeared into the trees after passing about 4 meters above Matt's head, and he raised his eyes from the scope only to meet the stern gaze of the brayx. The chunk of meat fell from his mouth and hit a couple branches on it's way to the ground as he formed a surprised expression. He just sat there for a couple of second staring into the eyes of the beast, before it hit him like a piano dropped from the fifth floor that he still had a highly explosive bullet less than a foot from his person. He quickly raised the rifle and hip-fired at the brayx, then dodged off of the tree in the direction of some bushes.

He heard the tortured screams of the monster as he landed on thick foliage, confirming that he'd hit his target, but he kept his head down and started circling where he last saw it. It didn't take long before he came out on the other side of some trees and saw the effect his bullet had had. The brayx was desperately trying to get balanced, which proved to be difficult when it was short of one leg. He'd hit the brayx just where it's right front leg connected to it's torso, seperating it entirely from the body. He smiled at himself as he felt the familiar rush of adrenaline. This was why he was coming back. This was what he lived for.

He confidently walked towards the enormous monster whilst charging and loading another bullet. "Oh you are a beautiful bastard aren't you? Where have you been hiding all my life?" He happily said to the struggling beast as he raised his rifle and pointed it towards the brayx's head. "Or more specifically, the past two hours." The force of the bullet caused it's head to recoil violently, and it finally took note of him. In a futile attempt to save itself from the champion the brayx lunged towards him, with it's enormous claws extended and ready to crush him into fine paste, but Matt just stood there with the biggest grin on his face, unfazed. He opened his mouth and let out a final cheesy comment.


The head of the brayx was spread across the nearby trees in a moment, and Matt quickly stepped in behind the tree again to avoid the flood of gore spraying across the scene. He stepped out again, and walked up to the large corpse of the beast. A mist was seeping out of the hole in it's neck, which he made sure to stay away from. Quickly looking over it, he stated that it must've been one of the largest specimens recorded. At least 30 feet tall with thick arms, probably strong enough to punch any of the nearby trees down. The smile that had just faded a minute ago returned to his face, and he turned around only to be faced with a drone that had probably caught the whole event. He walked up to the drone and bumped his middle- and index finger into the camera part of it before saying "I'm back, brother." and disappearing into the forest.
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The mantis was dead, however Connor was still distracted by the fact there was still an object to beat the living crap out of. He was about to kick the matis’ head much like a schoolboy was going to punt a kickball, if the kick ball was twice his height and covered in chitinous armor plating when “it” happened. It being the point where the nectar’s effects ran out. Which means all the current pain of his muscles breaking and regenerating finally won out against the amount of adrenaline pumping through his system.

One second Connor was standing up, the next he was stiff as a board, Everything hurt. Every tendon, every inch under his skin felt like a tremendous fire had just ignited, and nothing was there to help it. The next sensation was a lack of sensation really, his vision blurred, and he lost balance, falling limp to the ground. Unconsciousness was the next phase, and so frenzy had finally stopped, now there was only a really tired and REALLY in pain Connor.

@The Kaosophile @Morridan @painpainsuchpain @Icandothisto @mantiskickball
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As Connor fell, Boris rolled his eyes. He muttered "Wimps, the lot of 'em" and heaved Connor over his shoulder. "Jessica, lead me home," Boris said, reactivating his earpiece to find Chad was once again silent. "Bringing up a path on our UAV cam, follow the yellow brick road!" Jessica giggled. Books weren't as common post-Ragnarok, but her favorite book was a family heirloom copy of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" that has been protected for generations from hell and high water. Her reference fell on deaf ears, though, as Boris was currently trudging through the woods with a hundred and seventy pounds of muscle mass on his shoulder, and eighty pounds of equipment on the rest of his person, not to mention fading Nectar effects and a bladder full of vodka. By the time he got back to the waiting ambulance at the gate and handed Connor off to the medical personnel, he was about ready to collapse himself, but there were fans to placate, and his fans knew how to party.

When Boris arrived at The Motherland, he was met with cheers, and a bottle of his favorite distilled ethanol-based beverage: Vodka. A couple women stumbled up and asked Boris to sign various parts of their bodies, eventually devolving into a catfight over who was prettier or something. Boris picked the ladies up, one in each hand by the shirt collars, and held them at arm's length. "No fighting: Drink now, we can see about me... 'autographing' you later, eh?"

"Ew, Boris. Ew."

Boris set the women down, and they went their separate directions. He took his usual place at the bar and took a swig from the glass that the bartender had at some point put in front of him, but was now at the opposite end of the bar, cleaning the countertops, pouring shots for other patrons, et cetera, all at incredible speed. "Spasibo, Chuck." Boris called, and the bartender glanced over and winked, never stopping his bartenderly duties. A highlight reel was playing of today's Hunt, and people were cheering the Champions on as though the Hunt hadn't already ended. Boris smiled and leaned his elbows on the bar. These were his people. This, not some apartment in the slums or some penthouse-style suite in Eximius, was his home.

@Der Kojote
End of Hunt
Alright guys I've given the hunt a long enough time to be over with. You have until Saturday to wrap up your hunt interactions before I call an end to it.


Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Cavern

Madison nodded to her companion, glad to be so helpful to him. There was no doubt in her mind that he was powerful enough to handle all those creatures on his own, but she was more than confident that she was at least somewhat helpful for him.

"Twenty-seven kills..." She said to herself after heading to the eggs. That was almost half of her total kill count, nearly enough to bump her rank up from a "D" to a "C". It was strange, how things like that went.

After another minute, she arrived at a cluster of eggs, her external temperature rapidly dropping. It wouldn't freeze the eggs completely, but it would make freezing them much quick, although it did cost her more energy than she wished to use.

With her field in full force, Madison placed her hand on the first egg, watching as it froze almost immediately. Again and again she did this, freezing egg after egg in the cavern. She felt her field begin to weaken near the end, her power take slightly longer to freeze the egg. Once she hit the forty-fifth egg, she began walking to Armstrong, allowing her field to weaken until it nearly vanished.

She felt her legs weaken as she walked, but kept going. There were five monsters to kill, she wasn't making him take them on his own. "I'm ready." She said to Armstrong upon reaching his side again, ignoring what her body was trying to tell her.
Jameson Armstrong

The Deeps of the Lumbri Cavern

Even in his addled state, Jameson was logical to the point he could tell when someone was worn out. His abilities had few limits when he was under the effects of Nectar, so as he glanced at Madison, he nodded slowly, "Your really not Miss Green. But I'm certain you will survive." He said calmly.

Jameson knelt down slightly, and used kinetic manipulation to alter the bio-chemistry between he and Madison temporarily. He scooped her up off the ground and placed her on his left shoulder. A look of pure madness in his eyes as he then shot forward, his fists at a ready stance as though he was already in a fight, he tore through the wall, turning the solid stone to dust and little else. They came into a pitch black conclave like cavern where the remaining lumbri were focused. He could see them through his kinetic radar, but it would do little to help Madison. He shot forward, influencing the stone around him with the kinetic force of his barrier to spring up around him. The creatures were large and he felt no inclination to near himself to them, as this would put Madison in danger, despite his barriers effects.

As the stones sprang up, he slammed his fists into them, launching them like projectiles, he manipulated the kinetic force of his punches to force them into the shapes of glaives that would spin rapidly and entrench themselves in the Lumbri. Jameson roared out, "Here is an artful technique passed down through the Armstrong Family line, Armstrong Warglaive!"

He continued his attacks, until there was a clearly defined barrier of stones around him, rising and falling faster then he could throw punches, he threw rising kicks at the larger stones, launching them upwards, towards the ceiling of the cavern, he left light kinetic inclinations within the rocks, that would last a few moments, each would be powerful enough to cause the stones to shatter, and release the inclination into surrounding stones, it would cause a chain reaction that would begin collapsing the chamber around them.

"Yet another mixture of beautiful techniques passed down through the Armstrong family for Generations! Armstrong Kineto-Bombs mixed with the Armstrong Rising Kick! Ah Miss Green! If only you could see what is occurring around you!" He flexed impressively, the light behind him would refract off of his form, causing him to gleam and sparkle slightly. Madison would find herself sparkling ever so slightly as well, his barrier, along with the bio-magnetism he had created between them, would cause a temporary transference of his abilities to her, the sparkles included. However, unless she knew how to manipulate kinetic energy to the extent he did, it would be useless.

As the cavern collapsed, so too did the stone above it, a new sink hole was beginning to form. Jameson had not thought far enough ahead this time, and the stone was falling around them, soon they would be entombed in the earth, just the same as the Lumbri, who were suffering grandiose injuries from Jameson's attacks. However, the lack of this knowledge, caused Jameson to neither deter from his current course of action, nor slow. So he began his attack pattern again, more glaives and further kineto-bombs were launched towards the lumbri and the ceiling above.

Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Cavern

Madison felt her energy slowly drain as she funneled as much of her power into keeping her cold field up as possible. Such a cavern was a mess of heat, and she had only just begun to feel the high temperature with her field weaker then normal. If they were going to do something, they only had a few minutes to do it.

All these thoughts, of course, came to her long before Armstrong decided the best way to keep her around was to hold her on his shoulder like a pet. He looked insane as he did it, and his actions only further added to the feeling of general fear reaching Madison. When he began sprinting into the cavern, Madison's eyes began to widen, her fear increasing more and more as the darkness surrounded them.

Things only further deteriorated when Armstrong began using his kinetic energy to attack the... Darkness? The cavern? She didn't know, all she knew was that everything happening was causing small pieces of rubble to fall from the roof of the cavern, bouncing off of Jameson's barrier more than once. She was content to ignore it, but once larger pieces started to fall among the small pieces, she knew their time in the cavern was limited.

She couldn't see, but she knew which direction the rocks were hitting them from. The entire cave began shaking as Madison made her move. They had seconds, maybe a minute to escape without any other intervention, but Madison knew that Jameson wouldn't be able to carry them both out in time.

From on his shoulder, Madison gathered as much leftover energy as she could, building it up over and over, making sure to have as much compounded energy as she could for what she was about to do. Her field of cold vanished completely as she was forced to use what little energy she had left, draining every ounce possible for her next move.

As Jameson continued his assault, Madison used everything she had to stop or even slow the cave-in that was about to take them, noticing any liquid inside of the roof of the cavern instantly expand into ice. The rubble slowed, stopping in some places, but she heard cracks already form. Knowing she bought Jameson enough time to escape, Madison allowed herself to fall unconscious, letting the darkness take her.

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Jameson Armstrong

Deep in the Lumbri Sinkhole

As the tempo of his attacks raised, his strikes became more and more vicious, and with the ferocity of a raging storm, Jameson continued his assault against the Lumbri, He glanced upwards as the cavern above him was re-supported, and he crouched down, pressing his right fist into the floor.

"And now I shall show you a technique passed down through the Armstrong Family for Generations!! Rising Armstrong Fist!!" He shouted aloud as he brought his fist upwards.

Manipulating the kinetic force to drag the stone beneath them upwards, carrying them towards the ceiling of the cavern, the stone on either side of him rose upwards on either side of him, creating a small protective ram as it shot up towards the ceiling. On impact with the ceiling, the stone's kinetic force altered, and he continued to push his abilities to create a rising ram up out of the cavern by manipulating the stone around them, beneath them, and within contact. As he did, the cavern collapsed even further, burying the remaining Lumbri in their throes of death.

"I shall now combine this attack... With the Armstrong Sonic Fist!" He shouted as the kinetic force along his arm redoubled and a sonic blast shattered the rock above them, breaching the surface of the earth above them explosively.

Jameson finally noted that Madison was unconscious, and reacted quickly, he continued the sonic attack until it fired a flare upwards, to alert the officials as to their position. He frowned lightly and repositioned Madison to the point he was gently cradling her in his gauntlet covered arms. He looked down at her and sighed quietly.

"No victory is worth the injury of an ally, especially a lady." He said solemnly, holding her close to him. Then, Suddenly, within his mind, the dramatic bit of him broke through, "Oh! Woe is me! I have failed you Madison Green! You have fallen in combat and I was not there to aid you! How foolish of an ally am I!?" He said in exasperation.

The ground beneath them collapsed in a sink hole far greater then the first that had formed. He glanced down, and frowned, "Oh dear... I've made quite the mess of things, haven't I..." He glanced around at the sink hole, the pillar of stone they were on was just enough for him to stand upon. He stood, waiting for the retrieval from the event officials.

As the dust settled, the ground beneath them shook slightly, the pillar they were standing upon became a massive monument to Jameson's figure as he stood now, cradling a replica of Madison as well, his fist held high, Standing atop a giant dead Lumbri. All of this occured through Kinetic Manipulation.

Gazing at his work of art, Jameson nodded, "A perfect Masterpiece if I do say so myself. It should serve well as a reminder to future generations that the Lumbri menace can indeed to conquered."

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Marcus Winters/Sienna Argante

Northwest Forest

Sure enough, the Mantis had discovered their hiding place and now it was hellbent on making them fall down from the tree, or collapse due to dizziness of being swayed left and right. Sienna gripped the branch tightly, trying to keep her balance. If this kept going, the place they were on now wouldn't last long. As the tree began to collapse, she shouted at her fellow champion. "Winters, jump!"

Eyes refusing to open out of the sheer fear that the boy was currently consumed by, Marcus was only roused from his thoughts of death by the girl's sudden shout. With their friend soon to remove the only object between them and decapitation, he had little time to think about the girl's order. He had to do this.

However, no matter how much he wanted to, the blond simply couldn't muster the strength, equilibrium thrown off by the shaking branches and the weakness in his legs. Rather than the nearby tree he had set his sights upon, Marcus was sent hurdling towards the forest floor, only the mass of brush preventing him from suffering a broken neck.

Wincing from the impact, lucky enough to survive with only a few bruises at best, Marcus raised his head, only to be met with that unshakeable Mantis once again. The dirt of the forest floor masking sections of his ghostly white cheek, Marcus struggled to rise from his crouched position.

After jumping to the nearest tree at the exact moment the Mantis knocked down the one they were on before, Sienna noticed that her fellow Champion wasn't that lucky. Her jaw dropped in disbelief as she saw Marcus hurdle down to the forest floor, rather than to another tree.

Oh, God, why? Of all times to fall, he choose this exact moment to slip? With a deadly Mantis around? If her hands weren't full of weapons (and blood) she would have face-palmed by now. But she didn't have that much time to lament about the other's misfortune. Right now, the Mantis had stopped trying to knock down the tree and turned its attention to Marcus instead. He was just half the meal it targeted, but half of a meal is better than no meal at all, isn't it? So, it was slowly and steadily approaching the male Champion, fully intent to have him as its lunch.

Uh oh, this is really bad. Sienna couldn't help being panicked for the other Champion's fate as the Mantis got closer. Quick, quick, think! What can I do to distract it so he can escape?! Her arm grazed the holster that held the tranquilizer gun, making her aware of its existence. She pulled the tranquilizer gun from its place. The sedative dose was too small for a creature as big as it, but she didn't intend to make it sleep. The gun had four rounds of ammo in total and could pierce the exoskeleton of most monsters, but she didn't think the Mantis counted as 'most monsters'. If she aimed at a random part, the Mantis probably wouldn't even realize it was shot. So, she was aiming at the most obvious, unprotected part.

She aimed for the eyes.

Her first shot went straight to the Mantis' left eye. It let out high-pitch shrieks, its steps to Marcus halted. Sienna saw it as a chance. "Marcus, stand up!" she yelled to the boy, trying to shake him from the shock. "Do you want to die?! Fight the monster!"

Wait, wait, she didn't mean to say that. Shouldn't she have said something like 'run from the monster'? There's no way one person could fight that giant insect alone. Oh well, it's not like he would automatically obey her command anyway. She hoped the male Champion saw it as an opportunity to run

When the creature released its ear-piercing shriek, Macus winced from being in close proximity. Death had been steadily approaching, but now it was thrashing about, dart firmly lodged in its left eye. This was his chance.

As he tried to rise from his position, Marcus found it to be impossible. His legs had already gone numb, any possibility of him making a quick getaway vanishing. This was all too cruel. Here he was, Mantis immobile, yet so was he.

Eyes shut with fear, hoping that he wouldn't see his end coming, the boy was brought back by the girl's sudden shouts. Her intentions might've been to simply snap him out of his current state of mind, but what came about was so much more. No longer were his eyes shutting the world away, now wide open.

Those words, simple as they may have been, resounded in his mind. 'Do you want to die!?' Over and over, they repeated like a broken record. Everything disappeared, those words becoming his whole world.

Darkness surrounded him, body unmoving and unable to see what was ahead, eyes still open. In this darkness, a lone silhouette stuck out in his mind, the current repetition of those words spouted once more. However, this was vastly different.

"You've been a bad boy, Marcus..." His vision slowly returned, as if this figure had granted him such luxury. However, this was not the forest he had been struggling to survive in for more than an hour. Everything was much more spacious, wind caressing his soft hair. "We've come too far to let it end now."

His eyes grew dim, as if a sweet lullaby was bringing him to wonderful slumber. "Do you want to die?" Accompanied by a feral grin that stood out in the returning shadows, he was brought back to consciousness once more.

The knees that once shook out of fear of death now ceased their jittering, their owner rising to his feet. Marcus had finally managed to return to his senses, but something was different. The panicked atmosphere no longer existed, replaced by one that released an air of calm over all that was near him. The innocent gray eyes were now that of hardened steel. All signs of the boy that once stood before the Mantis were gone.

Releasing a deep breath, Marcus scanned his opponent in a composed manner, despite his erratic movements. "The tranquilizer won't put it to sleep, but it will serve as a numbing agent." As he spoke with unwavering confidence, he slipped a pair of ebony gloves over his hands, accented by silver trimmings of metal.

Gripping the sword at his side, he held it at an angle that would allow for the quickest draw when necessary. Eyes narrowing as if he had just foreseen everything that would take place afterwards, he charged. Now was the opportune time to act.

The Mantis, seemingly overcoming the initial pain, prepared to strike at its prey. However, it would find itself disappointed when its attempts had not brought the meal it sought after. Rather than the intended decapitation, a fine wire stretched over its forearm and carried over to the tree beyond, restricting its movement.

Embedded in the bark of the tree was a peculiar knife, designed to almost resemble the tip of a wave. With the blade firmly planted, Marcus wrapped the near-invisible thread around his hands, a sudden reeling mechanism lifting him through the air. Never once did his eyes leave his target.

Clipping the thread to the belt that hung around his waist, the boy soon withdrew another. Flinging the knife similarly to the last, he was reeled in closer to the Mantis, wire crossing over its legs. Soon, he would find himself staring at the creature face-to-face with nothing but a blank expression. This wasn't the least bit frightening.

Without the aid of Nectar, Marcus couldn't use his ability from very long distances, but he no longer needed to concern himself with such a restriction. "There should be no problem like this." Without hesitation, the blond gripped the mutated insect's skull with both covered hands, sending countless vibrations throughout.

The creature released several blood-curdling screams, its mind being effectively scrambled. Wave upon wave had managed to scatter its thoughts, being driven into a state of disorientation. The wild movements returned, soon sending its free forearm at the prey that dared to play predator.

With the wires keeping his suspended state in tact, Marcus managed to direct all his focus to the incoming weapon of death. Drawing his sword with great speed, both blade and exoskeleton clashed. The tranquilizer's benefits were becoming quickly apparent.

As they pushed against each other, resulting in a scraping like that of fine cutlery, Marcus used the sword's hidden mechanism to magnify the vibrations within its metallic material. The powerful exterior would begin to crack, Mantis quickly retreating from the pain.

With the forearm now dealt with, Marcus spun once more, firmly planting the large weapon into its one remaining eye. "You're too slow." Ignoring the third scream, he dropped to the forest floor, wires around his waist loosening. It was about time they wrapped up this fight.

The crunch of leaves meeting his feet as he descended, he pulled back his right arm, fingers cracking as he opened his palm. With the soft material covering his hands, he thrusted the silver surface forward, directly meeting the creature's abdomen. He would surely feel the effects of this later, but that wasn't important at the moment.

Beginning the process of breaking down the composition of the Mantis' hard exterior, the vibrations began to eat away at the creature's personally grown shield. Focusing on the weak point he had identified earlier, he sent an endless stream of waves, the once unbreakable shell being reduced to that of hard candy. The screams never stopped and neither did he.

The wires around his waist pulling him above once more, he called out to his fellow Champion. "Finish it!" He couldn't do much more than this at his current level. He could already feel his arm growing numb and his muscles were becoming weaker.

The Mantis would make one final attempt at slaying the female before it, but the abomination would be denied once more. The wires that had previously been scattered around its body now coiled, restricting its movement along with the dart. "I won't let you."

Sienna didn’t need to be told twice. Despite being both shocked and amazed by Marcus sudden transformation, she quickly snapped out of it. Taking advantage of the Mantis’ restricted state, she leapt over the scattered wires and landed on its back. The monster was trying to shake her off, but its current weakened condition, combined with the binding wires, made it difficult to do so. One touch was enough to tell her that the Mantis' exoskeleton wasn’t as tough as it initially was, thanks to Marcus’ power. It would be easier for her to employ her previously thought strategy.

Several bones protruded from her back before they quickly expanded to four long, rope-like structures with a very sharp end. The structures resembled a backbone with freer joints that allowed for flexible movement. Precise and more deadly compared to the other shape of weapons without causing too much blood. When the blood was acidic, you really didn’t want things get too bloody. Let’s see, most of the Mantis' vital organ are located in abdomen, she thought, so the quickest way to kill it is...

The first part of the weapon pierced through the exoskeleton and ripped into the spinal cord, rendered the Mantis immobile. The second and third part crushed the trachea, earning a silent hiss from it. The last part punctured the creature’s equivalent of a heart. The Mantis convulsed for a moment as it took its dying breath, before it finally stopped moving.

The silence that followed after was eerie. After some time, Sienna finally spoke, “Did we…just kill the Mantis?”

As she looked up, she realized there were many drones hovering around them, delivering the footage to the amazed audience.​
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Time Check: End Game

1:00 pm

The first hunt of the season has drawn to a close with much excitement and fan fair!

Feel free to start posting in the IC2 thread. Timing is a bit off at this current moment but I will be making a time check post of sorts soon.​


Ruined city - 11am

This could have gone better...


The flight to the city was a calm on. No issues or trouble from any creatures, thankfully. The small fleet of aircrafts approached the ruins skimming along the clouds in an effort to stay out of sight from any stray avians. As they approached the ruins it was clear to see it was once a great thriving city from how big it was. However time and neglect had reduced the building to crumbling towers of concrete, overgrown with plant life. An urban jungle thriving with a whole different kind of population to say the least. Around the ruins as a sea of thick canopy with small clearings to see the forest floor. From such a height it was difficult to see just how many monsters were below.

One of the ships released a handful of droids, all equipped with the sonic devices which would case the monsters to scatter and flee the area. Hopefully making a safe place to land. Only other options were to try to land on a building and hop it did not collapse or land on the ground and hope the sound didn't draw out a mass of monsters. The small droids made their way down above the base where the excursion was beginning. Although they were quiet, they were not silent, and creatures with heightened hearing would approach the strange contraptions. Creeping out of the depths of the building. A second later there was a small sonic blast as the droids set off the devices. The frequency which was edmited echoed off what was left of the walls reaching into the buildings. Seconds later there was a mass migration of over a thousand monsters of all different size and shape as they scattered from the building in an effort to escape the sound. A few tried to attack the droids, but the small shield around them protected from the attacks.


For the most part. A small swarm of Scarla fluttered out from one of the taller buildings screeching and setting off large thunderous charges trying to stop the noise. One of two of them actually fell to the avian storm but 4 more still stood blaring their cries to try and clear the area. They succeeded unfortunately, as the swarm did not take too kindly to being displaced and continued their electrified storm as forty or so Scarla flew from the buildings and into the sky. Some scattered in other directions but a small flock ventured in the direction of the airships.

The gunners on the ship opened fire as the large thunderous birds before they could get to close. One or two were shot out of the sky before they could get to close but the larger portion of the flock made a beeline for the airships. The pilots of the ships started taking evasive action try try keep the ship intact and the passengers on the ship's safe. Staying in the air was proving to be more of a hazard than a benefit. The ships split off from one another to try and make a safe landing. The ship which carried most of the champions managed to make it fairly close to the ground before an explosive shock of electricity struck knocking one of the engines completely offline.

The air ships landing was less the graceful. The wobbly vehicle tried to keep some control but ended up crashing into the side of one of the ruined building, through several thick canopy trees and finally onto one of the buildings around the military base. It was a rough landing to say the least and injuries were expected, but hopefully nothing life threatening. The Scarlas would have followed suit if not for the noise which made escaping more of a priority.

Let the excitement begin!

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rifleman @Darksoul90 @Demensia @King Of Imagination @DescriptedEnd @DamagedGlasses @Atom
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Transport ship

Ash kept looking over his equipment and out the window at the creatures that kept flying next to the ship for a minuet before wandering off, some were just ordinary birds, others were kinda dangerous birds, but all of that was just fine for Ash, he was used to being in the middle of dangerous situations so he wasn't even phased. That was up until the Scarla were starting to feel threatened when they entered their territory, and gun fire was opened up from the ship that he was on. "Nope, not today, it's going to be a good day, the more I get to kill the better, maybe I can actually go up in rank, nah, probably not."

Ash unbuckled his straps that were holding him to the seat with all the shaking that went on with the tail of the ship shaking with all the heavy artillary shells being fired. He went over to where the back was with few droids that went with us, he still didn't know why they were here. He poked at a couple with the hilt of his scythe just to see if they were even active, which they weren't, he kept messing with it for a good while up until he heard the lightning strike one of the engines.

He smacked the 'DROP' lever on the droid in front of him, that activated the droid, a simple lever to conserve the energy, how lame. "
Fuck this, see you losers on the ground, that is if you make it." He jumped down the same hatch that the droid went down and landed on its shoulders, he wrapped the steel cable around his hand and then kicked the droid off the hook and watched as it hit the ground and blew up, he couldn't help but laugh at that. "It's called priority bitch, and your expendable....." then he felt the cable give in to a sudden jolt "well shit...."

Just as he said that he forgot how much more he weighed than the little droid, the cable holder started to break with Ash holding onto the cable, it didn't take much more of the ship spinning to break it off, surely everyone that was still on the ship saw it break too. After it finally broke it sent Ash flying, he put his scythe in his mouth and grabbed his tailcoat and opened it up like a squirrel suit, unfortunately that didn't do him any good since he was going straight into the side of a building 'This is going to hurt' he thought just as he made impact into the building.

He went through about four walls before he stopped and rolled into another wall, it didn't take him long to stand back up since he was in the middle of the wilderness and there was no telling what could still live in the building. He may have been standing but he was sure as hell disoriented, He grabbed his scythe off the ground and looked back through the hole that he made in the wall, it got darker and darker pretty quick, then he saw it, but it wasn't crystal clear.

It was the wing of the ship that he just jumped from "You've got to be kidding me, I said it was going to be a good day damn it, and it better be after this shit." Ash looked around really quick and then dove out the window to his left, he wasn't but about eight stories up when he dove out of the window. He barely made it out the widow as the plane went through were he was standing. Now his adrenaline was going like crazy, he waited until the last moment to adjust the way he was falling, at first he was upside down but now he is ready to land on his feet, once he felt the ground just pressing against his feet he changed all that falling force to running speed.

After a good little quick run he turned around and quickly made his way back to the crash site, he got there and the building was practically ready to fall and whoever was still under there was about to have a building ontop of them but it still had a good amount of time before it fell. He sat down on the grass for a bit and watched to see if anyone was going to crawl out of the rubble or ask for his help, which he might give. He leaned over and placed his hand on the upper part of his head and convinently happened to press his hand against his horns that had grown a lot with all the adrenaline that just went through him. "
Really..... I just cut these off this morning and there already reaching behind my ears, ah whatever, guess after this I will get to see what they look like when they get to their full length." He went back to looking at the rubble for anyone that may have made it out, which most likely everyone made it.


Transport ship

Roth had been at the back of one of the transport ships that only had droids on it since he was with his Exosuit and it weighed way to much to try and ride with the other champions but that wasn't really the reason he wanted to be in one by himself, it was so that no one would hear him preactically be the biggest fan of Ash, ever since he saw him in the Academy all those years ago.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god, I actually get to go on a mission along side Ash, this day couldn't be ruined by anything." Just as he said that the lightning bolt struck the ship's engine, not his of course, and he leaned over to see what just happened.

He looked just in time to see Ash fly through the air and then the building, his jaw would've fallen off had it not have been attached to him. 'He's alright, he's alright, he's alright' he had to reassure himself as he looked over and saw the ship crash into where Ash landed as well, he nearly fainted at that point. "
Take the ship down over there." And as instructed the ship landed down on the side of the building opposite of where Ash had actually jumped out of the building but that gave Roth a chance to collect himself in front of the others, he wasn't about to look like an emotionally unstable noob in comparison to all the badass Champions that went on this mission.

Roth grabbed his two pistols and placed them at his hips as he jumped in his Exosuit and quickly got wired up to the suit, which was pretty easy since he was practically an android, with the exception of his brain. (He's a brain in a jar xD ) Once wired up to the suit he grabbed the two snipers and mounted them to the shoulders and backed up into his ammo box, which was massive, and attached it to his back, then grabbed the LMG's and jumped out of the ship and looked around to make sure that it was at least temporally safe at least. (Sorry, this char is still one im trying to get used to so his posts may be pretty short)

@everyone on the ships


Mood: Well fuck..

Location: A falling airship...

@'s: Anyone on the ship

Other: Sounds fun Ash, care if I follo- Oh a building...

Lyon looked at the champions around him as Ash took off out the hatch. They all seemed content to wait it out it seemed. Well lyon sure as hell wasn't, and the only way out it seemed was just demonstrated by another Champion. So here Lyon was, strapping his weapons to his side before ducking out the hatch mid spin.

What happens to a man who drops from an airship mid spin out you ask? Well...in Lyon's unfortunate case, you meet a building! And so Lyon dropped from the hatch with a shout, the airships momentum slinging him towards a building. All concrete, glass, and metal. Thank fuck he hit the glass, the sharp, hard, stinging glass. To avoid being impaled on any large fragments he would create Lyon quickly whipped his shotgun up and sprayed across the window in front of him. And then he fell, down another story. And of course with his luck he plowed through a window he'd completely left alone.

And so here Lyon was on the sixth story, plowing through a fucking solid glass window. Ouch.

Lyon plowed through the glass to the other side, rolling about as the shards cut at the outside of his suit and gave him a multitude of nice stinging cuts to the face. After a bit of tumbling and rolling he grumbled where he'd landed atop a pile of debris.

"And he sticks the landing..." He grunted, forcing himself to his feet and heading for some sort of stairway that would lead him down and out the front.

Lyon had already had enough of falling that day, he'd pass up the chance to jump out of the sixth story.

Connor Friesland

Airship-> "landing"

Mental state: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUC- *crashes*

Connor was about to reply to Lucille, however things didn't go as planned. As he was about to speak, he felt a sudden bump and lurch forward. He looked through the window, "Is not good...is very not good...what was..." He got his answer as he saw a scarla off in the distance, "Oh no...is REALLY not good." Honestly though it was really obvious that the situation wasn't good. Talent for obvious is demonstrated. Very obvious. He gripped his arm rests as he felt the rumbling of the fire from the gunners. Looking out the window he could see the plasma bolts from the machine guns. Then something really "fun" happened. Between their decent to the ground, he felt a large *Thunk* shudder through the hull of the ship. the familiar whine of the engine stopped. The ship began descending rapidly. No...it wasn't descending...it was crashing. Connor gripped his arm rests so tightly they began cracking. He turned his head from the window, he could guess what was going to happen.

The ship Crashed through the canopy and into a wall, the glass shattered on Connors side he felt some smaller shards go across his skin yielding minor cuts. He was happy he'd taken the precaution of shielding his eyes, probably would have been terrible. The sound was terrible though, screeching metal, the cracking of the tree canopy, also he noticed something else, a tumbling sensation. Oh God, He thought to himself, FLIPPING WE'RE FLIPPING! The screeching of metal on concrete continued until there was a massive thud, the whole cabin shook. He honestly couldn't tell if he blacked out or if he just didn't want to open his eyes.

When he did at least he could tell that the landing had gone...what was he talking about, this wasn't a landing...this was a crash. He looked around, Girls with longer hair were having it hang, yup...they were upside down alright. He groggily looked around. "Worse than hangover...rughh..." He shook his head to try and get focused, but the blood rushing made him feel sicker. Strike one...he was not happy at this situation. He gritted his teeth and tried to unbuckle. the mechanism was stuck. Stike two. He was thoroughly angry. He grabbed the belt and ripped it out of the socket. He fell from his seat and onto what would have been the top of the ship, and now was the floor. He landed with a loud thud. Strike three, three words ran through his mind, Fuck this Ship! He got in as good as a position as he could the window had shatterd...and it was showing a blue sky now that the canopy had been crashed through. He Gritted his teeth and rammed his foot into the wall. The hull buckled a little, He yelled out as he continued to kick the wall, "FUCK MONSTERS! FUCK THIS CITY! FUCK THIS GODAMNED SHIP!" A loud Thunk was heard punctuating his last word as the top of the window finally gave and he made a large enough hole to easily exit though. Smiling now that his frustration was vented he turned to his new acquaintance. and stood under her arms open, "Alright! Press buckle! will catch...or break fall, either way, no pain for you. Me eh, maybe. You ready?"


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I knew this would happen!

The conversation with with Charles had served to ease her nerves which was a good thing overall. The flight did not seem nearly as scary. As they approached the city Iris looked past Roy and saw the pillars overgrown with plant life sticking up into the sky, remained of a skyline filled with skyscrapers. In the back of her mind she wondered of Arcadia would have met the same fate if it hadn't been as lucky. The thoughts were scattered from her mind as monsters started to scatter away from the ruins. Her stomach sunk slightly at the sight of so many monsters had fled the scene. And there was no telling just how many were left. She was very tempted to start nectar infusion but held back. There was no telling how much she would need in the following day, or how using it so often would affect her she had to keep a clear mind.

Itis took a deep breath in as she tried to regain calm of her nerves until there were several loud cracks of lightning which rattled the plane. Iri's looked around wide eyes as she started to panic, her claws sinking into the armrests. The screech of Scarla reached her ears and a cold shiver ran down her spine. She looked through the window to see flock of the thunderbirds flying past and at them. "Holy shit!" She yelped jumping away from the window as a bird slammed into the window. The redhead leaned away and slightly onto Charles before she could think much of it the ship lurched into a tail spin and started to dive bomb towards the ground. The sounds of the others with in the plain all panicking coupled by the screech of birds, failing engine and crashing of metal assaulted her ears driving her panic way up.

Her breaths came up short, there was literally nothing she could do.This wasn't a monster to fight or something she could escape from the ship was crashing! Iris covered her head and her ears as the ship crashed into the building. The snapping of branches followed before there was a sickening shift in gravity. For a moment she almost felt weightless. Then there was another crash as the ship finally slammed into solid ground (or roof rather) and screeched to a halt leaving the occupants within the ship hanging upside down. Her head was already throbbing, her body battered and bruised. She could feel something warm on the left side of her head which she could only guess was blood but overall she could move so she was okay.

Iris hyperventilated slightly before starting to feel light headed from the rush of blood and forced herself to clam down.There was a loud roar of sorts from further towards the front of the ship before she heard the familiar yell of an enraged Connor as he smashed through the side of the ship allowing more light into the dim cabin area. She was happy Connor was at least alive. She turned her attention to the buckle keeping her in the seat and struggled with it for a few second before it popped open allowing gravity to do the rest. Iris managed to flip and land on her feet. She looked up to Roy "Hey are you okay." she asked attempting to help him out first. Before looking to Charles to see he had managed to survive as well. "A-at least we're on the ground now..." She said with a shaky sigh. Being in the cramped space was not helping her anxiety much but as much as she wanted to burst out into the open air she needed to help the two guys first.

@Darksoul90 @Tree
Jekyll Wilson

Sleepin-correction. He's falling now.

It was the bouncing turbelence of the ariships that woke Jekyll up from his nap, his dislike of staying still only being matched by his inability to stay awake when doing so. He had no need to blink the sleep out of his eyes, for the movements of everyone, as well as the noise outside, instantly set his senses alight. His eyes wide, Jekyll looked around the cockpit and realized that, to varying degrees, panic ran wild throughout the hearts of those who had only a few minutes ago been chatting ildly as they all waited for their destination to be reached. Wondering what was going on, Jekyll looked outside and managed to see a giant Scarla fly by his window. His usually calm and placid eyes widened as his arms ached, saying, "Agh, there is way to much Karma out there! Shoo! Shoo!" His attempts at shooing away his problems obviously was not going to work in the way he had hoped they were, for all he got out of them was the sudden sound, and it was not a good sound, in the ship. Even worse, this sound was accompanied by noneother a distinct feeling of a lack of gravity. Jekyll, among other things, was falling.

It was a sharp realization, one that Jekyll took quite seriously, and as he looked around, it seemed that the other champions were as well. Leaning forward, Jekyll tightened his buckles, getting the feeling it was about to be a bumpy ride, no kidding, and grabbed the bag that lay at his feet. While the bag contained his personal belongings and snackage, there was also another reason he picked it up. He did not like pointy things, and crashes usually consisted of pointy things as some point or another. He was grateful for any kind of protection that the bag could provide, and to try and make it even more protective, Jekyll began the process of hardening his pliable flesh. Of course, with the lack of Line, it was useless, but darnit he was scared! Fortunately, Jekyll had no more time to be scared, fore the world decided that at that moment, the airship would collide into one of the overgrown buildings that the deserted city was conprised of. He jerked in his seat, feeling the energy of the blow run through his body as he bounced in his chair.
Note to self, give Future Jekyll a pat on the back if I survive this!

Jekyll felt the world around him twist and turn, and the sandwich that he had thought would be settled by now threatened to come up with a vengeance.
Note to self, beat the everloving crap out of Future Jekyll if I survive this! He wasn't sure if his face was green, but if what his belly was feeling like was any indication, then yes, his face was green! Suddenly, among the wild coaster he had found himself on, he heard the sound of his sister!? Looking over with his head shaking everywhere, the action close to impossible, Jekyll's eyes widened as he saw his sister sitting in the chair beside him, her hands up high like she had no problem with falling to her death, "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, brother this is so fun! If you survive this, we should do it again some time! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jey-Jey, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Jekyll would have shaken his head if he hadn't already been doing that from the movement of the ship. It had just come to him that maybe this "falling to his death thing" wasn't what he should be worrying about. That thought stayed with him until the ship hit the ground, his sister's excited scream fallowing him, before she stopped.

He must have blacked out for a second, maybe two, because when he was back in his seat, he felt like had just tried to take on a Uaccam during its mating season. As he kept his eyes closed, he physically accessed the damage, his muscles and bones feeling worn out and bruised, but otherwise fine. It sometimes paid to be made out of rubber. Opening his eyes, Jekyll sudden realized how close he had come to death as he stared at the metal pipe stuck into his seat, firmly lodged into the material right beside his head. Grinning in disbelief, Jekyll slowly unbubkled himself and after a small tumble he stood up. It was a bit rickety, but after regaining his lost balance, he looked around. The first thing he noticed was that Iris, one of the more recent Champions on this excursion, was also alive after the ordeal. The second thing? His stomach had not quieted, but with some soft petting, he called out,
"Hey, Iris, you guys ok over there? All of you in one peice?" He noticed there was one guy beside her that he didn't really recognize. No, he took that back, he looked familiar, but the name was far from the tip of his tongue.

@Darksoul90 @Shura @Tree
Lucille R. Chromatia

Airship Landing

Just as Connor was about to answer Lucille, their relatively calm flight took a rather harsh turn with a 'bump' in their flight, the plane lurching to one side. The doctor was immediately on alert, turning in her seat to count the drone, sure of their departure. It seemed they had all landed in their proper position, but the displace Scarla had taken flight at the airship in resistance. A slight panic tinged her senses as the ship began its evasive maneuver, opening fire on the flying monsters.

Unlike the rest of the champions inside the ship, this was Lucille's first encounter with any kind of monster. It was very hard for her to remain composed, looking outside the window at the creature with a thunderous roar. The champions were probably interested in killing it, but Lucille was stiff in her chair, jolted from her fear by a bad jolt of turbulence. The whole ship seemed to shake as the airship veered to one side, one of the engines not holding its weight.

Lucille could only remain locked in her chair, thankful for the tightest of her seat belt as the ship hit a side of the building in its landing. The glass from the windows were knocked in, the stability of the compartment knocked in and finally catching the ground after a few canopy trees. It wasn't the end of the crash, but Lucille forced her eyes closed as the ship's momentum carried it into a roll. They weren't lucky enough to land right side up, and it took a moment for Lucille to force her eyes open again, a tight knot in her stomach at being upside down.

Connor's voice finally made her open her eyes, able to see in the dim light with a slight adjustment of spectrum. The man next to her had hit the floor before she got a chance to look at him properly, tearing the belt out to land with a loud thud. From what she could see, he was only harmed from the sprayed glass, much like herself. Checking her own wounds, she allowed the boy to slam his foot against the wall, a wry smile coming to her face. Lucille would not need stitches, and Connor seemed in good enough health to yell at the airship before kicking out a hole. Although it was hard to be sure...

The boy finally turned back to her and she realized what he wanted her to do before he even asked, grateful for the help - she needed to make sure of the health of the other champions. Lucille grabbed the buckle and released herself easily enough, catching herself on his frame easily. Connor's strength and dexterity certainly helped, allowing her a safe passage onto the ground. "Thank you" now placed on the ground, Lucille's powers flared to life, giving her a bright luminescence in her hands as she passed them briefly over Connor. "No broken bones, and your cuts aren't very deep" her luminescence spreads over her body, enough to light up the compartment.

"Can you help the others out of their seats? If anyone's badly hurt send them to me"
she pats him on the back before grabbing her duffel bag. Luckily enough it wasn't thrown that far, but in it rotation it was more messed up then she was willing to deal with right now. "Is everyone okay?" her ambiance allows her to spot the champion with feline physiology, Iris. Currently the girl was trying to help her two seat mates, but Lucille saw the dark matted patch of hair, caked in fresh blood.

Without even bothering with pleasantries, Lucille grabbed her, "Hold still for a moment" she checked her wound, eyes carefully scanning for any interior damage, like a concussion, that her regular eyes couldn't see. It was thankfully only an exterior wound, but just to be sure, Lucy's light moved to a finger tip, red in color. "Iris, follow the light with your eyes" she darted the red light about momentarily until she was happy with the results. "You'll need a bandage, but we should perhaps get your companion out first... where's Connor?" Lucille didn't even realize how erupt her check-up had been to the poor girl.

@Shura @Der Kojote (screw you @DamagedGlasses for sliding that post in before me >C)
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Charles A. Fisher

Airship crash land/Huston, we have a problem.

Iris' last sentence did give Charles some chills about them all being in the same team now. With all honesty, Charles couldn't quite see any reason to snap these peoples' necks himself, or bash their faces in with his bare hands. Not that he does that to just about everyone...
Granted, some of them are skilled Champions, most likely more than he is. But, the only real danger is if they're goodie-two-shoes, back stabbers, sell outs, snitches, you name it, and throw him into prison. Take Famine for instance; he's a Champion, yet, he's Charles right hand man in the Fourth Echelon. What if the rest can be just as trusting? Of course, that won't even be a problem anyways, considering the fact that no one knows about his underground identity yet...

Come on nitwit, you can't trust these people, even with your own life.

Shaking the stupid idea off, Charles did take the time to appreciate the small chat he had with Iris. It sure did give him something to think about while they were on their way to the ruins. At least, until he fell asleep midway.


All it took was one rough rumble of the ship to wake Charles up from his slumber. Sleepily, he looked around to Iris and Royce, then to his other side into the aisle. He noticed some panicking and some confusion as he looked around. After rubbing his eyes, he could hear lightning roaring outside of the ship, followed by another rumble. Charles' eyes widened as he looked over to the window beside Royce, promptly after Iris yelled
"Holy shit!"

Holy shit indeed, as one of the Scarlas out of many aggressively slammed itself onto the window beside them, ultimately rocking the ship they were on into oblivion. The gunners that were positioned in the ship locked onto their targets and returned their fire onto the flock of the massive thunder birds, in which had begun scattering. But they were no match at all.

Grunting as he had his right hand gripping his armrest, he reached out his left arm over Iris and Royce's chest to hold them back onto their chair as much as he can as the ship tail spinned. He did this so that they wouldn't violently hit their heads onto their chair or the chair in front of them. Combined with their seatbelt buckles, Charles had a good feeling they would be safe in the long run. The flipping of the ship, the crackling of branches, and the constant yelling of all of the ship's passengers just made his head spin. On top of that, Iris even scratched his arm in the middle of all the panicking! And sadly for Charles, as the ship came to a final halt, his head roughly jerked towards the chair in front of him, causing him to black out for a few minutes.


Charles groggily woke up again, this time to Connor's yelling as he cursed the ship and tore a good chunk of it off. Although Charles wanted to tell the man to preach his words, the horrid feeling of hanging upside down, following by the slight pain on his left arm and forehead forced him to not do so. He could feel some blood drip down from the wound on his left arm as it was hanging there, freely. Slowly looking over to his side to see if Iris and Royce are doing okay, he could see that Iris took the moment to unbuckle her seatbelt and fall down to the ground. Looking upwards, he noted how safe of a landing she had. Unfortunately for Charles, he probably won't have the same luck...

"At least... This is gonna be a long mission. Now, where the heck is the buckle..." Charles responded to Iris as he struggled to move his hands over to his seatbelt buckle, and proceeded to unbuckle himself. But as he did so, he landed onto the ground on his left side with a sudden yell of pain; most likely injuring his left shoulder and his arm even more.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

He then rolled over, his back on the ground now, as he gripped his wounded left arm. The numbness was just the beginning. A rather painful, stinging sensation followed up as Charles cursed under his breath. After hearing someone ask if they were all in one peace, Charles couldn't help but to laugh... then groan in pain afterwards. The only good thing about this crash is that everyone is panicking. Which is a good thing, for Charles at least. It means that these folk will want to use some Line in order to calm down and get the stress off their system. In other words, this scenario is perfect for him to test his new version of the Line on these Champions. It's a win/lose, but Charles was willing to take his chances.

"Oh, I'm peachy." Charles responded in a rather annoyed tone of voice, which due to his situation, he had hoped that the man asking didn't take his tone to heart. As he looked up to the ship above him, the area around him began to light up immensely. Charles moved his head slowly to his right side, and saw a woman, who was completely covered in bright light, checking up on Iris.

Is that... an angel? HOLY SHIT, AM I DYING?! I CAN'T BE! WH-

Wait a second, it wasn't an angel. She was just some doctor, he couldn't really tell. Not an angel, though. Thankfully.
When she offered to help, he struggled to raise his right hand up and wave at her as she finished with Iris. "I could use some assistance, please..."

@Shura @Der Kojote @DamagedGlasses
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Kyle Chandlers

It all happened so fast, first the sound of pleasant gunfire and then the airship began to spiral out of control then nothing or so he thought. Adrenaline racing through his veins as he felt like he was about to die, along with everyone on board, so he forced down a last swig of alcohol down his throat and shoved it into his pocket as he braced for impact as much as he could. The airship shifted and buckled, a little bit, colliding with something, but the airship won as what ever it crashed into was no match, however the g-forces knocked Kyle unconscious for a matter of a few minutes.

Kyle took a moment just to ask himself, motioning his hand up to his head checking to make sure everything was there. "What the fuck happened.... " Slowly racing the thought through his mind again as he raised his head around the damaged airship as his body shot to his feet and stuttered as he reached into his coat and grabbed his flask as he took a sip of rum. He looked for a way out of the current room, slowly glancing around, hearing a call from Glory behind him as he floated onto the man's shoulder. Kyle reached for a door, hesitating for a second before opening it, glancing at it, wondering what was laying outside. He slowly pushed it open as it was a struggle and stepped back as the door swung open, and opened it, shifting his eyes downward as the front of the airship was encased into the roof of the building, but the other half was sticking out, somehow managing to stay stable, for a short period of time anyways, and not bringing down the building at that.... It saved their lives he guessed. As he took a breath of fresh air and eyed the ground, it was a relatively short fall, and he found a safe landing point as he figured the only point to do now is to perform recon until someone comes to look for survivors. He slowly shifted his weight as he leaped out of the doorway, shortly landing on the ground. He slowly shifted his right shoulder as Glory stood sitting on it, prepping his wings as he generated thrust, taking off soaring into the air. Kyle yelled out. " Stay close! " He slowly felt is eye twitch as he knelt down and approached the edge of the rooftop and knelt down and scanned the horizon.

Letting out a slight cough, before glancing around and then hearing a chuckle behind him with a pleasant female voice, rocking his ears, causing a memorable face to shoot through his eyes. " So, here you are. " Feeling his smile come about he slowly turned around and stared at the female figure approaching him with a smile on her face, Kyle spoke with a smirk on his face. " What took you so long... " Only to hear a snarky response. " Listen here, asshole, its not everyday that I go through a crash landing with an airship.... "

Sabrina Prince

Hearing the rustling and a call from a nearby room, Sabrina felt startled for a second as getting around the upside down airship was rather tricky already. However she made her way towards the room with the noise and glimpsed to see a door open to the outside. She was rather ecstatic, knowing that she was going to get out of this deathtrap before it was going to collapse anyways. She climbed up to the door and stood glimpsing outside at the figure walking to the corner of the rooftop, with an eagle resting on his shoulder. The bird slowly began to stretch its wings as they flapped once or twice, watching the bird take off from the man's shoulder. She slowly jumped down and grunted a little bit as she landed, then standing up as she approached the figure from behind. She knew who it was, it was Kyle. She raised a smile as she figured her best friend would be rather happy to see her back, or so she thought.

She shifted her hair back from her eyesight, speaking somewhat softly as she caught up without raising his attention. " So, here you are. " Only to hear a hesitant response with a chuckle included as the figure turned around. " What took you so long.... " She didn't want to have his attitude at that moment, so she responded sarcastically. " Listen here, asshole, its not everyday that I go through a crash landing with an airship...." He shook his head as he slowly looked out at the horizon, and she slowly motioned next to him, looking up to him as his face slowly turned more serious as she asked him a question. " What, happy to have your best friend back.... Right buddy? " She chuckled as she hugged him half heartedly with one arm then stopping before saying. " This place isn't safe, but I think there's more survivors on-board, I hope that they can get out.... What a mess.... " He slowly shook his head as he spoke. " Well, those are champions on board, and I'm sure they will be able to get out on their own, but right now we need to make sure that when they get out they have a safe place to gather everyone.... That's the mission of-course. " She slowly nodded and said softly to him. " Right, well, lead the way. "

[an aircrapftastic adventure]

When his eyes opened, the ship had all ready landed. Roy had not woken up throughout the duration; rather, he came to live when the ship had made its crash landing. The first thing Roy was greeted by was a pair of hands belonging to Iris, who was trying to help him out of his seat. For a moment, he had forgotten where he was. However, the realization dawned upon the young champion rather quickly. He was in the aircraft, albeit upside down. Luckily enough to be strapped in still, and probably the only reason why Roy was not woken up sooner. Or, had he? There was a rather large gash in the middle of his forehead, which blood had accumulated at and was dripping downward. Drops of the red body fluid were collecting slowly onto the floor underneath him.

As soon as the seat belt was removed, Roy dropped from the ceiling. Turning as quickly as he could so that he wouldn't land on his head, Roy found himself able to land on his feet for a brief moment, but the momentum of his hard spin had caused his behind to hit the ground with a 'thud'. Looking up, Roy saw a couple of events going on simultaneously. The champion known as Charles had seemed to be in a bit of a pickle. Connor had busted an opening for people to get out - some of which began flooding the exit. Iris was being checked out by... Well, someone whom Roy had never met or seen before in his life, at least not that he could make out. The names of everyone but Iris currently slipped his mind without a proper connection for retrace. How bad was the impact of the landing that Roy was having problems remembering such simple things?

Like, what the hell were they in the ship for to begin with? Most champions had been in accompaniment. Still sitting on the floor, Roy's attention moved from the cabin to the floor, where he placed a hand on his head and let out a sigh. As the flesh from his hand touched the open wound, he let out a sharp growl as a result of the pain. All the durability... For what? Blood had drizzled down his face, around the contours of his nose, and even over his lips. His tongue was not removed from his mouth to reach the substance; rather, Roy used the sleeve of his shirt to mop his mouth up, causing a rather large stain to accumulate as a result.

Standing up to his feet with a rather shaky foundation, Roy blinked a few times in order to cure the spell of haziness. Not that he couldn't see, rather, his vision was merely not as perfect as it was before the ship landed. After a couple of moments, he would undoubtedly be fine. At least, he hoped. Iris' well being crossed his mind, though she was being checked out and was on her feet. Chances were, she would get off slightly better than he would once they walked away from the gigantic metal deathtrap that was the crashed aircraft. Placing a hand onto one of the seats to keep himself upright, Roy began laughing. Hysterically.

What the fuck were the chances? He had to be the most unlucky person in the world to experience such bullshit.

@Kagura @Darksoul90 @Shura @Der Kojote

Crashed Airship

The abrupt assault of a strange woman of light rattled Iris's senses further as she tried not to last out at the woman out of reflex. Iris didn't know what was going on but she seemed to know what she was doing checking of over for injuries. The tag on her shirt gave her aways as a doctor. Which was all find and good but her bedside manners could use a bit of work as it just seemed to disorient the redhead further. Iris followed the light as commanded before finally being let go. She touched the side of her head wincing slightly only a few minutes into the mission and most of the Champions were already hurt. Her ears perked up as Charles yelped in pain and she looked over to the older man worriedly seeing him holding his shoulder. "You alright?" She asked. A stupid question all thing considered. He was in pain and holding his shoulder of course he wasn't alright.


Thankfully the doctor turned her attention to the man to give him aid. She looked to Roy who had gotten down in the span of time she was being checked out and frowned slightly seeing the mes of blood on his head. "Looks like we both go banged up." She muttered with a small sigh. Most of the champions were getting out just fine on their own or with the assistance of Connor. With so much going on in the confined space Iris made her next priority to get out before anxiety won. Unsteady at first Iris managed to regain her balance and make her way out of the craft through the gaping hole. The bright sun made her throbbing head hurt worse. She lingered by the entrance to make sure that Roy was close behind but didn't block it as other escaped as well. "The hell do we do now..."

@Darksoul90 @Tree @Kagura

The crew with in the ship took a few minutes to get their bearings and take account of what was where. The pilot of the ship called to the other three ships via radio. All calling back on their position. Thankfully all of them had landed, some crashed, with in the planned save zone. The location wasn't exact but it would have to due. The sonic droids would soon finish their job which mean the monsters would come flooding back in. A handful of Technicians wasted no time in retrieving the force field emitter and setting it up a few feet from the downed ship. Idealy it would be better to set up the field where the droids were but time was short. 10 minutes later there was a bright flash from the device before it expanded outwards and a wall of translucent light was erected in a circle around the area in large radius with encompassed the near by buildings.

While the force field was being set up a hand full of medics who were also on the ship also starting to set up a makeshift clinic to treat the wounds from the ship. Armed with sceptics sprays, bandages and sutures they got to work in patching up the simpler injuries as Doctor Chromatia instructed.
Kyle Chandlers


Upon gazing at the sight of the survivors of the crash setting up a makeshift camp, Kyle slowly felt relieved on the inside. Letting out a slight chuckle he stood up glancing at Sabrina as she stood next to him. He spoke quickly. " Let's go, there's a way to get down this way. " Turning his head downwards at a ladder leading to the ground before the two as he slowly shifted his weight downwards onto the ladder to see if it was stable, which it was, but he was going to be cautious never the less as he scaled the ladder. Glancing up for a second only to hear. " Hey, don't be staring at my ass.... " With a slight chuckle come out of Sabrina's mouth as she moved down the ladder. Kyle slowly chuckled as he motioned his head downwards and touched the ground and looked around and scanned the area. He hesitated for a second waiting for Sabrina to catch up as he made his way towards the survivors.

As he made his way towards the camp, trying to find out what the next task was, and for that matter if everyone was alright. He glanced around as he looked at the various casualties all minor injuries however the concern was that they were targets and who knew how long the drones would last. He slowly felt his face turn increasingly displeased about the situation, as he eyed the environment as hostile. He slowly felt his eyes turn towards the oncoming figures of champions moving to the rally point, as the next move would be discussed rather soon or so he had hoped. He turned slowly to Sabrina, sliding his hand through his hair pushing it back as he spoke softly to her saying. " Hopefully this situation can get un-fucked. I don't like sitting out in the open.... " Slowly he motioned his head around as he raised his head above watching Glory do overhead recon streaks above. Sabrina laughed with a bit of hesitation. " Well I'm sure everything will work out one way or another, after all those bots are still up right? " Kyle slowly motioned his hand to his flask, pulling it out from his coat lining pocket, unscrewing the cap and raising up to his lips feeling the alcohol race down his throat as the onset of alcoholism was apparent, the feeling of in-toxicity was being induced into his mindset. Responding shortly after, clearing his voice. " Not too much longer they won't be.... Then we're sitting ducks as long as we're here... "
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Connor Friesland

On the Roof

Well, this was new. Not only outside the wall, but also not even in sight of Arcadia, they were out in the middle of no where. To boot there were monsters for miles around them. What did they have? well a bunch champions, most them not in the best of conditions. 3 Vtol aircraft, 1 destroyed Vtol aircraft that probably could only serve as shelter if it rained. If something else decided to try and attack them they would not be in any shape to repel any attack. Connor walked towards the edge of the building and looked over It was a bad angle...but he figured that there were about 6 stories. Six stories that might have any number of tech, equipment or monsters. He sighed through his teeth, "Need to make sure nothing down there. Could be anything."

Looking back at the medical area, he didn't know how many people were alright to explore. Well he needed to ask, because it needed to get done. He didn't want a nasty creature coming up from the main floor only to rip open a bunch of wounded champions. Besides, he assumed that if there was a rain strom, or bad weather, they might be better served in the building then on top of it. He headed back to the wrecked aircraft. He looked at one of the people removing gear from it. He walked over, "Hey? Removed container labeled frenzy? very important." The nodded and pointed to an area where all the gear was being collected at. Connor walked over and found the crate.

He flipped open the lid on the metal crate, there was his armor. Not a dent. He nodded and looked over the arm that had some glass scrape across it. The bleeding had stopped. No glass shards were left embedded. His own natural healing was taking effect. He began to put his armor on. Making sure that the suit parts were fitting together well. Nothing seemed out of place and the line injectors were reading 100% ok. His line supply also was there. Connecting everything together too about 15 minutes, but he was in his armor minus his helment which he held underneath his arm. He hooked his collapsible ax on his side, and grabbed his hook and chain. He was ready. He headed over towards the medical tent.

Walking over to Dr. Chromatia he waved, "Hi yes...um...is important. need to know who is ready. Not for far exploration. For this building. don't want to have monster coming from bottom floors. would be bad. very bad. Need to be careful. Figure you could tell who was clear for activity. Will drop if you say is bad idea, or not enough people available. However like said...want to make sure we're not above monsters...would be very bad if something comes up."

@everyone on the building

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