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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

Renzo finally reached the Sokyoku Hill, Kenpachi has just released yet another massive surge of reiatsu along with many attacks from his Shikai aimed directly at Masaki from behind. The release of reiatsu even broke the very ground they stood on and the attacks released from Kenpachi's Zanpakuto could hurt Masaki pretty badly, and now is not the time to get injured in fights like these, if it was some other time, why not? But now the Soul Society is in shambles, slowly regaining it's strength. He was just few dozen meters away from the two dueling Captains, he already grabbed the hilt of Inori no owari, preparing to intervene in the fight. He eyed the Captain of the 9th Division who aswell had his hand on his Zanpakuto. There it is, the last few second before the clash. The attack can certainly be blocked by Renzo without even releasing his Shikai, and even if he released it it wouldn't make much difference. He knew all too well that the second he steps in and blocks the fearsome blow he would get damaged for sure, it was Kenpachi after all. He was closing in, Renzo lets out a sigh then grins as he closes in thinking in his mind; 'Twenty meters...Fifteen meters...Ten meters...Four meters...There it is...Let's end this quickly!'. Renzo lands right in between Kenpachi and Masaki, in an instant he pulls out his Zanpakuto from it's sheath, making a swift metallic sound. His eyes meet Kenpachi's at the split moment, he quickly raises his sword. The Zanpakuto collide and block eachother. When the collision occured a massive wave of power struck out from the force of their blades, swiping all the dust away and severly cracking the ground beneath them. Masaki is saved fromt he blow, but Renzo still caught something from the blue flames of Byyako. Renzo's right arm is burned and bruised, the sleeve from his haori was turned into dust. He smiled, but felt some pain in his wounded arm. 'Well well Captain Kenpachi...Heh, you hit quite hard! But don't ya think it's about time to stop this mess eh?', Renzo remarks jokingly and pauses for a second, his tone then suddenly grows little serious 'Surely you don't want, to cause anymore trouble don't you Captain Kenpachi? And you aswell, Captain Masaki.'. Afterwards he lets out some of his reiatsu to tell that he is clearly serious.

Ayumi release her kido spells. Sensing the battle was over now. " It looks like the fun is over say ayumi. Time to go to work." Ayumi rushes over captain kenpachi. Starts using

Kaidō on him. She starts healing his wounds on her chest and arm. " that was an impressive fight captain kenpachi and caprain masaki say ayumi."

Ayumi suddenly feels Captain

Tokonatsu reiatsu coming towards them. Ayumi thinks to herself " thank you! captain."

@Strawberry Preserves
She laughed at Kota's fascination with Captain Kenpachi and keeping him for herself. She was always amused by her obsessive behavior but didn't exactly know why. That's when Maki could see what the big deal about the fight was now. But still, she was enjoying the fight and pouted when Captain Renzo stopped the fight. "Aww.. Renzo-Taichou stopped it so soon. I wanted to see how Captain Masaki was going to handle it~! I bet he would've been super bad-ass while he did. It would've been the best." She put her hands behind her head as she started to get bored. The fight was over. The only reason why she was still there was because she expected the head captain to come and yell at them. Now, that would be a sight to see. So maybe she shouldn't move just yet, in case she missed the scolding of a lifetime.
A frigid smile adorned Ukihashi as she appeared on Sokyoku Hill. She folded her hands together inside her sleeves, and slowly strolled over to the three captains, releasing her reiatsu as she did. At least Captain Renzo was there to stop the fight...That, she was thankful for. Her respect for the Captain rose slightly, though she raised a slender eyebrow at his injured arm. She'd have to take care of all the wounds they sustained before they got infected...

"Captain Renzo, I must express my thanks to you for stopping the fight... I had feared that I might have had to step in myself. I will heal you after these two troublesome Captains. " She walked over to Ken and Captain Masaki sedately, giving Ayumi a grateful smile, and placed a single hand on each of them. "I'll have to ask both of you to lay down for me for my special healing. Please comply." Ukihashi began temporarily numbing the nerves that controlled movement so they could not escape.
Kenpachi had slowed his weapon slightly the moment he saw Renzo enter the fray, his eyes that had once only seen red slowly coming back into focus. Damn! Things got a little out of control. Hahahahaha! He grinned at Renzo as he straightened himself up and stabbed his sword into the ground. The fight, in Koujiro's eyes, had come to a premature end, and even though they had drawn in a descent crowd, he didn't see the need to stop it just as things were getting good. "You trying to take his place?" Koujiro was still in fight mode, although his vision now widened now that Renzo stepped in. He could feel Captain Riyoshi staring daggers down on him, and his grip on his sword's handle tightened. "You know, it's rude to interfere in other people-," he stopped talking as he noticed Ukihashi enter the area.

He wanted to avoid her for the moment, but knew that doing so would probably just make things worse later. As she spoke, he released the handle of his sword, staring daggers at Renzo for his interference. Koujiro decided that running was in his best interest for the time being, however it was too late, Uki had already touched him, and he no longer found that he had the ability to move freely. He let out a deep sigh of frustration as his reiatsu receded and then his body collapsed. You guys are all lucky that this wasn't a fight to the death. This is certainly not the way I saw this fight, coming to an end.

Koujiro looked up at Uki from his back, giving her a nervous smile and chuckle, "I was winning, just so you know."

@Strawberry Preserves

If Captain Renzo hadn't stepping in and blocked that attack, Masaki had a feeling that he would be in some kind of critical condition. So for that, he'd have to most definitely thank the captain. Another time, of course. After seeing that the situation had been taken care of, and the duel at an end, Masaki' serious demeanour vanished completely, he was no longer in 'battle mode'. In fact, despite having caused a mess, he was calm about the situation. But it was obvious that he was quite frustrated. "Ah~.. I should have just said no and continued with my paperwork.." He muttered under his breath in a child-like manor, with his arms crossed. He looked up at Captain Renzo and then looked at his arm, the attack from the Kenpachi had burned the man, and by the looks of thing it also incinerated part of his captains haori. Masaki didn't want anyone to get hurt because of his stupidity, but unfortunately that was to be expected. He wasn't angry about it however, as Captain Renzo did save him the trauma of being in a critical state after all. And a few burns probably meant nothing to him. However, to Masaki, that was not the point.

When the captain unleashed a portion of his reiatsu, Masaki sighed and reverted Kaminoikari back to It's sealed state and sheathed it. He was about to leave when Captain Ukihashi appeared, and asked for both Masaki and Ken to lay on their backs. Of course, Masaki did what the senior captain told him with no question, and layed on his back, his hands to his side. He couldn't exactly go against Ukihashi as she had done something to his nerves, so he couldn't move freely anyway. He also didn't want to piss her off more than he though he has already, in truth, although he had huge respect for the woman, she had a strangly intimidating aura to her, and Masaki didn't know why.

In all honesty he just wanted to head back to his quarters as soon as possible. He looked a mess, his hair was dyed red with blood and that was most definitely not a good look, he was also covered in cuts and his robes were tattered, great. He would also have to use his spare haori now, since the other one is tattered beyond repair. How unfortunate.

Masaki didn't say a word, he layed there and waited patiently for whatever was to happen. However, when he heard Kenpachi say "I was winning, Just so you know." He burst into sudden laughter, and then quietly chuckled to himself. How funny indeed... Oh well, at least we didn't go into our Bankai's, which also means I get to keep it a secret, yayy~ I'm glad that they stopped the duel... Finally, I get to rest..

After he was done talking to himself in his head, he turned his head to his side, and looked at the dirt. The cracks in the ground weren't very desirable, oh what a disaster this was.
Ayumi is relieved that her captain came to help. As much as she knew about her. The one thing that stand out about captain Ukihashi is she had this look on her that told other to follow her . " Captain UkihashiI finish healing wounds on Captain Kenpachi upper body. Is there anymore you like me to do ayumi asked?"

Suddenly feeling a little lite headed ayumi stops for a second and shakes her head. She then waits for her captain response.

DAMMIT!!!” Dakota blurted out when the interference came. Stomping her invisible footing and clenching her fists she growled out of sudden anger at the end of the battle. It’s conclusion was not what she expected and this threw her plans into shambles. Now since Ken-chan wasn’t going to end up injured and unable to move, she couldn’t kidnap him into her dungeon within the 9th division.

Turning around, ignoring the other vice-captain, she looked up at Riyoshi and spoke. “I’m done here, they ruin everything.” Her hand just waved around in the air like she didn’t give a shit anymore; showing sassy about the whole matter.

As suddenly ass they appeared up there, it was as if her footing disappeared and she began to free fall. Only for a moment though before she flickered away and appeared just above the ground and with a foot out reached, touched the ground softly as if stepping down from a stair. With her back facing the others who were off a ways, her hands came up and threaded her slender fingers through her rough, wavy hair. She moved it out of the way and fastened it with a large clip in the back. Yet somehow hair always fell into her face.

Resting her hand in between her hip and her sword, she started walking towards the edge of the giant cliff.

@backlash @oLyinKingo
The entire courtyard remained in silence as Kiruchu swung his infamous zanpakuto, Gōrudoyoku across the Shinigami's neck. The man didn't even wince at the pain or struggle to stay alive. He had accepted his fate like his peers that stood in despair and witnessed his brutal execution. The crimson blood on the blade was barely noticeable due to its sinister black texture. Kiruchu swung the blade in the air to rinse the blade of its stain, as the zanpakuto had no sheath to hide the blood. He pointed Gōrudoyoku downwards and handed it to his lieutenant to hold it for him until he needed it. Every previous subordinate that held the rank of lieutenant in Kiruchu's division not only managed the divisions ratings and paperwork, but they also were his sword bearer. Another testament to the controlling nature of Kiruchu.

Large amounts of spiking reiatsu could be sensed afar, even within the 13th division courtyard. Kiruchu's ring had even absorbed some of the reiatsu at the great distance. Kiruchu already recognized the reiatsu signature belonging to Kenpachi .The other one wasn't recognizable at all. It wasn't nearly as monstrous as Kenpachi's, but it was still a captain-level reiatsu. Kiruchu scoffed under his breath as he began to walk towards the barracks. With his lieutenant following him, Kiruchu gave him further instructions for the day.
"Tell everyone in the courtyard that they're dismissed for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I expect full reconstruction of the basement located under the barracks. That way we won't have to carry on our executions in broad daylight. Lastly, I want you to keep Gōrudoyoku on your person from now on at all times." His voice didn't sound pleased as usual. But how could Igatsu even decline his orders, when he's serving one of the most feared captains known?

Especially considering that no one in the Gotei 13 has actually interfered with Kiruchu killing his subordinates. And even if they did, Central 46 would accuse the accuser of false accusations and slander in most cases. Everyone was too busy to care it seemed. The reconstruction of both the Gotei 13 and its physical properties was a higher priority. And with new events about to rise, no one could really do anything to Kiruchu. At least not yet.
The heavy weapon caught Igatsu slightly off guard, as the wight of the blade made him stutter an inaudible sound. In the hands of his Captain, it looked lighter than a butter knife, but he figured the Captain was also one of the few that could completely ignore the weight of innocent blood.

"…Yes, captain." he said, gently passing a clean tissue through the blade up to the hilt, sliding and tying it through and to his white belt. Unlike his own blade, this one was as sharp as it could get, so he did it carefully, as not to stain the murdering tool any further.

"…Will you need me for anything else, afterwards?" he asked, intending to go for his walk, upon fulfilling his current duties, possibly to check in loco what the rabid Reiatsu, coming from afar, was all about.



Renzo smirked slightly at Kenpachi's reply as their Zanpakuto collided, 'As much as it is intriguing I'll pass this time, perhaps one day we'll get to have a "spar" but not now, at this moment there are other priorities,-' pausing for a little and swiftly putting his Zanpakuto back into it's sheath but as he does so he gets to feel more pain from his burned hand yet he didn't show a single sign of feeling it, he then resumes talking 'besides if this dragged on for any longer you two would probably destroy the Sokyoku Hill completely.'. Renzo finishes speaking observing his wounded arm for a second, he then eyes Masaki who stood behind him, it seemed that he murmured something but Renzo didn't try to listen. He was already prepared to leave, but he noticed another Captain's presence, Ukihashi arrived it seems, she didn't seemed to be as angry as he saw her while going to the Hill, perhaps it was because the fight was stopped. After she spoke to Renzo, he answered politely with a smile on his face, 'No need to thank me Captain Ukihashi, besides, this had to be stopped sooner or later.'. Noticing the mans stare aimed at Renzo, he repaid it with a smirk and a glance directly into his eyes, he then turned back to Ukihashi and the two Captains who were already being medically treated; 'Heh...I'll wait here then, wouldn't want to head out to Hueco Mundo with my arm like that. Which reminds me, is anyone interested in a little expedition to Hueco Mundo? I think there should be few spots left.'

@LeSoraAmari @SoulFire @Strawberry Preserves
Kenpachi thought about it for a minute, but the offer didn't seem that enticing. He wanted a real challenge and didn't feel that the Espada were worth his time, as it were the only worthy opponents in his eyes were other captains, now that the Quincy threat had passed. "Why even bother with Hueco Mundo? Unless you're planning on going target shooting," Koujiro was still irritated with Renzo, but the more he thought about it he realized that he'd be able to do whatever he wanted if he wasn't in Soul Society. "Well, since you interrupted my training..." he could keep a straight face, and smirked, "Guess I wouldn't be opposed to going to bully some hollows who think they're special." Although his fight had been had been stopped, the fire inside him was still burning, and he needed to exhaust those flames. He turned over to look at Masa, "This is all your fault by the way, you could've destroyed this whole hill firing off all those spells, ya know?" Koujiro felt that the blame couldn't possibly be placed of him since he stuck to physical attacks, and felt that the fact that he had to cut through kido spells was the reason for this area being in such a poor state. "What's the issue in Hueco Mundo, anyway? I don't recall them being a threat...worst case they simply become a nuisance while we try to rebuild." He wasn't really talking to Renzo at this point, but merely speaking aloud. He would've run away at this point, figuring that his wounds were healed enough that he could still function, the injury to his leg was really the only one that concerned him at the time since the fight would've hinged on keeping close proximity to Masa. Thinking on the fight again, he was frustrated that Renzo had interfered.

He turned and looked at the young lieutenant who was healing him, "
Don't push yourself too hard," he smirked and then lowered his voice a bit, "Any chance you can get me moving again? I kinda need my mobility. Just fix my leg and I'll be good to go."


Ryota was stunned at how the entire affair had turned out, even stole two extra pocky as Kiki went to talk to Dakota. As the fight came to an end he was a bit disappointed, wanting to see the fight to its conclusion. He waited for the two lieutenants to stop talking and hung back a bit, chiming in at certain points. As Kiki finished commenting about what she thought Captain Yamaguchi would've handle things, Ryota spoke. "
I don't doubt that he surely held the upper hand in kido...but he would've needed to maintain a decent amount of space...It seemed that Kenpachi was on to that and was going to continue to press him. I'm not sure how it would've ended but I'm positive that this place would've been destroyed in the process." Ryota watched witha smirk on his face as Dakota seemed to throw a temper tantrum before eventually coming down ever so lightly, he wondered if she really was the fighter that people said she was. This whole situation was irritating now though, as he was pumped up by watching these two captains go at it only to have the fight stopped. He knew it was in the best interest of everyone and the surrounding area, but it was still a huge let down. He decided to head back to his own barracks and make sure that the men were properly training, because he knew that since he wasn't there that someone was definitely slacking off. With two extra Pocky in his mouth he waved after Kiki, "Thanks for the Pocky, I'll have to repay you sometime," he looked over and saw Dakota standing by the cliff, and he couldn't help himself, "Hey, Squirt! I need to talk to you later about something, I'll come find you when things settle down around here." He decided to take the slow route back and walk, it wasn't like he was in a rush to do paperwork or anything.

@GabrielD921 @Kaine @LeSoraAmari @oLyinKingo@Shippo
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Masaki listened as Captain Renzo spoke about Hueco Mundo. Thinking about it for a while, he decided that he'd be more than willing to go, "I think I'll come along. After all, I've always wanted to go to Hueco Mundo on a trip, I also couldnt pass on the opportunity to fight some of those Espada folk...When is this little expedition taking place, Captain Renzo?" He spoke with kindness and a tone of respect for the Captain. Then, he sat up and turned to the Kenpachi, listening to what he was saying. Masaki raised a brow as he looked at the man, letting out a loud huff he replied. "So what? I used some kido and it just so happened to be...destructive. However, that doesn't mean it's all my fault" by this stage, he crossed his arms and continued speaking. "It's just as much your fault as it is mine, after all. You releasing your reiatsu all over the place didn't help the condition of the hill, not to mention the only reason this spar went on was because you asked me for it. " Masaki sighed as his little episode ended.

The young captain then sat there as he waited for his healing to be over so he could resume his duties, he couldn't wait to return to his Division Barracks after all.

@GabrielD921 @SoulFire
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Koujiro rolled his eyes as Masa spoke. "I can't be blamed that the landscape crumbles because of some reiatsu, but you can help blowing everything to bits. It's completely your fault," he scoffed at the suggestion that any of this was his fault, "If you didn't want to fight you could've turned down the offer. Isn't that right, Ayumi?" The young lieutenant had been diligently attempting to heal him, and he had been completely ignoring her throughout the whole affair, he felt a bit bad that he had dragged Ukihashi's 2nd in command into this mess, and he was sure that he would pay for all of this in due time.

@Shippo @Strawberry Preserves

Renzo looked over at Masaki who has shown interest to the offer of going to Hueco Mundo. He spoke out casually looking at Masaki 'It's more or less a kind of "stealth" mission, a check out on the Espada and see if they are really preparing to invade us any time soon or if they are too busy fighting. Even though it is to be done quietly I think that we'll encounter some Espadas, they'll most likely notice us as soon as we come close to Las Noches..That is why the team will be composed of Captains and few strong Lieutenants, or maybe just Captains if we don't count Lieutenant Nanao Ise whom the Captain-Commander wishes to send along with us. And they are kind of a threat to us Captain Kenpachi, I think you are slightly underestimating them'. Then Kenpachi suddenly started to place most of the blame to Masaki and his Kido for nearly putting down the Sokyoku Hill, a truly troublesome quarrel, listening to their arguements he thought it would be best to settle them down a little, or atleast Kenpachi who still had a high fighting spirit in him...Renzo released a sigh and spoke out to them in a normal manner 'Now now, the fighting ended! Let's not disturb our lovely healers too much shall we? We are Captains of the Gotei 13 afterall. And once we are done here Captain Masaki, considering you want to tag along in the mission, we'll head to the 1st Division barracks where the Captain-Commander and few other Captains are.'

It didn't even click in her mind that Ryota had stolen two more Pocky sticks until he was walking away. she growled and yelled out to him, "YOU BETTER!!" Her attention then turned to the female she was talking to. The squad 2 lieutenant watched on as Kota threw her tantrum. Well, she never quite knew she was that bratty. Of course, she knew she was bratty but this was a whole different level. Just as she was about to reply to the sassy lieutenant, She heard someone mention joining an expedition to Hueco Mundo. Hueco Mundo? THE Hueco Mundo? Oh boy, I do! She thought to herself. She was definitely about to join them. Not only was she in the fighting mood, but she also wanted to go on an adventure. How fun were those? Plus, she had never got to see the infamous Hueco Mundo and all of it's sandy glory. She quickly shunpoe'd down to in front of Captain Renzo and looked at him with amusement in her eyes. "Say, I wanna go~!"

Masaki let out a loud sigh when the Kenpachi spoke. Scoffing slightly, and sat there with his arms crossed, Masaki couldn't help but react to the mans efforts of blaming him. With a sigh he spoke, looking at Koujiro, "If I turned down your offer, you would have followed me around and pestered me until I accepted it..." He then looked up at Captain Renzo as he explained the mission. "A stealth mission? Well, considering we don't know what they're doing I can see the importance of it.. So I guess I'll most definitely be going. Nami-Chan will be able to handle my Division while I'm gone, she's a good lieutenant." After that, Masaki listened to Renzo once again as he spoke about heading to the 1st Division Barracks. Masaki simply nodded in response, a smile covering his face. Then, in a flash, Lieutenant Yakitsu appeared in front of Renzo and spoke about wanting to go to Hueco Mundo. With a slight smile, Masaki looked at the captain and said. "She seems to really want to go, so I'd say she should. Plus, it would be a good experience for her. It's a good opportunity after all"

@GabrielD921 @oLyinKingo @SoulFire
As she concentrated, Ukihashi ignored the silly banter between the two men. Because Captain Masaki seemed relatively tame, Ukihashi decided to sensitize his sensory nerves to one hundred times the norm. As for Ken.... five hundred wouldn't hurt for a strong, brawny man like him, hm? Ayumi had done an excellent job of healing Ken, and Ukihashi finished up by activating the two idiot Captain's stimulated pain sensories with a burst of reiatsu as she fully healed Captain Masaki and Ken. The pain would last at least ten minutes from the residual reiatsu, she estimated. "You two have been finished healing, though your wound will be a tiny bit sore for a while afterwards. And do be more careful... it pains me to have to heal you two..."

Ukihashi placed her hands on Captain Renzo's arm, and began carefully mending the burn wounds he had sustained from the clash he had interfered with. Stupid, reckless... though, he did stop the fighting, which she would give him a reprieve from added pain for mangling his arm so foolishly. "Your arm is healed, Captain Renzo. While I appreciate you stopping their actions... I'd appreciate even more if you did not sustain further injuries..." She smiled at him softly, and withdrew her hands. "And as for the Hueco Mundo trip, I would love to accompany you all, but as the Captain of the 4th Division, I am usually bound to remain in Soul Society. My apologies... but if you need a healer, I'm sure Ayumi will be happy to travel to Hueco Mundo."

@Shippo @GabrielD921
Ryuuga had left the meeting as the Reiatsu from the hill had ramped up with an only slightly exaggerated comment of. "Best go check on them before they knock down the Senzaikyū or something."

Arriving quickly at the Sokyoku Hill the 2nd division captain caught the end of the rowdy spar watching as Renzo ended the fighting and sustained his own injury in the process. More importantly as Renzo was being healed Ryuuga spotted his lieutenant appearing in front of the other captain with a worryingly mischievous look in her eyes. Moving behind Makira with his own Shunpo in near total silence Ryuuga spoke without preamble.

Good work out there Captain Renzo, makes me feel our expedition will be much safer with you with us." Shifting his attention to Makira he resumed speaking. "Did you get lost on the way to the meeting again Makira? Or did you forget your armband?"

@GabrielD921 @oLyinKingo
Was Captain Masaki vouching for her? 'YES! She said in her mind as she laced her fingers together and gave the captain her puppy dog eyes and poked her lip out, looking at him. Hopefully it showed how much she really wanted to go. Her zanpaktou was just sitting around collecting dust. Even it told her it wanted to go do something, just to get out. That's when she started feeling something super familiar approaching. At first she just shook it off and continued staring at Captain Renzo, awaiting his response in saying yes or no. In reality, she wanted to go so she would be able to begin making a name for herself in the combat world. Of course people have seen her fight before but she learned a lot of new things she was ready to show the world. And what better way to show them then by going on a secret op mission. That's when the feeling she had earlier came back and it all came back to her. It was her captain. She jumped at the sound of his voice and stopped her little begging routine and turned to look at him. "Lost to the meeting?! ME? How could you EVER think I could get lost? Oh no no no. I was there. Then I saw Captains leaving so I followed suit. Hey, wait a minute." She said trying to switch the story around and pin it on him, with her finger pointed at him. "You can't be scaring people like that! I have a bad heart ya know." She lied.

As ayumi helps her captain heal the others injuries. She hears captain kenpachi comment and turns beat red out shock and embarrassment. " I ah ah oh never nevermind", is all that ayumi could come up with at that moment.

As they finish healing the others injuries. She hears Captain Ukihashi volunteer hear for the Hueco Mundo trip. " yes captain, if you think I am ready for this mission then I will go says ayumi." Ayumi nervously smiles holding her doubts of her abilities in her head.

@Strawberry Preserves @SoulFire @LeSoraAmari @
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Daichi Yamamoto

Daichi dashed off of the rooftops heading towards the captains meeting he knew he was late and was a little embarrassed that he got lost. another step sent him high enough to flashstep to the entry hall and from there it was just a short jog to the doors of the meeting room. The others had left but he stayed in front of the doors waiting for his captain, another dilemma was that he hadn't quite met his captain yet so he didn't know what she looked like. The only thing he knew was that she supposedly had very slender features and apparently was sometimes confused for a man. Daichi knew the feeling of having your gender confused and sighed gently shaking his head he waited for his captain to appear.


Kota stopped on a dime. A shiver went through her spine and was visibly noticeable to travel from her neck down to her feet. The sound twisted her muscles like a cramp. The shrill sound of such a painful word rang loudly, sourly in her ears; her reiatsu flared for a second in pure killing intent but only for a moment, and probably not enough for anyone to notice

Squ... squ...” She paused for a second. “Squ...irt!?” mumbling under her breath

Her body disappeared with only a poof of dust to show where she once was as she moved to strike down a foe. Appearing silently on the steps only inches behind the poor man. Her eyes sparkled as she came in for the killing blow. As she locked her arm back, body crouched low, the young mans kidney was at perfect height for her punch of bodily destruction.

As she swung, it was like someone pushed her over and with a slip, she fell forward. Her assassination attempt instantly failed and as she struggled to keep herself from falling off the ledge, she grabbed hold of the only firm thing in front of her; Ryota’s Butt. Full force, both hands. One on each cheek.

Kota blinked a few times, in disbelief. Did she really? Was she really? Her face turned bright red and her heart felt like it was going to explode. All she could do was squealed at the top of her lungs with a fierce death grip before finally letting go.


She wanted to die.



Ryota was thinking about the training regiment he was going to put the guys through at the barracks, seeing as how things had come to an end at the hill. He was heard Kiki yell for him to be sure to pay her back for the taken Picky, he made a mental note to remember, but honestly he was banking on mooching some more off of her at another time. It was at the moment that Ryota's body froze as a powerful shockwave of pain racked his body, the source of the pain radiating from his butt. It was like two vice grips had been snapped shut on both of his cheeks. His eyes widened, face expressing pain and surprise, and his mouth was wide open yet no noise came out. It was about this time that he heard the girlish scream come from behind him, and he slowly turned his head to find Dakota with a death grip on his butt.

The look of pain and embarrassment was replaced by anger and rage, and he slowly turned his head back forward. He had plans to talk to her later and see where things went from there, but it appeared that she planned to try to embarrass him instead. He couldn't let word of this harassment reach the ears of the guys back at HQ or he'd never live it down. "I was going to wait until later," his reiatsu began to flare a bit, a mix of anger and embarrassment being the reason behind this outburst, "but I guess that wasn't good enough for you." He spoke through gritted teeth, finally turning and slapping at her wrists to get her to release him. His once died out fighting spirit had been restored, and he now stared in frustration at the half-pint shinigami. His golden eyes staring straight into hers as he gave a sly delinquent-esque grin. She had trampled past a line that he himself couldn't cross without being beating within an inch of his life, but if that's how she wanted to play...then let the games begin! There was a glint in his eye that spelled mischief and a second later he was no longer in front of her, but behind her with a hand raised and bringing down aimed at her butt with all the might he could muster. Liie hell was he going to suffer such humiliation alone, he would simply have to deal with the consequences of his actions just as these were the consequences of hers. This situation clearly showing how the usually laid back lieutenant was indeed still a hot head at heart.

Riyoshi was still standing high in the air watching everything as he heard a scream that made him cringe a little. The yell he could not mistake for anyone else, his vice captain. His head turned in time to see that Ryota slapped her wrists, and then appeared behind her.

What the hell! Riyoshi thought to himself.

With a leap, Riyoshi vanished from his spot and was next to Dakota. He hit with a thud and slightly shook the ground. His sheer height loomed over Dakota and he merely glared at Ryota.

"What the hell do you think you are doing young man! Raising your hand to a defenseless little girl!" Riyoshi yelled out.

Reaching his hand around Dakota, he wanted to stop Ryota's hand from coming down upon his intended location. His expression changed slightly to reveal his teeth and a hint of anger.


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