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Fandom Bleach: Endless Abyss

@Blitzer @Crimson smile

Sorry about the delay guys, the holidays and work got me tied down. I will post tomorrow morning. Also, I can write out the starter post, if you will, and then we can do a collab session where we just hash everything out, then post everything in one large post instead, let me know if you guys want to do it this way.

@Gabriel Leko

I haven't forgotten about you. I will do my reply to you as well, though if you can catch the other two GMs, let them know about what happened to your CS and have them give it a read as well. ^__^
Right now we're working on Squad 12's collab then after that we're doing Squad 8's as it's the final one of this battle. Once Squad 8's is done that is when the others will be skipped if they aren't done by then as I don't want to keep people waiting forever. It's taken quite awhile as it is so I'm looking to finish this up soon.

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