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Futuristic Blood and Glory (Always Accepting)

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(Ah crap xD this'll be fun~!)

PixelScoreMC said:
Sun stopped, and turned back to her. "Someone already beat us to the cut, we better start heading back, or we can look for some more ugly ass monsters to beat up." His face had a very serious tone on it, possibly because he was pissed off someone beat him to the chase, or perhaps just because he takes hunts seriously. "Or... we can just head back, we got a pretty good number for this hunt." He grinned, and put his fist out, waiting for a fist bump, and hopefully won't be left hanging.
Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Norther Part of the Forest (w/ Sun)

The much smaller girl frowned with disappointment. She didnt want to go back yet, she wanted to kill some more! She turned back to Sun and looked down at his fist before bumping it with her own. She grinned at him,"I guess we could if theres nothing else to do."

She spoke too soon, a rhythmic vibration was sensed through the ground. She stepped back from Sun,"What is that." Crouching she put a small palm to the ground, getting a better feel of the strange disturbance. They were slow at first, as if something were trudging along the forest floor, but the force of the vibration suggested it was something big and heavy. "Its coming this way..." She whispered, looking up at Sun. Low growls and grumbles along with sniffing became audible as was the scent of decaying flesh,"Ugh!" She used her other arm to cover her nose, her hand still in contact with the ground. There was a faint hiss and sizzle of burning as the plants disintigrated with what ever was coming.

The pace of what ever it was quickened. It wasnt too soon before an abnormally large and mutated bear caming charging out of the brush. It hardly had any fur on its body, glowing neon green acid oozing and leaking from its mouth and sores on its body. "What the hell is that?!" She exclaimed. Behind her she could hear the soft hum and buzz of the drones following them, probably giving a live feed back to the audience on the other end. She ignored it, and was clearly more focused on this...this....abomination!

She collected herself and put a hand to the orange goggles resting on her head,"Well," she grinned slyly,"I guess our luck has changed partner~" she flashed a wink at Sun before lowering the goggles to her eyes, a symbol signifying that she had gladly accepted this challenge. She prepared herself, a pistol in each hand, locked and loaded.

Southwest Forest

It was so fitting. It was so fucking fitting that when Roy was thinking about how lucky the pair had been to not run into any serious danger, they would find a Shockdra. The reason the two had originally been moving in that particular direction in the first place had been to avoid such rare monsters. Now that they had gone and ran into one, Roy was feeling as though his miscalculation was a grave mistake.

As the trees and the ground began vibrating, the young man turned around to face Iris with a startled expression on his face. As soon as one tree behind him had fallen in flames, Roy began running at his teammate. Smoke, dust, more explosions and trees had begun falling around them - so there was no time think. He grabbed his partner by the waist and propelled himself high up into the air. The two narrowly dodged a snap of the mug belonging to the rare monster as they leaped up.

He ascended from branch to branch. Eventually, Roy had made it up high enough so that the two were floating above the top of the trees. One arm had been wrapped around the small of Iris’ back, while the other hand felt for the back of his neck. His index finger found a small groove, which read his finger print through his glove. Upon doing so, Nectar would immediately be injected into his system accommodated by his exoskeleton. As soon as this happened, Roy felt the warm sensation of the drug as it began to heat his veins up. His body tensed harshly, and his hair turned the color of snow starting from their roots.

Immediately, a yellow outline would form around Roy and Iris. It allowed Roy to float. Listening for the sound of the Shockdra, Roy would descend slowly down to tree-level. He placed Iris on a branch, taking a moment to look her straight in the face. His pupils were extremely large, his hair flowing due to the yellow energy’s continuous, perpetual motion around his body.
“You know what to do. Don’t worry about me.” The young champion was already beginning to feel the effects of the Nectar coursing through his body, but he was trying his best to ignore it. Turning from the branch, he flew from Iris toward the Shockdra.

His rage was impossible to contain. Roy sped through and around the trees until he hit the ground. Once he had done so, he was off to a running start at a couple of hundred feet from the Shockdra. Pushing up leaves, dirt and rock as he ran at fast as he can, Roy began yelling at the top of his lungs. His eyes practically bulging out of his head, he continued his loud display of anger until he reached the Shockdra. The yellow aura which had once been faintly surrounding Roy had become thick, but did not grow in length. Each step made small craters in the ground behind him. He was ravenously hunting for the monster, not the opposite.

The monster swung its head at the enraged champion as he got near. The champion immediately stopped screaming when the Shockdra killed his momentum by slamming the top of its head into the bridge of his nose. However, this would prove to be a rather futile move by the Shockdra. Really, it was the best rare monster for Roy to fight, for two different reasons. One, was that the Shockdra maintained the use of electricity. His main ability took the shock of the electricity out of the equation because it was also a source of energy. His aura practically blocked him from its shocking effects. The second benefit stemmed from his second ability, which included extra durability under the influence of line. So, when the mutated Shockliz had slammed its head into his nose, it caused excessive bleeding from Roy’s nostrils at most.

Due to the nectar, the champion did not even feel the hit. Aside from that, the force of the Shockdra slamming its head into Roy’s face caused some of its own teeth to crack or shatter due to the impact. Roy’s head had been cocked back as a result of the hit, and it even remained in that position for a moment. The rest of his body did not budge an inch when the Shockdra put the force of its weight into its offensive strike. When he brought his chin back down and stared at the monster, he let a smirk grow. The monster had been momentarily distracted by the pain of its jaw.

The yelling began again. Three punches connected with the Shockdra.

His left fist found itself careening into the Shockdra’s throat. The following strike found his right fist lodging itself into the same exact spot. After the quick combo, the entirety of Roy’s aura found itself transferring into Roy’s right fist, which slammed into the top of the Shockdra’s chest. As the third punch connected, the yellow aura surrounding Roy’s right fist would explode. The force of this attack did not affect Roy in the slightest; he created it. His body could handle the energy he originally put into it while under the influence.

The force of the explosion caused the Shockdra to go flying off into the distance. The tiny particles of the aura which found itself flying in various directions as a result of the explosion, all redirected themselves toward the path that the Shockdra had gone off in. As if they were magnetized, these particles would merge into smaller orbs of energy. When the various little yellow orbs of energy had caught up to the mutated Shockliz’s body, they flew past its till-airborne frame. A number of small explosions occurred, which reversed the momentum of the monster’s body completely. It was sent flying back the same way it came, albeit much higher into the air.

When the smoke from the combined explosions cleared, little yellow particles of energy began raining from the sky down onto the ground. They illuminated the area for a second or two before dying off. The Shockdra’s body had two deep wounds in it; one on his chest, and the other on the middle of its back. Both wounds revealed bare muscle and tissue. As the monster made its way back toward Roy, the champion began floating into the air. The Shockdra slammed through a tree right in front of the young man, causing various chunks of wood to come flying toward him along with it.

Roy extended one hand toward the oncoming matter. A large yellow, curved wall formed from his palm, stopping most of the wood. The Shockdra came slamming into the wall made of energy next, forcing various sharp pieces of wood to lodge itself into the areas of the monster’s body where it was able to. Slowly, Roy moved his hand toward the ground below him. The wall, along with the struggling Shockdra, would follow in suit. At his will, Roy would force the wall to blast the Shockdra into the ground as if it were a cannon. It caused an extremely large crater in the ground to form below, especially from only fifteen feet high.

Unfortunately, Roy would begin to pay the price immediately afterwards. The champion allowed himself to slowly drop down, his aura fading as soon as his feet hit the ground. Within the same instant, he dropped to his knees. Hands found themselves among the dirt beside the crater. Bile had momentarily found an exit via Roy’s wide-open mouth. In between stints of dry heaving, the stomach acid continued splashing onto the ground below his hunched body.

When it came to the Shockdra, Roy knew he was only buying time.

Time Check: Halfway Point

Time passed from start: 1 hr

Time left for hunt: 1 hr

Iris "Scarlet"

Southwest Forst

The hairs on the back of Iris’s neck stood on end at the sound of crackling. Her muscles tensed ready to spring out of the way of an oncoming attack. The solid thuds and crackles of strong electric bolt tipped her off to the monster not being your average shockliz which gave her a sinking feeling in her gut.

She glanced over to Roy making eye contact with her partner “I’m guessing that’s not the ‘something’ you were talking about?” She muttered.

An explosion of bark and leaves went off nearby signaling that this was not normal shockdra either, it was a fairly big one no doubt over charged from the weeks of sleeping and hibernation. Definitely something not to face head on. Before she could turn to run Roy moved sooner grabbing her and springing up into the lower canopy where they could make their accent to safer ground. It was temporary, though. Even at the top of the canopy they weren’t fully safe from the reach of the electricity being discharged from the Shockdra.

Iris noticed her partner reaching for the Nectar port at the back of his neck and frowned slightly knowing things were about to get very messy very fast. The very few times Nectar was involved showed just how strong the Champion was. He was already deadly without the drug, but with it he was nearly unstoppable. Most wondered why he rarely used it in battle, why Nectar was always a last resort for Roy. The answer was simple because of how sick it made him even before the dose had worn off. In such a state it left him venerable to any sort of follow up attack or stray monsters that happened by once the main fight was over. Not to mention it was exhausting, if it wasn’t for the Nectar slowly being infused into her system she would have been exhausted by this point as well.

She watched as an aura appeared around Roy and smirked slightly when he spoke up. “Don’t go overboard.” She called as he started to descend. Whether or not he actually heard her was unknown but she felt it had to be said. Iris watched Roy collide with the Shockdra for a few moments before shifting bracer on her left arm and pressing just above the IV infusion administering a half dose all at once instead of the slow feed she normally got from the system. She trusted Roy to be save and handle himself. What she didn’t trust was the heavily mutated monster. They were unpredictable and rare to find so gauging how much it would take to kill it was always in question.

Iris shifted the protective bracer back over the port already feeling a new rush of hear through her veins. It would be short lived rush with hopefully minimal side effects. Though that part wasn’t too promising she could already feel her heart rate and breathing raise further than it already had been. Iris growled softly starting to slip further into a predatory mind set.

She jumped down a few levels nimbly making her way through the canopy and closer to where her partner was fighting the Shockdra. He causing some serious damage and making it look easy but there was a time limit that was quickly running out. Once the creature was sent to the bottom of a rather large creator she notice the glow around Roy start to fade. Her eyes shifted to the monster below seeing movement still at the bottom of the pit. It was still alive, heavily damaged on its last leg but still dangerous.

Growling softly she lashed out a thick tree limb thick enough to make a large stake. She grabbed the chunk of wood and shifted on her perch feeling the combined weight starting to splinter the branch beneath her feet. The champion focused on her target before launching herself and the over sized spike down into the deep pit. The Shockdra growled and hissed bleeding from the numerous wounds earned from trying to eat his glowing prey. It looked up and attempted to climb out of the creator. Just as it started to climb the steep sides of the pit Iris descended with the jagged piece of tree. The branch pierced through the side of the best. The force of the fall and the added push from Iris sunk the spike deep into the Shockdras flesh no doubt piecing through a few vital organs.

By this point the monster was hissing mad and letting out sharp bursts of electricity with not real target in mind. It hissed, roared and snapped at the smaller champion trying to catch her but the agile female was literally bouncing off of the walls using her claws to sink into the soft earth to hold on before leaping to her next point. The monster tamed into the sides of the wall gathering a mouth full of dirt and rock each time. The struggling did as she intended digging in the chunks of wood causing it to bleed profusely. Still she couldn’t keep up the game of cat and mouse. Perching herself on a large rock Iris pluck her last grenade from her belt and hurled it into the wide snapping jaws of the creature before quickly jumping from the rock avoiding the best and starting to scale the walls up to the top.

Iris just managed to make it to the top when the large explosion went off shooting dust and dirt into the air. She panted heavily as she stood on all fours covered in dirt and sweat, adrenalin and the added Nectar still coursing through her system. It would still be several minutes before the boost of line wore its self out and she was back down to a normal dose. She was fully alert already searching for her next target. A few faint images starting to fade in and out of her vision, hallucinations. Iris growled softly ready to bolt after the ghost targets.
Sunolph McFarrson (Sun)

In northern forest (w/ kat.)

"I must agree... Our luck has changed indeed! Now lets make some bear soup... wait a second, the thing is mutated. Does mutated flesh taste different than normal flesh?" Sun stood bickering to himself, when he finally took out his pistol. He was too late though, the bear had already made good distance and was right next to him. Sun had no choice but to light travel, he ran into a nearby tree using it as a point to stop his speed, however it flung the tree out of the ground roots and all, and out somewhere into the forest, Sun had just barely escaped the attack. "Oh man, that was way too close for comfort..." He winces, blood trickling down his arm. Looks like I went a bit overboard there, we better finish this thing off quickly. He then uses his good arm to aim his pistol, shooting it directly on the knee, causing it to do a strange howl of pain. He then pants heavily.

The nectar is taking effect on me Kat... I went a bit overboard to dodge that attack, you have to finish it off." Sun said it with complete trust in his voice, knowing that Kat should be able to finish the monster off. If help was needed, he'd use the last of his will power to make another shot and completely cripple the mutated bear thing. He smiled faithfully, and thought to himself You can do it babe... I know ya' can.

Sun then submerged into thought for just a moment, realizing that something like this happened to him before, he just couldn't remember exactly what it was. He shrugged it aside, thinking it was probably just a daunting childhood memory that he doesn't need to remember. Not that he really can remember much of his child hood anyways.

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Southwest Forest

His insides felt as though they were twisting. There was nothing left to vomit. The spell of dry-heaving would eventually slow down and stop. Roy was lucky enough to have time to deal with this episode given the fact that he had not killed the Shockdra. Next time, he would have to be more precise in his dealings. He had to kill monsters before he got sick, not just wound them. Otherwise he would be a sitting duck, practically waiting to die as a result of his own stupidity.

The explosion sent his body ricocheting away. Roy’s back slammed into a nearby tree, his body dropping onto the floor after a two or three foot drop. He had no idea if Iris was nearby, but it was reaching that point of the hunt where the use of constant nectar would cause such champions’ mental states to begin to deteriorate slowly. Luckily enough, Roy had no reason to worry about such things. He was sore all over and the temperature of his body was a bit out of whack, but he would be fine. Another boost of line would take all the symptoms away if the need be; he had plenty left in his vile.

Despite the stabbing pain in his lower-left abdomen, Roy yelled out for his partner. He screamed her name at the top of his lungs. Selfish, really. The young man always seemed to be so needy when it came to having her around, and the last thing he needed was to have her go run off without him. Though, he would never suspect such an action of her willingly – the line was a different story.

Roy had become increasingly agitated. He was furious, at this point. Furious that he had used the Nectar at all, mad about the fact that he was sick – and especially mad that he had not killed the monster before succumbing to his eventual momentary incapacitation. A closed fist found itself slamming into the dirt under him, with his knuckles perpendicular to the sky. He yelled out Iris’ name, again.

A couple of drones had gathered around to capture the feed of a struggling Roy. This was nothing new for the fans of Stealth Strike; on the contrary, it was normal. While such events did not happen every single hunt, Roy’s use of line usually caused him to go overboard. No matter how many times he realizes it, no matter how many times Iris tells him to be careful, all is lost to the line.

Pushing himself up and changing his position so that he was sitting against the tree, Roy hung his head. The breather he could have used twenty minutes ago would be forced to be taken now. He did not feel as though he had the energy to lift even a single finger. Anton was absolutely furious, screaming at the top of his lungs at Roy. He heard it through his headphones.


Whatever else the coach had to say was lost. It all sounded like static to Roy. He had not been devout of consciousness, but he had certainly been teetering on the edge. The chest of the young man was heaving with each heavy breath he took, retching every so often.


@Alex Phalin

Awoken by the commotions and explosions going on with in the forest, a fairly large Lummox started to stalk the forest attacking anything in its path be it human or monster. Blood was already coated along his hands and chest, remains of the souls who were already crushed under his enormous strength.​


@Phantom King

Drawn by the sound of fighting and death a large Scarla soared overhead scanning for prey. Any time something caught its eye, it would dive down and attack using talons and electricity. A flash of red caught its attention, it's next meal. With an echoing screech it dived down at the flash of red ready to draw blood.​

Jekyll Wilson

North, Arcadia Mountains

Jekyll panted as he sat down exhausted, his muscles burning as he tried to regain his breath. While normally he could take quite a bit of distance before tiring out, Jekyll had just used the past few minutes to chase a particularly real looking hellucination. Jekyll always hated his hallucinations, mostly because he was terrible at telling what was real and what wasn't. That lead him to tirelessly fight the hallucination that, to him, looked like it was dodging him way too easily. The only reason he was taking a break now was because the hallucination had faded a bit, revealing its true nature, and broke the spell it had placed over Jekyll and his senses.

However, it had not cured his exhaustion, so now he was taking the time to rest his legs and his arms, which had done some considerable stretching in the past few minutes. It wasn't like Jekyll was in any danger, as he had yet to see any hint of the presence of, well, anything that could ever possibly bring him harm. Most of the Capras seemed to still be hibernation, and he didn't want to go and wake them up. He had tried that once, and, while he had racked up a lot of kills, he had been taken out of the next hunt because of the intensity of his injuries. Those Capras were demons when they first woke up from their months long sleep.

Yet, just as Jekyll thought this, he flinched as he heard a very loud sound from the sky, the intensity of the sharp screeching hurting his ear drums. The sound was supplemented by a very weird taste in the air, Jekyll's quick assessment likening it to the taste he sometimes got when he accidently swallowed something sour, but spit it out too quickly for it to take root in his taste buds. Cracking his neck, Jekyll got to his feet slowly, his body still rather sluggish, before turning around. It was only Jekyll's quick thinking that saved him from being skewered.

Throwing out his hand, Jekyll condensed it as well as he could before catching the sharp beak the bird like thing possessed in his hand. Screaming under his breath, Jekyll felt his hand start to bleed as the sharp beak broke skin and ripped into his flesh slightly. The bird landing on the ground in front of Jekyll, the think dug its beak harshly into Jekyll's hand, shaking its head back and forth as it tried to increase the damage. Giving up with that, the bird tried to take its beak out, but was stopped as Jekyll's now fully condensed hand locked firmly onto the beak of the predator, not letting it escape.

Throwing his fist back, Jekyll was about to let loose when the bird seemed to let out something it would never be seen as physically able to. Surging with vols of unmeasured amount, Jekyll screamed as the electicity seemed to sok his rubberized skin and ticked his innards with daggers.

The light show disappearing, Jekyll was left barely standing as he felt the electricity leave him. The bird satisfied with its job, tried to dislodge its beak so it could eats its food, but was halted again as the grip kept hold. Looking back up at its next meal, the bird was surprised as it saw the prey was standing again and felt a chill run down its spine as it saw the dangerous glare. Tighting his grip on the bird, ignoring the blood, Jekyll sent back his fist and roared as it came back with a vengeance,
"You think that will keep me down you giant rat with wings!?"

@WhatAShockingTurnOfEvents @JekyllShouldHaveVoltedOutOfThereWhenHeHadTheChance

Iris "Scarlet"

Southwest Forest

Ghostly images taunted her from a distance, fading in an out of existence hidden with in the brush of the forest. She could heart the faint groaning of Roy behind her somewhere but her mind was focused on the threat before her. A feral growl escaped her as she crouched low eyes narrowing before she bolted into the brush claws aimed to draw blood but found nothing but leaves and bark. Growling once more she continued her pursuit of her prey seeking to cause carnage and death however every time she neared her goal, the crafty monster would slip away. She had expected it to put up more of a fight but was instead lead on a game of cat and mouse around forest underbrush and up into a few trees.

"Iris, Iris, Iris! G'damn it. Wake up, Scarlet!"

A small pin prick on the side of her neck shocked her out of her episode and caused her to stop mid stride. The champion was crouched low, panting heavily to try and regain her breath. The prick its self was from a small dull needle on the inside of her collar meant for this exact scenario. There was no wound or blood which surfaced from the site of impact, it was only enough to stimulate a pain and break the champion out of her trance. The images faded into the depths of the forest, eluding death for the moment at least.

"Iris, they're just images. Not the real thing." Antons voiced crackled harshly over he small radio in her collar.


"Listen!" You need to get back to Roy. He's in rough shape."

A sharp jab of guilt was felt in her stomach from leaving her partner behind in her hunt. It was one of the top rules and she had forgotten about it. "Right... goin' now." She growled softly before quickly and sprinting back to where she had last seen her partner.

Faint images taunted the edge of her vision tempting her off her path. She felt a pull to track down and sink her claws into everyone of them but kept her mind focus. Roy's safety out weighed everything else even her own. Iris navigated the vaguely familiar path through the forest, even while in a trance she could still recognize and remember her surroundings. It was one of the few things she retained when in such a state.

Her sharp ears picked up something which stood out from the normal noises of the forest, a familiar call. The champion shifted course to race towards the call nimbly jumping and ducking outstretched branches. Her approach was less than stealthy or silent as she burst through the under brush and nearly tumbled into the pit where the shockdra remained laid. Emerald eyes frantically scanned the small clearing spotting the brunet slumped against on of the trees and panicked until she saw his chest moving with heavy breaths.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" She apologized quickly making her way over to him extremely grateful no other predators had found him before she did.


Southwest Forest Canopy

Xerxes would continue to take off for a few more yards before stopping and halting entirely making sure his entire path had been filled with misleading types of clues, from false branch breaks to scruffs and scrapes on the tree bark indicating him taking off in a different location. He wanted to make sure there was no possible way for him to be followed by the two champions, or any lurking monsters trying to hunt him down after his swift departure as that crimson hair was something that often caught the eye. Unfortunately for him the 'something' that had its eye caught was a large Sacrla he didn't notice for a few moments until he felt the air thin out and the thundering sounds of its massive wings flapping. Xerxes would look up hearing a sudden silence of things then the crackling of lightning. He bounded backwards with a mighty leap, but was caught in the wingspan of the large beast.

The Sacrla would energize its body with electricity then coat itself entirely with the lightning that took root in its long serpentine tail. Xerxes upon being engulfed in these wings had little time to react the only thing he could manage was to bring down both his tomahawk to stick himself into the creature. The volts of electricity surged frantically as the feathers, flesh, and muscle tissue were sliced apart and starting to expand due to the force of wind and the heavy male starting to slide down its wings tomahawks still lodged which resulting in the creature to violently spin then take off upwards. He would hold on tight determined with the creature as he didn't often come across them, he could feel the electricity move through his armor system and warming his body due to the suits metallic and leather properties, so the electricity hadn't direct made its way though yet. He would finally release his lodging in the beast and land roughly on the branch of a tree twisting his ankle severely however he ignored the pain the adrenaline rush helping him in this he'd then begin searching for the injured beast. That was just when it took off trying to get air and strike again but to no avail the wing was as good as clipped from the amount of damage.

He'd move swiftly now trying to catch it by surprise so once he reached the end of the opening he leaped up into the tree's so he could continue throughout the higher levels seeing how it was at an obvious disadvantage now that it was ground-bound. He halted for a good few moments watching the avian monster cant its head around and letting out terrible screeches both in pain and fury. Xerxes was waiting for the best moment all the while his ankle's swelling was going down immensely thanks to his second innate power he watched and waited matching its search pattern as the creature slowly started to get more comfortable and it was more obvious to its wound, he noted that the lightning was starting to return back to just its tail rather its entire body. Xerxes grinned now was the time to strike.

With this thought he'd reach behind him into his camelbak to slowly unzip to reveal the baggage that contained jerky, with a few moments of struggling to get two pieces out. The sacrla would halt what it was doing and try sniffing in the air as it became lightly tainted with smoked jerky if it weren't for there being no winds he would of been found immediately. Before the sacrla could investigate any longer he would cock his arm back and launch one far in front of the beast using his increased strength, thanks to all of the radiation currently stored in his body it was an easy task. He waited a few moments until he heard the thrashing of the meat flying through leaves but lost it before it hit the ground, but the noise and scent alone would attract the beast. By reaction the wild avian would leap backwards and raise its feather coating its entire body in lightning for a few moments as it was scared by the sudden sound that had filled its ears. It'd take a few moments longer smelling before lunging towards where the sound came from weaving its way between a few trees while knocking down one with its massive tail.

Xerxes made his move now, he'd leap far out of the tree and twist his body mid-air launching the other piece straight to the ground followed by him projecting and leaving a hologram of himself crouched a few feet behind it with axes drawn. A unique technology all in all, it allowed his mind to project the images he was thinking into a physical form for a few seconds or until something made physical contact with it aside from the base point it was projected on. He was hoping nothing would interfere with his projection if it be a falling leaf, or some random foliage falling down into its depiction. However his hopes proved to be true as he saw the avian backstep a few steps before rotating a full circle its head kept low turning it a bit so it'd be able to look at the depiction of Xerxes before itself and also where the scent resided. The sacrla would ignite itself in lightning once again, all over except the area that was torn, this brought an idea to Xerxes. The beast could only coat the areas of itself that werent harmed due to its feathers protecting itself. With this in mind as he was swiftly falling he pointed his tomahawk's heads towards where he was landing and would fire off three times on either side of where he though the beasts lungs would be before firing the final shots into its neck. However the creature turned after the second sound of gunfire and those bullets meant for the base of its neck cut through the front and the other into the middle of its throat. The first bullet would cut through its esophagus causing a splash of blood and feathers to fill the air.

Blood painted the green and brown foliage that lay on the ground as the second bullet would pierce a major artery and begin draining the beast rapidly of blood from those two wounds, along with its fallen lungs and torn wing Xerxes was fortunate for the gun part of his weapon, however he was now out of bullets and about to land on the creatures back. He aimed himself for the areas he had shot at but his landing pad moved around swiftly and in its place was the ground. Xerxes landed with a roll coming up to meet the face of the sacrla's furious gaze and was gifted the rancid smell and blood curdling screech directly in his face. This would only infuriate Xerxes and cause him to close his eyes as they teared and stung profusely from the smell and random splashes of saliva. He'd roll backwards as this happened narrowly escaping the snap from the large creature but it did grab hold of his camelbak that held his water supply, it only had the outside however but another snap to confirm its grip he'd lose the rest of his water.

With this in mind Xerxes' fury grew stronger he'd unlatch the camelbak from him as his hands and tomahawk began to glow a bright red colour as they became super heated and as soon as he landed he'd launch himself upwards with all his might his left tomahawk coming out to catch the already open wound of the creature causing all of his force to torque around and with that added force he'd use his right hand to swing down his tomahawk in the base of the creatures skull severing its nervous system and sinking into the back of its brain melting everything around it. A putrid stench of burning flesh filled the air and Xerxes was very well aware but he kept his grip and furious visage steady even while being shocked by the beast but he was more tolerable thanks to the material under his armour diluting most of the lightning however he could still feel himself heating up steadily if he stayed on for too long he'd begin to burn.

With his left hand he released his grip as the creature was flailing around like a headless chicken, only in order to get a better grip on it so his wrist wasn't in an awkward position. Once he did so he'd remove his right tomahawk from its head and sink it near the same position of the left only parallel and position his hand correctly. He'd then pull back both of the tomahawk with all his strength in a row like fashion starting to stand up and place a foot on the back of its neck as they spun around and flung into trees. He almost lost his grip but held true as the super-heated weapons made the cut so much more easier. In a matter of four seconds he finally saw the red blades of his tomahawk once again and would plant both feet on the creatures neck just above the cuts his arms slightly behind him and use his entire body to push one final time.


The Sacrlas head and a majority of its upper neck area would fall to the ground shock dying away from it, as Xerxes soared through the air landing lithely in the foliage crouched catching his breath as the axes slowly began to cool down he'd place them on the ground letting them slowly ignite and start a fire where he was. He'd rise arching his back feeling energized from the amount of shock he received but he also felt bruised and sore all over from it all. He'd start his walk forward, but it was a slow stride forward. He'd make his way towards the mouth of the beast to check to see if his bag was indeed destroyed he was really hoping it wasn't. To his avail the bag was fine..all for his beloved beef jerky, and on that note he'd kick the dead beasts head right in the jaw in his little bout of anger before kneeling down to remove his bag and strap it back on himself with its new hole. It'll have to get patched up at the end of the hunt he'd figure but now was to make a trophy from this creature, just what to use was his question.

That was when his eyes met the longest claw that resided on its wing and decided that would be the trophy from this creature. Making his way back to grab his tomahawks he'd grasp them and place the left one in its sheathe as he made his way back to the claw to slice it off. Once making the cut he'd return back to the incidental fire he created and toss it inside the flame to burn off the surrounding flesh from the claw so it'd be bare and glossy once he grabbed it. Once he'd finish this he'd go back to grab the sacrla's head and drag it towards the fire, once he made his return he'd plop it down upon the ground and sit on its now slowly decomposing and fleshy neck, as he waited for the claw to be finished and his wounds to heal.

Southwest Forest

“Wake up, Scarlet!”

Those words from Anton had caused Roy to open his eyes. He was not being spoken to, rather Iris had been – obviously. The idea that she was not close meant there was a problem, so Roy naturally would have to get up and do something. He was not going to sit idly while she was nowhere to be found. Even the simple action of lifting his neck up was taxing. Within the next couple of minutes, his partner would eventually find her way back to him. However, he was already mentally prepared to push himself up.

Iris apologized when she got close. Roy did not understand why she was apologizing; he just wanted to make sure she was all right, after all. Also, the reminder to stay close did not hurt. It was his job to make sure she was all right. While Iris was a huge help during hunts and certainly a full half of the duo, Roy sometimes treated the relationship as if it were one-sided. Of course, this could be immediately linked to the intricate working of the relationship itself. Roy’s breakdowns when she got too far was a part of this.

Poor, conflicted boy.

Shakily, Roy pushed himself up to his feet. His knees were rather shaky, and the champion felt rather brittle, but he had done so. The fact that he did not use line to an outrageous extent meant his body reacted more harshly than the normal person coming down off the drug, but he found that it was worth it. Keeping his sanity in check would be beneficial in the long run. Roy was perfectly aware that most champions ended up in insane asylums with horrible long-term effects from prolonged use of nectar.

Well, Roy cherished his life. While from time to time he did stupid or possibly crazy shit by even participating in the hunt to begin with, he enjoyed being alive. He came from the slums of Arcadia and rose up to do the only thing he possibly could. The young man had done what most given his situation could not; use his prowess to his advantage and catapult his family’s social status to the top. It was all because of the hunts. His livelihood and that of his family was always top priority. This had obviously grown to include Iris, not matter what.

He was still taking deep breaths, his mouth open. Arms kept fixated at his sides, using the tree to hold his weight against. Roy tilted his head back so that it rested against the tree trunk as well, eyes still fixated on his partner as he went through his processes. Occasionally, one of his muscles twitched slightly. At this point, it would either be a waiting game or a slope effect. If he chose the latter option, he would continue injecting himself with extremely low doses of nectar to keep going. The more he did, the more nectar built in his system. That meant when he stopped injecting himself, the crash would be substantially worse. This backlash of side effects was just from one dose.

Roy did not have a death wish.


mental state: what mental state?

There are times a man knows what he is doing. Where he charges into battle, carrying his hopes, his dreams, his passion. Connor was carrying none of those, in fact he was currently carrying another tree...and screaming bloody murder. The surrounding area he didn't care about. The meadow could have been filled with anything and he wouldn't have cared. Right now there was a giant mantis that currently was not being beaten to a pulp by him. Someone was beating him to it, but again he didn't care.

Connor took a swing with the tree, not caring if the person that had just landed a massive punch to the mantis' thorax was clear or not. There was a tremendous *CRACK* as the tree landed a blow against the monster's head. A camera drone caught the whole scene, the stadium miles away erupted with a cheer, as if a baseball player had just hit a grand slam. They began stomping chanting "SWING BATTAH BATTAH SWING!" He wasn't the most popular champion but most could appreciate hitting something with a really big stick.

He got two more swings in before the mantis finally had enough. It chittered angrily, and let out an Roaring screech, rapid clicking followed. It raised one blade and took a swing. It knocked the tree out of Connor's hands, the bark taking multiple layers of skin, the tree tumbled to the side. The mantis dousing it in acid, trying to prevent it from every hitting it again. Connor Seethed shaking, the pain was excruciating His hand looked raw meat, bloody splinters slowly being pushed out as new skin began to reform. There needed to be bloody retribution.

@Morridan @The Kaosophile
Madison "Frost" Green

Lumbari Hive, North of Arcadia

Madison watched in awe as the man continued fighting the monster, not even noticing Madison's presence. She did as much as she could to the creature, but it was obvious who was doing the real fighting. She had spent years watching the champions up close or on the sidelines, and even the best of the best could hardly compare to the fighter.

In the last few seconds of the fight, Madison watched the hammer break apart from the sheer power behind his blow. The power was more than enough to crush the creature's skull, ending its life. Blood was still pouring out of the dozens of holes in its already decomposing body, creating a sight and smell that would have made anyone not used to the field of battle.

With his massive battle over with, one would think he would take a break, rest up for the next fight, but instead he looked more ready than ever to take on a new opponent. He was already pumping himself up, probably preparing himself for a fight equivalent to that one. Madison ran up behind him, wanting to offer her help. Someone that tough shouldn't die to a suicidal charge alone.

"Hey, you need help?" She asked, almost forgetting that fact that he had ignored her earlier. It seemed like it'd be a more than interesting first Hunt since retirement.

Jameson Armstrong

Arcadian Forest Sink-Hole/Lumbri Nest

Jameson turned to regard Madison, he broke his concentration away from the task ahead of him and was at first on guard. He had brought his hands up in preparation to attack the Lumbri Eggs. He looked her up and down and recognized her from the combat profiles. He nodded to her respectfully his facial features softening slightly.

"Madison Green is it?" He asked, extending his hand. He lowered his kinetic field slightly. "I am Jameson Armstrong, The Strong Arm. I see you arrived right as the Lumbri and I were clashing." he said calmly.

Despite that his eyes were filled with the slightly crazed sparkle from the effects of the Nectar, and that he was nearing dangerous levels in his evaluations as far as his Sanity went, Jameson was in control of himself. He was addressing Madison with humble regard. He studied the Lumbri for a moment and nodded as he noticed the damage Madison had caused.

"I can see your handi-work there. When I report back, I'll be sure you receive recognition for aiding me in defeating such a powerful adversary." He said with a tone that showed he was serious, and had little other thoughts the honor itself, even in admitting when he had received help, no matter how large or small.

Jameson motioned to the eggs, and the now hissing hive protectors that were slowly amassing. The Lumbri were a vicious species, and he knew that it would be a very bad thing to allow them to amass many more. He tapped his right foot towards the oncoming horde, "scanning" their numbers with a kinetic surge.

"There are twenty-five of the medium class Lumbri. It would be difficult for either of us to take this many on alone. There are another four of the larger class, and another thirty of the smaller class with around fifty eggs that need to be contained for harvesting." Jameson said, analyzing his Kinetic scan carefully.

"We should form an alliance young Madison, and fight these creatures together. The Armstrong Family has passed down many techniques for situations such as this, and would only be complimented by one with skills such as your own." He said as the first of the Lumbri began approach.

He ignored it as it hissed at him angrily, his focus entirely on Madison, waiting for her to reply, one way or another.

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Iris "Scarlet"

Southwest Forest

Iris quickly looked over Roy seeing he wasn't exactly in the best state but it was to be expected. The only thing working against them at this point was that the hunt was only half way over. Peek hunting time since all of the sound of fighting and explosions coupled with the smell of blood and fresh kills only served to stir up all of the wild life in the surrounding area around Arcadia. It didn't help that there were more monsters than usual even for it being the first hunt of the season. Normally the rare ones didn't surface for another month or two. There was no telling why is was even happening.

Iris scanned the forest anxiously her paranoia on overdrive from the boost of line and the high number of animals. Crimson ears twitched and moved with each sound with in the forest picking up other fights that were going on in the distant. Far off she could hear the screech of a Mantis, something she hoped they didn't come across any time soon. Especially after having to fight a shockdra. The special elemental monsters were always the most difficult because they had more than just claws and teeth to watch out for.

She noticed a faint glow envalop Roy and grew worried since that meant more line was in his system. Far less than there was before hand but that also ment the crash later on would be far worse than normal. Just as she was about to say something a shifting with in the brush drew her attention. Her eyes snapped to the forest as her body tensed ears perched forward. There was a threat close by which didn't sit well with her, especially with Roy in his condition. She growled softly bolting up a tree getting a better view of the forest and her target.

Caleb "The Animal" Giles

Somewhere in the forest near a dead Drake and a superant

Caleb was still wrapped around the failing dragon's neck as some of the spikes on it's back finally dug in deep enough to cause bleeding. The animal stood up on the drake's neck and flipped forward as the sudden weight caused the its head to be forced into the ground and halted all the fire that was spewing from its mouth. The Drake pulled its head out of ground and threw Caleb onto the ground, it moved forward as it began to breathe fire only to have Caleb jump towards its neck and hold on tightly. He pushed off of the Drake's body while still holding onto its neck causing it to snap around 180 degrees making the drake instantly fall limp to the ground. Caleb took notice of a giant mantis-like creature battling two other champions, he still needed to raise his kill count and got ready to fight what seemed to be and overgrown ant.
Redd Shotokhan

Outside of Arcadia's walls, Far Side of the Planes (Opposite of the lake), Surrounded by Forests, Shadow of the Mountains

Just as the swishing of leaves started to rustle behind him, Redd's eyes quickly glanced to the left. The blurring of brown and green colors indicated exactly what he needed to know. He shifted and delivered a kick against the mantis's chest, rocketing him downwards and landing with bent legs just as the tree smashed into the creature. He noticed the battle cry and squinted his eyes, turning on the ball of his left foot. His next movement was a series of quick steps, ducking down as another one of the creature's legs flew by his head, missing him by mere inches as he charged under the creature's abdomen. His right fist clenched as he tensed his right leg, slamming his right foot into the blood-soaked earth and collided with one of the long flat rocks that made up the lower layers of earth in the field. "Shooo-ryuuuu...." His face twisted into a hateful snarl. The conical straw hat that covered his head was still fluttering from the wind that blew past him from the foot that started to stomp and skitter around.

With grit teeth, back muscles locked in tension, and his legs pressing hard against the fabric that covered them, he let loose a deep grunt. His body shot skyward while directly under the mantis's abdomen. His gauntlet's 'knuckles' pierced through the thinner, slightly flexible, exoskeleton of its underbelly. "Repp-AAAH!" His body, having been propelled upwards with just one leg after coming to a complete stop, allowed him to drive his fist upwards in a spinning manner. The rotation of his fist cut a hole through the metal-like plates of chitin on the creature and pushed it up into its abdomen. The creature's legs slowly lifted off of the ground as the red-skinned man howled out from the stress of this single punch.

After just a split second, his body disappeared into its abdomen. The top plates of the creature's abdomen erupted upwards and splintered off of it. The red-skinned man appearing from the splintered plating with a deep and pained growl. Luckily, he was still spinning at a high speed and flung the acid off of him as he exited the creature. However the few droplets left sizzled and caused smoke to roll off of him as he stood with his legs spread over the hole he had created through the gargantuan mantis. His right fist flung downwards, letting chunks of the creature's innards to fling out from the 'knuckle' syringes. His eyes snapped to the mantis's head as he started to slowly make his way along the now thrashing creature's back, several 'small' splashes of acidic blood sprayed underneath it. A large puddle forming where Redd used to be, mixing in with the rest of the blood-soaked, muddied, field.


Obviously, as he started to scale the creature's body and up its back towards its head, his skin continued to pour smoke off in large puffs as the acid chewed along his flesh. His blood actively taking on a more base composition to counteract the acidity of this other creature's blood. His skin that had come into contact had long since melted away, leaving him with several wounds that were letting out copious amounts of blood. He was now practically covered in his own now. But through it all, his eyes never left the mantis's head. His pupils having dilated as his sneer grew more sinister. "You... will die."

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Southwest Forest

Roy had instantly felt the rush of line in his system. Pupils grew much larger as his breathing became more labored. As if he were undergoing some sort of bloodlust, the champion would immediately return to his rage-fueled form as soon as he felt the drug coursing through his system. Out of the brush, two Gaudere made their way slowly toward the champion. They walked on two feet, saliva dribbling from their furry jaws, as they grew closer. Roy was absolutely prepared, to the point where he had not been feeling the side effects of the line at all. While his body was surely becoming weaker, he was more powerful. Rather ironic how that worked, but it was simply always how things went with Roy.

Though he had not been outwardly expressing it, he was absolutely furious. The irrational (yet somewhat rational) behavior had found adrenaline mixing in with the generous amount of nectar flowing through his veins. The two wolf-like men had since leaped toward Roy to strike. Both eventually found themselves leaping toward him head-on. The one Gaudere that had gotten to him first would be snatched out of the air, much like a child catching a firefly. Roy found the digits belonging to his left hand wrapped around the monster’s neck, slowly crushing the bones inside. As the monster wiggled, suspended above the ground, its fingers attempted to scratch and remove his own. The monster probably would have been screaming if its throat was not being crushed; instead, it was letting out a raspy whisper.

As though he did not care at all, Roy had completely ignored the second Gaudere. Its teeth had made its way for his shoulder and eventually found the flesh, but never had more of an opportunity than that. As they attempted to sink into his skin, the humanoid monster would find all of its teeth breaking off. Oh, how ironic the monster looked, leaping straight into it’s doom like the first. When Roy dropped the first body, the dead Gaudere’s limp figure collapsed onto the ground. Roy made it a point to not make it so easy for the second monster, which had turned and began running away. The champion chased after it, quickly catching up and pouncing on it as if he were Iris himself.

Twisting the struggling monster’s body as he was in the process of holding him onto the ground, both of Roy’s hands would make their way into the Gaudere’s mouth. Mostly gripping the gums belonging to both jaw lines, Roy began stretching slowly. Eventually, the monster’s mouth would be ripped open rather savagely, killing it instantly. The spray of blood found its way onto Roy’s aura, but not his own body; the body fluid simply dibbled down the yellow construct rather than staining Roy’s actual person.


SE forest

Jason checked the edge on his sword, running the sharpener over it a few times. He grinned slightly and put the sharpener away when he heard a distant thundering, the ground shaking beneath his feet. His eye started registering the vibrations as he scanned the forest, one singular spot being highlighted.

"Oh. That's not good." he groaned as the Lummox crashed through the trees, roaring at him.

"Fuck." He hit the injector, feeling the line rush through his veins as the Lummox swiped at him. It barely missed as he jumped out of the way, his eye working overtime to try and find a weakness.

"Alright, big guy. You wanna play rough? We can play rough." he said, fighting off a bout of nausea when the line took full effect, his body crackling with electricity. He dodged another strike and shot to the side, huge arcs of lightning shooting along the creature and into the sky. It didn't seem to be affected and swung again, the strike nearly hitting him before he blocked it with the flat of his blade. He got launched backwards and into a tree, grunting in pain. He got quickly to his feet, lightning arcing and crashing high into the sky. He was pissed.

"Alright Woody, let's fucking go." He shot forward, leaping high and slamming the blade hard into the creature's back. The hook dug in deep, lighting shooting deep into the Lummox. It let out a roar and started thrashing, trying to get him off to no avail.

Southwest Forest Ground Level

Xerxes closed his eyes and opened his ears as he sat silent waiting for the flame to die so he may peel off the flesh that wasn't burnt off. The smell turned from pleasant to putrid as it went from well-done to severely burnt the smoke rising from the flames were black, for anyone nearby or able to see it they'd be able to tell something was burning if they were well versed. Compared to the white and gray-like smoke to a dead flame or kindling left after a flame was put out. The screams of creatures, champions and the forest's own agony screamed out all around him robbing him of the silence he wished for at the moment. He began pondering his kill count now as he had forgotten briefly during the encounter. This was when he heard a closer sound, a snuffle type of sound that was deep in bass. He knew it very well for he had already encountered one earlier when he was tracking the two champions, he needed not to open his eyes to know a centurious was nearby.

The light pad of its flesh against the soft and leafy covered ground as it approached then there was a halt in it all, it made a mistake it had stepped on a stick resulting in a deafening crack given the tenseness of the situation. The centurious would crouch down getting in a prowling position at the same time that Xerxes would raise a swift hand to his left tomahawk but made no motion afterwards. The creature flicked its tail in anticipation as it waited, perhaps Xerxes heard something else and the creature was still invisible to him right now. The centurious watched Xerxes lean forward towards where the foul stench was emitting from before rising back up holding something in his hand, it was the claw to the dead scarla he sat on. It was fifteen inches in total, a splendid trophy and he'd surely remember the encounter with the electrical avian who was the hell spawn of a bastard goblin, for eating his god damn jerky. But he wasn't all to upset..this is one hundred percent false, Xerxes was still rather furious from that discovery.

The centurious would take a few steps closer and wait, this was when Xerxes removed his hand from his left tomahawk to try and show as sign of weakness as if he was defenseless at the moment feinting he was unaware. This was when the centurious pounced lunging for Xerxes who in turn crouched forwards placing the trophy down while he rolled to his back. Upon the creature coming over Xerxes in the air he would kick his legs outwards as hard as he could sending the beast a few feet in the air and a couple yards away before he'd raise back up and stare looking over the beast. To his amusement it was the same centurious from before, the one he encountered on the tree while stalking the two other champions. perhaps it was fate that brought them back together.

"You came a day late and a dollar short my friend, the thunder bird ate all of the jerky." He'd say simply before remembering that somewhere around here was still the jerky he threw as a decoy. He'd take a few steps back while looking down in search for it while glancing up every now and then to check to see if the centurious was about to make a move but it seemed still for now. He finally caught sight of the jerky lifting it up and tearing it into six smaller pieces, holding the five in his left hand and one in his right. Xerxes started on his way forward now holding out a piece before tossing it in the air, the centurious would leap upwards and grab the dried tender meat from the air before landing. Upon landing Xerxes would be only a few feet away now another piece of jerky in his right hand being held in between his index finger and thumb. It was an offering to the centurious but it wouldn't approach yet and perhaps it was because it still thought of him as a threat. With this in mind Xerxes would toss the meet half-way in between the two before crouching down to one knee as he waited.

Inching forward the centurious snapped up the jerky and crouched backwards as if there was a trapped planned with it all. This was when Xerxes decided it's time for him to attempt the final step. He'd lean forward and immitate the snuffling sound the creature had made before by trying to make the 'f' and 'v' sounds while shaking his voice so it'd come out to mimic the centurious' sound of pleasure or happiness.(want an example see what a chuff sound is) He'd stick his left hand out that held the rest of the jerky and held his right hand out with his palm open so it'd see there was nothing hidden in his hand. The centurious would stare at Xerxes for a good two minutes before finally taking a step forward and gazing at the meats.

Eventually the centurious made its way forward to where it was eating the meat out of Xerxes' gloved hands, while it enjoyed its ear being scratched as it was the softer part of its body. A camera drone would fly nearby, startling the centurious for a moment before Xerxes would place a hand on its snout to reassure it that it was okay. He'd then stand and run his hand down its bony body scratching roughly in the softer spots though they were still fairly hard. This would continue on for a good fifteen to twenty minutes in time. It looked like Xerxes had made a new friend, for when he halted the scratching of the centurious to pick up the trophy and begin walking it would come up beside him roughly butting its head against his leg as if it didn't want to be left alone.

"Max will be your name." Xerxes said simply as if this was his goal the entire time for the creature, he'd then grin and scratch the top of its nose. That year spent missing from the public and the hunt he had spent researching and finding ways to domesticate or even teach and train some of the creatures of the wilds. A very clear advantage over the ones who'd rather just kill the creatures rather befriend one for the rest of the hunt. Now his only problem would be how he'd bring the creature back with him, he certainly wasn't going to leave it alone at the end of this hunt. They were connected now, even if it was just from a short experience of feeding and petting.
Boris Svarog

Eastern Forest

Boris was starting to wear down. His muscles were getting sore, and he was running out of witty retorts. His color was getting duller, and he kept having to hide and catch his breath. "Ya slishkom star dlya etogo derma." Boris muttered as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. There were others here now, so he was less necessary as a bright target, and could stop and try to think. With several clanks and a sputter, the metaphorical cogs in Boris' head shook free of the cobwebs and dust. Boris had a stupid idea. A horrible, terrible, dumbass idea. If he was going to do this, he was going to need a boost. He reluctantly turned up the dial several notches on his Nectar injector. Well, here goes nothing. Boris sprinted at the mantis, Krestyanin lodged underneath one of the chitinous scales that he had hit with grenades earlier. With a swift elbow to the handle, Boris' sickle pried up the plate and ripped it clean off. Boris retrieved the scale and raised it above his heat to block a globule of acid spit. "Why are you hitting yourself, urod?" Boris bellowed the laugh that only a man with a 3.00 or above (in this case: definitely above) BAC could muster, especially when faced with a giant bug that spits acid.

Boris clambered onto the softer spot he had revealed on the abdomen, blocking each swing of the deadly tibiae with the chunk of mantis armor. Each hit knocked the breath out of him, so it was hard to position himself on top of the beast, but with the help of the sticky sinew, he managed to gain footing. The mantis reeled back for another swing, and Boris dropped the scale. "Hit me with your best shot, suka!" he called, watching as the colors of the world intensified, and everything began moving slower. The rush one feels when on Nectar isn't a direct overload of dopamine like traditional narcotics, the joy of Nectar came from the freedom, the raw power. Neural synapses became more efficient, leading to such fast processing of information that the world moved at half speed, pupils dilate to nearly the entire iris, and the cornea flexes more freely to allow full-color, extremely sharp images. Combine this with the drunken strength from vodka, pain mitigation of adrenaline, and the perfectly reworked body and metabolism of a shapeshifter, and it's understandable why Boris needs incredible self-control to not overdose.

As the spiked tibia of the mantis neared Boris, he simply hopped off the beast, landing softly and easily on the ground, pulling out his flask of vodka and taking a sip as the giant insectoid punctured its own side, making mincemeat of all the vital organs held within. Acidic ichor gushed from the wound, hissing as it hit the ground. The clicking shriek was ear-shattering, and the creature crumpled to the earth, landing on a certain leftover grenade, which caused an explosion to silhouette the corpse in fire. Boris finished his swig of vodka, not flinching as the shockwave of the explosion blew leaves all around him. He pocketed the flask, turned down his Nectar dial, and spun on his heel to the camera drone. He just stared at it for several seconds as it hovered, sputtering a little from stray acid spray. "Are you not entertained?" Boris asked, and the cheering could practically be heard all the way from the city, but that was likely just Chad in his soda-hyped excitement, screaming into his headset.

"That was rad, bro!" Chad confirmed the source of the cheering by yelling a little too loud into his mic. "He was like 'raaaawr' and you were like 'Oh yeah?' and he was like 'raaaaaaawr' and you we--" Boris muted his headset and turned to the strangers. "We haven't met, you should be glad you were able to avoid it for so long, eh?" Boris chuckled, reloading Rabotnik and making sure all of his equipment was in place as he spoke. "Red Menace, or Boris. Honestly I don't care what you call me, as long as I'm not sober. The malchik is Conor. Frenzy or some shit, but he'll respond to pretty much anything. You both?"

@Godman873, @Der Kojote, @Morridan
Jekyll Wilson

Northern Section, Arcadian Mountains

His skin blackened and chafed, Jekyll grit his teeth as he felt the tension in his muscles start to add onto itself, multiplying as the arm extended outwards. Letting it rip through the air, Jekyll punched the bird and sent it flying through the air, rather incapacitated as the force of the blow not only cracked its skull, but also broke its beak. The bird squaked loudly as it picked itself up, the nerves endings near its beak on fire as it processed the severity of what had just happened. Jekyll rubbed his arm, before jerking his hand back in pain as the simple touch made his arm burn like it was on fire.

Hissing, Jekyll let it hang useless as he tried to get it to calm down, before looking at the bird, who by now was more lucid, except it still shook its head slightly. Before the bird could rid itself completely of the concussion, still shooting out sparks, Jekyll dashed forward, condensing his entire body. The bird's head shot up as its eyes focused in on the incoming prey, and screeched loudly through its broken mouth, the ragged sound echoing throughout the clearing. Needing to buy time for his ability to come into full effect, Jekyll dodged as the bird made a dash forward with its wings carrying it through the air, and its talons out forward for attack, lightning sparking between the sharp points.

Jekyll dropped to the ground, and made a 360 turn , before pushing himself up from the ground with an arm with his legs out stretched. Going through the safe area between all of the monster bird's sharpened appendages, Jekyll's two legs impacted straight into the the gut of the bird, the combined kinetic energy in the attack from the momentum of the bird and Jekyll's dense legs breaking some of the inner bones of the bird's rather fragile body and sending it through the air once more. Gasping as he felt his skin unravel from the density he had stretched it into, Jekyll almost fell to his knees from the pain as he watched felt his blood pump throughout his body, wanting to get out of the thankfully already cauterized wounds.

Struggling up from his slightly crouched form, Jekyll grit his teeth as he looked over to the bird, who was still struggling on the ground, its mouth making rattling noise as it tried to get air into its damaged lungs, which wasn't helped by the light, but still large frame it had been carrying around. Shambling over to the monster, Jekyll struggled not to trip on his own feet as he felt his feet search for any problems on the ground. If he fell, he wouldn't be getting up before that bird.

Reaching the bird, Jekyll saw the light in its eyes switch from bright to dull as it struggled to keep air into its lungs. Frowning at the insufferable creature, its very presence irritating him to no ends, Jekyll felt adrenaline surge once more as he lifted his leg high up into the air, his flexible skin and bones letting him almost complete a straight vertical line, before her brought it down onto the crown of the Bird's head. The bird's strangled cries stopped as the air left it in a deathly rattle that released the last remains of any spirit the bird possessed.

Feeling faint, Jekyll sat down and let his back rest upon the belly of the bird, his body not able to take anymore. Either he would be picked up by the Arcadians or he would die by being eaten while
unconscious. Right now, he was so tired and beat up that he didn't even care, a part of him wondering if he could get faster relief he just let death take him, a thought that was completely overwhelmed by his extreme self-preservation. Looking to the sky as he rested his head back, Jekyll's pain filled visage became slightly more peaceful as he drifted off to "sleep".

Mrs. Whickerbottom stared balefully down from her aerial view as she watched the rescue group that had accompanied her, there was no way in god's green earth that she was going to say that she accompanied them, fall down their ladders and rescue her little sweetie. Shifting her weight from leg to leg, Mrs.Whickerbottom's face screwed up into a frown as the black suited buffoons lifted her Champion up with unsuitable lack of care. It would do him so good though, waking up with a headache for all he had done today. She had told him countless times in the past to not go to overboard with his attacks and to think stuff through before he actually attacked.

He had learned a bit, but she was definitely going to have to reeducate him about the many different types of monsters, because she had seen how he had reacted to the Sacrla, and it had definitely lacked recognition. Mrs. Whickerbottm had spent a lot of her time before the first hunt of the season forcing knowledge of the monsters that could potentially hurt his rubber body, and he seemed to
disregard it right when he needed it most. She shook her head and pushed her finger against her wrinkled forehead, before rubbing a liver spot as she watched the medic of the group check his status, and get him as healthy and stable as possible, before moving him any farther. If she, and Jekyll was lucky, he might be healthy enough to participate in the next Hunt, but even that was a pipe dream from what she was looking at.

@IAmTemptedToStartYodelling. @PollyWantACracker? @DoYouWantToKillASacrla~
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Iris "Scarlet"

South Forest

Iris caught side of the bipedal wolves but had little worry about them. They had no poison or elemental attacks to worry about and seeing Roy aglow made her worry less. She followed her partner along from the tree tops watching as he tore the wolves to shreds with a small smirk. While she was happy to have Roy up and fighting but knew the aftermath was going to be worse than normal. She kept an eye focused on the fight until crackling caught her attention. She looked up noticing sparks going off not to far away.

A whining howl caught her attention as she watch as Roy pounced on the last wolf much like she would do, then there another crackle and she looked back in to the forest. Her mind started running a million miles a minute her attention switching between the two fights before her anxiety started to kick in. There was no telling if the crackling was another champion or monster, with the luck they had so far she feared it would be the later. The hairs along the back of her neck stood on end as the crackling got closet and she took off towards the source. The line and adrenalin pumping in her system pushed her thirst to kill as she nimbly made her ways along the canopy to the source of the crackling.

She caught movement from the corner of her eye and growled softly under her breath. from the canopy top she could see a horned beast with electricity crackling around it. What was it? She wasn't sure but it was something to be killed. Growling softly her eyes were set solely on the monster getting tunnel vision. Digging her claws into the branch she charged along the canopy top and leaped out at the bipedal beast aiming to rip its face off. To her unfortunate surprise the monster was not fleshy or the source of the electricity Her claws dug into the wooden face of what ended up being a Lummox. The creature howled and thrashed as she her claws pierced where it eyes were blinding it but also enraging it further.

"Well this is unexpected..." She growled under her breath clinging onto the thrashing beast a moment longer before jumping away as the wooden monster tried to grab her. She graceful landed a few feet away catching a glimpses of the electric champion that was trying to fight the Lummox. She growled under her breath recognizing the show boat who had insulted Roy earlier.


Southwest Forest

Standing up from the deceased monster left at his feet, Roy's hues stared for a little longer than usual at the disfigured being before turning to try and find Iris. She had since left his view, prompting him to chase after her - well, wherever the sound was coming from, he figured she would be. He was not presently surprised when he was greeted by the visage of the man who had mocked him earlier. Roy began gritting his teeth, with thoughts of murdering the imbecile before the Lummox had a chance to. It would be an all-too-fitting end to be taken out by the same guy whom he should not have confronted in the first place.

Toward the end of the gestation of such thought, Roy realized that he could not do that. He simply was not that type of person, nor would Iris respect him for acting in such a manner. It was the nectar whispering sweet nothings, feeding his rage and fueling the fire which was burning inside of him. Roy had a bunch of excess energy which had no way out. When he finally located Iris, he realized that she had just hopped off the beast. Extending his hands, Roy allowed a rather large mallet made of energy materialize. Once it had fully done so, he stared at the monster, which began to approach Iris.

Running toward the monster as if he had a death wish, Roy stopped just short of the Lummox. Despite the fact that it towered over the boy, he was not afraid. Rather, the champion just cocked back and swung the mallet as hard as he could toward the wooden monster's face. Solidified energy would cause the monster to stumble a couple of feet to the side, before falling onto the ground. It raised one of its hands to its cheek, letting out a spectacular roar in response. The oversized hammer in Roy's hand had since faded. A third injection of line was taken.

Tastebuds went numb. His heart began racing once more. The man's face felt warm. Roy had been sure to measure out enough of a dose so that he would be sustained through the rest of the hunt. Whether or not the mallet had hit the man whom Roy had the misfortune of speaking to previously was not his concern - rather, getting the Lummox off of Iris' back was. He did not care about the man who was fighting the monster, and certainly the life of such a champion was interchangeable for Iris'. Shit, even his own was. Light hues stared down the monster as he watched it rise to its feet. Roy took a couple of steps back to stand beside his partner. Dragging his katana from it's sheath, Roy readied himself to spring into action.

@Shura @Alex Phalin
PixelScoreMC said:
Sunolph McFarrson (Sun)
In northern forest (w/ kat.)

"I must agree... Our luck has changed indeed! Now lets make some bear soup... wait a second, the thing is mutated. Does mutated flesh taste different than normal flesh?" Sun stood bickering to himself, when he finally took out his pistol. He was too late though, the bear had already made good distance and was right next to him. Sun had no choice but to light travel, he ran into a nearby tree using it as a point to stop his speed, however it flung the tree out of the ground roots and all, and out somewhere into the forest, Sun had just barely escaped the attack. "Oh man, that was way too close for comfort..." He winces, blood trickling down his arm. Looks like I went a bit overboard there, we better finish this thing off quickly. He then uses his good arm to aim his pistol, shooting it directly on the knee, causing it to do a strange howl of pain. He then pants heavily.

The nectar is taking effect on me Kat... I went a bit overboard to dodge that attack, you have to finish it off." Sun said it with complete trust in his voice, knowing that Kat should be able to finish the monster off. If help was needed, he'd use the last of his will power to make another shot and completely cripple the mutated bear thing. He smiled faithfully, and thought to himself You can do it babe... I know ya' can.

Sun then submerged into thought for just a moment, realizing that something like this happened to him before, he just couldn't remember exactly what it was. He shrugged it aside, thinking it was probably just a daunting childhood memory that he doesn't need to remember. Not that he really can remember much of his child hood anyways.

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Northern Part of the Forest (w/Sun)

Kat watched as the bear went straight for Sun. Her partner quickly doged the beast but in doing so, injured himself, and because of the nectar, has exhausted himself as well. He barely managed to get away. In doing so, the acidic bear howled in pain when Sun popped a cap into the beast's knee. Kat looked back and forth between the two.

"The nectar is taking effect on me Kat... I went a bit overboard to dodge that attack, you have to finish it off." he spoke between pants.

Kat snapped her head to his direction,"WHAT?!" She threw her arms in the air,"Do you remember that this is my first official hunt?! Ive never killed anything like this!" She blinked, wide-eyed beneath her orange tinted goggles. She watched carefully as the bear's attention was grabbed by her high pitched voice. "Uhhh...." She thought for a moment, planning out how to attack and what to do in case she has to make a get away. She sighed in hesitation, "I guess I have no choice...." She murmured. On the hilt of her belt, that was attached to her suit, were two cylindrical cases, each about the length of an index finger. A small hand reach to the side of her hip, where the cases clung to. Grabbing one, she raised it to her lips and bit off the cap, eyes still locked onto her target. The bear watched curiously, acid still oozing from his body and its mouth. She could still sense the rage in it, but for now he was distracted by his curiosity. The Shadowcat spit out the cap to the side, and in her hand was an injecting pen,"Here goes nothing." She turned her gaze to the drone following her and raised the needle as if she were making a toast to her fans watching on the other end. Kat gave a nervous smile, she wanted to back out, but with a beast this deadly and her little experience she had no choice. With out giving another thought she quickly stabbed her right thigh with the pen and the liquid flowed right in.

This was only her third time using Nectar and she still wasnt used to its effects. It was happening so fast. Its distinct green luminesence could be seen as it traveled through her veins and up to her body. Because of her adrenaline and fast pumping heart, it boosted the rate at which it spread. Her pupils enlarged and she could hear her own heart beat. It was almost like using a narcotic. It basically was a narcotic! But now, thanks to Line, her senses were much more on edge as well as her reflexes.

For a moment her vision was a little off, due to Line but she quickly recovered. She shook her head to ignore the strange change in vision. Taking no time to spare, she raised her pistols to aim at the bear. She took three shots, one bullet managed to lodge itself in the creature's arm. The bear reared on its hind legs and let out another howl in agony. He charged at her.

For a big bear he was rather quick. The Ghost girl smirked slyly excited by the challenge. She flicked her wrists and spun both pistols with her index fingers. The hidden blades of her pistols slid out. She gripped the pistols firmly.

(@PixelScoreMC )

SW forest

Jason jumped back in time to see the weird cat-girl from earlier leap on the monster, followed by her scarred up boyfriend. He let out a long string of curses that ended with "GEDDAFUCK AWAY FROM MY KILL!", a huge surge of lightning launching at the two kill-thieves. He stepped back as the monster was distracted, summoning up as much electricity he could and directing it into his sword.

The blade began to glow red at first, slowly turning to a bright white light. His eye registered ever climbing temperatures, the sword scorching and setting small fires when it got near the ground. He gritted his teeth, his hands sizzling against the handle of his blade as the monster swung, aiming a huge haymaker at him.

He lifted his sword and intercepted the fist with the edge, the blade slicing the creature's arm up to the elbow. It let out a monstrous roar of pain and reeled back, giving him enough time to leap, hacking the arm off at the shoulder.

His eye registered a quickly dulling edge, so he had to act fast. Without missing a beat he swung as he landed, removing the creature's right leg at the shin. As it toppled he shot over, and with a mighty upward swing bifurcated the Lummox's head, using it's momentum to cleave straight through the temple.

He let the blade's hook sink deep into the ground, setting off a small fire as the blade began to cool, the creak and groan of metal echoing through the forest.

"The fuck are you two doing?" he asked sharply, his eyes narrow. "Trying to rush in and steal my fucking kill? Who the fuck do you think I am?" Electricity arced around him, the line in his veins fueling his anger.

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