Blood and Glory - Additional IC


Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

Eximius Lobby

A bullet came flying out of the forest, but was blocket by the mask covering his face. The force caused Matt to loose his footing however, and he fell off the branch he was standing on, did a backflip and landed on a branch a bit back with the trees covering the direction he'd been shot from earlier. "Shit.." he mumbled. Another member had snapped during the hunt, and it was now up to him to put him down. He didn't have the advantage however, as the other champion had seen him first, while he still barely had a clue where he was. He jumped against the tree's trunk and slid down to the ground along it. He started circling around where he'd been shot from in hopes that he'd spot his target. The part of his face where the bullet had hit felt a light pressure, and he was afraid that his mask had been bent or ruined.

He slid in behind a tree where he thought he'd be able to see his opponent, when it happened. The champion appeared out of nowhere in front of him, and for some reason Mathias couldn't move. He looked on as the champion looked at him and laughed. "You're a cute little horse aren't you? You look so warm in that mask. Here, let me take it off." He was utterly confused by the woman's words, but then again, she had snapped. She pulled the mask off of his face, and...


Mathias slowly opened his eyes as the pressure on his face was relieved. He glanced around the area he was in, and realized he wasn't outside the walls, but as a matter of fact in Eximius. He sighed of relief, and then noticed the shadow hanging over him. Someone - probably a champion - in a patient's gown was standing next to him for some reason. It was probably the reason he'd woken up in the first place. "... Uhh... Leave me alone, would y-" He stopped when he noticed his hand, and a very familiar piece of technology in it. Mathias blinked a couple of times while wondering why this guy was holding his phone. His eyes slowly widened as he came to the conclusion that he was being mugged.

"Oi, what the fuck?" He said before awaking from his half-asleep state with force and jumping to his feet. He quickly grabbed the heavily bandaged arm that was holding onto his phone with his left hand, and then grabbed onto his face with his right hand, growling "If you don't let go of my phone immediately, I will decorate the entire lobby with your head. In other words, my phone or I'll blow your head off. You have five seconds." He gave the thief a very pissed-off look, but then quickly calmed down. This guy seemed... familiar.

He let go of his face and took another look. "Wait a second... J... Jekyll, was it? Is that you?" He let go of his arm as well, letting himself fall back onto the couch. He was suddenly drained of all motivation to murder him violently, partially due to recognizing him, and partially because he was still tired as all fuck. "Didn't I team up with you once..?" He blinked a couple more times, and then looked back down towards his phone, nodded at it, and held out his arm.

Iris "Scarlet"

Eximius Hospital Private Room

Iris watched the older champion a slight smile curving her lips. She was naturally the friendlier of the duo, some times coming off as a little too nice and naive. Still she wasn't as naive as most thought but did like talking to champions that had more experience than they did. He did offer some advise to take it slower but taking it easy was next to impossible to Iris. The only reason she wasn't moving about now was because of the brace around her torso and the heavy pain killers in her system. It still annoyed her to no end. Crimson ears twitch slightly as the other Champion move only picking up very faint sounds almost like a whisper but softer still. Impressive considering how sensitive her hearing was. Bright emerald eyes studied the other Champion as he moved further into the room.

She looked over as Roy stood and stretched envying his free moment for a brief second before letting it go, her injuries were her own fault. Iris looked over to the Phoenix as he explained why he helped. "Well... the help is appreciated." Iris replied keeping her tone friendly nearly a polar opposite to Roys near hostile tone. There was always competition when it came to the hunts, but at the end of the day they were all Champions and fought more or less for the same reason. There was no point in sabotaging each other there was enough beyond the wall to do that with little to no effort. Still she didn't completely trust the other Champion either.

@Phantom King @Tree
Jekyll Wilson

Eximius Lobby

Jekyll was unprepared for the sudden movement of the "sleeping" person. At first, he had been prepared to move at any given time, but the way the man talked with a void of lucidity, he had been comforted and had relaxed out of habit and reflex. This had been his mistake when the eyes of the man had suddenly sharpened, zoning in on his arm, before striking out. Obviously the man meant to cause pain, as his grip on his hurt arm certainly reopened some wounds. Hissing, Jekyll's complaints quickly became muffled as the other hand of the man struck out and grappled onto Jekyll's face.

His words muffled, most of them curses, Jekyll had stopped talking when the person threatened to explode his face, his goals in life not including that particular action. Jekyll was about to drop the phone in surrender, thinking up a speech that could get him out of this. From how ticked off the person was, the best course of action was to be calm and lie about wanting to check on him for "Health" reasons, either that or sound even angrier than the guy was and try to scare him off. Personally, he favored the first one more than the second, as the second one included yelling at someone who held his face and hurt arm, and also threatened to blow him up. Yeah, not in his best interest.

However, Jekyll calmed down and slowed his thinking as he felt the man's voice calm as well as the grip on his body relinquish. Looking to the man, who was now on the couch, Jekyll felt his slightly dull mind attempt to register something as he watched him. He rubbed his arm as he heard the man say his name with familiarity, but the thought was thrown away as he hissed from the pain. Looking to his arm, Jekyll saw that little blood spots had erupted on the bandages, showing that the wounds had reopened once more. Shrugging, deciding to not care about it for the time being, he turned back to the man as he wondered about them teaming up at some point. Now, Jekyll didn't team up much, most of the time people were dissatisfied with their stuff going missing after working with him. However, the guy's face did ring a bell, and he seemed...Mathias!?

Opening his mouth, forcing his tongue to work, Jekyll asked in inquisitiveness, "Mathias, yis dat you? I dought you quit da hile back?" Jekyll had teamed up with Mathias once, but that one time would never be forgotten...for long. It had been one of his best hunts, one of the more enjoyable ones, and he had been slightly disappointed with how he had quit. He was a pretty cool guy, although, that did not stop Jekyll from crossing his arms behind his back, the phone still held with his hands grasp.

@Prizzy Kriyze
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[ Eximius Hospital ]

Roy's teeth kept clenched as he listened. He was grateful for being helped, but it did not stop the fact that Xerxes had been rubbing him the wrong way. And no, not in
that kind of way, get your mind out of the gutter. Light hues kept fixated on the man, who paused to wait for some sort of response from the two. Roy was not about to thank this man for helping, because he certainly was not thankful. If it were up to Roy, then the amount of champions the two ran into today would be zero. Hands were kept to his sides, fists balled up as his eyes refused to leave the man's visage.

Feet would lead the champion from his spot, to the side of Iris' bed. Sitting there momentarily, his focus would be redirected to the man before he finally parted his lips to speak.
"I'm not so sure about that other man who was in here. Jason, I think his name was. As it seems on the surface, he does not mean any harm - but one could never be so sure." Roy figured that Xerxes would read between the lines and understand the same applied for him. Chances were, however, that he was already aware.

The reason he initially moved was for the same reason. He could never be too careful, regardless of reasoning. Letting his guard down now would be silly in every sense of the word. Turning to look at Iris for a moment before looking back at Xerxes, Roy thought it would be wise to speak while the acting relationship between both parties was still civil. Maybe he could get some information out of the man... At least, if he is lucky enough.
"What is it that made you help us in the first place? I know you weren't in a helpful mood, so if we could just cut the bullshit, that would be great."

The younger champion was so rude, sometimes. Despite this, being hard-headed had gotten him a long way.

@Shura @Phantom King

Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

Eximius Lobby

Mathias immediately flinched when Jekyll started talking. He looked up at him with a slightly disturbed/slighty surprised look, and said "What the hell did they do to your mouth?" He shook his head, and then continued "Yeah, I quit. They even put me under a psych ward for a couple years, and then I just spent a couple of years laying back on the pile of money I earned here." He got a distant look in his eyes when speaking about the past, but he snapped out of it and instead looked at his arm. Why am I holding out my arm? He pulled his arm back and leaned on his elbows against his knees, and continued. "But of course, life isn't the same without the hunt, you know?"

He leaned back in the couch and looked up at Jekyll. "So yeah, I joined my first hunt in like 5 years today. It feels good to be back. It even looks like my old fanbase is happy to see me again, which is nice." Matt had this way of small talking a lot. It kind of backfired when he ran out of things to say though. "What's been happening, by the way? I haven't been too up-to-date with the champions lately. Any important new ones, or any old ones who've really improved?" He leaned his head over and glanced at the ceiling briefly, as if he was contemplating something. "Or well, more importantly, anyone I would recognize who's still around?"

He put a foot up on his bag, and leaned back in the couch, then he smirked devilishly at him, and asked "And have you beaten my killscore yet?"

Jekyll Wilson

Eximius Hospital Lobby

Jekyll's face screwed up in slight annoyance at the comment towards his screwed up speaking. Opening his mouth in an act of extreme demonstration, Jekyll let his tongue hang out and picked it up with the bandaged fingers of his left hand, his right hand still behind his back to hide the phone that he would not give up. Taking the tongue, feeling the hands on his tongue under the dull haze that had forced itself down Jekyll's throat, Jekyll pulled the tongue to show that he was completely ok. Releasing it, Jekyll frowned and said, "I jusst have a bit of problem sspeaking, right now." He really didn't need to be reminded about the tongue thing, as the entire thing was annoying, and he was going to be glad when he didn't have to deal with it.

Jekyll listened to the man talk of his times in the Psych Ward, before his eventual release and repositioning in the Champion force. The entire thing kind of placed Jekyll into perspective, especially since he was reminded of how one day he would be placed in that very Ward. Shaking the thought away, Jekyll nodded as he heard the man's desire to participate in the Hunt, as well as his happiness about his old fan base becoming hyped about his sudden return. Jekyll could understand that because, however annoying they could get, a fanbase provided him a great amount of chances to take amazing things. Talking once more, Jekyll said, "Well, there are ite a few new ones, I think there is a Cat woman, sso you can see how sh-she got a fanbase, and I think she paired up with a friend from the Academy, I don't know."

Jekyll's face grew slightly tired as he said, "Maksss iss s-still in the game, still killing more each round then mosst can even wish for." However, his exhausted tone shifted when his eyebrow ticked as he heard the question about his amount of kills. Closing his eyes as he added his up and compared them to Mathias's, Jekyll opened them up and turned to Mathias with an eager smile, akin to a snakes, "Not yet Matthiass, but don't worry, I'll catch up." Looking down, Jekyll realized his scrubs did actually have a side pocket, it had just been hidden. Slipping the phone into the pocket subtly, Jekyll sat down on the other side of the Couch as he continued to converse to the man.

@Prizzy Kriyze
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Eximus Apartments

Connor had been released from the hospital no problem, and had made his way back to his apartment. He still felt rather sore all over. As always his muscles were still trying to fix themselves. Even with heightened regeneration, it still was going to be a sore few days. He slowly walked up to his apartment door. He reached for the handle and opened it with his key. Upon opening the door he heard a driving beat, claws tapping against a floor rapidly coming closer to the door. He had just slightly opened it when it flung open by a nose interjecting between the gap of the door and the door frame. Then an animal looking somewhere between a Dog and an Alligator leaping at him. "NO RIPPER NO!"

The force of the impact knocked him down to the floor, and about halfway into the hallway. Thus was Ripper, his devouted (and slightly energetic) Meta-canid companion. Of all the attempts of re-domesticating the dog and it's new series of mutations, the Scraffi had gotten the closest to the original personality of the dog. However, it had little of the looks. "Ripper...ripper...sternum..can't breathe..." Ripper whined, (though the sound was more of a low grumbling.) and moved to the side. Maneuvering his head underneath Connor's arm, he pushed it up asking for a scratch. Connor obliged, with Ripper half closing his eyes. "Yeah boy. Missed you too. Very nice...very nice. Also...very tired. Want food." Ripper barked and started panting. "Hungry too? Lets go get food...come on boy." Ripper immediately turned around and ran into the room, barking excitedly. He smiled, sure there was chaos, sure he was tired, sure his mentor would probably emerge from the bar and ridicule him on what happened on the hunt. However, there was always one constant, Ripper was going to be happy to see him.

Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

Southern wall>Eximius

"I dust ave a bit of roblem spenking, ight ow." Mathias nodded at him, and thought Well, obviously. He often had sarcastic comments to offer to everyone, but he'd learnt to hold his tongue most of the time, with emphasis on "most". He looked at him with an emotionless expression as he responded to his question. It was incredibly difficult to understand the man and he might as well have cut his tongue out at this point, but he understood a couple of the words, and they were good enough for him. Or bad, depending on your point of view. "Maks dis till in deh game" Matt formed a fist with the hand hidden behind a pillow and clenched it so hard his knuckles turned white. The words echoed in his head. "Maks dis till in" He closed his eyes and repressed a obvious frown "Maks"

In a feat of amazing self-control, Mathias held himself from yelling ASSHAT in the lobby, and opened his eyes again, while undoing his fist. He was not fond of Maks. Truth be told, he realized it as much as anyone else that his hatred for Maks probably came from some sort of deep-rooted jealousy for his position. Maks was the only person that Matt ever felt was a real threat to his rise in fame. He had managed to rack up 437 kills in the four short years he spent hunting, so his progress was pretty applauded at the time, but that asshole Maks just seemed to outshine everyone.

He shook his lightly and looked back up just in time for Jekyll's last words. He leaned his head over and looked at him. You haven't caught up to me yet? You've had five years to do it! He didn't utter his thought-process, but smiled at Jekyll and said "I'm sure you'll get there. You've got the advantage of experience now, and I just got into the game, after all." The words sounded true, but Matt had no hope for him to ever catch up. If he hadn't done it in five years he probably wouldn't do it when he was back either. Strange he thought. He didn't remember the man to be half-bad when he'd went hunting with him.

His eyes wandered down to his bandaged arms, and he noticed the red spots where he'd grabbed him earlier. "Ouch, sorry about that." He said, and pointed at it, but what he didn't say was How comes everyone has the habit of getting hurt during hunts? It's not that hard to avoid. He sighed, and continued "So wait, I barely caught anything you said there. Cat-woman something? Tell me more about the newbies."

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Redd Shotokhan

"Walking" to the hospital

"Get in the damn car you big red buffoon!" The short old man in the red corvette screamed. He had allowed Redd to attempt to make the trip on his own merits but he realized the drained look in his eyes was his queue to aid the stubborn lug. At first, Redd did not even pay him attention. Perhaps it was just him being stubborn again... or perhaps it was due to the blood loss that he was unable to respond. Either way, the old man drove ahead, opened the passenger door and ordered that the flying camera drone leave. It turned and cut off its video feed just as Redd walked into the door of the car, bounced back, and fell over into the passenger seat. "Doesn't this just beat all... Well-" He waddled his way back over onto the driver seat, fully equipped with 'short-person-legs'. He hooked his feet into the little 'platforms' that these stilts provided and maneuvered them onto the break and accelerator. His nubby-fingered hand clutched the shifter and slammed it into drive, stomping the accelerator as he shouted out. "Out the way!!" to the nearby traffic. The car's engine roared out a *WUAAM WUAAM WUAAM* sound as the rpm needle slammed itself against the bottom of the dashboard, rocketing them forwards at a dangerous speed.

Shortly after dropping Redd off at the hospital, he sat in the parking lot, thinking of what he was going to do. He sighed, checking his PDA and shook his head. "Suppose I will get an update on all of the other champions. Not like mine is going to be up and about any time soon." His hand took the PDA back into his pocket before grasping ahold of the wheel of the corvette again. "To the hospital we go, then." With a great deal less intensity, he made his way to the hospital. This time, however, he actually paid attention to the traffic lights, stop-signs, and actually allowed for the right-of-way.

He entered the door to the Eximus Hotel, making his way to the front desk and passing through most of the lobby. At the very least, he could secure his 'stupid' employer a room while checking with the other champions. The little man's face grew as red as his employer as he found out that they did not seem to have 'spare' rooms open. "THIS IS EXIMUS! How the hell am I supposed to believe that you don't have rooms?! You always have rooms! I will have your job you lying sack of-..." He started to rant at the lady who was working the desk.

@Prizzy Kriyze @DamagedGlasses @whoever-else-is-in-the-apartment/lobby
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Jason McManus

Eximus restaurant

Jason couldn't help but smile at the girl's exuberance. "What do you mean, you 'want' to be like us? You are one of us." he said with a little chuckle.

"You stood up to an Acid Bear. I think that's as good of an initiation as any. And don't worry about rambling, I really don't mind it." He cupped his chin in his palm, resting his elbow on the table.

At her advice on the Acid Bear he laughed a bit, a clear, genuine sound.

"Oh, you're telling me. Two years ago I got cornered by two of them, and ended up getting my sword stuck in one as I killed it." he said, relating what she had probably seen on TV.

"I had to wrestle the other one into submission. I still have scars from that." he said as he rolled up his sleeve, showing her the acid burns on the inside of his forearm. "Three weeks in the ICU really sucks... I don't recommend it." he joked.

Tilting his head a bit, he was surprised at how much the girl ordered. For her size, he never would have thought she'd eat that much. Fast metabolism, probably.

"I'll have a steak, medium rare, thanks." he said, handing the menu to the waiter. After a few moments he glanced back over at her, thinking.

"Hey, I'm having a small, post-hunt party tonight back at my place. If you want to come, I have an invitation free." he offered with a smile. The post-hunt parties that Jason threw had become rather infamous over the years as being anything but 'small' and 'quiet'. They were more along the lines of some of the larger New Years Eve parties. Normally packed with other celebrities and hunters, it was a fairly exclusive event.


Edge of Eximius and Arcadia

Ash had been making his way back from his smaller set house in the Eximius and into the Arcadia for something to eat when he stopped at his house force field fence that he ordered a few years back after he started getting attention for him being a 'new uprising Champion'. He looked out at the crowd that had already gathered at the edge of his fence, not super large but bigger than a couple people, which was more attention than he wanted unless it was for something a bit more, private. He let out a sigh before he addressed the media, not the hand full of fan people.

"I will give you media people this only chance to leave with the footage you have, or if you don't listen then leave you will be leaving with no footage at all." His voice was deeper than an average persons'.

Some of the media crews left because they all knew what was about to happen with the ones that didn't leave. Ash's lip began to curl in agitation so he walked to the end of his fence and unlocked the glass door with one of his keys he had lose in his pocket and stepped through with a solid punch right into the lens of one of the cameras, hard enough that it crunched into half its size breaking the memory chip inside. He glanced over to the last few that were initially there but had already taken off in fear, as he looked back the man that was now squirming around on the ground trying to get away. Ash reached down and picked him up off the ground by the collar of his shirt and placed him back on his feet, the man was trembling with fear as Ash dusted him off a bit and fixed his collar and stared at him with his red dragon eyes.

"Next time, just leave and you wont get so dirty, got it." Ash said getting the last few bits of dirt off of the cameraman.

"Ye- Yes sir." He was stammering in fear and confusion as he began to walk away from ash feeling lucky being able to walk.

"Oh, and next time your around, bring the bill for that camera."

"If you insist, now if you will excuse me, I should be on my way." He said as he jogged away to his company.

All the fan girls were just in envy of the cameraman, being picked up and dusted off by Ash, five year Champion, oh so lucky. Some of them went after him to get his opinion on Ash, if he was more violent or more caring. Ash pushed through what remained of the crowd as he grabbed two of the girls by the arm and wrapped his arms over their shoulders and only said a couple things to them. Most of the crowd blushed red as Ash made off with two girls that weren't them, including some of the guys blushed as well, they all clamored and slowly dispersed back to where they had came from to go upload all the pictures and videos that they had gotten.

Only answer this question and then don't say a thing until we get there, got it. Where is somewhere good to eat, I'm hungry." He said as he started to make his way to the section of restaurants that was nearby.

The two girls were shocked to get pulled away from the crowd, one of them even let out a bit of a squeak. The both looked at each other and nodded as they under stood, he wasn't one for much talking. They sent one another a couple messages over and over before one finally spoke to him.

Is their a price range you were looking at?" Her voice was almost angelic, soft, comforting, and a bit higher pitched.

"Did I give a price limit." Ash looked at the two of them as he kept on walking further and further into the more expensive restaurants.

They both looked at the ground when he looked at them, knowing that they had spoken and not to what Ash had asked them earlier. They both went back to their phones and continued their search for a good restaurant, it took them forever but they finally got one. It was difficult to find a good restaurant with great steaks around, most people just go for fast food.

What about 'The Marbled Unknown.'?" The other girl's voice was very timid and quiet, almost as if he was too imposing for her.

Works for me, now then, thank you ladies for your help." He gave them both a hug and ruffled their hair as he walked away.

The two girls just stood there looking at each other as he walked into the restaurant, the shy one's blue eyes were wide open still trying to comprehend what had just happened to her, she nearly dropped her phone out of her hand, as her face was as red as an apple. The other blonde headed girl was just typing away on her phone with the biggest smile on her face, just like she mine as well have won the lottery. Ash made his way into 'The Marbled Unknown' and got a waiter right away and he began to show Ash the way to the top floor and gave him a window seat facing out over the Arcadia. The waiter handed him the menu and began walking away but he didn't get very far before Ash had already knew what he wanted, the waiter was surprised at how fast he had already made up his mind.

I'll have a glass of Balkan Vodka, a glass of sweet tea, and three of your unknown masterpieces." Ash had said that with the up most sincerity but yet it still caught the waiter off guard.

I, I know it's not my place to question your order, but, three of them, and the strongest drink on the menu." He was just awe struck with disbelief, they were all forty ounce steaks.

Don't forget the tea, well, I guess your right, make it five unknown, I am a bit hungry today, three Balkan and three sweet teas, and bring out the drinks both half full." Ash closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter and kicked back in his chair and waited for his steaks to come out.

The waiter wrote it all down but was still not wanting to believe it, someone as thin as he was couldn't possibly eat three much less five of the steaks and get drunk in a heart beat. Either way he had to bring the order to the chef, and it shocked the chef as much as it did the waiter. After only a few minuets the waiter came back with one of each of the drinks he ordered, both half full. Ash took the tea and poured it into the vodka and swirled it around a bit before taking a sip of it and placing it on the table and dismissing the waiter. A few more minuets passed by as he started smelling his food coming out of the kitchen, the only catch was that the waiter wasn't bringing it out, it was the chef. The chef placed all five of them on the table at once before he addressed Ash.

If you can eat all five of these steaks your meal is free because you would have set the record for most eaten here ever, most people can't get past the third one, I wish you the best of luck." The chef took his cart and rolled it back to the kitchen and went back to cooking.

Ash wasted no time cutting into the first steak, it was gone in a couple minuets, and as was the next one, the chef wasn't kidding about the third steak, so he waited a bit and finished his drink. Ash didn't notice the alcohol in it really, he had a bunch of the bottles at home that he took shots from. He started in on the third and fourth one, everyone that was still there was in awe of his appetite, four forty ounce steaks and still going. Ash had already finished his second glass before he started in on the last steak, he took his time in eating it, it really was worth the price, he poked down the last of the steak and stacked up all of his plates and glasses as he was finishing up his last glass of Balkan. He reached into his wallet and was about to pay for it but the chef stopped him.

I said it was free if you could finish all of them, and you finished all of them" He was still entirely impressed

Yea, I heard you the first time, I'm getting a tip for the two of you." He gestured towards the chef and the waiter, the chef handed him the card machine and Ash went and pulled out a couple thousand for each of them and handed it to them. "Now then, if you will excuse me, I think I may have somewhere to be."

While Ash had been waiting on his food he had used his phone to bring his bike to the restaurant and park right out front.


Ash hopped on his bike and waited a couple seconds before he darted into traffic at full speed, weaving in and out of cars and running through red lights ducking under a couple big semi trucks that couldn't stop. He quickly made his way to the Eximius and came to a quick halt at the hospital and took a second to find a parking spot, which this time was on the sidewalk, he wasn't intending on being here long, just enough to get his usual check up on his scars to make sure that they were still holding together fine and not going to come apart again. He made his way in to the lobby and off the bat noticed someone yelling at the desk lady, he let out a sigh as he walked up to the desk and asked for a room for a simple check up.

Heinrich Glishten, Krieger Glishten

Eximus Apartments/Restaurant

Heinrich sits in his apartment in Eximus, watching his recording of the last hunt with single-minded attention. His eyes studying every movement, habit and ability of each-champion displayed for an extended period of time. Clenching his hands and un-clenching them as he watches more violence unfold, the feeling of his talons near freedom stopping him as he secures their place in the gauntlet. Sighing as he flexes his hand and thinks aloud, speaking in his native German tongue as no one was around "Perhaps I should take to chess... something to occupy my mind and improve it's acuteness..." he shrugs, looking at his other hand "Such a zhing vould not be so bad und it could kill some time..." he stands, stretching a bit before the door to his father 'room', if the older man's laboratory of smoke and experiments could be called a room anymore, opens and the man steps out. Wiping sweat from his forehead and grinning "Heinrich, vonderful news! Zhough you vere not in the hunt I have received a message zhat some fans of yours wish to meet you before zhe next hunt." the man chuckles, his eyes glinting a bit madly. "Nozhing like a good publicity stunt to prepare zhem for your return eh?"

Heinrich sighs and rubs his eyes, blinking and nodding "Yes Father..." the man's happy and slightly jovial nature dies instantly as his smile drops to a cold, blank look "Zhough I am largely disappointed by your inzistence on more mechanical means..." he chuckles "Not zhat I am man afraid of work but... Heinrich zhese new tech idea..vhile brilliant, vill take me a long time!" Heinrich nods "I know Father, vhich is vhy I request zhem now und not while you are busy ozzerwise." the man nods, rubbing his dirty chin as he thinks before snapping his fingers. "Heinrich, zhough I have not advised such a zhing before... perhaps a partner ov some kind vould be a vise approach." Heinrich pauses, thinking and paces a bit "I do not vork vell with ozhers Father... it vould be foolish." his Father's eyes narrow slightly "While zhis is true you must zhink about zhe possibilities...." Heinrich sighs "Enough Father..... I am going to go for a valk..." Heinrich strides to the door and opens it, stepping outside and closing the door behind it. Thinkingon how odd he and his father treated one-another. He knew around others his father, and he himself, were cold and distant. Judging even and yet it seemed to one-another they at least tried to salvage what was left of their..... relationship.

As Heinrich passes through the lobby to the apartment he spots a vertically-challenged man yelling and ranting at the desk clerk. Heinrich blinks before studying the man next to him, giving him a curious tilt of the head before assuming it is best to leave them alone. Barely casting a glance to the man that sounded as if he were speaking in tongues. He walks out of the lobby and hums thoughtfully, speaking to himself aloud in steady English "How odd, though I suppose I have seen weirder things....." he nods slightly "Indeed though the world is full of trivial, odd things merely there for annoyance." He shrugs before look around Eximus, taking a deep breathe before wondering where he should go. Finally, after a minute or two he decides to get something to eat, walking into the restaurant alone and sites in a booth to himself. Ordering a glass of water and pasta before noticing another champion.... or champions he should say, sitting together. One a male showing what appeared to be burns on his arm while the other smaller female had ordered an amount of food disproportionate to her size. He hums thoughtfully, sitting back and waiting for his food to arrive.

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Eximus Restaurant

The waiter nodded to Jason and picked up his menu before turning on his heels and disappearing into the kitchen.

Katherine perked up when the words "you are one of us" flowed from Jason's lips. The small girl lifted her head to look at him, her spirits lifted a bit. She gave a quick and solemn giggle. Her forest green eyes were glossed over, tears starting to swell,"I guess I just cant believe I've gotten to this point." She caught tears before they could fall and looked out the window, a little embarrassed Jason had to see her cry. At least they were happy tears. "I know im only a rookie, and this was the first of many hunts to come, but, its relieving to know i came this far," her voice was as gentle as the look on her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, returning her gaze back to Jason sitting across from her and gave a soft smile before speaking,"In anycase, Im here and Im happy!" She gave him the big happy grin she usually wears, snapping back into her cheery attitude. Her stomach growled again,"I guess im hungry too," she rubbed the back of her head with pink cheeks and an embarrassed crooked smile.

She continued to listen as he forgave her rambling and went on to talk about his previous encounters with acid bears,"Whoa no way! That must've been tough!" She laughed and went back to listening eagerly as he continued with his anecdote. A sudden and strange sensation came over her. The strange feeling was a little distracting. It was disorenting, it made her head feel light and made every little sound seem louder than it was. "Ugh.." She groaned and winced. A quick and sharp pain struck in her head. She cupped the sides of her head with her hands and closed her eyes. "Curse these stupid side-effects..." She stood this way for a minute or two until the sensation was gone. She opened her eyes and scanned the room, trying to shake off what she just experienced,"Sorry, this happened on my way out of the hospital too." She shrugged and casted the side effect topic aside.

The sudden feeling of being watched tugged at her. She looked around, and across the room, sitting by himself in a booth, was guy who glanced at her. She gave a small smile, acknowledging his presence before looking back at Jason,"A party?!" She said excitedly. "Ive never been to one before! Oh my what do i wear..." She put a finger to her cheek and looked toward space in thought.

(@Alex Phalin @Mad Prince of Sanity )
Jason McManus

Eximus restaurant

Jason couldn't help but smile a bit, watching the girl. He didn't seem bothered when she teared up, he knew the feeling all too well. "The first of many. Don't take this feeling for granted, many times it'll be all that pulls you through to the end." he said with a little grin.

His grin faded a bit when she mentioned the side-effects, though.

"Yeah... The headaches can get pretty bad. It's alright, the more you use Nectar the less severe the headaches will be. You just have to give it time." He could almost feel sympathy pains forming, but a sip of his lemonade helped quell them.

"Yep, a party. Wear whatever you'd like, it's not exactly a formal event. Things can get a little rowdy... the first time I threw the after party I wore a tux. I ended up waking up naked in the middle of Eximus." he said with a laugh.

"No idea where that tux is now. Probably hanging up in a fan's bedroom, most likely." He grinned a bit at the thought. His parties usually ended up getting pretty crazy, being fueled by good music and copious amounts of alcohol.

"If you're a fan of my films, a few of my coworkers will be there. They never seem to pass up the chance to drink themselves into oblivion on my tab."

Jekyll Wilson

Eximius Hospital Lobby

Jekyll shrugged at the man's comforting and assuring words, not really caring that he had yet to beat the man's kill count even with the surplus amount of time out on the field. Jekyll personally didn't feel a deep desire to get a lot of kills and really only enjoyed the feeling of power he got whenever he got a particularly good kill. Actually, with the methods he usually employed, Jekyll was proud of the number of kills he had gotten over the years, and while his jealousy sometimes had him envying the amount of kills of people around him, that didn't stop him from being as close to content as he could when it came to his pace in kills.

Jekyll answered the question about the new newbies with slight hesitation, mostly because his knowledge about them was limited due to his lack of insight into the matter. There was saying, "Why learn what you can just reference" and that is why he had Mrs.Whickerbottom, who knew all this stuff for him. Sticking his tongue out, Jekyll thought a while before saying, "There are few new oness, quite a few entering thiss year. I'mm reeally not the guy to explaain thiss kind of sstuff, but your handler should have an idea of who came in thiss year and whoose been mooving up in raank."

However, when Mathias called attention his arm, Jekyll hissed as he moved it suddenly out of habit. Looking over to the side, Jekyll clenched his eyebrows together as he saw the spots of blood start to dot his bandages, growing steadily with no hint of stopping anytime soon. Letting out a sigh, relaxing his muscles to alleviate any incoming pain, Jekyll looked to Mathias and said, "Alriigth, weell good to ssee you again, but I musst be heading on. Gotta make sure I heeal correctly, you undersstand. Hey, maybe next hunt we can teeam together, like old timess?"

Jekyll wouldn't mind spending time with Mathias again, the hunt they had been on being one of his more favored times, however the hunt wasn't the only thing he wanted out of Mathias, no, Jekyll wanted a stab at his fanbase. Of course, it wasn't to gain any kind of fame, no matter how easily that could happen, no, it was to have fresh pickings from a group that wasn't as suspicious as his own. While they loved him and cherished him, the groups who swooned his name also had a very suspicious atmosphere, sometimes doing full on checks of their person even after simple handshakes when in the presence of Jekyll.

It was actually because some of the more crazed member so of his fanbase had picked up on enjoyment of the things of other people, and rumors spread from the source. Even the ones that didn't beleive it kept steady, however, as no one wanted to lose something important like car keys or the number of that one delivery girl with dyed purple hair. It also sucked because if they weren't steadily looking out for him, they were giving him stuff freely and that was just boring.

This would give him a chance to take stuff from a large fanbase, that could be considered an innocent lamb compared to his own experienced and weathered fanbase, many of whom had come home with far lighter pockets than they had originally left home with.

@Prizzy Kriyze @Morridan
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Leaving Hospital going to Eximius

Ash had finished conversing with another lady at the front desk while the person next to him was still yelling about 'no rooms', he had begun to get a bit annoyed with all the yelling but he didn't want to make a scene and start to get noticed, he didn't like any attention really. He made his way into a single booth that was in the lobby trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible, he sat there for a while before he heard his name called.

"Ashatera, Ashatera." The nurse had a pretty voice, but he still hated being called out.

"Over here." He stuck his arm out of the booth and slowly stood up and started walking to the nurse.

"Your personal room is ready, right this way."

He walked to the nurse leading the way and took his arm and put it under hers, she blushed in a heart beat and didn't know what to say to him, she sure didn't want him to let go, but it was unprofessional of her. After a bit of a walk and a quick ride in an elevator they arrived at his personal room, painted red specifically for him.

"So what are we doing this time Ash." The nurse ha already began hooking up the body scanner and lifeline equipment

"Just the usual checkup, nothing else, I'm probably about to go eat again anyways, so make it kinda in a bit of a hurry."

"Just as long as I can get yo usual readings then." She laid him back on the bed and started the scanner, it let out a low humming sound, just a bit soothing at the same time, he laid there for a few minuets watching the bar go back an d fourth over his body. "There, all done, your free to go."

"Thank you as always."

Ash took his tailcoat that he had taken off earlier and held it by it's antenna and waited to see if it still worked, unfortunately it didn't, his tech wiring was broken again, now for another thing to fix. He was a bit irritated at his recent tech shop, time for someone new, he put his tailcoat back on as he exited the elevator and made his way back through the lobby and out to his bike which was still on the sidewalk where he left it. Ash backed up his bike and once again waited for the right time to dart out in traffic, waving through cars and other bikes making his way to the Eximius which only took him just a matter of minuets. Ash could be heard long before he was even within sight, his bikes' low pitch humming of the wheels, he felt his stomach growl at him even though he had just ate not even a couple hours ago, so he decided that he would stop and get something to eat, again, he looked and looked until he decided to just pull into one. He came to a bit of a screeching halt as he stopped perfectly in a parking spot, he wandered to a table that was across from Kat but behind Jason. He didn't notice who it was, he was focused on the food that he could have, plus he didn't really pay attention to who all were Champions anyways, he never used a partner in the five years he had been a Champion himself, the only time he could've used help was with his first battle back in school where he had his ass handed to him on a silver platter. He thumbed through the menu and couldn't make up what he wanted, so for now he just got a few glasses of sweet tea, he stared out the window as he was waiting, almost like he was looking at someone that wasn't there.


Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

Southern wall>Eximius

"There are few new oness, quite a few entering thiss year. I'mm reeally not the guy to explaain thiss kind of sstuff, but your handler should have an idea of who came in thiss year and whoose been mooving up in raank."
Mathias shivered slightly. He didn't want to have to spend more time with Alex than he already had to, but it seemed like Jekyll was a basket case in this regard. He sighed, but didn't respond to the statement. He had nothing productive to add anyway.

"Alriigth, weell good to ssee you again, but I musst be heading on. Gotta make sure I heeal correctly, you undersstand. Hey, maybe next hunt we can teeam together, like old timess?" Between every time he spoke, Matt looked back down in his lap again, as if thinking about something. This time when he spoke he didn't look up, but said "Yeah, maybe. Let's keep it unofficial though, right? I know my fans usually freak out whenever I take an unexpected turn and team up with someone mid-game, especially since I usually don't team up." Mathias' fans were quite the mix of personalities. He'd noticed with a lot of the other champion's devoted fans that they usually all shared some sort of obvious personality trait, or filled some sort of psychological profile. If he remembered right, Jekyll's fans were a dodgy bunch, while his own were mostly clean on the record. Though, he was deluding himself if he said they didn't share something. They were all really quiet. Finding one of his fans who weren't the type to sit alone at the back of the classroom, or put their bags next to them in the bus to prevent anyone from sitting down was rare. He'd always been a bit proud about this fact. He felt like he had made some sort of society for the loners. Hopefully some people found eachother there.

"Well, alright. See you." He told Jekyll, before he lifted his heavy bag off of the couch and hung it on his shoulder with a sigh. "I should go do something, anyway." He got off the couch and started walking off. It was still early in the day, and even though his narcolepsy was smacking him upside the head with a lead pipe, he decided that he was going to make a valiant effort at pushing through it. As he passed by the reception, a small angry man made his life annoying, but did help with that whole not-falling-asleep thing.

"THIS IS EXIMUS! How the hell am I supposed to believe that you don't have rooms?! You always have rooms! I will have your job you lying sack of-..."

He still felt a bit of loyalty towards Eximius for keeping them from the flooding masses of fans, so he decided to pitch in and do his part. He shuffled over with his oversized bag slamming against his thigh. He reached down and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey man, I'm sure they'll get you something in a bit, you don't need to scream." He looked at the receptionist and added "As a matter of fact I could give up my apartment. I haven't even been in it yet. How's that sound?"


@Morridan (Add in your post whether you take the apartment or not ;P)
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Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Eximus Restaurant

"Rowdy huh?" she lifted an eyebrow,"Guess i should wear something comfy," she smiled. And to finish off the subject of the wardrobe, Jason told a quick story about how he woke up naked on the street. "What the hell?" She laughed at the thought and imagined what she would do if that happened to her. He spoke of fellow workers in the movie industry and her face lit up,"Oh wow! Wow this party must be all the rage then huh?" she threw a playful smirk at him before looking at the door. Another Champion walked in and took a seat behind Jason. Kat recognized him as Ash, but like most of the other Champions, she never spoke to him one on one. She watched him for a few moments in case they made eye contact, but no luck, he didn't notice her. She looked back to Jason,"Well it sure sounds like fun! And lucky for you this girl is fun sized," She referred to her small height as 'fun size'. Kat pointed a thumb to the middle of her chest and sat up straight,"Mr. McManus, I will accept your invitation!" she grinned with a quick wink.

On queue the waiter came with multiple dishes balanced on his arms. First he placed Jason's steak down on the table-top and slid it to him. Then came Kat's numerous orders,"Heres your steak, your pasta, and your salad miss." after placing them down he took a deep breath and looked at them, more to Kat,"Anything else?"

"Nope im good~! Thank you!" she smiled.

"Very well then, enjoy your meals." He bowed to Jason then to Kat and went back on his busy way as more people trickled into the eating joint. Katherine looked down at her food, her eyes big and a small pink tongue licking her lips,"Ive been waiting for this all day." She unfolded the napkin and spreaded it across her thighs, just in case food fell. Raising the knife in one hand, and gripping a fork in another, she dug into the steak first. The knife delicately sliced through each time she sawed back and forth. The aroma from the herbs and meat itself tickled her senses and tugged at her stomach. Finally a piece was cut, and the knife moved from the whole hunk of meat to the cut piece. Carefully she stuck the fork into the piece and raised it to her lips.

It was lovely. Succulent,tender meat danced in a beautiful waltz with the herbs and spices it was cooked in. She released a small and barely audible moan, a reaction from the taste. She blinked at Jason,"Its really yummy!" she said with one cheek puffed and full of the meat, hoping it would urge him to eat his. Kat's small hands frantically cut some more pieces and she kept popping them in her mouth, one after another. Before she knew it, it was gone and she was onto the pasta. The ghost girl nomad happily like a hungry puppy, if she had a tail, it would definitely be wagging.

(@Alex Phalin @las0r0o7 )

Eximius Restaurant

Ash didn't notice Kat at first since he was originally interested in the food but then remembered something about his past, one that he sometimes wishes that he could forget. He placed his hand across his chest and looked at the scars and let out a sigh, he shouldn't have been in such a hurry to fight something that he obviously couldn't beat, he heard about the Champions getting injured just fighting easy creatures, why did he think he could take one on by himself, he would've died had his teacher not have been there to save his eregant ass from the beast, Champions were much more powerful than he was and they got injured, since that day he hadn't used a partner for any of his fights, it brought back memories of reliance upon another. Ash looked around as if he had forgotten where he was, he picked the menu back up and looked through it again but still couldn't figure out what he wanted so he looked around at some of the various plates around but he caught sight of a girl that had ordered like he did, multiple plates at a time, he couldn't help but look at the size she was and yet still eat as much as him, impressive. He got distracted from the food and started looking at Kat admiring her short slender figure, long pretty green hair, glowing green eyes, Ash let himself get distracted from his hunger and he felt his gut get angry at him so he flagged down the waiter and began ordering.

"I think I will have a couple of the steak burgers, a large glass of Balkan, another tea, and, a set of ribs to go with it." He closed the menu and handed it to the waiter.

The waiter was astonished at what he had just ordered but didn't react as the last one did. "Right away sir." and he made his way to the kitchen to place the order.

Ash looked back at Kat over Jason's shoulder and then realized that she was a lot younger than he was, what was he going on about, she was just a kid, a tough on at that if she was a Champion. He reached up towards his neck and unbuckled the tailcoat again and grabbed the antenna and waited to see if it was just a fluke earlier, but it wasn't so he forced some of the antennas down the sides of it so that it would be in its tower shield form and placed it in the seat next to him so that it wasn't in the way of the waiters. He took his scythe off his back and placed it in the chair as well as he leaned back in his chair putting it on the back two legs and balancing it for a bit with his legs before he set it back on the ground and began staring back out the window again, still thinking about his past ever so often, mentally debating if he was about to try and get a partner again or not, some could use a bit more help, but he didn't want to have the same thing happen again where he had to rely on his partner to save his skin again. So much to debate, not really, but it felt like a lot to think over, it was just a partner nothing more. He looked back over to Kat and saw that she was already sitting with someone else 'looks like she already has a partner' he thought to himself as he wondered who else might want to partner up, maybe the other guy would want to partner up as well 'no, one is more than enough, but three couldn't hurt, one to use as a meat shield anyways, oh wait, that's me, I'm the meat shield.'

The waiter came back with a few others and began placing all the food on the table, it reached from one end to the other, not like the table was big or anything anyways. "Is there anything else I can get you while I'm here."

Ash picked up the glass of Balkan and set it at the end of the table towards the waiter. "Another Balkan if you don't mind."

"Of course." The waiter was confused how he was still sober after having the strongest drink around, but he wandered away not for too long before he came back and his eyes went wide, Ash had already finished one of the burgers. "Here you are."

"Thank you, that's all for now." Ash started stacking some of his plates and cups again, two plates and five glasses, he practically scarfed the whole thing down in a matter of bites.

Once he had finished off the two burgers and was finishing off the last rib the waiter came back noticing that his table was a bit crowded he went to pick up the plates and cups but knocked his scythe and coat-shield out of the chair "Sorry, let me get those." out of instinct he went to pick them up an set them back in the chair but found that Ash had both his hands in one hand and gripped tightly.

"Don't worry about it, I've got it." Ash's voice was deep and intimidating as he released his hands and got up out of his chair and picked them up and set them in the chair once again. "Do you mind bringing me a bottle of Balkan and a glass with ice, and put some ice on those, it will hurt less later, and then bring the bill." he stated as he sat down in his chair once again.

The waiter was rubbing his wrists as he looked at Ash and gave a bit of a bow "My most sincere apologies, I'll get that right away." he wasted no time getting away without making a scene about it and quickly brought back what he had requested. "Here you are, and your bill." Ash looked it over a couple times before he pulled out his wallet and sent the waiter with his card. A little bit later and came back with the card and bill "I'm sorry but your card won't go through."

Ash let out a bit of a growl which straightened up the waiter really quick as he took the card and then pulled out his phone and thumbed through to his bank account '$16.24' and let out a bit of a sigh. "Looks like I will be spending more time here than I wanted to, stocks are down, come back in a few minuets and I will pay for it." Ash poured him a half glass and then downed it immediately after pouring it, almost like it was water. and filled it back up and left it on the table and looked at it a bit before picking it up and swirling it and taking a few sips before he looked back at his bank account, it hadn't changed much just a bit higher. He looked back out the window and gave a half ass toast to his teacher from oh so long ago that saved his ass as he drank from his glass again.

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Jason McManus

Eximus restaurant

Jason couldn't help but grin a bit at her reaction. "That's right, they tend to get a bit crazy. Lemme tell you, that was one hell of a cold morning." he said with a smirk.

At her acceptance of his offer he smiled a bit. "I'm looking forward to seeing you there." he said, tugging off his eye patch for a moment. His mechanical eye booted up, rolling into place with a small green flash. "I need to get a picture of ya, so the guard droids don't mistake you for a trespasser." he explained as the optics mapped out her facial features.

"My after-hunt party is pretty exclusive, so anyone that I don't personally invite gets turned away at the door, and if they persist they get tazed and the police are alerted." he said with a small chuckle, his eyes meeting hers with an intense gaze.

"Alright, all done. You'll be welcome in my place any time, please don't abuse the privilege." He couldn't help but smirk a bit, sliding the patch back over his eye.

"You know, I certainly see why you're already gaining popularity." he pointed out, glancing up and nodding to the waiter as he brought their food.

He cut off a piece of his steak and popped it in his mouth, sighing happily. "You weren't kidding, this is fantastic. I'll have to eat here more often." he said, tilting his head a bit as he looked at her.

"As I was saying, I can see why you're getting popular already." he said, cutting off another piece of meat.

"You're cute and bubbly, the type that fans can really connect with. Add to that your personality and fighting skills... You're going to go far, kid." He couldn't hold back a light laugh and a smile, enjoying the time he was spending with her. She certainly seemed the type who's company he'd enjoy again.

Xerxes Turan

Eximus Hosptial

Xerxes would quirk his lip to the side as the girl spoke in a form of thanks as he viewed her over. It appeared as if she was literally a cat only in human version. Perhaps she was a cat and she was mutated and now looks like a human, this is always more interested than thinking of the classic other-way of a human getting feline like mutations. Xerxes mind was currently going over a multitude of things, of their vital status images flashing through of their display of combat once again and this is when he heard Roy's question.

"I was not giving you shit, and nor was I in a helpful mood. As I say now I'll say again I wanted you two alive, not holding on to the ever thinning strings of life...Besides I believe you two will be good game." He said this in his normal dark tone and held onto the last few vowels letting the words add a sort of tensity to the air. It could be taken in several different ways, how they took it was upon them but he knew its true intent, in a larger sense he felt like he was a guardian for them. Why? He has not the slightest idea, however on the surface of it all and how he showed it to be they were only bait for a larger monster that would be well worth the kill and introduce him into one of his greatest trophies. Trophy, this was when he uncrossed his arms and reached into his pocket in a fluid movement grabbing the top of the Scarla's claw and would pull it out to reveal the large curved dagger of a claw. "Perhaps I could borrow some of your wrap?" He'd say as he brought his hand down and opened it to reveal the claw indicating he wanted the wrap to cover it, and or to make a better grip for it as towards the end it was a little more rough and it was the end of a joint so it naturally was like a half-sphere just rough.

He'd raise his cat-like eyes up just past Roy now to look out the window and the image of Jack passed through his mind, hopefully he had efficiently made the fans leave as Xerxes hoped. Now Xerxes stood hand extended and appeared to be staring directly at Roy his gaze was much like a panthers standing in the open just gazing, waiting, everything about Xerxes shouted out predator of some sort he was used to reactions similar to Roy's because of this Xerxes never came off as the most tasteful as people. More of a shroud, a facade, something about him just always put people off.

@Shura @Tree

((Again I apologize, been busy with wrestling, can be more consistent now.))
Iris "Scarlet"

Eximus Hospital

Iris stared back at the older Champion her own emerald feline eyes studying his amber ones. Like two big cats trying to get a sense of each other, only differences was Xerxes was more subtle in his expressions while Iris simply masked hers with an outward show of friendliness and warmth. She just found it easier to feign a smile and warm expression than try to remain cold and neutral. She would leave that to Roy. The tip of her striped crimson tail curled and swayed beside her with interest as her ears staid alert and perched forward slightly. The mans reason for helping them was still vague and best. Neither friendly or malicious from what it seemed.

The younger girl wasn't surprised much by the mans behavior. He had nearly eight years of experience over her. Hell she remember watching the Phoenix while still training to become a Champion. Overall she was just excited to have worked together with him even if it was for a few minutes. Still the words 'good game' and the ambiguity in which they were stated did worry her slightly. It wasn't strange for older champions to see newer one in the light of some sort of an apprentice. Though part of her doubted that he meant by it. She glanced over to Roy knowing he wouldn't exactly like that statement and he was hostile already to begin with.

Her eyes followed his movements as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a large claw. Crimson ears twitched once more. It seemed they weren't the only ones who had issues with electrical monsters. Iris hoped some of the fight would be part of the highlight real later. "Hm sure should be in the cart next to you." She muttered motioning to the cart of supplies which was pushed up against the wall.

@Tree @Phantom King

[ Eximius Hospital ]

As it seemed, this man was trying to convey a sense of behavior that was easy to sway either way. Roy believed he was trying too hard to make his reasonings ambiguous, despite the fact that in the end it did not matter. The young man's hues did not leave the other man's face for a moment, even as Iris answered his call for wrap. When Xerxes' gaze left his own, Roy took a seat on the part of Iris' stretcher that was open for him to do so. He was extremely tense, in addition to the fact that he was ready to go home. Well, mentally ready. His body? Maybe not so much. Another day or two would be easily required, but Roy was happy he was able to walk and stand with minimal pain. One of the nurses walked in, greeting Xerxes at first.

Then she ordered Roy to get back onto his stretcher. Reluctantly, the young champion would get up and move to his mandatory medical bed. The nurse checked his vitals, and ran through his chart real quickly. She did not care that Xerxes' was there - with the drones, the masses were always watching champions either way. "Mister Medellin... You are able to go home now, if you would like. Progress indicates you are recovering at a normal speed, and nothing is keeping you from average movement. Just do not over-exert yourself, and you should be fine. Please feel free to see us if any problems continue past a week's worth of time from today." She flipped the clipboard over, with a pen attached via a small chain. She pointed to a few areas, while speaking. "Please initial here... Here, here and here. Sign here, and here. Thank you!" And within the same whirlwind which brought her in, the nurse was on her way out to the next patient. She did not even bother checking in with Iris.

Roy was surprised. He did not even get a word in; he just initialed and signed where he was asked to. Anton came walking in with a cup of coffee, and handed one to the champion. He had two extras on a nearby table. Roy walked to one of the four seats which the room withheld and sat down. If he was not going to lay in a stretcher as a patient, he would stay as a visitor. Easy as that. Crossing his arms over his chest, eyes moved between both Iris and Xerxes as Anton offered up a cup of coffee. Roy thanked the man and asked him to put it on the chair between the two of them.
Redd's coach, "Guss"

In the Lobby of Eximius Hotel

The woman was 'explaining' to the short little man that she had no rooms available for civilians. But this seemed to infuriate the little old man even more.

"It's not for me you dumb broad!" He slammed the PDA on the table, showing his credentials and his employer. "It's for him!" The little man's face was now as red as his client's as he huffed and puffed, squeezing his hands into fists. His eyes slowly turned up at the man who placed their hand on his shoulder. "Who... in the... f-..." His eyes bugged out as though he had taken his words as a personal insult. His eyes clamped shut as he sighed, shaking his head. He realized just how it would seem if he started raging at every stranger that approached him. "Sorry... No, I am not a champion. No I am not staying here.. I am Guss, the coach of Redd Shotokhan. Blood Ogre. Whatever he is known by now-a-days." He wound his shoulder around, getting the hand off of it and started to waddle back to the counter. His 2 1/2 foot tall body barely allowing him to reach up and take the PDA back off of the counter.

The lady at the reception desk let out a long "Oooooh... You are a coach... Okay, that makes more sense. I thought you were just a short little crazy guy." She laughed as though she was trying to dismiss a mistake.

"Oh, yes... Because I am seven feet tall and totally have a lovable disposition..." His eyes squinted as he hastily pocketed the PDA that he had just received back from the front desk. He shook his head, looking back to the man who had touched his shoulder. "Since you didn't catch any fleck from the 'management' I am assuming you're a champion of some kind? Word from the wise- The nice coaches are the ones who let their champs die. Don't be a chump, kid... Find a 'bad' coach." He reached into his pocket, took out a business card (they still have those?!) and flicked it up into the air at Mathias. "Now if you'll excuse me... I have a champion to tend to." He turned and gave a 'deuces' hand sign with his knot-knuckled middle and index fingers outstretched.

After walking outside, still visible through the front glass, he hopped up into the corvette, turned the ignition and burned rubber. The roar of the red 'combustion' vehicle echoed out as a long, groaning *BRUUU-WOOOOOOOOOM* as he shot down the street.

@Prizzy Kriyze @whoever-else-is-still-in-the-lobby
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Mathias "Matt" Blackwell

Southern wall>Eximius

At least he seemed to control himself after being called out by Matt. "Redd Shotokhan. Blood Ogre." Matt made a mental note of the name. It didn't seem familiar. He assumed it was a new champion, or a returning veteran from even before he was around. Could be worth looking into. With a temperamental coach like this one he might even become something. He thought, and saw a mental image of Alexis. He turned his attention back to the room, and quietly observed the tiny man as he ranted on his own.

"Word from the wise- The nice coaches are the ones who let their champs die. Don't be a chump, kid... Find a 'bad' coach." With a flick of the wrist Matt caught the card, but let it hang in his hand as he silently watched the man make an exit. He just stood there for a moment, overwhelmed at how much such a small man could take up. He raised the business card and took a look at it. Guss, huh? He frowned slightly as his green flames licked the paper in his hand and the ashes fell to the floor. "What a prick." he monotonously stated to the outside world, which gained him the attention of the receptionist again. He meet her gaze, and added "But you could've handled that better." He chuckled slightly and finally broke from his indifferent expression into half a smile. "Seriously, who calls a short man short? That's just mean." He laughed a little at the obscenity of the situation - himself ignoring the atmosphere like that - and walked off.


@isatacompletelossofwhattodo @someonehalpplz

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