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Fantasy Black Rose Asylum *REBOOT*

Lacey dried her tears and looked up at him smiling some. "Thanks." She whispered and sighed looking around. She noticed Jackie and another talking but other than that not much else seemed to be going on. Perhaps that was a good thing.
Marina stared at Jackie as she turned to leave for a few seconds, then hurried after her. "Why would I- What?! If I'm a doctor, then of course I have to know what's going on with the patients! I have to know their mental state and how to cure it, all their quirks an idiosyncracies; I need to know that info more than any guard. Funnily enough, I can figure that out by just talking to them instead of eavsdropping like a creep!" @Brynnie
Jackie turned and glared at Marina for a moment "Listen, your getting in over your head. You don't know how anything works here." Jackie turned once more and headed down the hall away from Marina before heading into a staff room. Her heavy boots thumping on the ground.

@Carpe Noctem

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